Last Updated:
January 20, 2007
Fanfic100 Challenge COMPLETED!
2 Ficlets, 7 Drabbles. YAY!

Whew! Nano-fic will be up next time!
No, really.

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[Gapfillers] ~ [Drabbles] ~ [Fanfic100 Collection] ~ ["Take Flight" Series] ~
[Standalones] ~ [Soundtrack Collection] ~ [On Impulse: Improv Fiction] ~
[Severina's LiveJournal]

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The show may be over, but my love for it endures!

This little corner of the internet is dedicated to Queer as Folk... and more
specifically, to the characters of Brian and Justin, who were brought vividly
and emotionally to life every week by Gale Harold and Randy Harrison. 

A Little Warning:
If you're here, you're a Queer as Folk fan, right?  And if you're a Queer as Folk fan,
then you know the series contains graphic language and sexual situations.
  So do these stories.  If that's not your cup of tea, turn back now.

~ Severina

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Disclaimer: Queer as Folk is the intellectual property of Cowlip and Showtime.
  This site is intended for entertainment purporses only, and no copyright
infringement to these or other rights holders is intended or implied. 

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