Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Founded in 1960 in the Western United States, the Hermetic and Alchemical Order of QBLH is a contacted and initiatory international Order operating within a Thelemic framework. Since its inception, the intention of QBLH has been, and continues to be, specialised and diverse magick & esoteric research, with a deep emphasis on fraternity.

With working Lodges in several countries including the US, the UK, and Australia, the Hermetic and Alchemical Order of QBLH offers a comprehensive Probationer Study Curriculum that encourages personal gnosis & personalised intensive study. Whilst studies can be undertaken via mentoring through email, snail mail, one on one contact and working Lodges, initiations are only conducted via working Lodges. New probationers are only accepted at certain times of the year, so it is best to make any enquiries promptly.

The curriculum includes studies in, but is not limited to: Thelemic magick, Ceremonial Magick techniques, English Qaballa, Gnosticism, Hermetic Qabalah, Astrology and Rite Timing (astrological magick) and Alchemy. All students are assigned mentors and counselled in congenial, capable & well-informed forums, both via the web and in person.

Lodge Laylah is the fully operational Lodge of QBLH located in Sydney, Australia, working under warrant from the Inner and Outer Chiefs of the Order. We are now accepting new probationers for study, and conduct monthly ritual & training in both Sydney and in the Mid-North coast of NSW.
If you reside in Australia, and would like to apply for membership to join the Hermetic and Alchemical Order of QBLH,
please click
here for an application for membership.
And please visit our Order's main site:

The Hermetic and Alchemical Order of QBLH

Australian "snail mail" inquiries:

QBLH- Australia
Attn: Secretary
P.O. Box 5156
Wheeler Heights, NSW 2097

or email:


Love is the law, love under will.
Last Update:
by L on May 28th 2004ev