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Test of Significance

(Statistical Inference)

     In order to test for the statistical significance of the parameter estimates of the regression, we have firstly to know a few basic things about . The most notable, are the following:  

Statistical inference



Testing the significance of β1



Example 1:  

     Suppose we have the population relationship of the type  

      Yi = α + βXi + εi       for all i, 


where the dependent variable is linearly dependent on the explanatory X variable, but is also influenced by the disturbance ε. Thus, by considering this population relationship, if β=0 in this equation then X does not influence Y, which then has an expected value of α, from which it can only be disturbed by a non-zero ε. If , then this means that X does influence Y. We can therefore test whether X influences Y by setting up the null hypothesis H0: β=0 and testing it against an alternative hypothesis HA: . We can obtain a test statistic for this purpose. Thus, we apply the formula , which has a Student's t distribution with n-2 d. f (degrees of freedom). We can therefore use a 


as a test statistic and reject the null hypothesis β=0 (X does not influence Y) if the absolute value of this test statistic exceeds the relevant critical value taken from Student's t tables.

Effectively what we do is to consider whether the OLS estimate  is sufficiently different from zero for us to reject the null hypothesis that the true β is non-zero. Dividing  by its estimated standard error enables us to use Student's t tables to decide what is meant by "sufficiently different".  

Example 2:

     Again taking the example of the household consumption function H0:  

implies that a household's income does not influence its consumption. Since if β is non-zero we expect β>0 in this case, we employ an upper tail test. That is, the alternative hypothesis is HA: β>0. Taking the 0.05 level of significance, the critical t value is t0.05= 1.714 (d.f = n-2). We suppose we have n=25 (hence 23 d.f),  and , so that the test statistic  (1.7) takes a value of 7.19. This clearly exceeds the critical value , so we can reject the null hypothesis β=0 at the 0.05 level of significance and conclude that household income influences consumption. It is possible to test a null hypothesis 

H0: α=0 in a similar manner. Under this null hypothesis we have that  has a Student's t distribution with n-2 d.f.  This may therefore be used as a test statistic and we reject H0 if its absolute value exceeds the relevant critical t value. Once the estimated standard errors and  have been computed, it clearly is a simple matter to test the null hypothesis α=0 and β=0. The test statistics used,  and are referred to as t ratios. It is customary to present sample regression equations with these ratios placed in parenthesis underneath the estimates and . That is, we present



Example 3: 

     There are occasions when we may wish to test hypothesis other than β=0 and α=0. Suppose we wished to test the hypothesis that the parameter β takes some non-zero value β*. Under H0:β=β* and we set the required test statistic which is  . Under H0 a Student's t distribution with the usual n-2 degrees of freedom. For example, in a four-person household consumption function, we might wish to test whether the MPC b of households was less than unity. We can set up a null hypothesis H0: β=1 and test it using the test statistic . Since the alternative has to be HA: β<1, we use a lower tail test. (In the alternative hypothesis we set β<1 because in this case b represents MPC, and as we know its value varies from 0 to 1, something which implies that b cannot take a value greater than 1). Under H0, the test statistic has a Student's t distribution, so we expect its value to be close to zero. Since we will reject H0 if the OLS estimate  is sufficiently different from unity, we reject if the test statistic is sufficiently different from 0. Given an one-tail test and taking the 0.05 level of significance, with n-2 d.f, the relevant critical value is t= 1.714. We reject H0 if the absolute value (or calculated value) of the test statistic exceeds this value. We suppose that for our sample we know that  and . Hence, the test statistic takes a value   .Since the absolute value of the test statistic does not in this case exceed the critical t value, we cannot reject the null hypothesis β=1. So we must conclude that on the bases of the present sample, there is not enough evidence to say that the MPC of households is less than unity.  

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