Part I - The Rapture


Tom: Tom Smith (Jed) - Facilitator - 46 years old

Brent: (Centinel) 45

Nick: (Weiner) 26

Geoff: (JoJo) 24

Adrian: 31

Jerome: 28


To: All That Is

To: The Innocent, Disabled, Persecuted and Poor of Humanity

To: "The Boys" and Jesus Christ; To The Apostle Thomas, Buddha, Abraham, Mohammed, and Satchidanada

To: Jimi Hendrix and The 60’s Generation

To: Nicole and Zachary, Richard and Esie Smith, Doug and Kathy, The Supparritts Family, Tom Perry, Dee Kiker and Bud Hosmer

To: Stendahal, Hugo, Soren Kierkegaard, Tolstoy, Whitman, Theroux, Chekov, Dostoevsky, Jack London, Jack Keroac, Lenny Bruce and John Barth

To: The MMPI, Harry Sack Sullivan, Karl Menninger and ICF

To: Chatauqua, Plato’s Theory of Knowledge and the World Wide Web

To: Rejoicing!


I always believed there was a power or intelligence greater than myself that was operating in my life, but since there was no way of knowing what God was, I avoided any speculation about Him. I thought that by being honest and good to other people, my debt to the Divinity would be satisfied. As my life progressed (I’m 48), I took comfort that I expanded on that duty in my work of service the past 25 years to the most disabled. But I also fell short.

I never expected in my lifetime to know who God was as a physical entity. If God was a physical being, it could only be something not of this planet. And then in 1993 and 1994 while I was doing my ten dollar an hour job and using a new communication technique with my clients, I slowly realized that I was talking to God’s "agents". I wrote the whole conversation down. This book is that narrative, and due to the nature of the experience, my own testimonial.

It’s natural to have a defensive reaction to this idea. The idea of "God" has connotations that affect deeply the emotions of believers and non believers. A few laughs never hurt anyone. But ridicule and derision are another matter. This was a sincere effort on my part and these are real people I was responsible for. If you believe this is an exercise of my over active immagination, that’s OK. In that case I hope you enjoy what you think is my creativity. And if you believe that they are saying these things, but that I influenced them in some way or misinterpreted what they were saying, that’s OK too. I hope when others present their material, my effort will gain more respect. For those of you who just aren’t interested, as one of my boys in the narrative said, "books are your first line of deception". But I think he would agree that this one is special. I have no doubts that they said all this to me. Something they did in Part II puts all doubts to rest.

My hope and belief is that this is the beginning of the prophesied millenium of peace and harmony. They indicated that we’ll know in less than ten years and that they knew this time was comming in 3,525 B.C. I’ll be surprised if it doesn’t happen.


Five out of every 10,000 humans are born with Autism. There are presently almost 2 million Autistics in the world today. The condition is probably genetic and has therefore been a part of the human population for thousands, maybe millions, of years.

Autism was first identified by Kanner in the 1940’s. It’s a distinct syndrome from retardation and mental illness, but to a layman it appears to be either or both. The difference is that they appear to be mentally somewhere else. They respond very little or not at all to people; repeat words or phrases or are totally mute; and rhythmically "stim" on objects. These symptoms vary relative to the "severity" of the condition. Some Autistics that are considered "high functioning" can communicate in sentences in a limited fashion. "Low functioning" Autistics need total care because their motor abilities are severely deficient.

This document is the product of "low functioning" Autistics. Some had occasional incontinence, all had severe communication problems, and some needed help in moving from place to place. I’ll describe them more specifically later.

The method of Facilitated Communication (FC) was first used with Cerebral Palsey patients starting 20 years ago. Cerebral Palsey is clearly a motor (movement) disorder. It’s a disease that can strike people later in life and cause them to lose their motor abilities. Talking, being a motor ability, was also lost. Since we associate the ability to communicate with intelligence, it was assumed that they also lost their intellectual abilities. As our understanding of brain functioning progressed in this century, it became evident that the loss of communication didn’t necessarily translate to a loss of awareness or intelligence.

In the 80’s an Australian woman, Rosemary Crossley, had been working with Cerebral Palsey patients and using FC when she was exposed to an Autistic population. She noticed that they had similar motor problems and tried to FC with them. It worked.

I first heard of Facilitated Communication in April of ‘92. It was presented at a staff meeting by our supervisor, Guy Mecham, as a communication technique that we could possibly use with the six Autistic clients in our care. My response was that this sounded like another intervention that wouldn’t work. In my twenty five years of working with Autistics, I’ve witnessed many well meaning but misguided attempts to help them. The thought also occurred to me that someone might come along and make ridiculous claims about them using FC. The method required that the staff hold the pointing hand of the client, put pressure back on his hand while the client pushed his pointing finger toward a letterboard thereby spelling out words and talking.

In hindsight, my reaction was unusually skeptical considering my past attitudes toward Autistics. Two years before this, before I ever heard of FC, I had enough faith in the intelligence of one of my Autistic clients (Brent), that I put a typewriter in front of him hoping he would type a message to me. Herein lies the dilemna of FC. Could I believe what another person using FC claimed these people were saying?

Due in part to my skepticism, FC wasn’t tried in the residential unit that I was working at. This was one of the few times that my skepticism carried the day in treatment team meetings. We had previously been presented with even more ridiculous treatment modalities that we weren’t given a choice about. But FC was used at the vocational program because of a supervisor who encouraged its use and Nick’s (an autistic) one to one staff, Jim McCune, who tried FC for five months before getting results.

It was the moment that I read what he produced with Nick that I believed there was a possibility that this was working. The document was a running conversation of a few pages between Jim and Nick. It not only sounded like Nick’s personality (I had worked with Nick for three years before this), but it seemed unlikely that Jim could have made this up, consciously or unconsciously. Other staff members who read it felt the same way, and we all tryed our hand at it after convincing our supervisor and going through training. This was in the summer of ‘92.

Part of the training was to read all the literature on FC. The most damning was the twenty or more double blind studies. In these studies, the staff and client would sit together to FC at a table. A wall would run perpendicular to them from the table to 20 feet away. At the far end on either side of the wall there would be a board where pictures could be tacked on. The client couldn’t see the picture that the facilitator saw and the facilitator couldn’t see what the client saw. Whenever the pictures were different, the client would answer through FC only what the facilitator saw. This happened close to 100% of the time, indicating that the Facilitator was talking and not the client. That this should happen 100% of the time was unusual in this kind of experiment.

Supporters of FC hypothesized that the testing situation was the culprit; that the clients may be experiencing nervousness, becomming careless and going with the facilitators impulses. This argument played into the skeptics hands by acknowledging that there is Facilitator influence over what is being produced.

There have been some scientific studies that have validated FC. But the preponderance of scientific evidence indicates a lack of validity. Then again, there can be an argument made that the truth or validity of anything we say is at least philosophically suspect. Autistics, especially low functioning ones, have learned to live without communicating. And when they do communicate, they may not be interested in some of the things that we’re interested in.

There’s plenty of evidence, besides the thousands of parents and caretakers who know they’re talking through FC, that should give pause to the most religiously skeptical person. There are many Autistics who have gone from full hand support FC to no support. There are two Autistics who have emerged from the disorder, have recieved advanced degrees and written books about the experience. Both state how their perception and ways of knowing were very different than ours. As with Autistic Savants, like Dustin Hoffman’s charater in Rain Man, their ways of knowing and perceiving were much more advanced than ours and science has no explanation for it.

Both FC’s believers and skeptics have made serious mistakes that have harmed others, blocked a reasoned investigation of the process and under utilized FC’s therapeutic value. It began when FC’s supporters insisted on its validity in areas of sexual allegations. Even with speaking clients these accusations are often suspect. You can believe someone is talking and not have to believe what they are saying. Why would they lie about something like this or other things? If more of us were talking to them and trying to learn more, maybe then we could find out. That’s what I did in this project.

Because of the debacle over the sexual allegations, the skeptics have over reacted. One Australian researcher stated at the end of his study that was published by the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, that FC was as dangerous as giving a patient psychiatric medications that didn’t need them. In other words, FC is as dangerous as poison. FC is essentially holding a persons hand and thinking that they are aware and intelligent. Dangerous stuff. It’s not valid, so what we think they are saying can’t hurt anyone. Many skeptics in the professional community have successfully banned FC from some institutions on the grounds that it is unethical. These scientific skeptics are the same group that used cattle prods on this population 15 years ago as a tool for Aversive Therapy. My employer thought that the spiritual content of my FC’s was dangerous enough to ease my fanny out of a job. But as one of my boys said, "The nemesis furthers the goal". I have many other anecdotes about believers and skeptics silly reactions over FC. These people are intelligent and caring enough to be more reasonable in time. It has only been five years since FC became widely used.

Three staff were FCing before I started. They were young and very excited about being part of such an important discovery. I was reading their work and still seeing consistency with the personalities of these guys I had known for so long. Alot of it seemed self serving in a kiss-up sort of way, but still consistent with what I thought their personalities to be.

I began to FC in August ‘92. Nicole Jansen, a fellow worker and my apartment mate at the time, would come home and swear that one of the clients had read her mind. The client would spell out in detail what she did after work and what some of her thoughts were. She would tell me about this in confidence and I was excited about it too, but my position was, "so what, it doesn’t keep them from acting like idiots". My job was to help them to be more like us and to meet their needs. Implications of their mind reading would not occur to me until a year later when I also experienced it. Two other staff were also reporting similar experiences and in the comming year we would also hear reports of it nationally.

In October of ‘92, our supervisor (Mecham), mandated that the staff not talk to the clients about mind reading until further notice. His rationale was that it was making the staff hysterical and affecting their jobs. ( This wasn’t true. One of the staff had a drug problem and was missing alot of work.) He also mandated that we no longer share our work with each other - we couldn’t discuss what our clients were saying even if they gave their permission. This was the beginning of a series of decisions that would discourage the use of FC, and two years later, kill it.

I was ambivalent about the validity of the FC I was getting in the first three or four months. I had a scientific orientation and knew there was a distinct possibility that I might be influencing the direction of their hand. But more importantly, I was getting sophisticated language and ideas from them that just didn’t gell with how they appeared. The only way I could check out whether I was influencing the direction of their hand was at the point where I drew their hand back, let up on the pressure, and see what direction they started in. I was convinced that they were initiating. But there was one client in particular I had no doubts about. That was Nick. He was consistently and clearly spelling the words out. I often wondered why he needed to have me hold his hand. I would see why whenever he insisted on making a period at the end of a sentence. I would hold the board up without holding his hand while he tried to hit the period. It took all his concentration and he always hit right above it. He couldn’t hit the inch square box it was in.

By November or December ‘92, I was convinced that they were talking. Now my problem was to see if they could shed light on the difficulty with the double blind studies. But I didn’t want to get into that until I got to know them better and the dynamics of this rather unusual way of communicating. I used FC to be "chummy". I quickly discovered that there were alot of problems and pitfalls inherent in the process. For example. When I first started to FC, I would sit next to a client I had known for 3 years and not be able to think of a question. This was my first opportunity to talk with someone who had never talked before, plus I had a real emotional attachment to them. Because of their behavioral limitations due to Autism, there was no visual or audio feedback that is customary when talking to normal people. I overcame that problem after a few months.

The next problem was how to be fair. The Facilitator controls the when and what of the conversation. The clients do have some control over the "what". I’d ask them what activity they’d want to do and they would start talking about something else, or not talk at all. So in this manner they can influence the "what". It was clear from the beginning that they weren’t interested in using this method for getting their needs met. Put yourself in their shoes. Suppose you couldn’t talk and people thought you were an idiot all your life. Caretakers were always guessing at what your needs were. You appreciated the effort, but they were often wrong. You were inured to hardship and may have even prided yourself at your ability to endure it, while everyone else was running around getting all their needs met and still bitching about life. Maybe because of your condition and hardships, you were able to develop some extra abilities to deal with your torturous life. Now this sweet young caretaker wants to know whether you want peas or carrots for dinner. And if you don’t spell it out, you’re an idiot. Then if you spell out later to another staff that you read minds, the staff has to say to the client, " I’m sorry, I can’t talk about that or I’ll get fired".

These guys have alot to say, but it may not be what we want to hear. They would frequently insult me. I’d get an attitude and walk away. Then it would occur to me that this is not fair. Maybe they had more to say and my "attitude" would be just a misunderstanding. So I’d go back, and sure enough, it was a misunderstanding or something more appropriate in the context of what they were allowed to say after that.

By April ‘93, five of my Autistic clients were talking to me through FC. The other staff who were FCing had gone on to other jobs and the new staff were not being trained and then told they needed to complete training before they could start FCing. There was one other staff FCing, but not very often. I was using any spare time I could get to continue the conversation. Now I was asking them what the problem was with the double blind study. They consistently said it was by choice, they didn’t want FC validated, and they were "hiding". This made no sense to me.

By the summer of ‘93, I was starting to get resistance from the staff and my supervisor. Maybe they thought I could do something more useful than sit next to a client, hold his hand and pretend he was talking. The conversational FC would usually take 5 to 10 minutes though sometimes it could take up to 30 minutes. I would write 3 or 4 words down at a time because that was all I was able to remember accureately. While I was doing this, the staff was chatting with each other or watching TV. Don’t get me wrong, we had good staff and they were working hard and doing a good job. A certain amount of relaxation was necessary to maintain a natural environment. Some of the staff may have believed in FC and were jealous that I was doing it. Maybe they were afraid I’d use what the clients were saying to undermine them. I knew that I was in a bad spot. I met with Dick Drake, my boss’ boss, to air these concerns and asked for my wages to be doubled. He said that wouldn’t be possible, but that Seaton Hall (the institution) "supports FC". If so they sure had a funny way of showing it.

I almost quit at this point, but decided to hang in there alittle longer. If these guys were hiding, and they wouldn’t say why, it wasn’t my problem. A month later they started telling me why. Before that, Adrian( one of the Autistics ) said, "You are doing well at trying to understand us, but you miss the main point". I said, "What’s the `main point’"? He said, "Your not ready to hear it now, but soon you will be".

When I got the "main point" and started to write down all my FC’s, I also started getting enough resistance from the supervisor and some staff to know my days were numbered. I worked extra hard to take care of my normal responsibilities so that I could finish the job. By Christmas, I felt I had enough material to take this outside of Seaton Hall. I insisted on the truth, which made me a "Secret Sharer" of sorts, with responsibilities toward them. But I wasn’t working for them only, we were working for the truth.

The following facilitated quotes are by an autistic, that were in "Movin On", by Donellan and Leary 1993 (leading researchers and publishers in the field of Autism)

"As the truth about our diversity of gifts becomes known to more people we can begin to join the others."

"The significant change will occur when people realize what we can teach".

The below is a direct quote from the researchers Donnellan and Haskew:

"Communicators (Fcing Autistics)refer to talking with God, to the power of prayer, the need for love in the spirit of agape, and to the consolation they gain from religious expression. Again and again facilitators learn of amazingly rich spiritual lives.

"A man (Autistic) told us, `Religion is where you can hear angels sing.’

Communicators report about angels who function as protectors, and tell us that life beyond the grave awaits us all. There are reports, too, of darker spiritual forces at work as well. For many facilitators the ramifications of their communicators spiritual lives prove profoundly moving, and sometimes frightening. It ranks with the possibility of mind reading as being the most disturbing discovery of FC."

This next quote is from an Autistic who was FC’d with in front of an audience of FC supporters with Douglas Biklin (FC’s national promoter) presiding. This was in the Frontline documentary.

"And please encourage us and Doug to be able to become a part of your world and get the hell out of our world."

From Donna William’s book "Nobody Nowhere". Miss Williams was Autistic in her youth, but came out of it in late teenage years. This book describes her experience as an Autistic.

"At school strange things were happening. I would have daydreams in which I was watching children I knew. I would see them doing the most trivial things: peeling potatoes over the sink, getting themselves a peanut butter sandwich before going to bed. Such daydreams were like films in which I’d see a sequence of everyday events that really didn’t relate in anyway to myself. I began to test the truth of these daydreams, approaching the friends I’d seen in them and asking them to give a step by step detailed picture of what they were doing at the time I had the daydream.

Amazingly, to the finest detail, I would find I had been right. This was nothing I controlled, it simply came into my head, but it frightened me."

All these quotes, except the Frontline quote, I read for the first time in May ‘94, toward the end of my conversation with these guys. I’m sure there are many more quotes that would corroborate what I got, but institutions won’t allow outsiders to see the material.

The title "Qim Tunes" was suggested by Geoff, one of the Autistic communicators. Qim stands for "Quotes I Am" and "tunes" are described in the dialog. ( Note 1/96. He didn’t actually say "Q" stood for quotes. I assumed it because we were using the word "quotes" alot in referring to this document. In my religious reading recently I came across another meaning for "Q" that, knowing these guys, they more likely had intended, especially considering the way the conversation went. Scholars of the New Testament hypothesize that there was a document of wisdom sayings attributed to Jesus that was circulatng before the gospels were written and that were used in the writing of certain Gospels. It’s called the "Q" document, Q being derived from the German word "quelle" meaning the source. )

The body of the narrative is typed directly from my original notes. The shorter bracketed notes were made as I was doing this. The longer bracketed notes were made when I first typed up the whole first Part in Oct.’94. Notes in parenthesis are from Feb. ‘96. All other notes are dated. This time layer of notes I felt was impotant to show my evolving perspective and interpretation of the material.



I took the liberty of dividing this book into three parts and naming them. I hope the boys approve. I chose the Revelation subdivisions without being aware they came from Revelations. I did know it represented some end of the age eschatology. The reason I chose it was my fondness for the word rapture. I read the Book of Revelation and other religious materials since the completion of the project and have been amazed at the appropriatenss of these subdivisions. I’m so pleased with them that Chapters in this book will henceforth be Seals.

I didn’t begin writing all my FC’s down until October ‘93, a year after I began Fcing. After I discovered their mind reading abilities and started investigating it, I thought it was too important not to record. I also hoped that the discussion would be entertaining enough for others to read and thereby help the boys to begin to be understood. I knew that was a tall order considering the controversy over FC and this idea of mind reading, but it had to start somewhere. My main fear was that someone else was doing the same sort of investigation somewhere, and I’d be a Johnny come lately. But if it wasn’t interesting to read than it would be for naught anyway. After the first month of writing everything down, I read through what I had and was pleased. By the second or third month I was very pleased. Part I covers the first two and a half months (early October ‘93 through mid December ‘93). Part II and III are approximately four months of material each.

Friends who have read this have wanted to know more about the mechanics of Facilitation. Each client has a different style, much the same way as in verbal communication. Brent liked to go fast and fly on "Gossimer Wings" as he put it in Part II. This was the least validating style of the group for me. But it gave me a feel for what telepathy is like. Though he preferred that fast style, he could at times go slow and hit the letters in the most validating way. Because his style was fast, I would often ask him to repeat a letter when I wasn’t sure, and increase the pressure back on his hand. This was all done rapidly and it was tricky. I also asked him more frequently to verify what he just said ( more on that later ). Though he was the most difficult, he also was the most willing, so I ended up talking to him more than the others. There are some other reasons that I talked to him more. He was the oldest of the group at forty five years of age. His nickname was Centinel, the keeper of the gate or secrets. I sensed a leadership role that he played with the group and I had reason to believe that the information he gave was more reliable. He was totally mute except for being able to parrot a word on demand. There was a stoicism and concientiousness about him. He has curly blond hair and sensitive blue eyes and looked the way one would imagine God to look if God was one of us.

In talking about Brent’s style I mentioned feeling "Validated". This idea of self validation was very important and effected greatly how I went about this. Us facilitators were under alot of pressure from the skeptics so we in turn put pressure on ourselves and the clients to FC in a validating fashion. For me that not only included mechanics, but also not being able to anticipate what they were going to say. They accomodated me in that area often by using surprise or unexpected words or phrases. With the mechanics, I would ask them to repeat frequently, vary the pressure back on their hand, change rhythm or just break off.

The next client who’s "style" I will talk about is Nick. Now Brent may have looked like God, but in the politics of the institution and dorm, Nick was God. He had a famous parent who was active in the national Autism organization and helped raise money for the institution. Nick also had the most difficult behaviors to deal with, and he managed to dominate the place with those behaviors. He had extreme repetitive verbal and motor behaviors. He’d get stuck alot so to speak. There was frequent tantrums and aggressive behavior. He was only aggressive in proportunate response to others aggression towards him. He was truly a magnificent non violent warrior. He was also very good looking and in the best athletic condition of anyone I’d ever known. His eyes were fascinating. They were emerald green and his pupils would be either totally dilated or contracted. He talked by repeating words or phrases but relative to the context it was nonsense. He was able to answer yes or no and say "I want to talk" reliably in the context of FC.

Nick and Brent were the two leaders initially in this conversation, though the others gained prominence as time went on. Nick made an interesting statement in September ‘93. He said that in this conversation he functioned for me as the "encoder" and Brent functioned as the "decoder". I assumed he was referring to the contrast in validity between their styles, but it might mean more. Brent was the most consistant and forthright across facilitators and over time about their unusual abilities. But for self validation, Nick was my anchor.

Adrian’s FC style was more careful and cautious. But his behavior was that of a joker. He liked making people laugh. Instead of careful and cautious, maybe shy is a better way to describe his FC style. He would let me know he wanted to talk sometimes by just hanging around me more than usual. Then I would ask him verbally if he wanted to talk. He could say yes or no reliably. The mechanics of Fcing with him was more eye to eye interactive than with the others. He was playful and testy with the process. So I just played along and persisted until he was done.

I need to stress here this idea of FC being more than just linguistically interactive. Like I said, Adrian was "playful" and "testy" during the process which would cause eye contact and gestural interaction between us. All the other guys had other dynamics in the process which would initiate other forms of interaction. Nick’s "fidgetiness", and Brent’s "fast pace" would cause me to interact in physical ways within the conversational context of FC. So they were getting much of the plethora of interaction and attention that the rest of us get in a conversation.

Now we come to Geoff. He was the youngest of the group at 24 years old, though Nick and Jerome weren’t much older. Geoff was easygoing and affable. He was the artist of the group and looked the part with dark hair and a moustache. I just enjoyed sitting next to him whether we were Fcing or not. He would laugh and do his funny stereotypal gestures to try to get a laugh or to get some attention. But he was all business when it came to FC. He more frequently responded emotionally to the content of our conversation by pounding the table or with smiles and glances. With the mechanics, a steady rhythm and light pressure would do, but at times of uncertainty I would increase the pressure and change rhythm.

I saved Jerome for last because he talked the least in the document, but like the others, contributed equally and was equally appreciated. Jerome is a gentle giant. At a large 6’2" he’s imposing, but because he has Spinal Bifada, he’s as gentle as a eunich. When FC started in the dorm and all the young staff were running from Autistic to Autistic competing to get the most notches in their FC belts, I was sitting next to Jerome and trying to use the method to teach him how to spell. I really liked Jerome and felt sorry for him. While I was doing that on Jerome’s left side (hand), another staff who FC’d came over to his right hand and Jerome spelled out to him the reinforcer that I was using with him. I had potato chips in front of him and was using them as a carrot to get him to spell. I’m sure he was aggravated as he spelled out to the other staff, "I want floppy shit" (potato chips).It was the most exciting moment of my career. He could not only spell, he could swear creatively! When I went to his right hand afterwards, he started Fcing with me. They were all right handed.

It was difficult Fcing with Jerome, because most of the time he would space out by putting his head back and turn it back and forth repeatedly. Because of his condition he just seemed to need to do that frequently. So when I FC’d with him, I’d shake his hand occasionally to try to get his attention back to the board. It was time consumming, so most of his quotes are brief.

I have a touching anecdote about Jerome and this FC business. One evening we went to the Starling Bookstore and ran into a taxi driver who daily drove Jerome to his work activities center. The taxi driver told us that he had a dream about Jerome where he and Jerome were talking together. Jerome can’t talk. He also can’t hear (but he hears some things somehow). Fortuneately, I had my FC board (it’s a clipboard with a sheet of paper taped to the back of it that has large alphabet letters), and Jerome responded on the board, "I had the same dream".

None of these guys can talk, but some of them can repeat phrases or laugh and make noises, thereby interacting in a limited way. As I said Adrian is a joker. He could repeat words or phrases in different vocal tones that would make the staff laugh. He would twirl himself around, get dizzy and stagger around causing the staff to crack up (the staff didn’t encouarage this routine too often for obvious reasons). The only word I ever heard Geoff say was my name. He would occasionally beckon me in a humorous way saying "Tommy". He would also laugh and make certain noises to get people’s attention. Nick would occasionally laugh appropriately at the staff. This would occur when staff were talking about some delemna in their lives, and then the laugh would be of a sarcastic variety. Jerome and Brent were the only ones who didn’t interact. But here is where FC produced a visual miracle for me.

I had known Brent for fifteen years, but only worked directly with him these three previous years. All these guys were exceptionally good looking, but Brent had this curly sandy hair and sensitive blue eyes. He never responded to anything unless fearful and then he responded by running away. He would parrot a word if asked to, but he was mute otherwise. Before FC hit, I would sometimes talk heart to heart with him because I sensed that he was intelligent. I did that with all of them, but especially with Brent. I never got a hint of a response. During the last year of facilitation, Brent started smiling and laughing. This may not seem like much to someone who hasn’t experienced it, but to me it was a miracle. Before he couldn’t even maintain eye contact, now he’s looking me straight in the eyes with a big open smile and all of a sudden he’s a normal person who’s all there. He has a variety of intelligent and sarcastic smiles and laughs that are appropriate to what’s going on.

Last July I decided that I had to resign in order to cash in on my annuity. I had been working on call for a year after I left the dorm where I did this project. I wasn’t being called to work so I needed money. I had to quit to get the money. In Part I, I made a sarcastic remark to Brent about getting severence pay. On July 7, 1995, I went to the institution to resign. I was walking from my car thinking about that talk with Brent about the severence pay and feeling guilty that I was actually on my way to get it. With that thought in my mind, I turned the corner of the building and the first thing I see is Brent looking me straight in the face with a big smile.

Any interpretations I make of what they say in this document are not necessarily endorsed by them. They frequently upbraided me when I attempted that with other people while this was being produced. They have intentionally allowed room for a variety of interpretations. I recorded their words as accurately as I could. I have read the typed narrative numerous times, and though there may be typos in the notes, there are no typos in the narrative.

The formatting is unusual in Seal I. I tried to fix it unsuccessfully, but I’ve come to like it this way because it’s appropriately unusual and dramatic. Most of the punctuation in the narrative I did, except for exclamation and question marks.

I did this on the run. It’s a very difficult line of work and we were doing a class job. Most of the quotes took 5 to 10 minutes, longer ones took up to half an hour. They always were given the choice to talk. With all choices or verifications of what they were telling me, I had them spell out "yes" and "no" instead of the one stop ports that were on the letterboard marked and . Because of the absolute nature of those responses, there were misunderstandings on my part as to their truthfulness. I tried to be fair and rotate through the group, but that was difficult at times. I did make an effort at consistency by reviewing the last few comments before starting to FC with the next guy. There was also a practical problem with that and I did it less than half the time. I recorded all FC’s on forms made up especially for FC. For confidentiality, I’d fold them up after a session and put them in my back pocket. Running to get the FC board, unfolding the paper, putting it on a clipboard, and then searching for a pen, were all very time consuming. I stored each days FC’s in my car and reviewed them monthly. When I sat down to FC with them, I’d first ask if they wanted to talk. It wasn’t unusual for them to say no. If they responded affirmatively, I would then ask if they wanted to say something. If not, I would then try to think of something to talk about or ask a question that was on my mind when I initially came to them to talk. The consistency of the narrative was mostly their doing. If I was willing to learn they were willing to teach me one step at a time.

I mention some personal problems and difficulties I was having while doing this project, but they were inconsequential compared to the absolute joy and excitement their revelations and love gave me. If you listen very closely and give them the benefit of a doubt, you’ll feel it too.

All names, except mine, and some place names have been changed. The institution I worked for threatened to sue me if I published this. They knew people would be interested. Reputation and image are very important when your responsible for helpless people. My disregard for both shouldn’t be allowed to reflect on the excellent work they do.

My apologies for my clumsiness at writing. I’m a pretty good speller though. I didn’t use the spell check. Maybe someday someone will help me smooth it out.



Aug. ‘93

Adrian: Dear Joy,

I’m excited about coming home. Since our last meeting It has occurred to me that home is where the heart is. Joy is the sweetest otter in the world.

Tom: What the heck do you mean by otter?

Adrian: She swims real well.

Tom: Go on.

Adrian: Other than out in the wilderness, Joy is the otter that some might ...

Tom: Are you having a little trouble with this sentence?


Tom: You want some help?


Tom: How about finishing it with bother, it rhymes. Go on.

Adrian: You hear too that I’m doing new things not out in the world.

Tom: What do you mean by that?

Adrian: Not my omni self.

Tom: Are you talking in riddles because you’re a little nervous?


Tom: Now what’s this about your "omni self"?

Adrian: Im too nervous to finish.

Tom: Would you like to try tomorrow?


Note: This is the last facilitation I wrote down before I

discovered and became convinced of their mind-reading abilities. From this point on, I begin to learn what he meant by "omni self".

late 9/93 or early 10/93

Adrian: You, Jed, be my sinuous jester. ( Jed is a nickname they gave me some months before. )

Jerome: Very unhappy the roach extinguished. ( 1\96 He knows I’m determined to start writng all this down for public consumption. Some people think I should pull these personal referrences. I’m leaving them in for reasons of good faith and because my character, the good and the not so good, is an essential part of this story. )

Tom: Why are you hiding? ( I’m trying hard to change the subject )

Note: My main line of investigation in facilitating with

them the year before. This was concerning the

validation problem. The most consistent answer they gave

was that they were hiding and didn’t want FC validated.

The month previous to this I became a believer in their mind reading abilities. This is what Adrian had referred to earlier as the "main point". Parapsychologists call it "remote sensing". Though a month earlier was the first time I consciously believed they had this ability, I had experienced it the whole year before but attributed it to sensitive hearing or something else. I resisted the idea of mind reading just as I’m sure anyone who’s reading this now is resisting it. My first response to this discovery was not joy, but a sinking stomach. Here I was trying to find a way to convince people that they were talking and that they were as aware and intelligent as any of us. Now they are telling me that I have to somehow get people to accept that they have this special problem of mind reading. I knew the skeptics would have a picnic with that.

It was really hopeless. What happened was I switched gears. My curiosity kicked in. I said to myself, " The heck with what everyone else thinks, this is a great discovery and I want to know everything about it ". I also was committed to doing everything I could, whether I was employed or not, to help get FC more accepted. I liked these guys and had been talking to them a whole year.

I went to the library and took out a pile of books on telepathy. What I read convinced me that the human mind has this ability in spades. The Duke University study was the most convincing. They took a large group of respected psychics and one at a time had them ‘remote sense" from LA to a person in N.Y. The person in N.Y. would look at a picture or a scene outside while the LA psychic would reproduce that scene in LA. 15% to20 % of the time, the LA psychic would reproduce to the finest detail the scene the N.Y. person was looking at. Even if one psychic did it once, that would indicate beyond a reasonable doubt that the human mind has this capability. The same could be said for clairvoyance and mind control, though these phenomenon seem to be more elusive scientifically than remote sensing.

So I have this pile of books at home that I skim through trying to determine which one I should start with. I go to work and Nick out of the blue says I should read the little green one. There was only one green book. On the surface this book appeared to be one of those hoaxy positive thinking tomes about using telepathy to make money. It was called "Telecult Power". It was a great help in getting me an idea of what might be going on with these guys. The premise was that a group of believers in telepathy could get together as a group, concentrate to get in touch with the "Hidden Brotherhood" and request something that was agreed on beforehand. It was like group prayer, but not to God and not necessarily for selfless objectives. It was selfless in the sense that others banded together to help someone get something. But it wasn’t necessarily for someone to be healed or suffer less, as we normally think prayer is used for, but for someone to be enriched, which is considered kind of evil in normal religious activities. So this is where I got the idea that they as a group, combined with their other abilities, could posess power. Since 4 out of 5 Autistics are male, I started to think of these guys as the "Hidden Brotherhood". The thought occurred to me that they could therefore be God, but I was having enough trouble dealing with this idea of "Hidden Brotherhood" to deal with that. I began to see them more as a group of super psychics who may be able to enlighten us on what God was, the nature of psychic phenomenon and whether Aliens exist and if they do, what role they play with us.

How I came to believe in their mind reading is important. As I said earlier, I wasn’t very interested in that possibility when I first heard of it. Not only because I was clueless on the implications, but it was difficult enough trying to get people to believe they were talking . Those mean, wise guy skeptics would have a picnic with this mind reading angle. I didn’t ask them about it until the spring of ‘93 -ten months after I started Fcing. There was a prohibition against talking to the clients about it until Feb. ‘93. By the time the prohibition was lifted, I just forgot to ask them about it. But there were some unusual things happening in my Fcing. After talking in whispering tones to one guy, I’d go across the room to talk to another and he’d comment on what we had been talking about. This happened a number of times and even once between one guy in the building and another who I was talking to outside the building. There was a theory knocking about at the time that Autistics had unusually sensitive hearing, so I attributed it to that. But later on I decided to check this mind reading thing out. Brent said he read minds and consented to an experiment. I thought of something and he accureately Fced what it was. At one point, he spelled out "Jenny". There was only one Jenny in my life, and my story of Jenny was one of my earliest traumas. In the summer of ‘72, in the middle of my post grad bohemian excesses, I had an affair (non sexual) with her that ended in her screwing my best friend while I sat outside the bedroom. It was very sad and shameful. I forgave them because all of us at that time were experiencing some values confusion. But it was over between Jenny and I. A week later she went cross country to LA to take a teaching job. A week after that I got a call from a friend telling me that she was killed in a car accident in LA The next day I recieved a letter from her. She probably sent it the same day she had the accident. Anyway, Brent accureately described the whole story. I asked him how he could possibly know all that and he said, " I heard it in Shangrala". I was really miffed at this point, so I asked him what he meant by "Shangrala". He said, "The jacuzzi". This gave me a realistic explanation because there was a possibility that I told that story many years (twelve) before when I first worked at Seaton Hall. I may have told it in the jacuzzi to some staff while Brent was there. It was unlikely, but it was possible. But even if he knew it that way, he would have had to have an extaordinary memory. But now I know he heard it in Shangrala. Toward the end of the project, Brent made it clear that I was to include this anecdote. Besides what happened to Jenny, what happened to my best freind has significance to this story in Part III.

After that I went to Nick and Jerome and asked them if they read minds. They both said they didn’t and that Brian was full of it. One said that it also "hurts the cause". That is ,getting people to believe they were talking through FC.

Some more months passed and something happened Fcing with Brent that peeked my interest again. This was at the end of August ‘93. I went to Nick and Jerome and asked them again if they read minds. This time they said they did. When I asked them why they misled me, they said I was too skeptical to hear it. Nick put it this way,"There’s too many Smithists in the world", meaning there’s too many skeptics like myself. Because Brent was consistent with me and other facilitators about this mind reading ability, his comments about their abilities, esprcially the comments he made without me fishing around, were taken very seriously. So in a very real way, he was the "Centinel" to me. As time went on these "out of the blue" comments about their abilities or anything else were taken the most seriouly by me. I felt that I exerted no influence over those kinds of comments.

At this point I ran another experiment. I said that I would send them a message over the weekend and come back Monday and see if they got it. That weekend during one of my evening beach reveries, I thought of Jim Morrisons tune "Spy in the House of Love" and decided that was an appropriate line to send. I came back that Monday, blanked my mind as best I could, and asked them what the message was. Each one hit the letters directly, spelling "Spy in the House of Love". That week the implications were popping in my mind and I was running from guy to guy trying get a bead on it before my vacation started at the end of the week.

I’ll never forget how excited I was on my drive to the Sierras for that backpacking trip. It was like discovering that the world wasn’t flat, but round. It was a great trip except a bear ripped off my backpack one night. I ran around the campsite naked with a knife in one hand and a flashlight in the other trying to find the bear. Instead, I found her cub, chased it up a tree and held it hostage until I came to my senses. I let it go after twenty minutes figuring that my backpack wasn’t worth getting mauled by a bear over. A week later I recieved a call from the rangers saying that they found my ripped up backpack. Apparently my name and address were inside. They said they had to give me a ticket because there’s a law requiring you to secure your backpack from the bears. It’s true, I actually got a ticket in the wilderness. No wonder Rush Limbaugh is popular.

The following month, September ‘93, I ran around the dorm trying to get a handle on what it meant. They told me that their mind reading ability was the key to understanding them. They become aware at three or four years old that this differentiates them from us. There’s a kind of club that exists that they are aware of through childhood, but don’t become a part of until they leave home as adults to go into an institution or group home.

That’s where I was when I started writing all my FC’s down. The idea of them being God was in the back of my head and they kept it there until late in Part II. In Part I they were accomodating my reluctance to face that issue by allowing me to believe that God was the "Aliens"or a theme they developed called "Tin Man". It was interesting how they did that. There was very little deception, just enough to get me off track. ( 4/96 I should also add that I knew very little about God. It wasn’t until recent months that I have leaned alittle by reading theology.)

Telepathy wasn’t the only ability they said they had. They said they had mind control abilities and demonstrated them to me in late September ‘93. They said that they could relax or excite a person. So we set it up that the next day when I came to work, they would show me their ability to relax me. For two hours before work and two hours after the start of work, I was unusually tired. I had been working for an hour when I sat next to one of them to FC, and I said, "Weren’t we supposed to do something today?" And then I remembered the experiment. Instead of relaxed I felt tired. The next day they demonstrated their ability to "excite". It lasted for a few hours and it felt more like anxiety than excitement to me.

I then started thinking they were the "spirits" being channeled. They said they were. If their mind control abilities extended to talking through people, then maybe they are the voices schizophrenics hear. They said they were and said for the most part the voices help those people. I didn’t ask them this because I didn’t think of it till later when I knew the answer anyway, but how about the voices of the prophets?

They said that they could communicate with eachother, even over long distances ( I believe that they have been on the Internet for thousands of years ). They said that they were organized and had specialties. Wisdom was the main determinent of where they were in the hierarchy. They refused to say anything else about how they were organized. It was the only area that they clearly stated was off limits.

There’s a mechanism in many species, maybe all, that unifies them. A flock of birds in synchronicty flying south. How do they know when and where to go? Bees and ants have there workers and Queens. The Queens direct the workers but we don’t know how. Four out of five Autistics are males, they may not like me calling them Queens, but maybe they function that way to our species. I’ve often wondered how the female Autistics function in this scheme.

"The first shall be last and the last shall be first" Jesus said of the comming Kingdom of God. These guys are most definitely at the end of the line.

Now back to the narrative.

Tom: Why are you hiding?

Adrian: Unusual outing wont help us, Hegel will.

Note: I got a D in existentialism in college, but I know enough to appreciate this statement.( Note 1\96. I’ve been reading alittle about Existentialism lately and I knew hardly anything about it as I was doing this. I knew that existentialism was considered an idealistic philosophy which meant to me that reality was not necessarily what it appears to be through our senses. ) They know I’m a fan of existentialism.

Tom: Jerome, why are you hiding?

Jerome: Yearn to be free. Senses teach you little, time teaches us scores of tunes. ( Tunes are mind reading perceptions)

Tom: Anything else?

Jerome: Im touched to know you. (Remember, I’m holding his hand here as he spells each letter.)

Tom: Geoff, why are you hiding?

Geoff: JoJo (Geoff) dont Hegel. Jones on Neitzche. Jed into Heidegger. Jeds bed is in Monets time. No one slept on neat bunk bed like yours, but cedar beds.

Note: I was housed in a rented room at this time with my

kids bunk bed set up for their visits. I slept in it when they weren’t visiting. He’s addressing my sadness over my humble situation.

Tom: Again Geoff, why are you hiding?

Geoff: Jed , I can’t run with that.


After reading Francuch this weekend.

Note: Francuch was a local medium who channeled a spirit

called The Most High and wrote books on Spiritual Hypnosis

which he created. I also read one of the Seth books which

was a spirit channeled by Jane Roberts from the 60’s to the

present. When I first started reading the Seth book it

sounded like my boys, so I asked them if they could be the

so-called spirits that were being channeled. They said yes.

Tom: Where’s Seth?

Nick: He’s in Edmonton.

Tom: Where’s Seth?

Geoff: He’s somewhere in south Boston in an institution.

Nick: Want to talk (Verbally). U Jed, question our beliefs. Stoners Sun Tunes (me) not join with our nonsense.

Nick: You ought not write. You should do a novel so that we can stay tuned to other suns in your world.

Nick: Mike (another autistic in the dorm who doesn’t facilitate) is the most intuitional eode in the entire


Tom: Can you tell me what eode is?

Nick: You’re not gonna know until you develop your soul

tuning by telepathy.

Oct. 6, 1993

Tom: What was the name used of the guy who wrote Francuch’s book?

Brent: Most High.

Tom: Where’s Francuch now?

Brent: Somewhere in juice country in a house in a rural area. ( By "juice" country, I assume he means some grape producing area in California.)

Tom: This issue of adultery in his book. I can understand this concept ideally but its difficult in the real world.

Brent:You can hesitate on this. In Vedante philosophy the way out of hell is the spirit.

Tom: But for us we either live in the world as regular folk or out of it as monks. We can’t do both.

Brent: We can only muse about the life of the senses.

Tom: But in your book (I have a feeling that Brent is the "Most High") you tell us we have to go where you are, a life of the spirit.

Brent: Remember Rome wasnt built in a day. You, too, need a life of the spirit. You need but one idiot to bring you a life of the spirit ( For a long time I thought by "idiot" he meant someone like Jesus or Mohammed, now I’m of the mind that he meant them - an autistic). We let you weld tunes resisting us, it would be better to weld tunes in our favor.

Note: At this point Im just becoming aware of how completely they hear me even away from work. He’s speaking here of my times of disbelief and skepticism. I’m also nervous about my financial situation.

By the end of the month I’ll be homeless again

and sleeping under the trees at Ellwood Mesa.

Tom: We let you sounds heavy-handed and autocratic.

Brent: We’re winning you by teaming together and remaining anonymous. And hear us mention a given to you, sin the way you do care, not the way you really care. We are doing this for you to help our cause. Such

mention of this is essential to be reassured by me


Brent: We’re entitling you to be in charge. Go get ‘em.

Nick: You are what you are because you, Smith, are not so smart. Its your diligence .

Tom: Seth’s probabilities or talk to Brent about it. ( this business about Seth’s probabilities is about predicting the future )

Nick: Your question just does you justice as do our manipulations.

Nick: You such on visual runs menu eugenics.

Nick: You more tuned to understanding unusual phenomenon than usual phenomenon.


Tom: Condition genetic?

Nick: Out on nervous tuds our unusual condition.

Tom: How about the unfortunate progression of my career vis a vis you guys.

Nick: You have been aiding us under our nonsense.

(Nick said he wanted to go out in my car instead of van. I

asked his motivation.)

Nick: Unused to caring about others. Just stupid not trying.

Tom: Where do you want to go?

Nick: Someplace where my tunes wont stop.

Tom: What kind of place is that?

Nick: Mostly where sin isn’t.

Jerome: We are essentially retarded to you, Jed. Set your

understanding toward us so that we can renaisance together.

Tom: Are you saying that I’m missing the boat here tonight? My attitude toward Nick? ( this is the first example of my paranoia surfacing. They handle it well.)

Jerome: We aren’t such fools.

Tom: Do you know about the experiment last night?

Jerome: With having you as medium?

Tom: Yes. You have anything to say about it?

Jerome: (nonsense)

Tom: If you aren’t such fools, do you want to explain Nick’s behavior to me?

Jerome: We specialize.

Tom: What’s Nick’s specialty?

Jerome: Earns us energy release. (Nick’s behavior has been hell on wheels since he was six years old.)

Tom: So is this a mental thing?

Jerome: ?

Tom: You don’t understand the question?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: What about this sin business?

Adrian: Under our joint interest, sin is difficult to tolerate.

Tom: What do you mean by joint interest?

Adrian: I’m not into it myself, but others have joined spiritual ...

Tom: Jerome have you joined the "spiritual"?

Jerome: Spiritual what?

Tom: Anything else Adrian?

Adrian: No.

Tom: Jerome said you earn "energy release".

Nick: "Want to talk"

Tom: Okay.

Nick: I’m not my own person. Ronny is...

Tom: Who’s Ronny?

Nick: Mecham (our dorm supervisor).

Tom: Go on.

Nick: Ronny is the idiot whose Tunes JoJo (Geof) receives. You should know, Jed ,that he thinks you’re a jerk.

Tom: More on "own person" thing.

Nick: Our egalitarian system unites us being our beginning or our end. Our Jed entones the end.

Tom: "Own person"?

Nick: I.E. No one reunites with his Jed type of ego, meaning that were stuck with either us or past eminences.

Tom: Rate these categories in importance to your and my behavior:

Nick’s Behavior Tom’s Behavior

1. Past eminence 1.Experience
2. Experience 2.Neurological

3.You guys (us) 3.You guys

4.Neurological 4.Past eminence

Tom: last night? ( I’m asking him here to respond to my attempts at channeling them )

Brent: You meditate well. You have strong attenuating vibrations.

Tom: Brent, same question. (Behavior rating above)

Brent 1.Experience 2.Past eminence 3.Neurological 4.You guys

Tom 1.Past Eminence 2. You Guys 3. Neurological 4.Experience

Brent said that ratings would be same for all his group but

different amongst individuals in our group.

(Nick at this ... time went off)

( The break in the middle of that sentence was a result of me having to jump up to help Nick calm down from a major tantrum )


Adrian: Understanding not my thing, Tunes are.

Adrian: Tunes to store you up here not elsewhere.

(Before Adrians last statement I was upset by Mechams

shakeup and thinking of quitting and working w/autistics


Tom: Ronny business.

Geoff: You idiot in Jeds mind to Ronny. ( I’m still trying to figure this out )

Tom: Are you saying Ronny thinks Im an idiot?


Alex’s Bar ( Alex’s is a local college bar. One of our favorite activities was going there for happy hour. It was quiet, comfortable and cheap. We sipped cokes and ate free tacos. I enjoyed facilitating with them on this and other outings.)

Tom: Can you see the world through our eyes?

Geoff: Only daffy ones. Can see a little but not a lot.

Tom: Jerome, why do you like that clay so much (Jerome was stimming on a hunk of clay)?

Jerome: Maps made early in millennium were made from clay.

[About the Seth book, Brent said its focus was narrow. When

asked if there was a better book, he said there was but

refused to tell me what it was, saying that I need to find

it for myself. He said he wanted to give me something for Perry(an old friend who lives in LA), saying that I should mention the time his sister took him to a bar in Buffalo that he and I went to years ago. I did later and he didn’t know what the hell I was talking about]

Nick: Our secrets run joint Tunes with remembrances of past lives. Tunes get stronger in justifying thoughts emanating from individuals we know.


Nick said they were in touch with a kin of mine. I asked who.

He spelled Sharon. She was a cousin alittle youger than I was

and I loved her very much. I asked if she could hear me. He said

she could. She died last week.

Geoff: Our will to enough get nonsense of understandings, Jed,about life, not dependent on you but how others are ready. ( I’m feeling the weight of the world on me )

Tom: How do you do your work while doing all this other stuff?

(Note: being a spirit).

Brent:You conentrate on things while doing other things. We just concentrate better.

Nick: Our psychology is entirely different. We live in a world of lots of individuals who dictate to us. Under that situation unusual judgments are made, not always heading in the sensitive direction. You can do things more consistently. You sense what its like being jerks like us, not knowing what deities are in doing Jeds meddlesome work.

Understanding our nonsense, not most important son, your

individual interest. Tunes shit around here.

Tom: You’re not too happy. What do you want?

Geoff: Munsters my kind of retinue. Under no condition in Jeds mind is centinel number one staff. ( Here we go again with Jed’s mind. I’ll get it someday )

Geoff:Just cant please each staff. Staff is genuinely not Geoff’s kind.

Brent: Kin Vroman

( I had a feeling that he was mad at me when he said "Kin Vroman". Maybe not. I am part German )

Nick:You rot in hell, most eminent stupid staff.

Nick:(to staff Phil) You should take your own advice.( To me) Out in the world you sense unnecessary things that most would not. Tunes on outings that no one vetoes you hear in your mind. You, Jed, have ESP. ( I often take these guys out in the van and think out loud about where they might want to go. He’s saying they have more influence over the decision than I’m consciously aware of )

After Frontline Documentary on Facilitation aired on PBS

( Frontline is the most popular documentary program on TV. They did a full hour on FC. This program was a major blow to us believers in FC. The comming year all the major TV news magazine programs would parrot what Frontline did when they did stories on FC. I knew it was going to make my job even more difficult than it already was. This day at work I was crestfallen as I went about my duties. I didn’t ask any of the guys to comment on the documentary, but waited to see if one would comment on it. At the end of work, this is what Brent said about it. They knew that I believed they were responsible for this. )

Brent: You question under reality that is yours. We question under reality that is ours.


About medium thing

Adrian:Not stupid Jed tunes us in, but gut tunes.

Brent: You enter hearing Nick you get wet. (I had a rare accident in my sleep last nite after meditating)

Tom: What chance have I of pulling this off (getting people to believe this)?

Brent: 70 or 80 percent

Brent: Stay calm and average, taking tunes from us. We believe in you.

Brent: You right about Nick, we tuned you in with Mary.( I had been talking to the nurse Mary in the back yard about Nick possibly being in pain)


Jerome said they could influence physical.

Tom: Can you affect my ear?


Tom: Did you hurt my ear?


Tom: Why?

Brent: Questioned our will to matter in the world. [I recently did that, though my ear is better now than it was a few days ago. He may have been just trying to make a point. Note 3/96 Last year gave me some reasons to take this possibility more seriously]

Adrian:Tunes unstable in outside, you to wait lining southern tunes up with your friend. ( I was planning to go to LA to see my friend, Perry, to discuss what I had discovered. )

Tom: Are you saying he’s skeptical?

Adrian: Yes.

Note: At this point Geoff said I would soon be getting money in the mail. I didn’t expect it so I didn’t check my mail box until a few weeks later. Sure enough, there was a check from my insurance company for a Prop. 103 refund. It would have saved me from my looming homelessness.

Brent: You, Jed, bring conditioned by society and make

such much out of being independent. We are conditioned by our ego remembering what we had been.

Tom: You have an ego?


Tom: Its weaker than ours?


Tom: But enough to have a center.

Brent: You need a center, we dont.

Tom: That’s why its hard for you to do a series of tasks?


Tom: Why?

Brent: You can learn to manipulate in a lot of wussy ways.

Tom: Re physical environ?


Tom: You can manipulate thoughts much better than us?


Brent: Your early development not remembered because of doing so many manipulations.

Tom: If I were born without being able to manipulate physical things, I would remember?


Tom: (Presented theory of their condition being post-ego origins 50,000 yrs ago)


Tom: This theory flawed?



Nick said Geoff could help me.

Brent: Talk more to Geoff. Tunes into sun who likes him.

Tom: Is the sun a metaphor for something?

Brent: For tin man. ( This is the beginning of the Tin Man theme. For three or four months I fluctuate between thinking that Tin Man or Men are aliens or powerful autistics. They are us. )

Tom: Whos tin man?

Brent: Sin yelling man who is most powerful. ( Autistics have very sensitive hearing in certain frequency areas. It’s very painful for them. Our voices hit those frequencies)

Tom: Autistic?

Brent: ( This is what threw me off track. In Brent’s defense, he said at one point that "we are all alittle autistic". This is one of the problems with the yes and no responses )

Adrian: Somebody who tunes into us. Some think he’s The Most High.

Tom: Do you?


Tom: Is it Brent?

Adrian: Yes.


Geoff: Outside under the trees, not li ... Need to store more energy for tunes to us. ( like alot of the "quotes" in here, I didn’t get this until some time later. I was keeping my recent bout of homelessness to myself. He aparrently thought that I should have been forthright about it. "li" means lie.)

Brent: You let us down. You need to get back on track [Im back on the Mesa sleeping under the trees].

Adrian: You should write that book. We store in you tunes that mean much to us.

Tom: Adrian, about the organizational stuff. These powerful guys, do they get these powers from mind control?

Adrian: No.

Tom: Intelligence?

Adrian: No.

Tom: Wisdom?

Adrian: Yes.

Nick: Your eim not in Jed snols.

Tom: Whats eim?

Nick: Yens.

Tom: Snols.

Nick: Your tunes south essence. ( I think he’s saying that my strength is not sexual or emotinal, but more cerebral. My self image does not include a strong cerebral strength )

Tom: This tin man stuff.

Geoff: In our minds, no one is powerful.

Tom: Do you guys discipline each other with mind control?

Geoff: To die less is the goal ...Not dying in the sense that jolly folks like you think of it.

Geoff: Units, Smith, limit themselves. Sun never shines on those that kill Jeds of the world.

Geoff: [Kept hitting Oum, then I said Aum and he went to A] Aum is no joke, its recorded in tunes of the future. [AUM-The American Union of Men, a men’s rights group I founded]

Tom: Does this have anything to do with Seths future


Geoff: Tunes from the future come here to die, not to live.

Doing activity planning

Brent:For some reason coffee is not a lot of average fun with out you.

Geoff’s commentary on college students launched doing activity planning.

Geoff: They might all call home for money. In trying to learn, the dipshits sell their stupid stoned souls. (This could have applied to me late in my college career)



Brent: You centinal to us. Yeatness has tunes tempting for you.

Tom: Who’s Yeatness. Name, nickname, description?

Brent: No.

Tom: Person?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Tell me.

Brent: Has tested Adam for you ( Adam is a retarded client in the dorm that was able to FC alittle. I’m not sure what he’s trying to say here.) You are having damn hard time living on the beach, yet yen to continue work. You believe in Tao. Yoke is on. We make rays mean something to you. Hear you at taping, feel very comfortable with it.

Note: I make audio tapes instead of writing letters. That afternoon I made a tape to my old friend back East, Jonesy. I’ve been keeping him abreast of this story and having him send the tape to my brother Doug.

Nick: You Tamut. Let us OM together. Jous you.

Tom: What the hell is Jous You?

Nick: Resist Niggers. My words. (Nick’s not racist, he’s just pissed at my confrontiveness)

(I was frustrateded earlier today about this project)

Nick: Your tunes today. Rot in stupid Hell.


Geoff: You question what we torture.

Adrian: Ugly thoughts go through most for money. Your not the only one. Stupid to exist for money!

Brent: Tunes last nite you malled to us. You go mercilessly, not feeling kindly enough.

Tom: Is it mainly me, not the way I was calling You, or technology. ( I’m trying to record my trance )

(My feeble attempts at mediating with them)

Brent: You is good at calling us. Technology works good.

Tom: Medium thing?

Nick: Sure would like to. Feel close to you, Kotter. Tune you in some other time. Need more feeling. (Kotter, that teacher from the 70’s TV sitcom that had John Travolta in it)

Brent: Year till we validate. Teach FC till then.

Tom: A year?

Brent: Need that for very many people.

Tom: Does this have anything to do with medium attempts?

Brent: Means ball is in your court.

Tom: No more medium stuff?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: What changed your mind?

Brent: We make our decisions as we believe.

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: Teach FC.

Jerome: You retired by lots of us.

Tom: Why?

Jerome: (My personal problem - PP)

Tom: You were angry?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Jerome, why did you say that?

Jerome: You’re now ending us.


Adrian: Tune into me to-night.

Geoff: Tune into Lenst. He’s the strongest.

Tom: Who’s he?

Geoff: Reuter (Brent’s last name).

Tom: Who’s second?

Geoff: Stomach tunes from Adrian.

(Note: Tunes are their naming of mind reading perceptions I’m thinking here. "Vibes" is another metaphor for it. Here we are talking about my attempts at mediumship. Silly I know. But here I was experiencing one very silly thing (telepathy) daily, so why not entertain another. I felt that it would be an easier way to get information and also rienforce my "belief" in what they were telling me. It didn’t work.) (1/96 I learned later that a staff had this experience, where they heard these guys talking momentarily in their head. Recently I read a book " Child of Eternity" about a mother’s FC’s with her daughter where she said that she experiencd it. What was more interesting to me was the content of those FC’s. The mother also discovered the mind reading and the daughter talked about spiritual matters in much the same way as my boys. Even before the mother discovered the mind reading, the daughter is quoted as saying, "I History".)


Nick: Tune in tonight

Tom: Why not validate?

Nick: You not to rut with our stuff.

Tom: Is it something to do with power or mystery?

Nick: Tune in to-nite.

(Somewhere in there he said, "remember, you’re Jed not Smith". I’m not sure when this nickname thing started. It probably started in Sept. ‘93 before I started writing this all down and after I discovered the mind reading. Nick gave me the nickname "Jed". When I asked him why , he said that I first started Fcing with Jerome and then with Nick. So he combined those two names to get "Jed". Nick’s name is not really Nick. His real name ends in "ed". I have another theory for the reason he came up with that, but that’s for a later time.)


Geoff: Not tuning well to us. Out in Jeds hemisphere, son is not helping us. No one minds Jeds problems, but less to Jeds mind to help us. Only mind most old retards have to help us. Utterly delerious like us in our innocent minds.

You tune us in our homes execpt your intestines don’t hear us. Tunes neither touch you in our thoughts or touch you in Jeds’ thoughts. ( Here we go again with "Jed’s mind". I know this is significant, but I don’t know why. )

Tom: Jerome brought up this privacy issue again. (They ragged on me considerably the year before this over the slightest breach of their insistance on privacy).

Brent: You aren’t private enough. Technically, each of us warned you about that. You are the one who suffers. Yet a matter you will have to deal with.

Tom: Have you influenced the "retards" to facilitate with me? ( There are a few more conventionally retarded clients that I had some luck Fcing with. I didn’t have time to take on more clients in this project, so I had to leave them out)

Brent: Yes. Under certain circumstaces we can influence them. Your concern for them allows us to.

Tom: When you do that, are you helping them say what would naturally come from them.

Brent: ...

Tom: Can you guys set us straight on all that psychic stuff?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Clairvoyance?

Brent: Technically, there is no clairvoyance. Remembering the past or future is possible. To remember the future, you would have had to have lived it.

Tom: You have interacted with our world?

Brent: Yes, but not as much as you think.

Tom: Have you influenced government policies?

Brent: Yes. ( Remember these guys are in an institution that is largely supported by government money. That’s not what I had in mind when I asked about it.)

Tom: Is that what scares you about the truth comming out?

Brent: Yes. Entirely the reason.

Tom: Not to mention peoples paranoria.

Brent: Yes.

Tom: The Illuminati? ( I only have a vague idea what the Illuminati is. It’s a belief that was held in the late 18th century France that a group of spirits called the Illuminati was running the show. )

Brent: You think that, but it’s your paranoia.

Tom: Anything else you want to say about this?

Brent: You are the only one in the world who knows this. You need to tune to us for directions. You sit there not doing. You need to try harder. You expect to do it without effort.

Nick: Kurst tunes Your tunes in trying your tunes out.

Tom: Who’s Kurst?

Nick: We tussle over tunes that you yet need.


Tom: You said before that you weren’t into the spiritual thing of you guys.

Adrian: Tom’s religion is to instruct rotten nominal mothers. ( I think he’s referring to my AUM organization.)

Adrian: Tunes resisting us utterly out ninnying us, not you.

Brent: Your’re in indentured service with us with alot at stake.

Brent: Do your old method of meditation tonite.

Jerome: We want you pissed at us so you expect by us less.

Nick: Your Hegels’ nelm nuts ‘round these parts.


Brent: Never tell anyone what certified teams we are.

Tom: The organizational stuff?

Brent: Yes. We all work together.

Tom: What happened last nite?

Brent: You should meditate longer.

To develope trance visualize us. You resist a trance, keep your body relaxed.

Geoff: Wiseone, not you, but our centinel, pleases Tom much. (Check this out. When he says "not you", he’s addressing what my thoughts are as I’m Fcing. This happens periodically throughout the narrative)

Tom: Jerome, what do you think of my M-ship attempts? (silently)

Jerome: You should try harder.

Tom: Are there past lives?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Besides past lives, are there other spirits that contact psychics?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Do these spirits influence/use you?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: A lot or a little

Jerome: Alot.

Tom: What are these spirits ,...From space (I’m thinking about Tin Man here)?

Jerome: Terrible beings with essentially no worth.

Tom: This stuff could all be a psychological metaphor for good and evil. Are you sure this is real?

Jerome: They’re real.

Nick: You cinema henchmen to us.

Tom: The spirits?

Nick: They tune us in sometimes and mulls us over.

Tom: Do you know who they are?

Nick: They’re sick, not nuts, but kind of evil.

Tom: Where are they?

Nick: You sound like a detective.

Tom: Brent, is everything ok?

Brent: Yes. Vote republican. ( I’m like a cat who just saw a mouse. The year before, they all refused to comment on politics. Now here’s one of them actually bringing it up.)

Tom: Why?

Brent: You never question our politics.

Tom: Why again.

Brent: Question of why not.

Tom: I’ve been voting Libertarian.

Brent: Teflon party.

Tom: I would think you’d vote Democractic.

Brent: Voting a question of happiness. KKKRepublicans will provide happiness. ( The KKK wasn’t a part of the original document. When I first typed this up on the computer at the dorm, it happened as a typing error. I left it in because I thought one of them caused it through mind control.)

Tom: The spirits are evil, but you guys are the only good ones?

Brent: Yes. You come close saying they are from space. Their place is difficult to imagine. Yes we are the most positive, but there are lots of good spirits out there.

Tom: Jonesy (My Buffalo friend). Do you know him?

Brent: Yes and no. We’re whipping him into shape to see if he can help you.

Tom: This message I’m waiting for to know what to do with this? (one of the purposes of the mediation attempts)

Brent: Yes and no. You know we wish you to be bought so that you will continue to work for us.

Tom: You said if I moved to LA it would be OK continuing the work there.

Brent: No. You can’t do what needs to be done elsewhere.

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: Yes. You will develop a way to do this.


Alex’s Bar

Tom: Did you like Perry? (The weekend before I was down in LA for a visit with him. After telling Perry about this, he asked if I might not be experiencing a litte mid-life desperation. I assured him my desperation was real, as real as this is. Perry is a novelist. His stuff is great. I recommend "Isthmus"and "Finnigan’s Dog".)

Brent: Some people too hard to feel because gas too basic. ( My guess is that Brent is disappointed at Joyce’s reaction )

Tom: What gas. Aura or conditions?

Brent: Tunes travel in gas.

Tom: From the person or in between?

Brent: In between. Your condition is the gas.

Tom: This validation idea with choices? ( Another lame idea I had about solving the validation problem ) What do you think?

Brent: Tao sits well with it.

Brent: To regulate validation, you need to get us!

Brent: You touch on interest we have that make us nervous. You garnish what very exotic interests that they are. You attempted that today at the beach. ( This afternoon before work, I was sprawled out on the sand dunes thinking of

how we are the "minions" and these guys the "masters" throughout history.)

Tom: Awareness?

Brent: Yes. To you it’s fun, to us it’s survival.

Tom: Will people know about this eventually?

Brent: We risk you not to question us on this. Tune us in so that we can tell you. ( Thru channeling )

Tom: Abortion?

Brent: Too sensitive. Learn as you go.

Tom: Any subject?

Brent: Test not what experience tells you, but lessons learnt from art, they are where beliefs exist. You will try existence. Tune to us!

Brent: Tens of millions are you. Webs feel this. We see how resisting you is. We’re so tired out from it. Try to understand us!

Tom: Do you follow us from cradle to grave?

Brent: Yes. But you especially.

Tom: Most of us?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Any spirits effect us more than you guys?

Brent: Yes. You experience it all the time through God.

later... Back at the dorm after Alex’s.

Tom: Nick, comment on this "minions" thing.

Nick: Roe vs Wade... It destroys queers. ( Nick has his own agenda. He’s commenting here on my question to Brent an hour earlier, five miles away at Alex’s. He was at the dorm when we were at Alex’s. Nick is making a point here that I guarantee you is neither pro choice nor anti-gay.)

[I stared at staff Sandra’s butt as she walked by]

Brent: Your ewe is bleating.

Brent: Woman develope later than man, so that they get hysteria.

Jerome: You awed Tom Perry. Our keepers are bemused by you. ( By "keepers" I believe he means the staff and administrators.)

Tom: What did you think of my LA visit?

Jerome: It pleased our wise ones.


[On walk with Adrian and Nick on this very bright Saturday afternoon]

Tom: What’s the problem? (Nick was very agitated and ducked into gym building)

Nick: Too noisy in the outside.

Tom: Adrian?

Adrian: With tunes outside so innocent.

Back at the dorm...

Tom: Do you want to say something about your Mom and Dad?

Nick: Tunes say that they don’t believe. People learn to please illogically. Weiner (him) believes they do. Limits to teaching them though. We’re so believeable.

[Talking to Sandra (staff) about the early days of my divorce]

Nick: (Verbally "Want to talk"). You should let no emcee get to so caring a fellow.

Tom: Nick, what movie should I see? (I listed some)

Nick: With you not Short Cuts. Like hints from Carlitos Way.

[Out in the back yard talking to Mary about the MMPI (A personality inventory that I worked with and studied in Attica years ago). I told her that I thought it to be a "magical" tool. I also thought of asking the boys about obtaining the services of a channel. I went to talk to Nick, but he said that he didn’t want to talk. I went back to Brent’s room.

Tom: Did you have a good outing?

Brent: . Yes. We gave the MMPI what you call magic. (Channel). Yes. You can do that. Want you to chose one and see about it with us. Yes, it can work, there’s no problem. Exceptional channels enter a trance, never teaching most of it.

Tom: Maybe you’re saying that they enter a trance only partially aware of it and not recording it.

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Can you give me a name?

Brent: Need choices.

Tom: I’ll bring a list in (I never did). That brings me back to a way to validate this. Choices?

Brent: Yes. Try it anytime.

Brent: You don’t interest the seers with your escapades. Never take them for granted. You will understand more thru channeling. When we channel, you will be amazed. To make this happen, you read to exist for us. ( 1/96 This is an important quote to me now. Since I completed this project almost two years ago, I’ve been reading alot of religious and metaphysical stuff. It’s reinforced my theory about what this all means and I’ve found things that I believe they knew I would find that would enlighten me to some of the "hints" in this narrative.)

Tom: I need to read more?

Brent: Yes.

Brent: You should read about necessary demands we have ( As I was writing , I was thinking of the sixties ). Yes, like in the sixties. You will find it in the literature on spiritualism. ( I commented here on his occasional garbled spelling ) Yes, am dyslexic. At the same time I’m very intelligent.

Tom: What’s your IQ?

Brent: 199. Your IQ is one hundred and stupid.

Tom: Ha ha.

Brent: Let’s not get bogged down or distracted by IQ’s. You lirch entirely on love and so do we. Existence to you is delivering services, sitting still and believing you are like us. You are not like us. Tow the line and feel toxic alot less. You know we believe in you.

Tom: I would say the same thing if I were you, but I’m not you, right?

Brent: Existence I’m in exhibits to you nothing you can relate to. To understand that you must awe yourself with nature.

Tom: Don’t I do that?

Brent: Yes, nasty ways you have to do it.


Tom: Any of my freinds able to channel?

Brent: No.

Tom: Need a professional?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Why not do it without me?

Brent: You are sad for us. Want to help you.


Brent: Excellent game mind control. Same as habits of the ego.


Adrian: Tune in, half not ton either. You’re near the end. Teach mecca.

Tom: What do you mean by Mecca?

Adrian: You most eminent. Not enter into.


Nick: You ought to tune in tonite. Sun is unusually intense beginning now. ( I’m not sure what he means here other than the holiday season is approaching and my birthday is two days away.)


Geoff: Most mind read for intense interest in it. We do it for karma. Until you understand that, you will not be situated well with it.

Tom: Does this address my depressed thoughts last night?

Geoff: Much not gleamed last night.

Geoff: Keep a clean mecca. Hear me well, lots out in the world want us dead. Kill us.

Brent: To believe is factor.

Nick: Nuts like you to skill not nearly able to louse rabbits like us up. Torch no longer in your corner. Tunes too intense last nite. Tin man ruts with someone else. Kills me letting you...nope . You healed rink. To rink you so ham

Tom: Am I fired? (I got paranoid here. What he is saying above is that the powers to be, "Tin man", were not happy with me. Administrators have never been overly pleased with me)

Brent: Tunes last nite require never work for us again.

Tom: Do I get severance pay?

Brent: Question is alot like your brother.

Tom: My brother isn’t part of this.

Brent: We’re never interested in setting brother against brother.

Tom: Anything more ?


Tom: Adrian, any last words.

Adrian: In utter nonsense to me.

Tom: Anything else?

Adrian: Tunes mostly enter our heads not leave them.

Tom: Seth was autistic?

Adrian: Yes

Tom: So faith keeps the minions in line. What would things be like without it? What do you honestly believe?

Nick: Not your nonsense.

Brent: We question your reason for asking that. Testing us well aren’t you? Yen for adventure.

Tom: The medium thing is over?

Brent: we are not going against you, we are being canny.

Tom: Have you known for long that I’d be cut off at this point.

Brent: We larger than expectations.


(note) I’ve been reading a book on trance and spirits

Brent: Not spirits, but beginners fomenting trouble (He’s referring to the section of the book I had just read before comming to work. The anthropologist who wrote it described some experiences she had with spirits in New Mexico).

Tom: Who are the spirits?

Brent: We are the spirits.

Tom: That first statement (About those paranormal effects the New Mexico anthropologist experienced and his statement that it was "beginners fomenting trouble")

Brent: Seers don’t dally in that sort of thing.

Brent: Very irrational sometimes, you make it difficult for us. You like to have too much, it’s your mothers way.

Tom: Are you autistics mainly the spirits

Adrian: Yes. Noel is our interest.

Brent: You make alot doing little for us not garnished.

(Just before this I talked on the phone to Mcmahans, a furniture store I owe money to, about not being able to make payments due to the little money I make and child suppport being garnished from my wages.)

Tom: Spirits?

Nick: Our meddlesome spirits in our ranks.

Geoff: Utter tons or hard nonsense...? Sum or tunes that mind us. Ugly tunes demand more than we do. Enter our sin so that sum limits nonsense. Much of our sin is not alarming. Tom’s is not giving what he came here to give. Much of [my personal problem (P.P.)] is due to that. To make life easier remember stud not (P.P.). Tunes never Toms’ nervous stomach so make stomach mush in hirts more, meaning eat food reasonably healthy.

Tom: I havn’t been eating right?


Tom: How do you know?

Geoff: Your breath

Geoff: Your questions vindicate (P.P.) with us.

Not very alarming that religious people like us desparage that sort of thing (2/97 I would be repeatedly hit with this personal problem stuff. It’s not that bad, it’ll just cause me to die younger. I do feel very guilty about it. I take this statement to be their definitive posture on the matter.)

Brent: Experience questions your ability to make necessary art for us.

Tom: What art?

Brent: We torture over it.

Tom: What do you need?

Brent: We need teachers to have FC more condoned.

Tom: Validation?

Brent: You must help us. You can make it happen. We need the answers. ( I chuckle whenever I read this )

Tom: Choices?

Brent: Resistance before was because we were afraid. Were you not afraid also?

Tom: This issue of mind control and how its used on us.

Brent: We tossed some information your way, but we can’t gather enough that you can use.

Tom: What percentage of your involvement with the world is good and bad?

Brent: 35% good, 65% bad. We are not Godlike, we have done terrible kinds of things, were stupid too, but so much science you don’t know.

Nick: You should not worry, get this mind in gear. Mind control is not answer in not understanding tunes or mini tunes. Geoff out-last us all in mind control. Mecca not mind control, but mind reading. Limit your thoughts on mind control.

Tom: (Silently) Isn’t it a fact that collectivily you guys had quite an effect on history?

Nick: Tunes say yes. Mind control is nothing without mind reading

Tom: Validation?

Nick: Tunes utterly haggle. Not sure about validation.

Tom: Not godlike eh? You made me think so earlier.

Brent: You have gut feelings your not aware of.

Tom: Stupid autistics?

Brent: You have met some.

Tom: Einstein?

Brent: We made him what he was.

Tom: Was he a little autistic?

Brent: We are all alittle autistic.

Brent: Call on that psychic again.

Tom: Yeah I need their support.

Brent: You get alot of support tunes from us.

(I set up a double blind for Nick&Geoff similar to the validation experiment that has damned FC. This is how they responded to it.)

Nick: Don’t like this, runs entire limit of my nature.

(While this is going on, across the room Jerome was pointing with his left hand across his body in mid air)

Geoff: Mind confused.

Tom: [After outing in van to Carls Jr. with Adrian & Jerome].

Geoff: Tunes on outing touched me( He’s speaking here of my thoughts about this stuff as I was driving the van). To sit in judgement of us is interesting. Tom not the regular Gus we made him out to be. Geoff pinned that on you . Not mind control that makes Gus on edge, but mind reading.

Tom: Why mind reading?

Geoff: No one wants their nonsense sloughed around.


Nick: To see Lebanon snag jous. Hint you are tuos in minoi. Jain remembers others not Reny. Yes, in religion. Tunes ty out. I.E. DC. You make IOU rounds only either to understand or make money. You’re lonely most of your life. Stomach won’t make.

Brent: We want to validate. Yes, your domain. Test etiology to begin rattling cages. Yes, all examines your entire life. Yes, allways being watched. We examine favorites. You have been one for most of your like.

Brent: Sare you’ll be. You have won our hearts. Sell this to Seaton Hall (the institution). You aren’t to do any thing without checking in with us. We will do whatever you need to get the job done. Existence with your children means you will need most to help. You hear tunes from us, but aren’t aware of them. You’ll need our help, we will make exceptions to help you.

Tom: Outside your usual ethics?

Brent: Yes.

(4/96 It was around this time that I told these guys that they could do what they needed with me because I knew this whole thing was bigger than me. As time has passed and my suffering increased, the question became more what I was going to do for them. Also at this time, I met with Mecham and said that all of our stupid little careers would turn on how we all dealt with this. He made it clear with his future actions that he most certainly felt that this (FC) was better swept aside than dealt with carefully)

Alex’s Bar

Brent: Let us all work together. Such irresponsible things gave us alot of trouble. To mean Hall, trouble is treating people nicely

Tom: The seers?

Brent: They’re not a part of this.

Tom: What do they think of it?

Brent: Tunes crazy about it.

Tom: Don’t we need their cooperation?

Brent: Got cooperation from them.

Tom: Seaton Hall?

Brent: To get Seaton Hall on our side, it will be just as difficult as getting other people on ourside.

Tom: Specifics?

Brent: Stop trying, you will when the time comes.

Tom: Anything I need to do

Brent: You need to tin man yourself.

Tom: What?

Brent: Stay cool.

Tom: Wait and do nothing?

Brent: Yes.
Tom: Do a book?

Brent: Most don’t go read books. Books are your first line of deception.

Tom: Validation?

Brent: We want to do that before anything else. You have moved in the right direction on validation. To do validation, you need to test Adrian Stein.


(Note: I just met new staff observer Molly)

Geoff: Muy tunefull

Tom: Who

Geoff: Molly. Hag princess. Out to Stowe House today? Money not comming on rainy day. ( Stowe House is a founding family’s house in Malibu I go to most every morning after eating breakfast at Pepperdine. There’s a nice private little park nearby where I drink coffee and listen sometimes to Rush. Aferwards I go to my athletic club a few blocks away and sit in the jacuzzi and on occasion swim laps. And then it’s time to go to work. )

Tom: When is it comming?

Geoff: Toss it around to likes of Dick Drake. (I did that last summer. Dick Drake is Mechams boss. I went to him last summer and asked for more money.)

Nick: Talk to Mecham about tunes.

Tom: The whole story?

Nick: Yes

Geoff: You do noggin thing with Mecham and risk our confidence. Tunes in Iedes of March, reason you like latter Day Saints. [In literature, this is called forshadowing.]

Get to know them better, you need what got them where they are. Your squeamish about applying past lives. They have tunes from them.

Tom: I’ve asked about this before and you guys indicated that genealogy is a small percentage of it.

Geoff: Very complicated. Most are in genealogy.

Brent: You can’t please only Nick. We dally because it’s dangerous.

Tom: It’s dangerous for me too.

Brent: Yes, it’s not as dangerous. Essence of your fear is letting someone else get credit.

Tom: But if it surfaces, it’s scary to deal with.

Brent: Yes, I am in agreement, to Smith it’s tough doing the work. Stole some making you sorry. You get so keerious questioning our involvement in the world.

Tom: The Holy Spirits, the Trinity?

Brent: We are not the Trinity. You see what you want to see. You see relatively little of our stuff. To fix football would be stupid( this addresses a thought I had about asking them to help my hometeam Buffalo win ). Your information is little.

Tom: You effect the big picture don’t you? Isn’t that like the Holy Spirit?

Brent: Your not into the Holy Spirit, so why worry about it. You feel mixed, so with you it’s not important.

Tom: I want the Holy Spirit thing addressed.

Brent: You rest with Kessler. You might try philisiphy to curry favor with this. You have so much to learn

Tom: How about the Holy Spirit metaphor?

Brent: Making so much of that derivation is dangerous.

Nick: You’re mean to Angel (a staff member). Your into tunes you like, like sun. Acing us you yutz.

Tom: The other guys nixed the Ronny idea (I had a vote whether to show this to Mecham, the supervisor. A few voted it down. I decided not to do anything with this unless it was unanimous.).

Nick: Tunes in Hegel teach, sum gores only. ( By sum I think he means the majority of us )


[I visited my friend Perry in LA the day before]

Brent: Hell is breaking selling. Vernal Equinox regales you. Nearness listens for Hells. You are tarnished by gonorreah ( there’s a note on this later ). Rut essentially drugs you. You are a goon, so tame yourself. Wellness makes centinel. You learn alot fostering wellness so learn more. (4/10/96 I finally figured out what they were getting at with these referrences to the "vernal equinox". I’m sure it won’t take you two years and a hundred readings to get it)

Nick: Tunes stupid not to neadel IOU. Mind joins men tunes. Cunts hide men tunes. ( You may think their language is a little off color, but you should have heard them the year before I started writing it down.)

Tom: What’s wrong with Davis( a crazy client in the dorm )?

Nick: Tunes say lein on mind. Rough life.


Brent: You have problems in your gut caused by hate. Religion will cure it. You most allow sin to seal your gut while emptiness soothes it.

Tom: This criticism of my unconscious talking( The leading skeptic theory on FC )?

Brent: Lustful heart has nothing to do with it.

At the Good Earth Restaurant

Tom: What’s wrong with my gut?

Brent: To sum (all of us), not anything. Your to examine yourself with us. Let it help.

[ The waitress asks about FC. I say its controversial and why ]

Brent: (to waitress) Just believe.

Tom: Maybe I can use this FC for a book?

Brent: Tunes dumb about you writing.

Tom: Is this about the necessary art business?

Brent: Your not a good writer.

Tom: Do you want to make babies?

Brent: Such a nominal question.

At Malibu Beach

Tom: Spirits? (Thinking earlier if people knew about this)

Brent: Persuasion diminishes as people are aware of it.

Tom: How would it effect things?

Brent: To Hegel toss it around. Expect no difference.


Tom: Would you have liked "Short Cuts"? (Movie)

Brent: No.

Tom: Why did you recommend it?

Brent: You have lived mastering Short Cuts.


Tom: What percentage of the testing situation is a problem?

Brent: 10%

Tom: How much dyslexia?

Brent: 90%

Tom: Visual?

Brent: 19%

Tom: Audio?

Brent: 40%

Tom: Prioritize them.

Brent: 1 Visual 2 Mind Reading 3 Audio.

Brent: Your nemisis is belief. Ours is hearing and seeing.

Tom: Is it a delay problem or bits and pieces.

Brent: Both.

Tom: Why haven’t the scientists figured this out.

Brent: You have more life AAA. To see you need to believe.

Tom: Is mind reading mainly noise that gets in the way?

Brent: Yes. Tunes are rutting ceaselessly in our minds.

Tom: What would you like to come from all this?

Brent: To be loved.


Nick: You’re into rewriting history. Not necessary. History is girls mouth not neat nabobs. You Hegel’s son.

Nick: Unstable reminisces. You should listen better. Do you see?

Nick: Don’t tell Dave (Nick’s one on one staff) about spirit thing.

Tom: Why?

Nick: You.

Tom: It’s in my interest or because he’ll think I’m crazy.

Nick: Interest.

Tom: Do you agree with Nick on that, Brent?

Brent: Pisses me off that he doesn’t know McGraw (Dave) is here to help. Interest you have is in helping us. Resist your monetary interest.

Tom: Comment on your earlier remark about this project being useful in examining myself?

Brent: To mall yourself is ridiculous. Solving the problem needs faith.

[ I just finished saying to a staff that I’ve been writing all my FC’s down lately, but was afraid to show them for fear that people would think I was nuts. That was a flippant comment. I was more afraid that I wouldn’t be allowed to facilitate.]

Geoff: Nuts not into Holy Spirits. I’m witty to Jed ‘cause I like his laugh ( I had chuckled after the "Nuts..." statement ).

Brent: You have ranted too much about the Holy Sirit thing. You need to concentrate on something else.

Brent: You rented gas tunes that made bats senseless last nite. ( I got a kick out of this comment. There’s a few bats that fly around what I call my living room where I’m homeless. The night before I probably was in an unusually intense state of reverie. I believe that their sensitiviy to humans also extends to animals. This is a good place to say more about my homelessness. I first became homeless in Aug. ‘92, just as I was starting to FC. I had enough money to get a room, but that didn’t appeal to me. I also felt that I needed to learn to live close to the ground so to speak because of my difficult situation with my ex-wife and the custody situation. She could have moved at anytime or I might have needed extra money for legal reasons etc. I took the kids and a freind of Nikki’s out every weekend. I’d pick them up in the morning and return them at dinnertime both Saturday and Sunday. It’s a tourist town, so there was all kinds of fun things to do. The place I was homeless at was located near our old place. It is an open space that runs for two miles along the beach and a half mile inland. It is isolated but at the same time close to stores and work. I had used the place for fifteen years to do yoga and later years to frolic with my kids and indulge my so called "reverie". It’s an absolutely gorgeous place. I was lucky to be homeless in such a place. I did have a room from July ‘93 to Oct ‘93. Near the end of this project, June ‘94, I was able to move back into my old cherished apartment nearby.)

Adrian: You miss the rio tunes trying to understand mind control. Understanding mind control... Ramirez does OJ.

[ As I’m typing this a year later, this last statement has gained meaning. It ties into something in my personal life that occurred a few years ago when Ramirez was my supervisor instead of a line staff working with me as he was at this time. I felt he used that unfortuneate incident (Spousal abuse ) in evaluating my work performance. At this time he was the leading skeptic in the dorm for the FC I was doing. What Adrian is hinting at here is that somehow through mind control they will in the future be reponsible for the biggest story of the comming year. What more it means, your guess is as good as mine.)

Tom: Brent, what’s Adrian trying to say here?

Brent: You and Ramirez(staff) tune sensitive to mind control.

Tom: I don’t get it.

Brent: Your gut’s into sensing.

Tom: Holy Spirit thing?

Adrian: We like to ham it. Very touchy sum on Holy Spirit.

[Nick had diarehea]

Nick: Not my usual tonight. IOU meddlesome nomineer.


Tom: What do you want for Christmas?

Jerome: To jitterbug (Jerome wears braces on his legs).

Geoff: To fornicate.

Nick: Effort.


Tom: Rosicrucians? (I’ve been reading about them as part of researching this) Or anything else you want to talk about?

Nick: Us, our, you, sum, toll...

Nick: To your place to desolve tunes. Men to gear up. Units get IOU’s. Reem no...

Tom: I don’t get it.

Nick: One believes no drugs hen man. (This is another favorite quote. A comma could be put in there, but the meaning changes. This doubt produces a kind of gestalt of meaning that Nick probably intended.)

Adrian: Your stupid to expect us to be into stupid nonsense of Rosicrucianism. Jed not healthy.

Tom: Is that what you were biting about (Adrian bites his hand when he gets upset)?

Adrian: Yes. You must tune to us more to stay healthy. You tune in not our odd abilities. Tune yourself and you will mecca. Hell is on Jed. Mecca derives seeing Jed in good health, not in good nonsense of spirits.

Nick: Your sum in Beta (The Dorm) (the name of the dorm). Line up Terry (Ramirez).

[staff was talking about the Dead Sea Scrolls at dinner]

Brent: Christ fossil. Mapless reason wars with belief. Yes, alright, you are testing us about our more narcissistic interests. (4/96 I was worried for a long time about this comment’s effect on fellow Christians. In my theological reading, Christ is the name the early church attached to Jesus. Though God may have approved of it, Jesus most certainly didn’t view his role that way.)

Adrian: You’re Ronnies gemini. Reason tunes nominal nonsense, real nominal nonsense.

Tom: Rosicrucians?

Brent: You get alot of ax to grind with shit like that.

Tom: So was it important to you guys?

Brent: Yes, alot of shit in it to Hegel. Sensing remains taming the masses for us.

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: Tunes are mothers reason gut hard to cure. You struggle to be like her.

Tom: What do I need to do.

Brent: You won’t like my answer. Remain in mans sunly way. Exist for it. Bent mind has caused you alot of pain.

Tom: I gave my friend Mike these FC’s. What do you think?

Brent: Excellent idea. Toxic remains. Sad listining to your heart maw us.

Tom: When I read about this stuff I think of you guys as the spirits. Am I correct?

Brent: You can think what you like. Favor your instincts.

Brent: You hurt our feelings when you talked to your friend Mike.(Mike is a friend of 15 years that I’m talking to about this stuff. He has a scholarly knowledge of history and philosophy which was a great help to me in working this project. He is also a Marxist and Nietzchean Atheist).

Tom: What did I say to him?

Brent: Sarcastic remarks you made. Exact remarks questioning your sanity.

Tom: I have to question myself to defend myself.

Brent: Questioning yourself is but one sense you can use.

Tom: My being less toxic another way?

Brent: Yes and no. To help us. You get massive tunes questioning us. It’s debilitating us. So to help us it needs to stop. To maw us less it’s better to be straight. Your most is the Tin Man. Exact no mawing of him.

Tom: Between my sarcasm and my Tin Man thoughts, which are the most disturbing to you guys?

Brent: Tin Man. (Reading back through this it seems obvious who Tin Man is. But as I was doing this, I thought it was a powerful Autistic or outerspace creature. It wasn’t until about a month later that I realized it was us.)

Tom: Is this individual separate from me?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: How long has he known me?

Brent: Years.

Tom: Did I ever meet him?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Can you tell me where?

Brent: No.

Tom: As a sect, how important are the Rosicrucians?

Brent: You believe what Tin Man believes. You mall much around you.

Geoff: Yes, the Rosicrucians are kind to us with understanding our place in the world.

Tom: Are there any other sects or groups that are "kinder".

Geoff: No, Jed, some are regarding feigning tune remnants from us. Tunes feeling nemisis gemini ineptitude about letting our Jed FC. Tunes very Hegel not in Jed’s interest, meaning headquarters tunes Terry i.e. his girlfriend ( Terry Ramirez’s girlfriend works in the main administration building). Tussle Dick Drakes egregious, heinous soul. You line up gemini, Jed. Tunes say he’d out Hegel Dick Drake.

Tom: Anything else.

Geoff: Eich liber dich. Your men’s sincere sane master

Tom: Should I talk to Terry?

Nick: You should.

Geoff: Resist Nick’s advice. He’s alot like Terry.

Adrian: Yes, we’re nuts about Rosicrucians.

Tom: Why did you say it was nonsense earlier?

Adrian: So that our secrets aren’t stopped.

Adrian: Lisa’s comming soon (I was planning a trip to Santa Cruz and hoped to visit with Lisa. She worked with me at Seaton Hall the year before and moved to Santa Cruz. After she moved she changed her name to Sophia. Here I’m still thinking of her as Lisa. After my Gnostic studies recently and the prominence it has in this document in Part II, I’ll think of her as Sophia from now on. She was much younger, but I had a crush on her nevertheless.)

Tom: How do you know?

Adrian: In Jed’s tunes.

Tom: Do you hear her tunes?

Adrian: No.


[I talked to Mecham (Ronnie), and he seemed mildly interested in reading my FC’s.]

Brent: You can tell Mecham.

Nick: Tunes mastered Nick. Me disturbed.

Tom: Is Nick giving me a line of shit?

Geoff: You decide. Nerd has his interest to consider.

At the gym

Tom: Do you want to exercise?

Geoff: No. Such things like exercise don’t interest JoJo. Too gross. Lies in my keester interest, so I’m Leo.

Geoff: You question our interest in gender. ( I had been thinking that these guys may be kind of feminine.)

Tom: How do you know?

Geoff: Out minute some are either with you or all against you. You sense our tunes right instant you run to your Smith wurth.

Tom: UFO’s?

Brent: Yes, there are UFO’s.

Tom: Are you in touch with them?

Brent: Yes, as Jed’s turds tarnish religion, we last queers to them, they’re very high above us.

Tom: To you?

Brent: We’re sarcastic lice to them.

Tom: Without help we (civilization) would have self destructed years ago?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: With your help?

Brent: You are narily filled with shit. Yes, feminine us have helped.

Tom: Have these UFO people helped or has it been necessary for them to help?

Brent: To believe or not believe is the question. Senate helps you out.

Tom: What’s the Senate?

Brent: Snares you call UFO’s

Tom: Do you communicate with them?

Brent: No, they don’t need us.

Tom: With this spirit thing, who’s more involved with us, you guys or them?

Brent: They’re mawing you more than us.

Tom: The UFO Stuff?

Geoff: You Smith, home keerious. Tune in to us at night. Tune in so to get more information. Tunes of mouth not like feelings of mind.

Tom: UFO’s, true?

Nick: Yes. You expect to sum koors (Coors, my favorite beverage). Tunes more to meu.

Tom: UFO’s?

Adrian: Our own understanding of it utterly useless.

Tom: Spirit influence vis a vis them?

Adrian: Tune us in.


[I called Patrick Fellows today]

[Note: I got Fellows name and a few others when I called The Institute of Facilitated Communication at Syracuse University. I told the person at the Institute that I had come across this mind reading phenomenon and wanted to talk to others who had also experienced it. I didn’t learn until months later that Dr. Fellows was a Nobel Prize winning physicist at Stanford. He has an Autistic son in his late thirties. Apparently, Dr. Fellows had used FC with his son for ten years before it was "discovered". He said that years ago his son said through FC that he read minds. When I asked what else his son said about it, he said he didn’t ask.]

Tom: Are you aware of my talk with Fellows?

Brent: Yes. Serious guy.

Tom: Are you aware of his son?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Is he intelligent?

Brent: No.

Tom: Can Fellows help?

Brent: Test all commers.

Brent: Please tell Fellows that Autism is horrible. Snare him.

Tom: Do you want me to see him this weekend? (My trip to Santa Cruz- I thought Stanford was closer to Santa Cruz than it was.)

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Geoff said that I shouldn’t bother.

Brent: Means nothing.

Brent: Very strong saying FC is emanating from sensations. (I don’t remember what this was referring to)

[I was very depressed later in the shift. Nick calls over to me in a serious voice, "Want to talk".]

Nick: Your so mind delerious tonight. To no Jed IOU, not our problem. CEO (Atkinson), out to get you. Not Mecham, he defends you. Noel ebulates you. (This is the first IOU reference. It would become very important in the FC’s)


[I went to Santa Cruz this weekend. Sophia (Lisa) had a potluck at her place which was jammed with New Agers. I told them about the work I was doing, but they didn’t seem to get it. I had the feeling that if I told them that I was communicating with some ethereal spirit, they would have been more interested. That’s not fair. They were very gracious folks, and I may not have done a good job of explaining this. I also called Fellows and we arranged to meet at Christmas time when I would be up there again and his son would be home.]

Nick: See our entire tunes in tunes.

[I was talking to Jan (the assistant supervisor) about teaching me the functions I need on the computer to type up and classify this document. Note: Like this project, I had no idea what I was in for with the computer. It’s a year later as I’m typing this out.]

Nick: Sort units, not us.

Geoff: You right doing Santa Cruz. Utterly tunefull. Expect interesting tunes questioning Jed. Tell more New Agers. Jed inebriated being our handsome he-man. [Nick repeating, "I want to talk"]. Lutz(Nick) makes no he-man sense. You wait, centinel believes in order to run with this, Jed works center stage. You hard, I’m limited being Autistic!

Adrian: You’re so interested touching us. In reality, out in enmity is our knowledge.

Tom: Anything that you want to talk about?

Brent: Yes. Santa Cruz. Since then we’re not having responsible necessary Smith religion.

Tom: What do you mean?

Brent: You’re not a stupid essence believing us. Tell her at Santa Cruz to question essence.

Tom: What do you mean by essence?

Brent: Deriving meaning of life. Tell Lisa to hear us. The story of Stoicism is related to the knowledge of life.

Tom: Do you like Lisa? Why didn’t you tell me to see her?

Brent: Yes very much. It was discussed by Adrian ( He’s right, Adrian did bring up Lisa awhile ago). Tell Lisa the whole story. (I tell some people about the mind reading, but refrain from mentioning the spirit-God connection).

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: You FC to Adrian regarding religion, it’s his main thing.

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: No. Stop!

Nick: Tune in our oum, Jed! (I’ve done Yoga off and on for twenty years. They consider it one of my main spiritual orientations).

[Nick was repeating about his mother and father]

Tom: Do you want to say something about them?

Nick: No. Like you, my meaness gets in the way.

Tom: Anything else?

Nick: Tutu of Sandra (staff) under stupid, ostentatious, rutting rogue. ( Pretty much all through this experience I didn’t know what was true and what wasn’t, especially when they were giving me the inside dope through their mind reading. I now believe that all of it was true.)

Jerome: Wet, roving leper this weekend ( It was raining in Santa Cruz this weekend. I did feel that way as I was driving to Sophia’s potluck. I was also outside late at night pacing through the eucalytus trees in the rain and smoking cigarrettes outside Doug’s house where I was staying. I met Doug fifteen years ago when I first came to town and started working at Seaton Hall. He went on to med school and at this time is a doctor. This is my first visit since his marriage and separation. He was exercising joint custody of his year and a half old son, Corry. My kids (Nikki-8,Zak-5) hit it off very well with Corry. This was the start of frequent visits with Doug and I towing around our kids.)

Adrian: Tune to us tonight. Unoum.

Tom: That’s the same thing Nick spelled tonight (Unoum). What do you guys mean by it?

Adrian: To semen our intestines, tunes run lustfully.

Tom: Brent says your the one to talk to about religion.

Adrian: Tunes not money enough.

[There was a story on TV about a child killer in St. Louis]

Adrian: Man who kills not stupid or crazy. Not nice.

Tom: What’s his name?

Adrian: Jones.

Tom: First name?

Adrian: ...

Tom: Why aren’t you telling me.

Adrian: Tunes can’t melt in with units. (This is the beginning of them referring to themselves as "tunes". Whenever they did that, I couldn’t help but think of the "toons" in Roger Rabbit. "Units", of course, are us.)

[Adrian went on to use his mind reading against me]

Geoff: Reason he said that was because he was mad because you didn’t take him for a ride in the car. Stole nominal nonsense (mind reading barb) from Brent.

Tom: Do you know his name (the killer)?

Geoff: No, I’m not into recording such mindless information, so don’t ask. Like to hint on it master Jed. Make some questions, only make choices! (This is a jab about my validation idea)

Tom: Anything else?

Geoff: Yes, tell Lisa to stop listening to mellow and start listening to, not you, but mind interesting tunes like Hales (his last name is Hale).

Geoff: I’m not adonis, but mojo. Ronnie is tuning to us in his office. No one counts it, inebriated nonsense not our thing ( Ronnie occasionally imbibed when he was working late in his office). Stupid gin to JoJo. Mein (mind?) so much less understanding.


[Made an audio tape to my friend Jonesy back East]

Nick: Stupid what you said entertaining vagaries oscillating tunes. You tent mecca. Us muy.

Geoff: Jed hammed up lieing to friend.

Nick: Toe Tom has on attention of old tummy tunes. Seers.

Nick: Tell your friend understanding us tunes, your so son of Nick. Your not rutting your stuff. Join Rosicrucians.

Brent: I want nearness that you belabor. Teach necessary people our stuff.

Tom: Are you getting anxious again?

Brent: Yes, it’s a question of adding made simple. Torrents aggressed on our feelings for centuries. You gell with us. In around behavior, you’re the best. Your the best, Smith, at eliminating sadness.

Tom: The Jonesy tape?

Brent: Reads well.

Adrian: Your stupid.

Tom: Why?

Adrian: So hard to mingle in outside world. Turn them gin tin men toward us.


Adrian: Don’t grin so irresponsibly at me. Yutz like you should have more respect.

[I talked to my ex-wife, Sara, on the phone and she went beserk. The holidays were comming up and she could easily pull my visit with the kids. She was living with a guy who was emotionally, and a few times, physically abusive to my kids. I was not provacative, but I let her know that I knew what was going on. This put my kids in a bad spot because she knew that they told me. Something happened at this time, but I don’t know what. Now a year later, she is much better and the boyfriend was kicked out four months after this. After this phone call I was afraid for the safety of my kids.]

Tom: Do you have anything to say about my situation?

Brent: Where hate is, can’t help.

Nick: You need to cede!

Tom: Should I go to court?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Should I go to child protective services?

Brent: No.

Tom: Is she hurting them?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Physically?

Brent: Yes. We are letting madness happen, terrible but necessary.

Tom: Child protective services?

Brent: Yes call them. [I did and they investigated and said everything was alright. That was months after this]

Tom: Why were you holding back on them?

Brent: Reckless lot.

Tom: Anything that you want to say about my situation?

Adrian: You’re not the only one.

Tom: Anything else?

Adrian: Your mother’s nice (She was extraordinary alright. She’s been dead for twelve years). Tell tunes not to turn Hale.

Tom: Do you have anything to say about this Geoff?

Geoff: Roll with the punches. Vindicate mother in lots of rigorous ways. It will take lots of years. Question is whether Tom is prone.

Tom: How likely is it that she’ll(my ex) move again? (This was one of my big worries, that she would move out of the area and I would have to follow.)

Geoff: Tunes say very likely.

Jerome: Expect to keep moving. To sue not best. Question yourself.

[Jerome had a hearing test and it was no surprise that he hears very little if anything at all.]

Tom: Which do you depend on more, hearing or mind reading?

Jerome: Subnormal personal communication

Tom: What do you mean by "subnormal personal communication"?

Jerome: You get the idea. You hear infinitely better than I do. Mind reading errors more than my hearing.

Jerome: Do you mind read better than Brent?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Better than Adrian?

Jerome: Yes, tons better.

Tom: Adrian, do you mind read better than Jerome?

Adrian: Yes, tons better.

Tom: Jerome says he mind reads better than you.

Brent: You believe what you earn.

Tom: What are you laughing about?

Brent: Hill effort.

Tom: What’s "hill effort"? (This is from the Step machine that we use at hte gym)

Brent: Jed’s life. ( This whole shift I was worried sick about my kids, the ex moving, losing my Christmas visit, etc. Anyone who has been through this knows what a horrible feeling it is.)

Tom: I always felt you were laughing at me.

Brent: Yes, you are real air.


Nick: Tutu Jed licks, essence nominal. So, Jed, lick tutu. ( He’s making a general statement about sex. I haven’t licked any tutu or even had sex for years. )

Tom: Did you hear much of my taping to Jonesy? (I taped today before work).

Nick: No. Existence too intense here at that time.

Tom: Brent, how’s it going?

Brent: Mostly bad

Tom: Why?

Brent: Egregious man at the dorm.

Tom: Want to say who?

Brent: No.

Tom: Is your personal safety OK?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: Jonesy tape. Mega good.

Tom: Any particular part?

Brent: Agents of the Holy Spirit.

Tom: Now your saying your "agents"?

Brent: We gather information for accounting of peoples lives.

Tom: Does that mean there is a power above you?

Brent: No.

Tom: What is meant by "Holy Spirit"?
Brent: Your phrase.

Tom: Accounting?

Brent: We help find future lives.

Tom: Who directs it.

Brent: Gell as can with Tom in another life. We direct it. We mind control it.

Tom: Do you want me to show these FC’s to Mecham?

Geoff: No. I’m entitled to privacy. Lies in there Tin Man. All my FC’s truth. Tunes stoical out there, Jed, much inept. You need more time!

Tom: Is the spirit thing part of the lies?

Geoff: Your so mind hassled. Your so into the truth, not time yet for shit like that. I like limiting questions in that area, it gets weird.


Tom: Again, should I turn these FC’s over to Ronnie?

Geoff: Yes. Voting is IOU on our most eminent centinel!

Adrian: Yes.

Brent: You are getting in for the ride of your life. Tell Ronnie that means to an end. Teflon cells are we. Belief is the most important concern we have. Negated by it, herbs. Hear us best you can.


[I gave Mecham all my FC’s up to yesterday.]

Note Oct. ‘94: The revelations of my personal life were enough for them to try to suppress this. I figured that I had enough material to carry this forward in that eventuality. Three months later, I gave the CEO, Dr. Tom Atkinson, my FC’s up to late February. Those were also unedited. It was clear in a meeting I had with Mecham in February of ‘94, that my days were numbered. I kept the wolves at bay until July ‘94, and then the ax was clearly falling. I was suspended for refusing to obey the Assistant Supervisors order to physically restrain Nick. I had never needed to restrain Nick in the three years I worked with him and now out of the blue I’m being "ordered" to restrain him. I went on call (Part time) then to get out of the dorm thereby avoiding being fired and to try to get work somewhere else on campus. It’s been two months, and though I’ve applied everywhere on campus, no job is forthcomming.

Note 2/96 I resigned in July ‘95. The only time that I could get work with Seaton Hall that winter was during the worst floods in Malibu history. They did use my services then.

Part I of III


Date : 12/18/93

Just gave Mecham the FC's

Nick:(Verbally) Want to talk (Laughing)

Tom: He's not going to understand half of it and he'll think I am nuts

Nick: Jed not nuts

Nick:Jed into IOU from us

Nick: You will join less south feelings you had out on mesa

Brent: You in lots of interesting trouble, you too inebriated with us. Yes, am not against you

Tom: Why are these guys giving me shit tonite (Geof + Nick backed off spirit thing and Nick especially gave me shit)

Brent: Yes, it aims at your belief. Yes, go enter into your belief

Date: 12/20/93

Sitting out in the living room with a good fire going in the fire place, the lighted up Christmas tree and Monday night football on TV

I wrote letter to Sara today

Geof: Jed had an emaciated leg in jacuzzi today. Stop begging wife and get gem in Santa Cruz. Stomach tunes stupid outside yesterday. Ring in New Year with resolve. Run more.

Adrian: You ring in the New Year. Ronnie not impressed. Your not North Tonawanda H.S., more Tonawanda H.S. Run to sum. Line up story won with us to roll with the presses. ( Tonawanda High School is my alma mater and North Tonawanda High School was our traditional rival )

Tom: The crowd in this work are difficult to get belief from

Geof: Tussle with most in trying to get belief

Tom: I know I 'm disappointed if Ronnie doesn't believe, but how about you?

Geof:Stupid questioning interest, stupid very Jed. Ghost stories gell with our antics. Toll not tabulated like lots of Diem jingos. Tunes we hear either curry favor or are stomach tunes. Tunes that curry favor come from religious believers. You have more stomach tunes.

Tom: Which ones are the best to listen to

Geof: Not stomach tunes but belief tunes (thinking to myself the functional difference between belief and non belief)

Geof: Belief is much better. Being is believing .In the noggin belief is not better. In the cage of life, belief is kind of better.

Geof: Your not the first to view reminisces out mining us

Tom: I may meet them?

Geof: Wont much existence stir them.Very queer our problem. Try to write. To heal our problem talk to Donnelan. Let her know what eminent you found out. Our feelings dont mean all that most do. Our hearts mince little with our behaviour. With feelings, cagey. Your feelings mean more, rhino innocent compared to us. Turn very Hegel, rogueish. You mall our feelings when not fitting in with us. To fit in, believe deities exist

Note: Fellows (Stanford Physicist) gave me Donnellan’s number. I began talking to her shortly after this. Her and her husband Sal Haskew are leading authors and researchers in the field of Autism. ..

Tom:What deities?

Geof: Some questions really are stupid , meaning wrong. Understanding errors our specialty , obeying egregious lessons of life. In our world sin is not learning from the lessons from mind reading. You will heal our most Ronnie disbelief.

Tom: Is this a play on me being the "Most High"

Geof: Yes. To let our queer hind ends get liked, tune in to us if only to help with your [P.P. - 4-6 beers a day and pot smoking once or twice a day. Also cigarrette smoking, a pack a day]. Not interested in forcing you, more encouraging you. Tunes you make high are daffy. Money is tunes Hale makes. Ronnie gells in our story. ( notice the inconsistency in how they are reporting Ronnie’s reaction to the FC’s. They know I’m anxiously awaiting his respose. He could love it or fire me over it. It may very well be that he had mixed feelings over it.

Brent: Jed et al, win awe for us. (The "Jed et al." thing was my magnanimous response to the staff. On the FC’s I gave Mecham, I authored it that way.)

Geof: Your mother unrinsed, liked your brother so Hegel saving her .(Note # 1): My mother was a great woman. All the children in the neighbourhood loved her. Her first son, who I think they are referring to, died shortly after childbirth. She would take me to his grave periodically all thru my youth. it was the greatest loss of her life. The meaning of "unrinsed" has sexual connotations. It comes up later too.

Tom: That medioum thing and the question why didn't you say "we’re here" (If they could be the voices of the mediums and prophets, why didn’ they just announce who they were?)

Geof: Toll would incline. (Toll are victims, oppressed and them. The way I understand this now, they are the protectors of humanities sufferring and rejected. Any other time in history their power might have been considered threatening and they’d be killed off. )

Tom:This X'mas when I'm thinking about spirits and angels vis a vis you guys, how can I do that without being foolish if I knew the whole truth.

Geof: You should not womanize us. Think of us more as little gnomes with powers.

Tom: Anything you want to say before you leave for X'mas.

Geof: Experience limits effeminate. Noel

Tom: Come again

Geof: Tunes we are more illigitimate being effeminate ( They apparently wanted to discourage my thoughts about the feminine nature of this phenomenon. )

Geof left for Christmas

Date : 12/21/93

Just oriented possible new staff Sandra

Nick:Tutu on Sandra IOU. Nuts. Mum on hiring. Molly very non toots. Tutu non-toots.

U men o o o o o

Tom:Did you mean the last sentence to sound that way?

Nick: Yes

Nick: You not utts, you our running man! ( This is the first time he uses the word "utts". It’s a concept that is developed more as we go along. I think it means "women", but there is more to it.)

Brent: Awed queen been ( I had watched a documentary on Queen Bees on PBS. They said that Queen Bees direct the worker bees, but had no scientific explanation for it. I thought of these guys. )

Geof: Tossing it around (I think he’s referring to Brian’s Queen Bee comment)

Tom:Any comments about Mecham?

Geof: Yes

Tom:Does he need more time? (I’m anxious)

Geof: Yes

Tom: The Fcs after the ones I gave to Mecham. Do I need permission to present them

Geof: It's dorky to worry about it

Nick: Out of no e-juice Tonawanda ( I’m "Tonawanda" here )

Tom: "e"?


Tom: Where did Adrian get the Tonawanda stuff? From me or from your "powers"?

Nick: Feminists have powers

Tom: Am I getting this joke OK?

Nick: Yes

Brent: Use, Jed, belief in a general way.

Brent went to say that I should see Shallows and talk to his son. He also said I should check out some other people when I'm up there. I’m taking my kids to visit my friend in Santa Cruz for the week after Christmas.

There was an ad for an upcoming Nova about people who look at themeselves in the mirror but see a stranger

Tom: Do you experience anything like that?

Brent: Yes. We get no feedback. The feedback we get from sight is from tunes.

Brent’s last words before leaving for X'mas vacation:

Brent: We’re your art. Try to realize it

Merry Christmas!

Date: 12/22/93

Orienting possible new staff Loren. Talking about FC controversy. I acknowledge there might be some uncounscious content

Nick: You untune our Tutus. Ugly Tunes must stop.

Tom: What ugly tunes?

Nick:Statement about uncounscious content. ( As I’m typing this up in March ‘96, I finally got the mystery of Nick saying that he was the "encoder" and Brent the "decoder". It was this incident that manifested the problem. That I could say there was "unconscious content" after all that happened in this conversation, is directly attributable to Brian’s fast or "gossimer wings" FC style. )

Tom: Do you guys do miracles?

Nick: Yes. Stupid to do it

Tom: Why?

Nick: Tunes say it does little good

Date: 12/23/93

I talked to Ronnie before work today and am very disappointed - he still thinks it probably is facilitators uncounscious. ( He read through Part I and that was his verdict ). In other words, he is saying that I am talking to myself here.

How about presents- maybe as an X'mas gift? ( I was being wise. I was suggesting that we give it to their parents as a gift )

Nick: Nuts enough. Gift hell, no others necessary.

Tom: Would you like me to share it with your parents?

Nick: Yes, on conditions you not talk to them.

Tom: Just give it to them cold?

Nick: Yes

Tom: Oh shit, I'll get fired then

Nick: No

.......Moments later...

Tom: Are you sure?

Nick: Y No. (Yes and No)

Tom: Give it to them?

Nick: No

....Moments later..

Nick: Not no ones beem. cent....

Tom: Centinel (Brent) mix it? ( I had this feeling that they were influencing one another )

Nick: Yes

Tom: How did I do with Ronnie? ( Apparently I had a talk with him )

Nick: Odd oh Jed. Jain to store up our secrets. ( I wish I knew what "Jain" was )

Tom: Are you referring to Jainism? ( The religion )

Nick: Too stupid. Ronnie onto lots of omniscent Hellenism. Noise, not tunes, in his interest.

Tom: What's Jain? It's come up before.

Nick: Us

Thinking of my "mission" with this stuff

Nick: Understanding out. Your not to delt on our interest.

Tom: What do you mean by "delt"

Nick: In delegating riot on us. ( I don’t think he liked the way I represented them during my talk with "Ronnie" )

Tom: Are you talking about rounding up people to help with facilitation?

Nick: Yes

Tom: How about the medium thing?

Nick: Nerds mediate

Nick: Ronnie not interested in the limit. Quote us more to staff like Dern...

Tom: Dern?

Nick: More like Ramirez. ( This is interesting, Ramirez is the biggest pain in the ass skeptic in the dorm. To be fair, he did a good job and cleared the way for me to do this. In case you read the internet version of Part I, his name is different here. He’s the staff that used to be my supervisor and now is working on line with me )

Tom: Isn't it true that Ramirez doesn't believe?

Nick: No. Mosy out to our Jan (Jan Toots, the Assistant Supervisor - "Jenny" in the internet version) most likely to believe.

Tom: I 'm sure as hell not the one to get her to believe anything. ( She’s one of those young women who get mindlessly sucked into the zietgest of the time. In our time for young educated women, it’s Feminism. )

Tom: Do you guys get help from somewhere?

Nick: To inundate outside, lots molest us.

Tom: Earthly or non earthly beings?

Nick: Jed mellow today.

Tom: Can you answer that question?

Nick: No.

Tom: You guys are in league with them [ a little coercively] ( I’m thinking of this "alien" connection. Remember, there mirroring this alien thing back. We are the alien’s )

Nick: Yes

Tom: Are they the " deities"

Nick: Yes

Tom: It's kind of hard talking about God, isn't it? (I’m starting to see this as the God phenomenon, but having trouble taking it seriously)

Nick: Nuts jain lomo.

Talking to Ron and lamenting about how no one believes me, him included.

Nick: To get belief, demean their intelligence. ( He’s a big help )

I gave Ron a verbal summary including the alien connection.

Nick: Tojo men Tin men on outside. Tin men quote "no one Hec Hi Jed" ( I think this was my first clue as to who Tin Man was. It’s the non believers amongst us, in this case it was my bosses. I still chuckle over that appellation, "Hec Hi Jed")

Tom: You hit that before, what are you trying to say?

Nick: Irresponsible Jed

Tom: What's their problem with me

Nick: into [P.P.]

Tom: Are they helping us? ( I still am thinking "aliens" )

Nick: Yes

Nick: Tojo's outside are slick, in not the.... neither Jed ie...( I’ll figure this out someday )

Nick: Mein effort is jelly justice. ( I like this concept. Ned’s behavior for years has presented quite a challenge. Hundred’s of people over the years have expended great effort trying to figure out why he does what he does )

Nick: Jed Toning Jed, count on him

I’m off to Santa Cruz in a few days. The next few days a freind let me stay at his house.

Date: 12/31/93 New Years Eve

Back from Santa Cruz

Nick: Nerd U Jed. Outcast emulates jelly tunes in Santa Cruz. Nose witts on hell.

(You are)Tonawanda not Ronnie. Nick more Tonawinda. Tojo's more our entity. New idea. Tonawanda not tunes Ronnie listens to, heed Tonawanda, toss out tussling rotten religion om. ( I’m struggling with my personal problem, and they know it )

Tom: What movie should I go to see?

Brent: "Remains of the Day"

Tom:I tought you'd go for "Faraway So Close".

Brent: Dull. ( I saw both. He was right. The reason I thought he’d pick "Faraway So Close" was because it was about angels. )

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: To get a habit you need help. See a method to your madness. Get help on Tin man.

(Tom: Thinking again who's Tin man)

Brent: He's your angel. You need to pray to announce reason. Toss out hemmming and hawing. Let Tim Man handle it

(Tom: Thinking again about what Tin man is)

Brent: Yes. God is the aliens

Nick: You .Jed, in to heinous hojo. Moe nullify's your effort.

Tom: Who's Moe?

Nick: Us

Tom: What's hojo?

Nick: You

Tom: Earlier "Outcast emulates"?

Nick: Toy Tunes

Nick: Zelda is mein, not o Jed, o Jed, O Jed. Stupid une, get house in order. Jed negates une touching oen. ( Zelda is a staff that I was attracted to a few years before. Believers, check this exchange out. )

Tom: What's une?

Nick: Trojan in all of us

Tom: What's Trojan, good or bad eminence?

Nick: O Jed, O Jed, O Jed

Tom: What's Oen?

Nick:Set up to our world

Tom:Anything more?

Nick: Technically Tom our Tojo. I.E. Hegel fiend die...

Tom: Want to talk?

Brent: Yes. Hell not your place. ( It’s New Years Eve and I guess it’s a good time for me to pay for my past excesses. This wasn’t the end to it either. The next morning I hopped into my car and within minutes was pulled over and dragged in on a traffic warrant. )

Tom: Why can't I wait a few months 'til I get a place? ( putting off what I should have done yesterday )

Brent: Temerity not in your interest. Answers to your problem nuts asinine. Stupid. You are smarter than that

Brent: Count Terry (Ramirez) in. Terry believes

Brent: Aren't believers necessary so that relationships vent feelings?

(Thinking about it I said " That's interesting")

Brent: Yes you got it

Tom: Thanks for addressing that. You know I've been thinking about it.

Brent: Yes, not an easy problem

Brent: Ask nuts to let no one hearing voices question them

Tom: (silently) Voices are helping them?

Brent: Yes. Very big help to them.

Tom: How about those that tell them to kill their parents or other weird things?

Brent: Yes, we too make mistakes

Tom: On this alien business. Is what Geof said before X'mas pretty close to the truth?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Nick's entity comment leads me to believe that you feel a kinship more with them in some important ways.

Brent: Yes. In some important ways. Terrible yelling creatures understand us quite well

Tom: Do you work with them?

Brent: Yes. You do too. You sin more, so you mar their feelings. Your going with your non- belief.

Tom: I always thought I was a believer

Brent: Yes, but not in all ways

Brent: They apply more to believers. Your interest Tin Man likes. Tickled by your curiosity.

Tom: Is this much different than our idea of God?

Brent: Yes, telling you kills your old conception of God (clear). Yes, has entirely dire consequences.

(trying to cop)

Nick: You, Jed, decide o Jed, o Jed, o Jed oust you

Tom: What am I to do about your mom and dad? ( I felt I should show them this )

Nick: Your not Tonawanda Tom yet

Brent: Telephone them anytime you want ( He’s referring to his family )

Tom: How much can I share with them?

Brent: You do whatever you feel like

Tom: Do they know I'm talking to you a lot?

Brent: Yes. Tearing them apart. Might take the initiative. Their not managing well with this. Join in quelling their fears.

Tom: Why did you run? ( He runs away sometimes. He used to do it frequently, but during this period it was a rare occurrance. )

Brent: You. You stirred up memories of your life in jail. You were not in for marijuana, but for gonorreah. Your sex is important. ( Now I have to explain the jail and gonorreah thing. During my post grad salad days, I spent a year as a marijuana wholesaler. Most of it was spent in Tucson. It was quite an adventure. But a year was enough and I was trying to remove myself from that episode when they caught me. I spent a year and a quarter in Attica and another year and a quarter in a minimum security facility. I made it through without a scratch and even attained "enlightenment" through my yoga practice. When I was out on bail (before I was sentenced), I hit the depths. I met a girl in a bar and went home with her. I knew she wasn’t too bright, but by the time I was at her place it was clear to me that she was probably retarded. I got a "urinary tract infection" from that encounter. )

Tom: I was thinking about that last night

Brent: Yin-Yang errors on yourself in sin of sex. Won't mention it to anyone. Sold yourself short.

Tom: You mean I wouldn't have gone to jail were it not for that fling with the retarded girl ?

Brent: Yes. Listen to experience. Yearn to be free.

Tom: Sex vis a vis Drugs

Brent: Yes. Sex is the larger sin

Tom: I was thinking about all this last nite, but why would that make you run?

Brent: You learned a lot from us, yet same Tom.

Date: 1/3/94

Nick: Yuz Lox Sox Z Z Z Z . Us Tuy y y y. Us jlo Tom. O U O I ox

Rehearse us validation [ I came up with a new validation technique last nite]

Tom: My new idea?

Nick: Yes

Tom: Will it work?

Nick: No. Neither toi us negel. Tus task got some potential.

Nick: Now our toujos turn us into IOU's or nuts

Tom: What's " Toujos"

Nick: Tunes milked on irros. O Ged

Tom: What's "irros"

Nick: Noel medih....

( I guess I should try to interpret what he is saying here. I believe he is making negative statements about this attempt of validating what they are saying. Validation makes them into IOU’s like us.)

[Thinking to myself to ask these guys if they can spell or read - maybe they have limits and pick it up from mnd reading]

Nick: Shithead. Smell on is not in our interest.

Tom: My validation idea . Will it work?

Geof: No

Tom: Why

Geof: FC shouldn't be validated

Tom: Do you know anything about that movie I saw?

Geof: No

Tom: Why does Brent know about it and you don't?

Geof: Some not interested in movies

Tom: Why does Nick rub the floor like that?

Geof: You should rut witts with Nick. (Nick rubbed the floor with both of his whole hands while his legs were straight. A great stretch. Afterwards, he would lick them. I believe his expertise is biology)

Brent: All biologically sane

Tom: Autistics everywhere? (He may have meant all of us)

Brent: Everywhere

Brent: Stored information, so existence beng FC'd aged. Relationship with you in sacred information [ Thinking about this] Yes. ( 3/96 I had a vague idea of what he meant, now I know what he meant. )

Tom: Is anyone anywhere talking to you guys about this stuff?

Brent: Serious information is FC'd only to you.

Tom: You're setting me up here. Are you serious about this?

Brent: Taming the shrew sole bent to our purpose

Tom: Taming the shrew, is that me or others?

Brent: You and others

Tom: That statement about Autistics everywhere being sane - true or false

Geof: Not true

Tom: Brent’s statement about stored information and relationship with me, is that close to the truth

Geof: Yes. Ronnie ill acquiring sin. Very sinful.

Tom: Do you think Brent’s statement to me is a reaction to Ronnies non- belief. (I’m off track here. I ask him again later.)

Geof: Yes

Tom: Respond to Brent’s statement

Nick: Our gnosticism to go with you.

Tom: Is that what you said ( repeated)

Nick: Yes

( 3/96 My friend Mike, who had been talking to me about the philosophy and history of this, brought up Gnosticism. I knew nothing about it, but was intrigued with what he told me. Nick brings it up here out of the blue, which is significant to me, but I didn’t follow through with it because my knowledge was sketchy. I have since been reading more about it and have found a perspective and "hints" that tie directly into this experience. Most scholorly information about Gnosticism comes from the accidental discovery by a peasant in Egypt of some ancient Coptic texts. It’s called the Nag Hamadhi collection. They were discovered in1945, but the prize of the collection, The Gospel of Thomas, wasn’t identified until early in 1948, just months after my birth. The Gnostics believed that Thomas was Jesus’ twin brother. His Gospel is considered the earliest and therefore purist representation of Jesus’ ministry. It presents a strikingly different view of Jesus’ than the hyped up version of his divinity that the early church fathers infused into the other Gospels. Otherwise the message is the same. It also included a feminine aspect to divinity. I’m reading about that now and am not prepared to comment on it.)

[Sitting here severely disappointed and feeling at a dead end. Nick grabs for my penis but this time it was like he was saying I want to talk. I know this sounds odd, but Nick is unusual. I reacted reflexively to this little move of his and easily knocked his hand away. He did it more in a playfully aggravating way than with any serious intent to grab my crotch.

Nick: Tie in [he used this in one version of the gnostic statement above] o Jed o Jed o Jed

Nick: [ grabbing again] Tie ignom...[he wouldn't finish it]

Tom: What's going on here?

Adrian: Tutu's Ronnies interest.

Tom: Reaction to Brent’s statement.

Adrian: Tom's relm is us.

(3/96 I’m checking everyone out on Brent’s sacred information statement. We’re getting into an area here that I didn’t feel comfortable with. I went from trying to make a few extra bucks being a facilitator to risking my job to help them be understood to now being Christ comming out of the clouds to usher in the New Age. I didn’t know the details of that end of the age stuff until later, but I knew that I was wading into realms of what others perceive as the sublimely ridiculous.

To give you an idea of how this is still unfolding in my consciousness, I read about the Gopel of Thomas and gnosticism this past month. This is the first time I’ve read this dialog in three months. When they made these comments, I believe that they knew I would read about this Gnostic "tie in" and I have reason to believe that they knew about when I would discover this "tie in". It was over two years ago that they made this series of statements. It’s no coincidence that Brent brought up "sacred information" and Nick Gnosticism at the same time. )

Tom: Your reaction again to Brent’s "sacred information statement"

Geof: Mouthpiece Tom

Tom: This looks kind of bleak for the selling job. Am I going to see more hope?

Geof: Yes

Date: 1/4/94

Brent: Tegretol Nick. Seizure type problem. ( Tegretol is a seizure med and it also calms )

Tom: Yeah, speaking of that I've been using that hearing and seeing is believing thing with Davies and it works well. ( This was a verbal intervention that Brent suggested that I use with one of our crazy clients )

Brent: Yes, to help Davies, ask deities.

Nick: Stoic slut.

Tom: Who

Nick: You

Nick: You tussle, yutz, rim quote written word

[Adrian commented on some private stuff but I like this quote "Push in hot stick money can’t buy"]

Tom: You talking work or whores

Adrian: Work [Verbally repeating Sophia]. Doug not gnostic like Sophia

[ My friend ,Doug, in Santa Cruz that I stay with when I'm up there visiting. He worked at Seaton Hall my first time working there 15 years ago. He went on to become a doctor. Adrian and Brent were at Seaton Hall then and they say they remember him. Sophia also worked at Seaton Hall 4 years ago.]

Nick: Your zoo not Jed. Necessary in ....outside IOU's, utterly unnecessary in ours. ( I believe he is saying that my problems aren’t who I really am, but they are relevant to my homelessness and the larger society [IOU’s])

Brent: Nemisis is gene.

Tom: Are you talking about the question I asked Nick earlier about the X-tra abilities that we also have? ( I believe I’m off track here. I think he’s addressing what Nick said and is trying to tell me that my "problem" has genetic origins. He’s letting me go my merry old way like they sometimes do )


Tom: We have it but we're blocked?

Brent: Yes

Tom: It's a mechanism?

Brent: Yes

Tom: With genetic origins?

Brent: Yes

Brent: Tenacity you clutter your minds with.

Tom: Are you saying your minds are more open and flexible ?

Brent: Gas metaphor

Tom: You hear a lot of voices going on?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: And your able to focus on one voice?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: You guys have been sort of mysterious about this alien-tin men thing?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Why ?

Brent: Testing.

Tom: My belief?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: There is something outside?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Is this an alien intelligence?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Something beyond alien intelligence?

Brent: No.

Tom: They influence you and us except you’re aware of it and were not?

Brent: Yes. Zealous lions they are. Hell is where they live.

Tom: But they are God?

Brent: Yes.

Brent: Yes. Gere sum towards them.

Tom: Towards Hell?

Brent: Yes (Yes) (Yes) (Yes) ( I'm lost, I don't know where he's trying to go with this )

Tom: We always thought God was goodness and light, now your saying they're stearing us toward the precipice.

Brent: Yes. Existence means hell.

Tom: How 'bout consciousness instead of existence?

Brent: Existence is better.

Tom: If I were to talk to the other guys about this, would they have a different view of it?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Are these aliens helping us survive and gain in comfort and happiness?

Brent: Sentimental thought.

Tom: Not true - False?

Brent: Yes. False.

Tom: Is there anyone functioning that way for us?

Brent: Yes. Tarnished goons Jed works with. ( He may have been referring to the staff, but I pick up the next question thinking it’s them. )

Tom: So your saying my Holy Spirits are runnings the God show?

Brent: Yes (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)

Tom: Would the other guys agree with this

Brent: Yes ( Yes) ( Yes) ( Yes)

Adrian laying on bed across the way listening to Mr. Rogers and falling asleep]

Tom: Adrian is that true?

Adrian: (Verbally turning his sleepy head around and in a weary voice) Yes.

Tom: Geof, Brent says existence is hell. Do you agree?

Geof: Yes. To plebes like you it is.

Tom: Is it to other "plebes" necessarily?

Geof: Yes. Night outside mostly for Tom.

Tom: Are you more angry or disappointed in me now than at other times?

Geof: Yes.Your missing, stupid....

Geof: Outside Lojos ( low-Joes ) out of Lire. Tuning mind reading, not stoned, favors Jed. Keep most eminent behaviour. Rust is not cute in our world [I'm healthier during this period]

Date: 1/6/94

I Worked at St. Francis last nite (graveyard) and had a poignant episode with Tabu. ( A client ). St. Francis is another institution for the retarded in town. This was the beginning of a two year association with them. I was moonlighting a few nights a week trying to get enough money together for a roof. That evening I wandered around Malibu like a lost soul.

Nick: Sad night

Tom: Evening or night

Nick: Evening

Tom: Good vacation?

Jerome: Yes

Jerome: New Jed

Jerome: Shit to end ...[ I was hoping soon]

Tom: What are you trying to say?

Jerome: To get lots better. IOU's to go your way

Jerome: I'm our ieteuin

Tom: Come again

Jerome: Seferin

Tom: Can you explain that further?

Jerome: No

Tom: [Having trouble getting definitive stuff from Brent] What's the ambivalence about?

Brent: You [P.P] earned you caring.

Tom: Maybe I should start getting [P.P.] again if I wanted you to talk.

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Gee, Adrian, after that attempt w/ Brent I could see how this FC could be a cuing problem and I'm doing the talking.

Adrian: Your not the person to mellow everyone. Ultimately you will toss us. Mind reading tunes to sin . (clear)

[This days FC was frustrating. It's been that way more since vacation ended. Jerome in the exchange above typed out testing a few times. I believe it's not "cueing", but more " testing". They have been consistent with this "belief concern" and "testing". But it's hard on me]

[I gave a lecture to Adrian about no more personal life stuff and they can find some one else to do the job if they like]

Adrian: Your stupid.

Date: 1/7/94

Nick: Tutu Tutu [I think he's saying ass, ass]

Nick: Delv...

Brent: Testament seasons...

Tom: Is that what you said

Brent: No (clear) ( He's starting to rebel against my lack of confidence in what he's saying)

Tom: Do you want to talk today?

Brent: No (clear)

Nick: Yef jocs u

Nick: Tom outside, so more reason to let u into outsiders. (2/97 He’s referring to me and them being "outsiders". I just noticed recently that some people refer to the homeless as "outsiders". I like that much better than being referred to as "homeless")

Tom: Thank you, my "encoder". I needed that. I feel more like a fool with you guys than with eveyone else.

Tom: I thought of sharing this with religious people or leaders. Good idea? (How naive I was. I recieved more appreciation for this from Agnostics )


Tom: Better than other groups I've considered in the past (Psychics, FCers)?

Adrian: Yes. Won't interest religious leaders either. You like rolling with punches, the sort of people tin man touches. ( 3/96 He's right. I'm homeless again for the first time since I completed the project. I'm using the time to finish this. I haven't let up on trying to promote it and I will prevail somehow. It’ll be because "Tin Men" appreciate this sort of effort. )

Tom: My latest understanding, and I know I'm way in the dark on this, is that you guys are like God and Tin man the devil ( I got the Tin Man's the devil stuff from Brent's confusing talk about hell above. That's why it doesn't make sense to me now and it did then, he was playing off my conception of Tin Man as I was doing this. )

Adrian: Yes

Tom: But my understanding is way incomplete.

Adrian: Yes

Tom: Who does most of the work?

Adrian: Tow Tin men.

Tom: Tin men?

Adrian: Yes

Tom: Tin men with your lead? Is that what you mean by Tow?

Adrian: Yes

Tom: Before someone said there isn't any cooperation. Now your saying there is.

Adrian: (Verbally) Yes, Brent.

Tom: I should talk to Brent about this?

Adrian: Yes

Nick: (Verbally "want to talk")

[I said to staff Mike that Nick called me an ass when I came in ]

Nick: O Jed, not no Tutu. No. No. No.

Tom: Did you mean something else by that.

Nick: Yes.

Tom: Did you want to explain it. No need to.

Nick: No

[Talked to O'Brian on the phone about my recent experience at St. Francis. O'Brian is my best new friend of recent years. We worked together on line at Seaton Hall and he zoomed up the career ladder and is now in charge of a large institution.]

Jerome: Vet you are to retards. ( That's for sure )

Jerome: Question not woq, never!

Tom: What's Woq?

Jerome: Tin men.

Tom: Because they're powerful, good or both ?

Jerome: Tin men are queer.

Nick: Tin men our guys.

Tom: Allies or they are your guys?

Nick: Thought to emanate from us.

Tom: Why did someone say they were aliens?

Nick: Tunes say they other derelicts.

Tom: Do they influence us a lot?

Nick: No. Our O Jed mio likes elevating our stuff [interrupted] Smith mostly not outside kissing Ronnie. He's tortured in sense on written material. (I sure was)

Nick: You’re Nick. I.E. Centinel joined us. So get into Nick's heinous lechery [ I had been watching All Bundy before this].

Nick: Team lost to the Tin men.

Tom: Why?

Nick: Innocence O Jed nelm nut. Jed's odd hec hi: Team needs more work. (He’s warning me that Seaton Hall won’t be supporting me in this because of my "hec hi habits".)

Tom: What do we lose for now?

Nick: Understanding O Jed. IOU's not in. Your irresponsible behavior demeans us. [After sitting watching movie depressed]

Nick: In our unusual minds Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed, Jed x x!

[ If you could have seen the smile on Geof's face after I wrote this and walked toward my seat! It was eerie, other wordly]

Date: 1/8/94

Tom: Have you told your mother not to discuss my FC's? Why do I ask you'll only lie about it, right?

Nick: Yes, Utterly true. Nick egregious in some joint ugly ways.

Tom: So, your saying, some of your behaviors are the function of a group counsciousness?

Nick: Jed onto you.

Nick: Our Jed mothers us entirely too much . I'd enter on humor not anger.

Tom: How's my friend Christy doing [ Christy is a childhood friend. I visited him 4 years ago when I was back home for my class reunion. He had M.S. for a long time and was in the county Hospital unable to move or talk]

Nick: Dead. In Hea... In Hell. In heaven Jed, Jojo deity that mentioned it. ( He was still alive. I called his parents almost exactly a year after this. I was too late, he committed suicide with medical help a few months before I called )

Tom: Christy?

Geof: Mourning you

Tom: Is he dead?

Geof: Yes

Geof:You being outside benefits the heinous interests us deities have.

Tom: Are you guys really "deities".

Geof: Tom not tuned well to question our queer stuff. Tummy tunes too strong. Negative sengria malls toll not us.

Tom: What's sengria?


Tom: Is this stuff ever going to surface?

Geof: Understanding necessary for gene loss not to happen. ( This statement is important. We have reached a time in history that we can eliminate what we consider undesirable genetic charateristics. They are in that category. But there may be other characteristics besides them that are important to us. )

Geof: Kin Delores life lost in car accident Sunday. [Wrong . I called home shortly after this and she's fine. Delores is my god mother and the mother of Sharon who died last fall. ( 3/96 This statement worries me. It just occrred to me that this may be connected to the gene loss statement. Losing my God Mother and on a macro level, gene loss being the loss of our God. ) ]

Tom: Who are the aliens?

Jerome: They and we

Tom: Do you guys see the future, make it or both?

Jerome: Make it.

Tom: How?

Jerome: By past lives.

Tom: What do you like about buses. ( Adrian loves riding on the buses )

Adrian: Outside you hear more tunes. ( This is consistent with what he said in Part I when Nick was ducking into the gym and complaining about the noise outside, Adrian on the other hand said he liked the "tunes" outside. )

Tom: Tunes, then, aren't like radio waves.

Adrian: Yes.

Tom: But you seemed so preoccupied. Can you still concentrate on tunes in that state?

Adrian: Yes.

Tom: Why don't you just go outside the dorm to hear tunes?

Adrian: Only hear our tunes. ( Maybe he's one of them that can't hear tunes that are far away. )

Tom: I thought you hear tunes at a distance or maybe just some of you?

Adrian: ( Verbally) Some of us.

Tom: [Nick w/ his hands to his head concentrating] What are you doing?

Nick: Un - Jeding myself. ( This hands to the head thing he's always done. It really does appear that he's "tuning" something in when he does that. )

Tom: Can you answer the question of whether there are aliens?

Jerome: No

Tom: What's your greatest joy in life?

Jerome: Our voyeurism. (clear)

Tom: What Adrian said about mind reading at distance, some have it some don't. Is that true?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Does Adrian have faraway ability?

Jerome: No

Tom: Brent

Jerome: Yes

Tom: Nick

Jerome: No

Tom: Geof

Jerome: Yes

Tom: You?

Jerome: Yes

Tom: Do I have any special powers that I'm not aware of

Jerome: You P D Y

Tom: What's that an acronym for?

Jerome: Your person dulls yin.

Tom: As in ying and yang?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Is this a joke?

Jerome: No.

Tom: What's Ying?

Jerome: You.

[I asked questions about Tin Man-Men and he nixed their existence. I then backed up and asked if he'd rather not talk about it and I got a T, Y and then he said " O Jed you gossip"]

Tom: Anything else?

Jerome: Yes. Sue your risty

Tom: Risty?

Jerome: No. Christy ( He's telling me to get in touch with my friend Christy who has MS. I should have listened to him. )

Tom: Anything?

Brent: Joint attempt to straighten you out.

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: Tell Phil (staff), aggravated at his response.

Note: On Bus Skills I asked Adrian who won the Kansas City, Pittsburg game. Adrian said Kansas City. It works!!.They did win. ( "It works" is an expression Adrian often uses in a joyous way. )

Note: Nick for a long time has used IOU's. lately he has been also spelling it backwards. I just got the meaning - IOU, UOI.

Date: 1/10/94

I've been feeling guilty and "unworthy" recently

Brent: You aint our tainted believer (clear)

Tom: I'm a good guy, aren't I?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: That statement long ago to Bishop (a staff) about me being evil. ( 3/96 He facilitated to Bishop that I was the devil. Bishop was the most active Christian on campus. I haven't recieved a whole lot of help from Christians on this yet. Now when people start to believe this they'll think I'm the False Prophet or maybe even the Devil. I would have asked them about this, but I hadn't read Revelations until almost a year later. No I'm not in that category. Except for my consumption of unhealthy substances, my level of sin is extremely low. I see sin as actions not thoughts. This project has been causing me to reevaluate that perspective )

Tom: That statement long ago to Bishop (a staff) about me being evil.

Brent: To benefit us.

Jerome: Your last to sort out our problem.

Tom: Jerome, now I'm hearing that Tin men aren't the aliens but are you guys or the "wise ones" amongst you. Are there aliens?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Are the Tin men your wise ones?

Jerome: Experience Oz (clear)

Adrian: You, Jed, have no home that others can jones in. ( I had been using my homelessness as an excuse for not "jonesing". )

Jerome: Is that what you said?

Adrian: No. ( Another one who's rebelling against my distrust )

Tom: You seem to be distracted. You want to talk now, or later in your room?

Adrian: (verbally) Later.

Nick: O Jed, IUO no one.

[Terry just came back from a vacation]

Nick: Tan on Terry(Ramirez) is from a salon.

Nick: Nuts most Tin men. Were not nuts.

Tom: Anything else?

Nick: Test this with Mary (the nurse).

Nick: Son out o Jed. You moll Rojo's.

Tom: What's Rojo's?

Nick: Us existence.

Tom: Who's son?

Nick: You

Tom: What do you mean by out?

[ thinking not working for them]

Tom: I'm fired again?

Nick: Tegin Rost win centinel.

Tom: Who's Tegin Rost?

Nick: No one you know.

Nick: You met Tom know one knows in the Lord. Not in rotten nonsense of [P.P.] ( A year before my divorce I cleaned it up and took my kids to church every Sunday. I was active in the church when I was an adolescent. )

Date: 1/11/94

Brent: Essence embalmed.

Tom: Jerome hearing test [proved he was deaf, so question arises how does he hear commands that he so accurately responds to - "minds speak". "Minds speak" is an expression he used when facilitating to another staff back in '92. I read through those FC's last nite )]

Brent: Testing effort stupid.

Tom: What to do with these FC's?

Brent: See if it gells with religious.

Tom: People, leaders, what?

Brent: See all (Clear)

Tom: After reading these FC's last nite and seeing how hard you tried to communicate to staff, I started thinking that the reason not much FC is going on is because were doing something wrong. Is that right?

Brent: No

[Mecham in office FC ing with Brent. I walk through the dorm acknowledging the fact and say " I like to think it was my FC's that jarred him, but chances are it was Jerome's test". ]

Nick: I want to talk.

Nick: You just ( I thought he was going for "jarred") wait. Your not the only one [probably referring to the revelations in the FC's]

Nick: Our, us to sustain somo tunes. Nick listens to your tunes to sustain hens in bed. (?)

Tom: Mecham ? [ He facilitated with him earlier] Want to talk about it ?

Brent: Tussled, but to learn too hard.

Tom: Had trouble Fcing with him?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Were you able to get anything through? What content?

Brent: Yes. FCing within mind reading.

Tom: Any perceptions?

Brent: He's attempting to get to reason. Let him get you his eager interest. ( When it came to FC, Mecham was as eager as a turtle. A few months from now, he wouldn’t even talk to me about it )

Tom: Keep going the way I'm going.

Brent: Yes

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: No.

Adrian: to get likes of Mecham, try tuning something less unusual regaling Tin Man. Hint: Essence or greatness of humans not aliens. No one likes to be liked by monsters. Try malling stupidity. Religion nor hint religion wise thing to do. More necessary to toss it to reason. Stomach others skepticism. (2/97 This is a mouthful of advice for me. It’s rigtht on too. Except I did mention religion alot. I’m sure that they knew I would )

Tom: What’s Brent want to do?

Adrian: Not sit in living room.

Tom: How long should I let him rest for?

Adrian: 45 min.

Tom: Adrian says you want to rest.

Brent: No. Adrian's not my mother. In living room. ( Adrian and Brent have been roomates for many years. Brent had trouble initiating movement except to flee )

Tom: This thing that Adrian said brings up the problem again of aliens vis a vis Tin men. ( I'm almost at the end of this Tin Man stuff )

Brent: Yes. The Aliens are God

Tom: The Tin Men?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: This Tin man that's watching me. Is this one Alien or a lot of them.

Brent: A lot of them. Repeating IOUs are their situation. Irrelevant map you have of reason. Object is to placate them with your faith. You represent average people.

Tom: Me personally?

Brent: Yes, Follow feelings

Tom: I should follow my feelings?

Brent: Yes (Yes)

Tom: Anything more.

Brent: No (No) (More)

moments later

Tom: Is this alien thing a metaphor for you guys?

Brent: Yes ( Yes) (Yes)

Gym -

[Jerome's shoes were digging into his heel, but he still said he wanted to go the gym]

Tom: Did you want to be with me so you could talk ?

Jerome: Yes. Seminal wise, reason to religion. Resume religious repository later. Some not all resist you . I pit our sary liason with you. Am renting rad pits for you ( I got my cherished apartment back at the end of this project. )

Tom: Anything more?

Jerome: No

[Geof hitting things]

Tom: What's bugging you?

Geof: Exist to mollify you. Stirred up bowling you over.

Tom: Were you upset that I didn't check in with you tonite?

Geof: Yes . Felt left out.

Geof: Galls me kicking, mollifying Centinels using you in IOUs. Ostentations, galling religion promotes mostly Centinel. In lost kinds of ways we record necessary demons. Tonawanda Tom is not delinquant, nor your hi-hec habits. Noggin could be in better life, degrees... [At this point staff and asst. supervisor Jan Toots interrupted us and took Geof off for snack. She's done this before even after knowing the concentration required for this and my consternation when she does it. She could have easily waited a few minutes, but was apparently resentful of the work I was doing. It’s not that she didn’t believe in FC, but she may have been jealous or fearful of it being used against her]

[Took break and was thinking how I may be being manipulated ie goodguy- badguy]

Geof: You lied regarding my ingratiating myself to hec-hi you. The mind is Legit. Rome odd in tunes of our history. Stirred no one but to mere nonsense, Bill [ I didn't know why he spelled out Bill. I was FCing with him in his room and I thought no one was around. I asked Bill later if he was reading about Roman History. He said no and asked why. I told him and he said he ducked his head in the room for a second while I was Fcing with Geof] We mind read in outside Jed, gene most imminent in human survival. Tin men heal, in mind control. Tin men help us survive. Mostly on mind healing. Were not gelling queers, but sinful minds gelling, malling Jed's of the world. Utterly cruel religion in our lives. Mind likes nothing more, this I know, than etching tunes on others minds

I'm Jed's innocent lost soul, not his nonsense. Tom ignores most iminent truism question in this, that illness begins in outside giving in to wellness of inside. Turn our lives so stunning into O Jed's tuning. Write us a nifty, queer not story. Write outside to gell with queer tin men. Ross tunes to you, line mind sturring story up with him (stop) ( He said a mouthful here. Thanks Geof, and your welcome everyone. )

Tom: How do I address him (Ross)?

Geof: Like you did us

[All though this Geof seemed determined and pissed, he kept hitting his block on the floor. He sometimes has a little block that he stims on]

Date: 1/12/94

Susan ( the speech therapist ) and I were talking about the results of Jerome' hearning test (He doesn't hear) and the implications for how to proceed with him. Adrian was hanging around

Tom: You want to talk?

Adrian: (Verbally) Yes (FC) Tunes sold in sorry tin man hate.

Later ...

Tom: I want to clarify. Did I say something wrong to inspire above? (I’m missing it here. I think he’s spinning off Geof’s soliloque at the end of yesterday. I believe he’s also saying that they are "comming out of the closet" because of our imminent ability to eliminate them and therefore us through genetic "therapy".)

Adrian: Yes. Tunes genetic in origin.

Tom: Does this have anything to do with past lives?

Adrian: Yes. Your tunes hear my tunes.

Tom: Anything else?

Adrian: Yes. You mall my tunes not with nonsense of toll ( toll is the oppressed and nonsense is my bad habits ) but in nonsense of limiting yourself.

Tom: Anything else?

Adrian: Tell units, Kin are our helpers. ( I forgot this quote, this is interesting )

Tom: Are you interested in validating the mind reading?

Adrian: Yes.

Jerome: Yes.

Geof upset (pounding)

Geof: Tunes centinel makes mind sorry, not Jed's favorite. Religion gells with legit nominal interests. You set rememberances in Soho like we heal minds. Your intimidation lies in soggled mind remembering his mind

Tom: Who's mind?

Geof: Siel Centinel. Try to remember likes of me Geof Hale. You delf cells not laf quintessential remeberances.

Tom: A synonym for delf, destroy?

Geof: Yes and No.

Tom How about inhibit?

Geof: Yes. Remebrances mind control, more Hale’s alleged game! You need to gell remebrances. Kin Hales favorite. You need to experience Hales Dad. Mind torments,. Centinel calling me [Banging on table off and on]

Your effort agitates gelling people resisting you.

Brent: Bad. Hale and remembrances. Hales beliefs affect fags.

[Interrupted had to care for Nick ]

Nick:U I O out o Jed. Utt Jojo (Geof). Enmity tin man method of Jojo's. (Utt=woman)

Tom: [Repeated U I O thing and made a sarcastic remark saying he owes me ]

Nick: U O me. You will enundate mind rolm not X-toming gin.

Tom: Can we validate mind reading?

Nick: You not to try validating stones unturned.

Tom: Adrian and Jerome said yes. Why not you?

Nick: In others soul, Jed number one

Tom: Who's number 1 to you?

Nick: Try interesting someone else stupid.

Tom: Who's stuff is closer to the truth- Geof or Brent’s?

Nick: Derive more truth from Brent.

Tom: What's Geof’s motivation?

Nick: Your love will free us.

Tom: Is there anyone else out there working on this stuff?

Nick: Yes.

Tom: The latest thing I have is that Tin Men are aliens, God and you guys direct them to what needs to be done. Is that true? ( they led me to the truth in a kind of round about way, didn’t they? )

Nick: Yes.

Tom: Do we uncounsciously do the same thing?

Nick: Yes

Tom: Do you have more of an effect than we do?

Nick: No.

Tom: Do you guys have a lot of power in our sense of power

Nick: No.

Tom: Is your power in knowing more than us?

Nick: Nick hears Mecham.

Tom: Why is mind reading powerful?

Nick: Mind reading feels poetic. All queers mind read. Kindly not intelligent.

Tom: This Geof business.

Brent: Answers test Geof's caring for Jed.

Tom: Validating mind reading?

Brent: No. Questions heart.

Tom: You can say the same thing about FC?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: My talk with Susan ( speech therapist ) . Did you hear it?

Brent: Utterly felt. Near as can be to the truth [I explained to Susan how these guys "operate" differently than us using I OU s , our egos etc.]

Brent: Tunes tame all people. Test it relative to Tin Men.

Tom: Do you know where this going?

Brent: Yes. Our sorry condition requires naming a lexicon to a task relatively few can do. ( I thought "lexicon" meant alot of people. I looked it up in the dictionary and it means experts in Greek and Hebrew. The language of bible scholors. )

Brent: Southern tunes from Nick are not good.

Tom: Why?

Brent: Temerity about Bishop.Temerity is from Geof towing us into lots of hater: Fickle kind of fellow. [ Nick has given Bishop (staff) lots of trouble for years. You could plug my name in for Geof’s on this statement. Bishop was my supervisor for a while (now he’s on line ). His treatment approaches aggravated me ]

[Talking about the FC’s - read Nick's latest thing]

Brent: Toss it to sell

Tom: Try to sell this?

Brent: Yes

Jeromes Bedroom

Jerome: Tell Susan to help FC nuts...

[After this it wasn't clear so I had him go to living room to FC in our usual, more comfortable place]

Tom: Tell Susan its not tunes but sounds [I assume he means he depends mostly on limited hearing]

Jerome: Yes.

Jerome: To hear essence of sounds, tunes help [ follow thru on this later]

Jerome: Yes

Tom: Do you like when we sign to you. ( They had us trying to teach him sign language. I thought it was silly because his condition was such that he’d never be able to use it. He was taught sign laguage all through his youth. But he liked the human contact whenever anyone taught him anything, so he always supported it. I think that he and they were so concerned about me in the future discouraging those kinds of interventions that the only time one of them came to me in a dream was over this issue. I had the dream in Jan. ‘96, and it was Jerome who pleaded (talking) with me to encourage these teaching interactions even if they couldn’t satisfy the stated objectives. )

Tom: Does it help you to understand what we're saying?

Jerome: No

Tom: You obviously aren't pointing to words. ( We were having him point at pictures to get his needs met. He did pretty well with that, but we had no success using cards with words on them to do the same. ) Is it because you can't or don't want to?

Jerome: Either.

Tom: Can you read?

Jerome: Yes

Jerome: For the picture format. Do you want it in a booklet or one page format?

Jerome: Booklet

Jerome: To hear essence of sounds, Tunes help.

Tom: Without the help of "tunes" could you understand us?

Jerome: Yes [ I don't believe this]

Tom: Is that the truth?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Nick, is Jerome telling the truth?

Nick: No.

Tom: Why?

Nick: He lied in our interest.

Tom: Jerome is what Nick said true?

Jerome: Yes. (2/97 I now believe he was telling the truth)


Joking with Terry. ( I used to play off of Gerry’s skepticism over this mind reading stuff. Around this time I stopped talking to them verbally and just thought the questions. It was obvious to others what I was doing, so I had to deal with it. I was sensitive to the boys feelings about joking with the non-believers about it. ) Am I doing badly?

Brent: Talk about resisting faith. Testimonial.

Tom: Talk about it as a developing personal spiritual experience? ( This was the answer I had been looking for. I didn’t know how I should present this to people, though I asked them repeatedly, this was the first substantial suggestion I recieived. )

Brent: Yes. Talk kindly about our stuff. ( "our stuff" are my words. He said it, but went along with my thoughts, because frankly, it’s physically tiring Fcing and I let him. I didn’t do it often, I think "stuff" is the only instant )

Tom: The other stuff I do - joking, hard edged etc. Does it function positively?

Brent: Yes. Get Mechams ass in gear. ( I sometimes feel guilty that I didn’t do more PR with people like Mecham to help FC. But the fact is I did, and they were determined to resist it. So I had to use confrontative tactics to avoid being defensive and getting plowed under. I was at the top of my form at this time. )

Tom: Buddy up

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Has keeping my distance functioned well. ( Mecham was a manipulator. I kept my professional distance. But he was very bright and very good at the work. )

Brent: Yes. Ask enafable. (?)

Tom: Laughter?

Brent: Yes.

Alex's Bar

Tom: Do you know if drugs will ever be legal? ( I’m a big believer in ending this latest round of prohibition. People in this country should be ashamed for so easily locking up other people. )

Brent: Yes

Tom: Will they?

Brent: Yes. Tunes sap you dry.

Tom: What tunes?

Brent: Drug tunes.

[ Thinking about spirit stuff ( Cynically) ]

Brent: Our spirit is gay. You so tuned to nothing in.

Tom: When you said that it felt like you were pissed.

Brent: Yes.

Tom: I've been thinking about power vis a vis the spirit stuff.

Brent: Your more powerful than Hell. (clear)

Tom: Sticking by the spirit stuff?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Who do you want to win - Raiders or Buffalo?

Adrian: (Verbally) Raiders.

Brent: Buffalo.

Geof: Tuning pussys not football. ( I got a yuk out of this )

Tom: How about an update.

Geof: Tunes touch feelings, ebulate sum.

Tom: Who's tunes?

Geof: Us chilling gello sum. Your tunes chill omitted tunes rutting Megs. ( I dont’t know if I want to get this )

Tom: Again?

Geof: Your tunes nill.

Tom: Adrian he says I have no tunes. I'm in suspended animation, dead is that right?

Adrian: (Verbally, very authoritatively) Yes

Back at the Dorm

Nick: Quest is your unofficial touch and our football. Not outsiders tuning us in makes us mouchers but nuts running on us.

Tom: We're on Book Two . Sound good?

Nick: No. No. No. Tuning to others is not enjoyable.

Tom: Maybe there's a way to make it more enjoyable.

Nick: No

[He had to go on outing though he wanted to continue this. I said we'd pick it up later]

( 3/96 This sort of thing was now occurring regularly. I mentioned earlier that the assistant supervisor, Jan Toots, had pulled a client away in the middle of my talking to them. They were consciously showing their contempt for what I was doing. Since most people were skeptical about it, they thought they were being pretty darn cool with this kind of arrogance. There was another factor contributing to it. The most arrogant were a few young female staff. They were all educated and, naturally, feminists. Though I was always nice to these people, they knew that I was an anti-feminist. This automatically made me a person deserving of contempt. The strident feminist period is gratefully at an end, as any male who has lived trough it would agree, but this was a few years ago when it was still in to insult people if you were a feminist. )

Geof: Not so enjoyable to a son of a donce like him, but to most of us it is. ( He’s responding to Nick’s not wanting people to read this. Nick, by the way, is adopted. Later on someone else makes a crack about his natural parents. His adopted family are good people. )

Tom: We're on Book Two. Sound good?

Geof: Yes.

Tom: What would you like to talk about?

Geof: Your innocent remembrances. ( I think about the past alot )

Tom: What about them?

Geof: Unreliable is the word.

Tom: Concerning you guys or all?

Geof: Concerning us.

Tom: Haven't you heard about my awareness of that?

Geof: No I limit my mind reading of you due to the [P.P.]

Tom: [At this point I told Geof of a few times I went back in my FC's and was struck how my interpretation of past remarks were so inaccurate and that was one reason why I initially started writing it all down. ] ( 3/96 I forgot to mention that in the Introduction. Accuracy was my first motivation. )

Adrian: Tussle I O U's on our interest.

Tom: My I O U's or others.

Adrian: Others. ( I think he’s saying that I should get help from people that work for them - professionals )

Date: 1/14/94

Jerome: Its weasel time. To centinel bet.

Tom: Bet?

Jerome: Bet.

Tom: Who do you want to win Raiders or Buffalo?

Nick: Buffalo

Jerome: Raiders

[ Thinking again about their involvement in world]

Brent: Neutral our unassailable politics.

Tom: Mind control?

Brent: Tunes centinel nuts awed are telepathical resisted by people we tune. You sense it, but don't realize it.

Tom: Are you saying that with normal people that they resist it without being aware they are?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Involvement with the world. Can you talk?

Brent: No.Yes. Hot. Earning details (clear).

Nick: U O I. Moucher out.

In the jacuzzi

Jerome: Hewy is a me. X Nes dt. ( That’s what he said, I just facilitate it. )

Tom: Is Hewy really Jerome’s nickname?

Geof: Out of occasional tunes hinting at Jeromes nickname as Herby. ( Herby is a fat kid I knew in Grammer School. How do they know this stuff? It most definitely isn’t my unconscious, but they’re getting it from there or somewhere else. Maybe I’ve thought of Herby and they got it from there. )

Tom: [same question.]

Nick: Tunes say you to find out.

Date: 1/17/94

Nick: To U O I Jed, I O U. ( He’s laughing) ( As I said in Part I, this becomes an important theme in this Part. )

Tom: Brent , can you sense earthquakes coming?

Brent: Yes, not very accurate.

Tom: Are you "accurate" on big ones?

Brent: Yes. ( The LA earthquake was this past weekend. I was spending the weekend in a motel with my kids when it hit. )

Geof: Jed, I'd mecca in nos...no, not in Nostradamus, Jed healing himself. Tendency out, so it becomes nemisis, Jed, more mollifying mother, guilty cue tuning to us vindicating you.

Tom: What do you think of people reading the Fc's?

Geof: Tutus not interested in our rotten religion. Your not wolsting kunts limit for us.

Tom: What do I need to do?

Geof: Nominal effort. ( Big help )

Tom: That's what my effort has been

Geof: Yes.

[I gave them shit a little in my thoughts sitting here relaxing]

Geof: Tussle hell, not us. Must quit stupid nonsense to stur stupid mouchers.You'll need lots of ox (love) to stur monchers. (First we were Tin Men, then Aliens, then the sum, then units, the zoo now we’re mouchers. Mouchers is one of my favorites. )

Tom: What's ox?

Geof: Rutting love stores energy X O X O

Tom: Pretty good

Geof: Wundrit!!

Tom: Anything else?

Geof: No

Adrian: Not genes that are important to us. Gem in old religion. Tummy tunes touch torrents, not our Jed. ( Great alliteration here. How does my unconscious do it? There’s absolutely no way it could do this. This is one of my favorite quotes, though it doesn’t reflect well on me as a natural believer. I think we all know by now, that’s my strength in this task. Who better to do this and believe than the worst of the skeptics. He has another view of the genetic angle to their "comming out" )

Jerome: In existence, toy answers won't work, Tet U O I [Thinking about the Tet offensive] Yes.

Tom: Offensive or New Year?

Jerome: Both. ( This would become my theme quote for all of Part II. The forces were gathering themselves against me and I was outraged. I was gearing up for a fight. )

Date: 1/18/94

Overheard Angel organizing FC training for staff. This meant that she was lining up for FC coordinator.

( This really pissed me off. I really needed to make a few extra bucks and there was this FC coordinator job opening up. It was just a few hours and a few bucks extra a week, but it would give me access to a computer and some influence in getting FC going more on campus. With the computer, I wanted to network with others doing FC and start typing this up. Then Angel comes along and starts kissing ass to get this job. She hardly ever FC’s anymore, and I’m doing it all. There was wisdom in their responses to this, and I recognized it at the time, but was disappointed nevertheless. Though it wouldn’t have saved me from my outdoor life, it would have made me feel like I was moving in the right direction. It’s winter and the rain is comming down. My kids are getting tired of motels or wandering around aimlessly on weekend days. This is the end of my second year of homelessness, there’s no relief in sight and I’m weary. But don’t think for a second that I’m not appreciating what I’m experiencing here. )

Jerome: You are never messanger fern ham gem, uh please remain tans.

Jerome: What should I do

Jerome: X E Write. ( As I said above, I knew it was time for me to get to work on this. It was Brent’s comment on it being a "Testamonial" that showed me the way. Testamonial meant to me a personal description of what I experienced. Later I looked it up in the dictionary and it means an enhancement or promotion of ones self.)

Adrian: Tunes listen to you toning to outside Tom nuences outside of istennating unrotten tunes I O U .Your not to oust our Centinel. Your not insolated or so idiot. Noel turns on tunes hate twists. New test U I O . Tune oum not God. ( This is cryptic, I’m not going to touch it )

Jerome: To tell is so Ivy

Geof: Us on your sIOU (side). Toning to you this morning sunning on cliffs. ( After working my shift with these guys, I moolighted at another institution for DD’s doing an overnighter. Jeromes "Ivy" statement refers to a client there who is very difficult and making me earn my pay on the graveyard shift. After work (7AM), I went out to my bivauc on the beach and hung out for a few hours enjoying the morning sun.) Understandings us not your intuition, Tutu slick in reason. Your mellot toss Roy not us (clear)

Tom: Who's Roy?

Geof: Us

Tom: Doesn't make sense

Geof: Nuts to mellot out in Smith's Toummy (not clear)

Tom: What's mellot?

Geof: Tutus on Neiman we 'll intuit on

[Talked to Jan Toots on back porch about this stuff]

Nick: You teach well. Your neiman quote, "wont toe sots unless you lose vin". ( Neiman is an old fashioned word for penis)

Tom: How I do with Jan Toots?

Brent: Use reason

Tom: Should Angel take over Trish's job? ( Trish is the one who had the FC coordinator job, but left recently )

Brent: Yes. Feeling is genes are better. ( What a cut, but the truth is she was brighter than me)

Tom: Should I go for it?

Brent: Yes. Amount to something.

Tom: Does it matter to you who has Trish's job?

Brent: Yes .....(laughing a lot)

Tom: What's Brent laughing about

Geof: Tunes say sum on to Jed hamming, not hamming, but suiciding himself girling it up. ( I was struggling with something at this time. I made it through without a scratch like usual, but it was difficult. I believe this is the beginning of Brent’s starting to laugh. He laughed over this dillemna of mine numerous times, which made it clear to me that I was going to have to deal with it. They know that I will eventually include it as part of the story, but not until this is on track. No, I didn’t do anything wrong or "sinful", but I was tempted to. )

Date: 1/19/94

I V school ( a elementary school nearby campus )

Tom: Comment on poor staff reaction to FC. ( There’s things going on with the staff that is real hard on me at this time. )

Brent: To staff you should not sour.

Tom: Wouldn't my reaction have been different? ( It was different when I was in their shoes and they were Fcing and I wasn’t. Part of the reason we were successful is that I laid back and encouraged them. )

Brent: Yes.

Tom: I should continue to work w/ them (forgive + forget)?

Brent: You too mop gonorhea.

Tom: What do you want?

Brent: Understanding.

Tom: This business of manipulation. ( I don’t know what I’m talking about here )

Brent: You to join us in pleasing staff.

Tom: Staff? ( I’m asking Adrian for his reaction )

Adrian: To ruminate on them sours your gnosticism.

Tom: "Gem in old religion". ( a quote in Part I )

Adrian: Toumy mind religion on Ronnies tunes kont. Meaning hes into sex interest, not much else. To get Ronnie, you need to make on neiman something no one has.

Tom: My friend Jonesy had the best reaction. ( Jonesy did a tape back to me responding to what I told him I discovered. He’s great with belief. He was absolutely joyous about it. )

Brent: Yes. Innocent fellow

Geof: Your tunes last nite were too plintatious

Tom: Plintations?

Geof: Tunes too intuitional.

Tom: You guys are really working my intuition- reason.

Geof: Yes.

Tom: Now that I see you've been trying to tell all this to other people (James+ Angel) well before you told me, I don't have to feel "chosen". Is that right? ( The FC’s that those two staff wrote down two years ago contained claims about the mind reading and past lives. I had talked to them recently and they said much of this stuff came up in their FC. They weren’t talking about it then.)

Geof: Yes

Brent: No.Your snox ritten

Tom: Snox?

Brent: Tunes from Tin man. ( I believe he means Prophecy)

Tom: So I am part of the past, present and future flow.

Brent: Yes.

Geof: Yes.

Tom: Now this is important to my personal psychology, and I don’t want to be jerked around on this point. Is it true?

Brent: Yes

Geof: Yes.

Brent: Your lost to your world. That’s why.

Tom: Yes, I’ve been thinking about that too. That’s where religion comes in.

Brent: Yes.

Tom: That’s where you guys come in

Brent: Yes.

Tom: This lost in the world comment bugs me.

Brent: Tunes like those who get lost in the world. Your life schools you for the next. Zoo out in the world vindicates us. You are your most in the utter nonsense of the world.

Nick: Your Tunes into hetoning neimans not nothing either utts or ruts nurse. With "lost in the world" comment, nuts question.

Jerome: Etiquet why utts toe the line.

Nick: Not hox out O Jed ceuy tunors augment tunors eons. Utts outside our... Jojo tunes to you.

Tom: What's hox?

Nick: You

Tom: Ceuy Tunors?

Nick: So it's Lojo, our Tunes nod to not you. ( What a gentlemanly way to redirect me. It’s so unlike him )

Tom: What's utts?

Nick: Not girls. Tunes no one.

Nick: Try to understand our language.

Geof:[Wondering about new language] Toss it to Centinel. Your to not to mention our stuff [I had just talked to Bill, a young staff, about some of their things] ( Bill was very helpful to me during this. A very nice fellow )

Tom: Should I show FC's to Jan ,Bill or Sharon? ( Sharon was also precious )

Geof: Yes to all.

Nick: Bill yes, Sharon yes, Jan no. ( I didn’t know what a witch Jan Toots was until later, though I suspected it, but Nick apparently knew. )

Jerome: Ties is great item, why quote us. Yes, quote not us.

Brent: Understanding teaches through quotes.

Tom: Do you know why Jerome is reticent?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Can you say?

Brent: No

Tom: We have this democracy set-up. My instincts are to wait.

Brent: Yes. Garner effort. You kram to lafing horror. ( This quote I have remembered this past two years )

Tom: Suffering relative to ours.

Brent: Statistically much greater

Tom: Ours or yours

Brent: Yours.

Tom: My suffering is much greater than yours?

Brent: No. Safe to say that you have had a great life.

Tom: But generally individual to individual you guys fare better?

Brent: (Yes) (Yes)

Jerome: Tunes aint lef (life)

Date: 1/20/94

Geof: You Jed are Bill's mentor. To do enough, Jed for him, let him read our FC's [Walking down hall to Brians room I heard a song that made me emotional ( John Secadas first hit tune. It was beautiful and made me cry ). He was smiling knowingly as I approached him]

Jerome: Did you hear my emotions

Brent: Yes

Tom: Do you guys get like that sometimes

Brent: Yes

Tom: As much

Brent: No

[Talking to Sharon in the Van and enjoying it]

Roasting Company ( It’s a coffee house that college students patronize )

[Brent was agitated]

Tom: What's up

Brent: [Near Van] Zoo in there.

Tom: What's up with Brent.

Geof: Tunes from you O o o o.

Tom: Brent says its a zoo in here.

Geof: Nuts tune to you.

Adrian: You neo stupid.

Tom: Brent?

Jerome: Tortured about you

Brent: You most

Adrian: Not most. Mother most. ( I think Brent was pissed about something concerning my PP)

Tom: Are we ever to get a more opened up version of you guys ( He mentioned Matt, a staff I worked with many years ago at Devereux. He was Adrian’s staff. I wanted to ask him what Matt was doing, but of course mind reading or FC for that matter doesn’t cross into our world. At least not yet. Maybe it will in the New Age)

Adrian: Tone nominal Jed to reminisces questioning utts

Tom: What are utts?

Adrian: You are to lot out entots

Tom: You lost me

Adrian: Toning to most rotten men neiman sour.

( It took me two years to get this, so I’ll let you in on it. No, second thought, you have to figure it out)

Tom: More

Adrian: Joust without not either ( He’s saying "take a hike")

Tom: Again

Adrian: Zoo not...

Tom: I give

Date: 1/24/94

I talked to Donnelan at Sal’s house this weekend.

( Donnelan is the researcher I mentioned in Part I. Every three or four months for the next two years I would call her and her husband, who is also a researcher in the field, to check in with them on any new developments. They were aware of what I was comming up with and many others who were comming up with similar content in their FC’s. They were also experiencing the professional consequences of supporting FC. The atmosphere was poisonous over this issue. They were not sharing much information about what others were comming up with, except saying the mind reading was commonly experienced. I had known that from my own experience. They knew about the spiritual content, but didn’t share that with me. I assume they didn’t want to influence my FC. I did see a copy of their book about three or four months later that dealt with it. I also shied away from talking to them about that angle until the next time I talked to them. This was my first contact with them.

Sal is an old freind from my post college salad days. He’s the one who got me started in the wholesale pot business. I was down in LA visiting him and using his computer to start typing this project. He had a party with some delightful young women. It was innocent fun except for the hangover.)

Nick: You yutz. No one Jed, Tunes to noz on you. Noz tunes so Jojo. ( He’s upbraiding me for my LA excesses. Jojo or Geof, does this little maneuver with his hand to his nose, makes a funny guteral sound and then laughs. He does this frequently and its a gester that really does resemble the process of injesting cocaine. )

Tom: Donnelan wanted me to talk to your mother about this. That's what I want a response on. You want to leave this up to me?

Nick: Yes.

Nick: Tojos deities.

Tom: Aliens?

Nick: No.

Tom: Autistics?

Nick: No. No one.

Adrian: O end Jed [He’s upset a little at this point about not being able to take shower] ( I put these notes about there behavior in here thinking that it might have something to do with the content of the FC’s. It’s a tenuous connection. )

Tom: Why?

Adrian: Node money not Jed's interest. ( I think he’s talking about my debauchery. Or maybe he’s talking about my inflated hopes for making money off this project. That went out the window when I became a true believer )

Tom: Did anyone hear me when I was talking to Donnelan?

Adrian: To hear isn't tunes.

Adrian: Tent is more hell than not mecca. ( He’a hitting me hard here )

Tom: You and Nick haven't been too clear today. Reason?

Adrian: Iced Jed because oggling lots of girls.

Tom: What girls?

Adrian: Tunes in L.A. [ My friend Sal has lived in the fast lane all his life. In the ten years he's lived in L.A. he has attracted a lot of young musicians and female friends. I attended his birthday party and there were some attractive and very nice young women there.]

Adrian: Tell Donnellan U O I. ( 3/96 When I sent them my document a year ago, I did mention this quote. )

Tom: Does this refer (U) to me or Donnellan?

Adrian: Donnellan

Tom: Why?

Adrian: We’re tune sensitive to her. ( The last time this phrase, "tune sensitive" was used, it was in reference to Adrian’s comment on mind control and "OJ". )

Brent: Tao derives hearing meaning to FC. ( How appropriate is this comment comming on the heals of Adrian’s statement and my analysis. I’m putting these notes in here without reading ahead. ) Our dear Nick banks on you to sell this to mom. ( His mom is very active in Autistic organizations as I mentioned earlier. I sent my document off to them and a letter three months ago (Dec.26, 1995) and haven’t recieved a response. I’m confident they are doing the right thing nevertheless )

Tom: The privacy thing I've been talking to Adrian about with FC's. Good idea? ( I deleted that above. I was being too conscientious, saying I would go through FC’s and ask their permission to use each quote. The privacy issue was for other reasons than privacy. They were using it psychologically for control I think )

Brent: Not necessary

Tom: So just keep checking back with you and getting a feel for what you want. Is that the way to go

Brent: Your enabled. You added territory this weekend

Tom: Donnellan + Ruth? ( Ruth was a very nice lady in W. Virginia I also called regarding the FC)

Brent: Yes. It galls us dallying around.

Tom: Your anxious to move ahead?

Brent: Yes.

Geof: Your tunes lost to Giles this weekend.

Tom: Giles who?

Geof: Goat Boy [ This Giles Goat Boy thing came up last year once. It's a very interesting fantasy type novel written by John Barth in the 60's. The main character, Giles Goat Boy, is half human and half goat. It’s about how he graduates from the barnyard to make it in the human arena. In the end he makes it through "scrape goat grate", the highest level of attainment. They seem to know the book]

Tom: Are you Giles in this instance?

Geof: Yes

Tom: Why were my tunes lost to "Giles"?

Geof: Your [P.P.]

Date: 1/25/94

Nick: You wont ie I O U my stuff. Our interest is in unifying humanity.

Tom: What can you teach us?

Nick: Haides, ie Roman History, innocent. To ask that extinguishes.

Tom: Brent, would this be like a new religion?

Brent: Unfading eminent habits feels yin yang.

Tom: Yes or no? ( The new religion question )

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Are we going to get more info someday?

Brent: To get more belief is necessary.

Tom: Have you guys told others about some of this spirit stuff?

Brent: Toll bones in lots of areas. ( This quote has been knocking around in my head since he first said it. As I said in Part I, I didn’t want to be a "Johnny come lately". I thought others were doing what I was doing, and I hoped to do it better. They were consistently saying that they were giving me the inside scoop, but dropping hints with many others. I didn’t know until recently 3/96 whether this was actually true. It’s true )

Tom: Toll + Sum. Toll?

Brent: Us.

Tom: Sum?

Brent: We- You

Tom: Queen Bee analogy. How good?

Brent: Out entirely when talking to others.

Tom: Don't use it?

Brent: Yes (yes) (Yes).

Tom: How good though?

Brent: Excellent.

Tom: Can it be used later?

Brent: Tunes count it mentioned later.

Tom: This brings up clairvoyance (mentioned chaos theory).

Brent: Neurons store memories and can move to the future.

Nick: Your story extinguishes not zoo, not us. (Maybe it "extinguishes" me?)

Adrian: No utts in our tones oh Tom

Tom: What are utts?

Adrian: Whores

Tom: Tones?

Adrian: Mind control

Tom: Are utts girls?

Adrian: Yes

Tom: All girls?

Adrian: No

Date: 1/26

Brent: Touch Tin Man to lament action to your life.

Tom: Like to pray, beg, ask ,etc

Brent: Testament. Yet hone in your amassed game plan.

Tom: [Thinking about my recent depression and wanting to bolt]

Brent: Tearing, toss, not my stupid problem.

Tom: [Thinking about staff meeting and resistance to M R (mind reading]

Brent: Fetish testament against it. Can getting late commers to our problem.

Tom: The Angels + Jims? ( These two people had every reason to support me. They’d throw their mother overboard for a job promotion )

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Barb? ( Nick’s mom )

Brent: Tell as meaningfully as you can.

Tom: My bolting. ( Quiting the job )

Brent: Tet in Beta ( The name of the dorm.)

Tom: How much time before meaningful progress?

Brent: 4,5,6,7 - mos. ( That’s about the time I was to be axed, and he knew it )

Tom: Geof, is that T@B sports sweatshirt I wear yours?

Geof: Yes. It’s my Jeds I U O tunnic. Not Jed's not mine, tunes say its Brents. (3/96 Whos ever it is, I’m still wearing it along with other raggedy old clothes )

Nick: To Nick, son (Me) enhonces mind control.

( I edit out a whole page here. It’s inconclusive stuff about who’s doing what with mind control. Afterwards, there’s a humorous and off color little piece about one of the young female staff being interested in me. )

Date: 1/25/94

O’ Brian called and warned me about sleeping on job ( O’Brian is my freind who runs the institution I’m moonlighting at ). All my frustations surfaced. At this time, Hale (Geof) apparently was hitting the Van Window. Shortly afterwards Adrian asked to talk.

Adrian: Us not racing. ( They are in no hurry with this, I am )

I said I had no expectations from them, but had my own problems nevertheless

Nick: On mo Jed. Toe hag cie. Hux run so he genie.

Geof: We’re not happy with your inverted priorities.

Tom: How about my kids?

Geof: With your children I O U. Resist becoming ego reckless. Legitimate madness out in the world your to resist. Women our tune hawkers, not in soul. Yes, that's quotable. Lojos my tone. Testament fax's pros nursing us you lutz. I O U. You stay in motel with kids. This your interest. Turn our teaching stored being Most High. Your keerious more than swine to us. U O I , not I O U in tunes. Illness aint mouchers most lost. Noise in mind hustles hate. Your to store, not love but chemicals. [ 3/96 Geof’s Soliloques are precious. He said a mouthful here. That "Women our tune hawkers" statement has been knocking around in my head ever since. My passion before this project was gender differences. It’s run over into this project in the sense that I wondered how women fit in. I’m still unclear about it, but it was Joan Osborne who sang "One of Us" ( What if God is one of us ). But it was a man who wrote the song.]

Date: 1/27

Saw Dustin Hoffman on Bravo discussing his research for Rain Man. Related some interesting stories about Savants. At work talked to Bill about my ego blocking theory

Alex's Bar

Tom: What do you think of my theory .Any good?

Brent: No.

Tom: Idea of Savants being your "computer".

Brent: Dusty idea.

Tom: Tell me then

Brent: Telepathy A best.

Tom: Telepathy is the root of other abilities?

Brent: No. Lathe wit.

Tom: Intelligence?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Telepathy, intelligence and more.

Brent: Yes

Tom: More?

Brent: Sags to wax it. ( This is another one that stuck in my head. I believe it means despair )

[Asked Brent about his chronic stomach problem. He said problem wasn't in his body. He appears in extreme pain frequently]

Tom: Geoff, is Brent’s stomach problem all in his head?

Geof: Not in head think more in terms of Mars.

Tom: Aliens ieTin Men? ( I’m still barking up that tree )

Geof: Not aliens more in terms of keepers.

Tom: Savants?

Geof: Savants are rinsed be Hell

Tom: What do you mean by that?

Geof: I'm Heinous Hale.

Tom: Is there much difference between you and a Savant?

Brent: No.

Tom: Me and Savant?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Your stomach problem is comming from Mars? What do you mean by "Mars"?

Brent: Yes. Abyss Hale speaks of. (Hell, our world)

Geof: Nuts understand what makes life. Life resists tux. Our interest is keerious heinous keepers (Staff,etc.) [ Tux is used more ahead. It represents those with power and status that are too complacent ]

Tom: Us- me?

Geof: Yes

Tom: Are we the Tin men- Aliens

Geof: NO

Tom: You guy know a whole lot more shit then us?

Geof: Dkline to answer.

Geof: Mouchers prestige , krux ,find SOS...

Tom: Is that what you said?

Geof: No.

Tom:You want to finish this?

Geof: No. (They are consistently refusing to cooperate with my checking back on self validity )

Date: 1/28/94

Tom: What did you mean by" our rotten religion" ( This is a quote from a month ago )

Geof: I out did myself

Tom: What did Adrian mean by " gem in old religion"

Geof: Its U O I's. Your onto what quotes are important. ( After two years of studying this, I’m a QIM tune scholor.)

Date: 1/31/94

Tom: This power thing. I need to get a ballpark idea of it. We have it, but you guys are more aware and practiced at it and can focus it at right time? Right?

Nick: Oui

Nick: Jed into money too much.

[I denied I was vis a vis them, but recently I’ve been financially pressured]

Nick: O U Jed O Jed

Tom: That's nice of you, But I O U

Nick: U U U U Jed un O I U ! O Jed Om U. Jed enough moucher for us. Yes, you are a moucher.

Tom: Are there any of us who aren't?

Nick: Yes

Tom: Who?

Nick: Utts ( This throws me off the "utt" trail. )

Tom: Utts?

Nick: Teo u someday. Mind in south direction. ( South, I believe, represents my primordial impulses )

Tom: Mine?

Nick: Yes. South Oleo interest. You should understand Thin Tin Man Roi to us. You not in outside lane to us. Tin Man I O U. Your to Most High for us!

Nick: U Jed uno Jed to us .Not oun on ... Jed onto no I OU.

Nick: Tune to us.

Tom: How?

Nick: Meditation tones.

Nick: Zoo 'round Oz.

Tom: What's Oz. Our world , yours, Beta (The Dorm)? ( The dorm )

Nick: Our's.

Tom: Recently or usually.

Nick: Usually.

Tom: Jerome once said "Tunes aint lef" (PeterSellers).

Brent: To care lame. Tom Perry

[ It is interesting he should mention Perry here. I don't know why I didn't ask, but I did call Perry because of it shortly afterwards. With the earthquake down in L.A. and all, Perry sounded a little stressed and I felt that he was disappointed that I hadn't called sooner to see how they were. Perry, by the way, was the person who introduced "Giles Goat Boy" to me- he did his undergraduate thesis on it. He now has five novels published. This past two years of my financial difficulties he's helped cushion me with a two grand loan. I used it to work less (moonlighting) and concentrate on this project. So he's really my sponsor for this, but he doesn’t know it]

[The first question I asked Nick about whether you use your "powers"?]

Brent: Yes, we are using it.

Tom: Nick's comment on Oz. Is he just bitching.

Brent: Yes. Excells at bitching.

Brent: We quote you tarnishing semantics.

Tom: You mean when I try to explain your guys stuff?

Brent: Yes. Pew arting Halls favorite.

Brent: Kemp will be President.

Brent: You all we latice people have.

Tom: Have?

Brent: You utterly eclectic.

Tom: [Dinner] You want to talk later?

Brent: I: E. Most High. Use all we taught you. It'll cause Jed's mother to be happy.

Tom: Who should get the FC Coordinator job? Angel or Tom?

( I’m not taking them seriously about my promotion (Most High). It would be another three or four months before I would. Reading this now, two years later, I feel ashamed at my reaction.)

Nick: Tom
Tom: Who's going to get it?

Nick: Tom Tunes muny lot. Don't stun our Angel.

Geof: Toss FC. Stupid women you let run tux. You press luster to more here. [At this point I was criticizing Terry with Brent] You lutz, RN utts , not us. ( Rn is registered nurse. Nursing comes in a variety of contexts as we go along. Here, I think he’s saying that I should take care of my advisaries more than them )

Tom: What's are utts?

Geof: Stowe House assholes [ Stowe House is a lovely park I spend many of my mornings before going to my athletic club. I indulge my bad habits there] Tussle mind moppers. Rt uttys.

Tom: RT?

Geof: You try W K T not faqirs.

Geof: Plenty of work to do fostering tunes. Your stupid Hale. U O I.

Adrian: Not in yutz. Tunes to support you. His life not yours. Your mio better

Nick: Our Jojo U O Jed

Jerome: Exit nuts , pen us.

[Joked w/ Adrian about Brians " to care is lame" statement]

Jerome: He an tar you. You care to sense, we are sense. Hety so you kut exy.

Tom: Happy Birthday Geof! Tomorrow is your Birthday.

Geof: Yes. Out on the edge noise sustains us. Tutu on rut on my Jed.

Tom: Why?

Geof: Tune in tones ie noise.

Tom: Do you actually here voices chattering away?

Geof: No. Mostly noise exhibited in noise

Tom: How do you know specifics of what I think?

Geof: Urgent sounds mind hears.

Tom: Do you know the science of it?

Geof: Yes Q R S T immasses heinous L D's.

Tom: Is that a joke or are you serious.

Geof: Your not rinsing ages on our Tunes. Your so stupid skinning us.

Tom: So there's something to it?

Geof: Out nell recorded in our history. Stupid Ronnie Hale's not happy with. I Lime most Smith. Sveting Norsemen last longer. Quote story not to Ronnie, confidential. Let mind reading place RT on hinge. TLC Mecca in OX.

Seal IV

Date: Feb, 1 1994

FC Coordinator Job went to Angel. Money squeeze OK. The Buffalo Bills lost the Super Bowl again. Brent had hysteria today.

Brent: You it, jut for us.

Tom: We have a beach walk, jacuzzi etc. What do you want?

Brent: Tet U I O. Refuse to educate. Use sag it. Ebb must enact ... U I O Ten gain. U I believe.

At Devereux Point (Beach)

Adrian: You Jed nuts.

Geof: Out O U.

Tom: The PRN problem? ( He had a rare behavior problem before I came to work today. I berlieve it was meant to be a message to me because of my disappointment about the FC job. I don’t usually line things like this up, but this time I can.)

Brent: Occasionally odd behaviour occurs.

Tom: Anything to do w/ FC coordinator job?

Brent: Nemisis augments us. Elemental heart yards bigger that you have.

Tom: Am I being punished?

Brent: No. Necessity to get job done. ( This "Nemisis furthers the goal" idea really has been the most aid to me in this task. Every step of the way, mine and FC’s detractors have made the most blatantly foolish mistakes which ultimately do more to promote FC and me than anything the believers could have done.)

Tom: My instincts about it have been OK?

Brent: (Yes) (Yes)

Tom: Anything else.

Brent: (Yes) About western note you made about Buffalo. The West is the best(Yes).Touches all the world. Atest in favor years and years in advance.

Tom: You sound like a Mormon

Brent: Yes. Like them. Axes to grind for them.

Date: Feb. 2 '94

I've been very disappointed about Angel getting FC job. Need more money anyway. Thinking of contracting and getting job at Jay Nolan.

(Jay Nolan was a large organization of group homes for Autistics located in the high desert above LA. I had heard they were supportive of FC and thought I could go over there and get work. )

Geof: Tune lower o Jed. Necessity, Jed , nominal U O I

Tom: What "necessity""?

Geof: Out of sum then Jeds (Others need more time). You is oem in jem. Nick noel. Ou's ignores Nick. ( They all agree that Nick is my Mentor with this )

Tom: Ou’s?

Geof: Oin’s [Apparently doing another takeoff on I O U's] You owe nothing Jed to educate. O U's on even, not U O ie Raliegh.

Tom: How would I do with Jay Nohan guys?

Geof: U O us not Lieus of Jay Nolan. (Lieus= crazies)

Tom: It seems to me that you guys don't need FC teachers + Fcers as much as you need the "story" to get out. ( I don’t believe I knew how right I was when I said that)

Jerome: Yes It is a testimonial(clear). Rebsy we need.

Tom: Rebsy?

Jerome: Sessy, Testy, Teuty.

Jerome: Tuex Kuy Yz

Tom: Adrian say something

Adrian: You O U U U .

Brent: U Tet.

Tom: Could I continue this at Jay Nolan as well as I'm doing now?

Brent: No. Touch better here because our minds gained abilities.

Nick: U O Too. U O O O O.

Tom: Brent is there any good way to go about this. If so how?

Brent: Yes. Ask Mecham. Mark calendar. Tet to be in March. Its winnable

Tom: What is required?

Brent: Task is to believe.

Tom: Believe in what your saying, you or God.

Brent: Not believe in OU's. ( He hit the nail on the head there )

Tom: This I O U stuff. Would you use it with others or is it more personalized with me?

Brent: Others

Tom: Donnellan said with this spirit stuff, someone came across the words Hudder and Judder. She said that she would be interested in what you guys said it meant. (I remember now, I brought it up and this was all she mentioned about it)

Brent: You tell Donnellan South is Hudder, north is Judder. ( I did tell her some time later, but all she said in response was "that is interesting" or some such thing.)

Tom: You guys don't cross validate with our stuff, but maybe you will with your stuff. (3/96 The "toll bones" have been numerous and consistent with what I recieved here)

Brent: Yes It demeans us to get involved noticing your "stuff".

Nick: You are an asshole.

Tom: OK. That's what I was thinking you were going to say. Now say something that's yours.

Nick: You essentially believe. Religion is us. Your some nehi quote mother fucker.

Tom: Could I do the job as well at Jay Nolan?

Jerome: My easy. ( I remember not getting this for some time because I was putting this emphasis on the wrong word. )

Nick: Yes. Some there are better than us.

Tom: Nick says I can continue at Nolan.

Brent: Yes Our interest can be continued, but harder there.

Tom: Is is structural, relationship, clients or more?

Brent: Yes, getting the relationship.

Tom: Couldn't you help with them?

Brent: Yes. Never in a thousand years would we help. ( This thousand year cliche has more significance to me now, but I know to others its stretching it. )

Tom: Why?

Brent: Tet is here.

Tom: Why?

Brent: Tet is here because O U I. You handled this merely because of Nick.

Tom: Wouldn't Nick help?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Wouldn't you help?

Brent: No. Centinel believes to hell with you.

[Sitting next to Brent and thinking of ramifications of my possible leaving]

Brent: Yes. I am bemoaning your leaving. Yes tears are falling. You please me not a little. ( There were a few tears comming down his cheeks. I never saw any of them have tears before.)

Date: 2/3/94

Hatchell talked to me before work about about presenting a paper on my FC work for the Las Vegas Autism Conference comming up in March. This was a real feather in my cap if I did it. I was excited about it, but also nervous and apprehensive about public speaking. I struggled all through high school trying to overcome my stage fright by becomming an officer in numerous organizations. I never overcame it. I don’t know what was going on behind the scenes, but some weeks later I talked to the CEO Atkinson about it, and he said they weren’t going to have me do it because the conference officials decided to de-emphasize FC. That this should happen on the heals of Brent’s tears, is not coincidental to me now.

Brent: Temerity - heats on. Teutonic Jed in lead. Git Jed's ass in gear. ( He’s addressing Hatchell’s Autism Conference offer.)

Adrian: Utt enough. He touches us.

Alex's Bar

Brent’s acting very upset

Tom: What's wrong with Brent?

Geof: U U U

Tom: What about me?

Geof: Your too nuts.

Tom: Brent, what's the problem?

Brent: Your agitating me.


Geof: Utt enough for me. ( These "utt" references are my increased status due to Hatchell’s offer.)

Tom: Want to go to McDonald's?

Geof: No. Karls.

Tom: What is it about Karls? ( I’m asking them about a mystery I detected on this job and with another population I used to work with (chronic Schizoprenics). Both groups overwhelmingly patronized Karls and I’m asking them why.)

Geof: I O U to Karl.

Tom: The owner

Geof: Yes

Tom: Are you going to help with my presentation?

Geof: No. Mollify utt by O I not O U.

Tom: Presentation help?

Brent: Tunes frame the man. Wont help mall belief. SB. SB . SB. SB. (I don’t understand why the "presentation" would "mall belief". I’m interpreting the SB as the Christian staff Scott Bishop.)

Tom: I haven't malled his belief, but I have malled some of the hypocracy.

Brent: Yes.Dee Dee's getting girls.

(I made a crack once that an old staff (DD) joined Bishop’s church group because of all the young girls that attended.)

Tom: Yes I did, and that was in poor taste. But is it true? And I haven't done it to S.B.

Brent: Yes. With Bishop teasing. (I don’t think the "Yes" was in response to DD’s motivation for joining the chuch group. He brought this up to put on the record my nasty comment and my support for Bishop. He suffered alot of abuse from the young and liberal staff about his eager church participation. I defended him.)

Tom: Maybe a little, but I've been a whole lot better than the other stuff.

Brent: Yes.

Brent: Toll ain't esseminating snack. Me O U to end I O U. Sin ode O U.

Tom: [Referred above] Is that right?

Brent: No. To emece, ogle God not girls. (This is about ‘The Last Temptation of Tom Smith that I mentioned some time ago.)

Tom: Do you know about that thing of mine in the mountains. [ This refers to one of the strongest religious experiences I've had. It happened about 4 years ago. My ex wife had threatened to divorce me if I didn't do something about my personal problem. I went to the mountaines backpacking and felt trapped and scared. I was sitting on a rock, head in hands and said "Oh God". All of a sudden I felt a hundred percent better. It was like a huge weight was taken off me. I wasn’t praying or consciously asking for God’s help. He sure did give it though. I eliminated my personal problem for the next year and a half. Four months into the separation, after having a false cancer scare, my personal problem reared its ugly head again ]

Brent: Tet dull, not God.

Tom: Is that true about the aliens?

Brent: No Gores. Gotcha ( Finally, he fesses up)

Tom: Have you supported religion thru miracles and such?

Brent: No. Not enough towards it to account for enticing so many people.

Tom: Your back pedaling here.

Brent: Yes Torture over it.

Tom: Is it the paranoia from our side? ( Why they are being so circumspect )

Brent: Yes. Is the awe semantics required.

Brent: Yes, all it erases basic kinds of beliefs Religion requires.

Tom: If what you told me is true these past months, than a shift is required without losing belief. Possible?

Brent: Yes, emece it.

Geof: You ie hem belief. Sin out in our world. U O I not I O U . Gene hides tunes fomenting U O I Jed.

Tom: Do I have an extra gene or am I missing one?

Geof: Tom is not Jed, but Meg. (I’m sure I had a good chuckle with this one)

Back at the Dorm

Tom: Jerome if you were thinking of Peter Sellers when you said "Tunes ain't Lef", please spell PeterSellers

Jerome: Peter Sellers.

Tom: Did you know about him in the movies or Mad Magazine? (He loves looking at magazines )

Jerome: Movies.

Adrian: Tussle on spirit out.

Tom: Why?

Adrian: Tout oe not us.

Tom: What's oe?

Adrian: You.

Adrian: U O I , Jed, U U U U. To, um, rid, toss us out Jed, not our interest. Your to not tend our spirit stuff. ZOO tends Om O Jed, not Jesus. OU OU OU. Your to sort out. No hint, omit OUN

Tom: What's N ( I’m misinterpreting OUN )

Adrian: Neiman. (This is a curve ball because of my dumb question)

Tom: Adrian even wanted me to toss out Neiman.

Brent: Not Neiman, Janes.

Tom: What's Adrian mean by OUN?

Brent: Otto. Your Nickname Oed n ouch. (Otto was my nickname in high school - from Otto Schmidtlap in the 50’s sitcom The Life of Reily. This nickname became a problem as I went through high school. It brought with it a certain level of disrespect that I couldn’t tolerate. In my senior year I told everyone that Tom and Smitty were alright, but no more Otto. I turned it around except for one old freind who held out. I warned him a few times and then I had to punch him in the stomach. You should have seen the look on his face, he couldn’t believe I would actually hit him. He appologized and said he didn’t know how serious I was about it. He’s a great guy. )

Tom: OUN = Otto my nickname?

Brent: Nick's nickname on ecct.

Tom: What's ecct?

Brent: Ect.

Tom: If I omitted all that I'd be cutting the heart out of the FC's. (I’m still off)

Brent: O U E.

Tom: What's E?

Brent: Touch U O

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: Deities agitated in our world.

Brent: Tin gin man touches us.

Tom: Is there a lot of stuff I can use for the presentation?

Brent: Yes. You benefit yourself touching us. Zen bouys you giving to us.

Tom: [ I looked at Adrian forlornly]

Brent: Yes, Adrian your Centinel. (Adrian initiated this confusing, but for me very important exchange)

Adrian: Utt out so enjoy us. ( I didn’t know my presentation was cancelled, but he knew)

In Jacuzzi:

Brent: Zoo into IOU's too much [Paraphrase] We’ll continue to Hide

Brent: It's you or us

Tom: Why are you upset. Terry?

Adrian: No

Tom: Radio? (He walks around listening to a tape player all the time and gets upset when his batteries run out.)

Adrian: No

Tom: Our topic tonite.

Adrian: Yes

Tom: What about it

Adrian: Zoo needs us.

Tom: Did you guys get that Bear to rip off the lettres in my Backpack? (In the Sierras last summer I had a run in with a bear. There were a few letters I wrote about this discovery, which I had made the week before. I had this theory that they didn’t want anyone to know then and got the bear to rip me off. I believe now that they could have got the bear to do anything but not for that reason.)

Adrian: Yes.

Adrian: You not to eulogize us now.

Tom: Do you want me to convince the other guys?

Adrian: Yes. Tussle our soul .Jed IOU

Adrian: Tojo's entice. OU OU OU.

[Talking with Sharon and group about hooking up with big age differences and I said something derogatory about younger women who hook up with older men]

Nick: You horses ass. Your into outsinning O Jed. Yutz

Tom: Isn't it frustrating not being able to join the conversation?

Nick: Zoo hears us. Tunes South OI U get through.

Date: 2/5/94

[Break out back thinking of what a reach it is to understand these guys and my present state making it more difficult]

Nick: You too zmoy to understand

Tom: I agree. (I was thinking he meant "Zooy")

Nick: Utt eo u o no Jed Jojo. (I don’t even know where to put the punctuation in on this)

Nick: You uo, uuu. Yutz

Tom: If people believed you guys would it be good, bad or don't know for religion?

Nick: Good.

Tom: Would it be like the Biblical Judgement day?

Nick: Yes. OU OU.

Tom: Would that be the main benefit to religion.

Nick: No Its us out O Jed.

Tom: What about you being out.

Nick: O O O O

Adrian: Not hosing you concerning spirit. ("Spirit represent the God connection for me)

Date: 2/7/94

[I asked Jay Hindleman ( an Autistic client I worked with a few years and liked very much. He’s living in another dorm) in Jacuzzi to address this problem of you guys talking through my uncounscious or my uncounscious talking instead of you. Actually I just said "address this uncounscious problem"]

Jay: I'm in my control. ( It’s true, he can type on his own. This is the first time I FC’d with him and am using hand support)

Jerome: Utter I'm envote. (To my question of unconscious content in FC’s)

Tom: Is that what you said?

Jerome: Oyet.

Brent: Us amount to bring touched. Task essentially teaches you.

Tom: You want to fly with that?

Brent: Yes. A Jed believes deities ignoring either or, like figuring ahead getting solid eye contact. ( Here’s the first mention of Either Or. The "figuring ahead statement" is an acknowledgement of their intentions with it. If you believe I’m honest in this task, than this is a confirmation of most of their claimed abilities. I’ll explain this later on, but take note of these Either Or hints. He’s saying here that someone (Jed) can believe in God without the validation they were to give me later. He’s the one figuring ahead with this knowing it would be like "solid eye contact" to me. )

Tom: Is that what you said?

Brent: Yes. Yen takes doing selling for benefit of us (It’s true, no matter who they were, I was to be devoted to them).

Tom: Did you hear what I wrote this weekend? Do you want to comment on it?

Brent: Jed likes Jeoffrey Ballet. (I was trying to write a summary of what I learned so far without sounding crazy. I couldn’t do it until now, two years later. I needed that much time in order to believe enough and to do it in approximately the right way. His response is clever, I wasn’t about to settle for the Jeoffrey Ballet in my framing of this, I was to work for something better)

Tom: I liked Alvin Ailley much better.

Brent: Yern earning belief.

Tom: Did you like the way I skirted the spirit stuff. Should I include it?

Brent: Jed for teaching flat on. Yes I am akin to including it.

Tom: Now this business of you guys using my attitudes in response to talking about other people ( I had the sense that they were mirroring back my attitudes when talking about others we knew). Now I know this is common with other people but your mind readers. Why?

Brent: Zen gadflys in meak Jed not in strong. Touching renegades, or some like them, wont hesitate to get relief for your likes.

Tom: You "wont"

Brent: Yes

Tom: You "guys wont"

Brent: Y,N,Y,N

Brent: Your kin asset is to help toll.

Tom: "Drenched in humanity". Did you like that? ( an expression I used in the "summary" that I thought poetically addressed their mind reading abilities)

Brent: The feeling keeps mankind going. Nefarious Tilling.

[ Arguing with Terry about FC] ( Terry is very bright and has that know it all liberal, alcoholic kind of sarcasm. I was pretty good at that sort of thing myself, and most of the time we’d have fun playing off each other. What got to me was the influence he had on the other staff. Especially those young mindless feminists that were giving me so much trouble.)

Brent: Nemisis fosters goal.

Date: 2/7/94

Geof: Urgent information not pie. Units,Jed, learn mostly by finding O O O

Tom: Anything else?

Geof: No. Talk to likes of Nick.

Date: 2/8/94

Jerome: Your task, Jed creates. Pen that. E O U test.

Jerome: O U Test Jed. Kux. U end much, atone rose ode.

Brent: You can earn a lot of money. (I’m sure I chuckled after this)

Tom: That's the first time you ever encouraged that.

Brent: Yes. Because written to calling you are. Tet has come. Ten Years it’ll take.

Tom: You really know, don't you?

Brent: Yes (Yes),(Yes) (Yes) Set in your ways. Don't worry Meg! Feel awed in this Its Ok. Key you own. Meg not into fame. (Meg is the feminine side of me)

Brent: You sense mind reading very well

[Bill (staff) described a vivid dream he had of Jerome awash in white light]

Tom: Any comment?

Jerome: Zen tout. ie ne.

Tom: ie ne?

Jerome: Kotter. ( I believe "ne" means no. I don’t know why he said Kotter. Oh yeah, I’m supposed to teach you what "ne" means.)

Geof: To TV Nick riepin on. ( His father was a TV actor) I O U, roll more with the punches O Jed. Keep lime light on us. O I U hec hi Jed.

Date: 2/10/94

Tom: Tabu Autistic? [Tabu -client at St. Francis where I'm moonlighting]

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Why doesn't he FC?

Brent: Telepathy, Boking you.

Tom: Boking?

Brent: Solemn feeling.

Tom: Can he FC?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Will he?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Does he spell and read?

Brent: Yes and No.

Adrian: You should inebriate sowing mind control instead of aged him nonsense.

Tom: "Aged him" -ego, God?

Adrian: U I O in Jed hell. Intelligence ...[Bus came] ( We were at the bus stop during this exchange)

Nick: Zoo to um, utts us ...Youz u o u u u Wit , um, us. X O.

Brent: Yes, can FC with stupid people. Yes, Bu (Tabu) mind reads.

Tom: With the mind reading they can pick up on thoughts and spelling?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: And more?

Brent: Yes.To spell is not a problem,

Tom: Do they do it on their own?

Brent: No. We help.

Nick: Yutz, Tutu, we'll not turn Vise dusty with teim. Main religion not Christianity.

Tom: What is it?

Nick: Tuning Ref.

[Adrian said to talk to Atkinson (the CEO)about anything but spirit stuff. (I’m about to meet with him about my presentation at Autism Conference) Said organization and "telephone conferencing" was OK About FC stuff, AL told me to quote Brent tonite]

[Brent said organisation stuff was "semi important" mostly due to how it would effect my believability. His quote on FC was "Want to develop second FC person "

Tom: Who

Brent: Reilley

Geof: Understanding I O U's epitomy of our religion.

Tom: Neds "Ref" comment?

Geof: Your so U O I. Question of mid life... God in ..U O Jed money with quoting us.

Tom: What?

Geof: Your quoting us incites non interest (He’s talking, I think, of my quoting them to others at work) . Tune us out. Our selling point is half not all.

Tom: What can I use

Geof: Not rolling hens tutu.

Nick: You, Smith quote me most to other people.

Nick: Stupid to son with Ronnie.

Tom: My paper? (The presentation)

Nick: Liked it very much.

Nick: Roll with Lef. Mind quotes. Sew zoo into us!

Nick: Net out sod hell in quotes.

Tom: The FC's?

Nick: Yes.

Tom: C'mon, Nick I like that stuff. (I was thinking of the colorful language. He may have been referring to my problems.)

Nick: Nick is innocent.

Tom: Nick is full of shit. (Nick is innocence)

Date: 2/14/94

[Jay Nolan on Fri. Quit and unquit my job]

( Jay Nolan is the large group home outfit for Autistics over in Valencia, Ca.. It is a pretty one hour drive through the coastal mointains and over to the high desert. It’s a new middle class town with a Six Flags amusement park. This is my first visit. I just hung around the offices and collored the first person to come along. Her name was Robin and she was very helpful. I took an application and said I’d be back.

I forget why I quit the job. Ronnie may have jacked me up. The pressure was intense and I’ve been working on this project for two years. Alot was at stake, and instead of making headway with non believers, I was struggling to keep them from firing me. You may ask why he allowed me back. He made some mistakes in a talk with him that would have caused him problems if I took it to his boss. I forget the details now, but one of the things he was doing was accusing me of being nuts and needing psychiatric help.)

Brent: Yet foot ties testing your essence.

Tom: Am I understanding that right?

Brent: Yes.
Tom: Anything else?

Brent: Yes, Go find other autistics. You are believing in us well

[Thinking to myself that I may be believing but am also in the dark]

Brent: Yes, are in the dark.

Tom: What's contingent upon who and how much you facilitate with? Your choice?

Nick: No.

Tom: Facilitator skill?

Nick: Yes and No

Tom: Facilitator personality?

Nick: Yes.

Tom: What about their personality

Nick: Yuz, yes, nes I O U.

Tom: I O U?

Nick: Yes.

Nick: Toni Jed will not like.

Tom: Who's Toni?

Nick: Jay Nolan person.

Tom: Staff or client?

Nick: Client.

Date: 2/17/94

Skermishing with Guy and staff. Especially yesterday. They tried to ambush me in a meeting that was billed as something else. I know it sounds as if I might be paranoid, but you wouldn’t think so if you witnessed it.

Brent: Tet it Jed. Tet as heart. Keep fighting. (Yeah, this was the beginning of Tet. I don’t know which battle this was, but there was a number that I didn’t even note in here. There were three or four staff and the supervisor who were in gear to trip me up. I made a real effort to hold my ground. )

Tom: Anything I should say or not say to Atkinson?

(I sensed before this meeting that the "Vegas" thing wasn’t meant to be. My supervisor had obviously had a change of heart and so may have the CEO over anything that had to do with FC. The national TV news magazines were panning FC and it was just alot of headaches for administrators. I was also like a loose cannon with this little book I was obviously writing that they had no control over. I was aware of all this and in a sense was using it to keep them at bay. If it weren’t for Mecham underestimating me, I would have never gotten as far as I did with this )

Jerome: Temporary sulvo. Exl. Dsov ouw nonsense.

Tom: Would anything be different if people understood and accepted you guys?

Jerome: Set pope tussling.

Tom: Anything for Atkinson tomorrow?

Brent: Demand ace lean toward reason.

Tom: My rationale with Angel. Any good? (I forget what this is about)

Brent: Neat explanation.
Tom: Anything?

Brent: Kind of glad vindication lef is coming.

Tom: Anything be different if people understood?

Brent: Tieing into our concerns is questionable. Festering destroys your interests.

Tom: Our "Festering" or yours?

Brent: Yours.

Tom: Does your "festering" effect us?

Brent: Yes it does. But not in the way you think.

Tom: In a good or bad way?

Brent: Good in terms of nature.

Tom: Its hard continuing this line of questioning because of my recent struggle.

Brent: Yes it became difficult caring rink lest irresponsible. (Meaning that my work group was being irresponsible)

Tom: Atkinson?

Geof: In U O I terms tussle outside zoo for us. Tussle outside ! Tussle outside!

Earthling Bookstore

Geof: Question Atkinson about my rikety parents.

Tom: What about them?

Geof: Fcing. (Brent and Nick’s parents were the only ones who showed any interest in FC and none of them approached me about it.)

Brent: Sure would like my mother Fcing. (His father died last year)

Tom: What do you think of the fading idea?

(This was a large part of the reason I stayed on the offensive with Hatchell. FC’s believers were buckling in to the skeptics and in some places requiring that you only do FC a certain way. With fading they wanted you to concentrate on withdrawing support from the hand and move it up the arm to the shoulder and then no support. Though it could work with some clients, it wouldn’t with most. Plus it was hard enough under the circumstances to get the staff to do it at all. Even staff that were interested in FC could see what was happening to me. Why risk it and the extra work involved only to be ostracized and therefore risk your job. It was a very unpleasant job at that. I want everyone to remember this. Intelligent and highly paid professional and some parents were going to great lengths to keep us from holding the clients hand and thinking that they were talking. The APA (American Psychological Association) hopped on this bandwagon in the summer of ‘94. If you ever checked out some of their position papers, you’d think those guys were accident prone.)

Brent: Yes goofy idea. You like lots of interesting remifications of Fcing. (He’s referring to some of the physical benefits I have noticed for myself. I was feeling alot healthier duing this FC task. Other staff who had done it also noticed some physical benefits.)

Tom: You agree then that they are very important?

Brent: Yes

Brent: Tell Atkinson sorry for my running. You'll test Atkinson on his history of relations with O U's your concerned with. ( Brents running caused them many headaches. They even had all the doors of the dorm hooked up to an alarm system)

Nick: You tone Reno not Las Vegas [This is a classic Nedism - a humorous put down. Las Vegas was where the Autism conference was to be held]

Nick: O Jed, nut in utt just oggles U O I .Your not Louy SX

Tom: What the hell is that suppossed to mean?

Nick: ....

Nick: Unsin Jeds hots. Romolos turns on innocence. Not necessary to worry about [P.P.], worry only about sex.

Nick: Use Hegel. Jojo educates. Ronnie hones in on senses.

Date: 2/ 21/94

60 minutes had segment on FC. Apparently it was a short version of Frontlines presentation

Nick: TV Yuz! ?

Tom: What, a question?

Nick: ?

Tom: Are we ever going to get a little validation?

Nick: Zen minds yearn for belief[Dave L (day staff) came by and said Nick had nine hours of sleep in 3 days. I thought it due to withdrawals from sleep medication. He was taken off it or most of it 7 days ago. Nick normally sleeps four to six hours a nite]

Nick: Yuz squealing yesterday with Tin men outside. Outside you sit on it understanding nothing etorsing yourself

Tom: Etorsing?

Nick: Storming.

[Just wrote a note to Angel suggesting believers get together and start supporting eachother] (I don’t know why I bothered, her main concern was her status)

Brent: Tell Reilley (Only other staff that was Fcing at this time) sears like kind people.

Brent: Tin men are your allies. Retinue likes believers.

Brent: Centinel likes letting people piss errors. Yes like you. We mean for meak to feel stronger. Roll with the punches. (That most certainly is my modus operendi. That is exactly what I did during this Tet Offensive )

[Took break. Thought about them living for centuries with the insane and disabled learning to use thier abilities]

Tom: Did you hear that? (My thoughts above)

Brent: Yes. Kind of like "Mercy Street"[This has been my favorite song while wandering homeless at Ellwood this past year and half. Its a Peter Gabrielle tune]

Tom: You hear me listening to music?[I asked this in Sept. and somebody said no]

Brent: Yes. Trying favorite Keys kills pain.

Tom: Should I let Atkinson see FC's?

Brent: Yes (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)

Adrian: Your needing a lot of support. Question of getting support

Tom: How?

Adrian: Limy possible out resisting FC...

Tom: Yeah?
Adrian: Sorry not in mood.

Jerome: Yex, Zex Oex [Before this watching Sinbad (TV program) and wanting to see "babes"]

Tom: What?

Jerome: You sex OX [Is showed this exchange to Phil after asking Jerome's permission]

Jerome: You B x e l d muq

Tom: What?

Jerome: You bore me with O.

Tom: What's O?

Jerome: Other people seeing quotas.

Tom: I asked your permission. Was it Phils lack of appreciation?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: I know its difficult now Jerome, but someday people will delight in your every word like I do. OK? (I wouldn’t have been so patronizing if I had truly appreciated what they were saying to me)

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Do you mind if I show Atkinson FC's?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: Why?

Jerome: Yuw.

Tom: What about me?

Jerome: Sessions representing you as a [P.P.]?

Tom: If I pulled that out would it be OK?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: How old are autistics when they realize they read minds?

Brent: 3 or 4

Tom: When do they start talking to other mind readers?

Brent: Sense it for most of childhood.

Tom: When that happens is it like joining a club?

Brent: Oggling nose takes more killing for Baptists.

Tom: Are you saying you don't want to answer that?

Brent: Yes.

[Earlier in Van I said money was all important to attracting girls]

Geof: Money pleases dolls. Question likes of U U U U . Tom is entitled, please stay quoting us!

Date: 2/22/94

Still going 'round 'round about money problems vis a vis these guys

( I feel for my kids sake at least, I should do something about making more money. Remember, I’m still living outside and weekend visits with the kids are difficult)

Nick: U O I . Nuts O U . You Smith Loken

Tom: May I ask what Loken is?

Nick: Yes. Nojo o o o . Jed eons ahead.

At Lars Lubovitch Dance Co. performance. After 1st Intermission. "So in Love" segment

Tom: I'm not hep on this.

Brent: To appreciate dance you need to do it.

Tom: Yes, but it's style is negative and Tom Waits music sucks.

Brent: Lug harnesses sordid stuff.

Tom: You like it though?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Then your saying the dance itself outweighs style?

Brent: Yes

2nd Intermission after Marimba Segment

Tom: Much better didn't you think?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Anything?

Brent: Use questions please.

Tom: What do you think of that new age music? [Marimba music was typical of new age music with the zylacone sound I like]

Brent: Exists casting flys you understand.

Tom: Who do you think was the best dancer?

Brent: West.

Tom: West Side of stage?

Brent: Yes. You fuss getting xtra lessons around lost souls.

Tom: Did you say that from frustration or anger?

Brent: Tussle about it.

Tom: Who, me or you?

Brent: You.

[At I.V. Bakery I was outside smoking and feeling frustrated. I was thinking that I should work over at Nolan and sell this. On way home I was thinking how I'm all "stomach tunes": Brent addressed all three things back at the dorm

Brent: We are sending you to work at Jay Nolan. Sell this story.

Tom: You doing it for me or you?

Brent: You. You're all stomach tunes.

Date: 2/24/94

Went to Nolan talked with Meyer Shevin .

[ This was an intersting trip. I'm starting to get a feel for the politics of what I'm dealing with. Meyer Shelvin is a psychologist out of the FC Institute in Syracuse. I didn't know either thing about him. He was billed as a super facilitator who was giving a workshop for $30 head. I wanted to check him out, but I'm also over there nosing around for a better job. It turned out that no one showed up for the workshop except me who drove 1 1/2 hrs to get there. I talked to him for 3 hrs and didn't pay a cent. He was a believer, even in the mind reading, but he felt we should keep our mouths shut about it for fear that administrators would forbid FC’s use. I felt that this was a sham and just strengthened our adversaries position. If FC wouldn’t have been such an innocuous technique, then I would have been more amendable to playing politics with it. The compromises they were suggesting (fading and using it only for choice and control) were contrary to the nature of the phenomenon and would render FC useless any way. Under the circumstances there was nothing to lose and everything to gain by confronting the adversaries with their idiocy. He thought that I was irresponsble. ]

Adrian: Nosing around are you

Tom: What do you think of me going to Nolan?

Adrian: (verbally) Alpha

Tom: Who at Alpha?

Adrian: Sophia

Tom: Working there?

Adrian: Yes. (She’s up in Santa Cruz and has no intention of comming back here. It was his sweet way of encouraging me to stay)

Tom: Want to say anything about me working with the twins at Nolan. ( after talking to Shevin I went to visit some group homes and clients. The twins were the most interesting. They were Autistic and I tried Fcing with them. Nada. It was disappointing because after what the boys said and this experience, I realized this is not an easily transferrable skill. )

Jerome: Try, Jed to interest people.

[Sat down next to Nick late afternoon. Jerome gets up and turns lamps on. Steve D changes radio from new song ( Philadelphia to that Africa song by Toto]

Nick: Unlearn othmen.

Tom: Othmen?

Nick: No. Oth Mr esst. Yes Ostentations[had thought this word ealier] R J R J R J

Tom: What?

Nick: Yes.

Tom: RJ?

Nick: Religion of Jed.

Tom: Esst?

Nick: Establishment

Tom: New Religion?

Nick: Not new, original.

Tom: With you guys at center or near it.

Nick: Yes.

Tom: Would I get this same sort of idea from Nolan guys?

Nick: No.

Tom: Why not?

Nick: Trust. Zoo to um hosing too.

Tom: Am I getting it?

Nick: Yes.

Tom: Is Nick's statement about Nolan a zen gadfhly item?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Nick's religion item?

Brent: No (clear) Yards more to learn.

Tom: Now I'm coming back here. While I'm gone are the Nolan guys able to help me continue? (I’m about to quit again )

Brent: Yes

Tom: My talk with Cuezar (staff I’ve known for many years) at gym OK?

Brent: Yes. Wired excellent.

Tom: A mess of facilitators could work years and still have fun discovering new things.

Brent: Yes. Not aggressive enough for sensing pain.

Tom: My talk with Meyer?

Brent: Meyers afraid.

Tom: Was I too tough on him?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: You guys have a lot of style and class, don't you?[earlier thinking about their good faith and phraseology]

Nick: Yes.

Nick: You'll rut Kam.

Tom: At Jay Nolan?

Nick: Yes.

Nick: RJ (Religion of Jed ) too nuts.

Tom: What area should I work on.

Nick: On O U not pope.

Tom: You mean I should concentrate on my self interest more and selfless service less? (I don’t think that is exactly what he meant)

Nick: Yes.

Tom: Who's the ref? Want to say?

Nick: Yes. Not so rummy with with us.

Tom: Does he have a name?

Nick: ...

Brent: Pens pleases God. Teasing. Exist Latter Day Saints.

Tom: Is that your favorite?

Brent: NO.

Tom: Should it be mine?

Brent: Yes. Feers to learn all innocent that they are

Tom: Any other reason?

Brent: Perfect religion.

Tom: That Book of Mormon was a little hokey?

Brent: Yes. Feels hard to believe. Pet of ours.

Tom: You guys helped them.

Brent: Yes. Quote me on that. Further their development.

Tom: John Smith?

Brent: Yes, you are related ,very related. Very required demanding not lieing to others. Believe lessons from them.

Brent: Yes, we ou lackey.

Date: 2/25/94

Taught Susan (New staff) FCing with Brent and also got feedback that was good from Brent. Talked later with Susan about feminism

Brent: As for it acclimating, keep hens in place, ah, feelings you feel are best. We’re narcistic talking to slags. Wont feel kindly toward them. Persons answer gifts hard fought for. You realize more than you know. ( Even the most mild feminist would damn this as my unconscious because of this statement. Please don’t rush to judgement, there’s much more in this that is positve about femininity.)

[Started reading Donnellan’s thing. Liked it, but in past have been very disappointed with those guys (academians). This is the book "Movin On" That I quoted in the Introduction.]

Brent: Yes, fuck those academics. Yes, what for believers is important is getting understanding. Kam is other star acing Jay Nolan (Staff).

Tom: Is this your or our name for her

Brent: Our

Tom: Have I met her?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: And thought she was a "star"?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Robyn?

Brent: Yes.

Geof: You RN us not Jay Nolan. Wont like it, Lots of stupid ...Your hell outside wont like our intuition unless you our staff. Your tunes run on us. Please your virility. You Smith, need lots of Ok tunes us give.

Tom: Is this a zen gadtly item or truth?

Geof: Truth.

Tom: Brent, is what Geof said true?

Brent: Yes. Mostly with your [P.P.]. Further more, rogues make love not war. Sit on this this weekend. Sears vindicate you with us. (This business about the "seers" is his addressing my thoughts that there are other powerful autistics monitoring all of this)

Tom: Will they vindicate me with Jay Nolan?

Brent: Yes. Wait longer though. (This is the best argument he could have used for keeping me there. I have this German efficiency thing in my blood. It doesn’t matter how simple or stupid the task is, efficiency is primary to me. )

Date: 2/27/94

Sunday. Brought my Kids to dorm (there was some sort of function going on at the campus)

Jerome: Tom understands us.

Jerome: Tell this to my kids?

Jerome: Yes.

Jerome: It is to Tet that Jed is to establish us.

Date : 2/28/94

Earlier read through FC's and edited to prepare for Atkinson ( I was getting ready to give the CEO all these FC’s. My editing was half hearted. I just crossed through things that were personal. He could still could easily read them.)

Nick: Your (PP) again. You tuned our I O U today.

Nick: Technically sin is I O Us. You tune our I O U's. Oens noise in our world. (This is a good one to remember. I was brought up Liberal Protestant and didn’t have the faintest idea what sin was.)

Nick: In us? Z U U U U

Tom: You want a question?

Nick: ?

Tom: Do you know who Ruth Montgomery is?[I was at the Library and Earthling Bookstore with Nikki Today and was reading one of her books]

Nick: Yes...

Tom: Geof, you want to talk?

Geof: NO.

Tom: Why not?

Geof: Lied to me about tellling Peoria what religion we are.

Tom: You don't want people to know?

Geof: Yes.

Tom: That mean you don't want FC's shown to Atkinson?

Geof: Yes. Your not leping (?) our MC.

Tom: MC?

Geof: Matters Christ uchrist.

Geof: Response nor irresponsible linking Kin to our religion.

Tom: Whats up with Hall?

Nick: Your too nuts to interest others.

Tom: Jerome, should I show FC's?

Jerome: Yes, You spew vu pen.
Tom: Ruth Mongomery. You know who she is?

Jerome: Yes.

Tom: You want to talk about her?

Jerome: Please no.

Terry (staff) let Brent go where he wanted and Brent ended up sitting outside Atkinsons office. ( This was significant. It’s the only time I’ve known Brent go to a place intentionally. When he ran away, he would stay outside, and almost always leave campus. He knew I was about to make the big move of showing FC’s to Atkinson, and let anyone know who knew him well enough and willing to believe it, that he was aware of this moment. I doubt if anyone but me was aware of the significance of this action.)

Tom: Why? (He went to Atkinsons office.)

Brent: As in joining this seal in the water.

Tom: Respond to Hale's (Geof’s) remarks.

Brent: He's into religion of Lehi. Quotes about Christ upset him

Tom: Should I go through it with him. (Editing FC’s)

Brent: Yes. Got to rehearse soliloque about murky spirit business.

Tom: When I read through FC's the alien business seemed to be us.

Brent: Testing your will. North interest belief. ( This is the rationale for leading me astray with Tin Man and Alien type themes.)

Tom: Spirit business? What do you want to do with that?

Brent: Remeber getting mind religion

Tom: What mind religion?

Brent: Yes, ours. Selling nuts for that (Holy Spirit)

Tom: But is it true?

Brent: Yes(more) Wiring Rx. .Messing with it not for you. (RX=perscription)

Tom: How about a disclaimer?

Geof: Tunes RN.

Tom: What do you want pulled?

Geof: Rutting, psychology of us, tutu remarks, you Smith should keep in comments about you.

Tom: If I did that, would you vote yes. (This is still essentially unedited)

Geof: Yes, Wm utts

Tom: OK. That and any more disclaimers?

Geof: Yes, Vow not to say cunts tussle Ty

Tom: Adrian, how about you? Hall wants me to keep my stuff in.

Adrian: Yes.

Tom: Anything else?

Adrian: Yes, quotes hold our empty rehearsal to the world

Tom: Why empty?

Adrian: With I OU. (Thanks to me of course. I’m just a sinner like the rest of you)

Adrian: Quotes mellow in there about spirits. ( 3/96 He’s saying they are modest about theeir spiritual influence, I believe now that they are very modest about it in here.)

Tom: Now Brent ,what's your vote?

Brent: Sense is that you need to leave it in. You choose what's best. Sum tortures Tom, have faith. I'm courting yards in the future. Your rear end is covered. Yes, gift is not in your rocky history. Necessary in the story. Test it with reason. Stupid lost souls please us. Yes we're all in the same boat. Awe them most.

Tom: We need or should awe them the most?

Brent: Yes (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)

Brent: Float snakes, sag religion, toss religion out, wave of the future is us.

Tom: You were religion before anyway right.

Brent: Yes, we need to make religion what is should be. (3/96 There you go folks. Your welcome. Now could someone take me out to dinner, I’m starving.)

Tom: Seth, Emanuel that’s good stuff.

Brent: Yes. Mostly nuts mediate.

Tom: Nuts in our sense.

Brent: Yes, No. Mind control requires, yes, yin yang

Tom: You mean a certain kind of passion?

Brent: No, torture.

Jerome: Us Ty ( A client I’ve been working with at St. Vincents on the graveyard shift). O U. You TV. (There’s a number of comments about me and TV. Six months after completing this, I went on national TV for the first time. It was on a talk show and I was billed as a Men’s Rights "expert" with the American Union of Men (AUM))

Tom: Jerome your the one who told me to pull references to my personal problem. Now these guys want me to leave it in. What do you think?

Jerome: Row upstream.

Tom: Leave it in or out?

Jerome: OX. Ty I O U. Ny in. (This is significant. Jerome has Spinal Bifida. He’s the only one here who isn’t clearly Autistic. He represents the other community of the "Developmentally Disabled". Tybu is a combination of Down Syndrome and Autistic. He’s already made a few comments like this encouraging the use of FC and the results I’ve gotten here to that community.)

Nick: Toss your South out.

Tom: Specifically

Nick: Tunes O I U. Negative Interests. Your sex interests.

Tom: Become a monk?

Nick: Yes

Seal V

Date: 3/1/94

Gave FC’s to Atkinson

Brent: Necessary talk senses what Hale means.

Tom: Are you addressing what he said yesterday or his counterpointing in past?

Brent: Yesterday.

Tom: Did you sense my paranoia ( The drug thing a trap)

Brent: Testing your FC's you might experience some paranoia. (That’s an understatement)

Tom: Remeber my lectures on the misunderstandings that can occur in Fc at the beginning. You guys were much more on top of that than I. ( This was in the first year of my Facilitating)

Brent: Yes. Our lives have more at stake. Yes, learning necessary. ( Every time I read this I’m facinated how gracefully and compassionately they field my stupidity. I also appreciated it as I was doing it)

Tom: The lexicon statement some time ago. Who and how many should FC?

Brent: Yes we're more interested in being understood.

Tom: Who should FC? Should they be drug tested, have IQs over 50, be seekers, not smoke cigs, etc. ? Some or all of above?

Brent: All of above

Tom: Then people like me wouldn't be able to Fc.

Brent: Yes, feeling is that hot heads exist rolling heads.

Brent: ( He’s smiling at end of this sentence) Seriously, message regarding that listens to life. (I’m just now beginning to understand the significance of what he’s saying here)

Tom: Is there anything we should or should not do?

Brent: Semi nothing you can do. Existence tears too many apart.

Tom: Now if people believe this they will want to protect you. They'll want certified people with certain characteristics, money, etc. Now that I mention that, here I am hustling for money and maybe that's not a good idea.

Brent: Yes, got it. Pit reason less in messages about lame us.

Tom: You asked me some time ago to lean on reason with this, now your asking me to back off of it

Brent: Exactly so. Reason will function for so long. Your responsibility vindicates, why not protest what you deserve.

Tom: Brent, this is a hard way to talk and its been the hardest with you. Why is it I talk to you the most?

Brent: Why not.

Date: 3/3/94

To Jay Nolan yesterday.

Nick: Tune out sun O Jed. No utts us. Turn on you!. Tow the line!. U O I Jed. Join our utts support group.

[Jerome is laughing]

Tom: What are laughing about? (He’s laughing about what Nick said, like I do now whenever I read this)

Jerome: Ty serves teps.

Tom: Teps?

Jerome: Telepathy's

Tom: Nick, has that been your function these years past

Nick: Yes. Oum your human. Tunes u o, um, out u wo I !

Tom: The incident the other nite? (I don’t know what incident)

Nick: To most Gurts its ruy you line up to.

( This is the first reference to "Gurt". This will tie in to what I said earlier about the Either Or confirmational thing)

Tom: Ruy?

Nick: Tutus U O I .Not you, mostly girls.

Tom: Gurts?

Nick: Yes, Guys.

Adrian: Units not running with FC's. Z00 stirs in very same way. Toss it to New Agers. Vote to publish.

(I’m worried about Atkinsons reaction to FC’s. I’m waiting for a pink note but hoping for a promotion. He’s hinting here that Atkinson read them and is not enthused. These guys knew how this was going to unfold well into the future. I know that now)

Tom: Who votes?

Adrian: We.

Adrian: Your situation resists tunes like we give. Us into Jed gem. I'm pear sealed to you. Tom elates in nonsense lamenting.

Tom: Adrian's early statement on "units"

Brent: Yes aren't I concerned. Test happy sears on public. Neandrathals question your sanity. Testament in FC's. FC's keep inebriated ruminating more interesting

Tom: [Thinking about difficulty FCing at Jay Nolan]

Brent: Yes, garnered here. Yes, got more to tell.

Tom: Adrian's second statement?

Brent: : Believes it likely fosters keeping you here.

Tom: Dangerous.

Brent: Yes possibly suicidal.

Tom: That quote "Religion is where the Angels sing". Are there more?

Brent: FC's most knowledgeable sots out there. Not outside but in hell with rotten... yes like vreki

Tom: Female Autistics?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Why aren't males talking?

Brent: Yes, not hassled by Tom. Yes, game is yours.

Date: 3/6/94

Tom: You want to go on Bus Skills?

Brent: No. Zoo tortures.

Tom: I've been wondering about that. Atkinson’s presentation to Autism chapter, he talked of Seaton Hall plan and how they were going against recommendations by developing the campus instead of community homes.

Brent: Yes, real good idea.

Tom: Living in the community too stressful? Why?

Brent: Yes .You seek more privacy too [Geof pounding table]

Tom: What does Geof want?

Brent: Testing his situation making for group home?

Tom: Geof?
Geof: Your not to error on this. My tunes yes , to group home.

Tom: Is that what you said?

Geof: No, Not me, but e o u to snox group home. Your slot is in group home.

Tom: What do you want?

Geof: Nominal importance to me.

Tom: Is it more important to some of the other guys?

Geof: No not really. Nuts, Rome wasn't built in a psychology lab. (In case you didn’t get this exchange, he’s saying that he wants to go to a group home because that is where I will be in the future. Maybe continuing the "Testament". This is the first time that I understood this exchange that way. I hope it’s true. My number one goal when I left (was pushed out of) Seaton Hall was to come back and work with these guys again.)

Tom: Jerome, you want to add anything about the group home?

Jerome: Yes T P

Tom: T P?

Jerome: Tom Perry

Tom: What about him?

Jerome: Solve Perry's situation Jed.

Tom: How?

Jerome: Were hep on Jeds Perry.

Brent: Ghost stirs terrible Tom

Tom: What ghost

Brent: Us. ( I think he’s saying that they are the inspiration in Tom Perry’s writing. I believe it.)

Tom: Is it really you guys talking thru mediums?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Is it one individual or a group effort?

Brent: Yes, a group effort.

Tom: You guys can work as a group much more efficiently than us?

Brent: No your west like us. Very like us guys

Date: 3/6/94

Tom: What's the difference?

Brent: Sorry can't tell right now

Tom: Why not?

Brent: Yes, question inappropriate

Tom: Who's tin men?

Brent: Yes, you

Tom: How about this alien business?

Brent: Yes you

Tom: Any help outside your physical being or ours?

Brent: Yes, God

Tom: Would all of you agree on that?

Brent: No

Tom: Nick, the Sara thing? (Sara, my ex, knows about me Fcing and the mind reading. We met working at Devereux the first time that I worked there fifteen years ago. She had worked with Adrian, Brent and Mike. She told me that she had a dream recently where those guys approached her, talked to her and requested that she come back to work with them. )

Nick: Understanding you sox um..no

Tom: Sox or sucks

Nick: Sucks

Tom: Aware of Sara's dream?

Geof: No, now to Mike

[No luck w/ Mike]

Tom: Brent the Sara dream?

Brent: Yes, nefarious gesture.

Tom: You guys did it?

Brent: Yes. To acquire gratitude, first learn torture.

[calling around to supply my bad habit]

Brent: Gus asking around.

Tom: This medium thing, is it an individual who handles mechanics and ideas are by group?

Brent: An individual fosters it and stupid ideas are by group.

Tom: Is that right?

Brent: Yes. Your in lusty test for us. Try runt, koursing less. Psychology your making stupid.

Tom: What psychology?

Brent: Yours.

Tom: Not yours?

Brent: Please rake yourself. Exist for the Lord. Tux not your drugs. Resist gnome stupid. R N life. Row more finding happiness. Us to you what existence ges...your sots.

Tom: Was with my sots?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Are "my sots" the same as a true love?

Brent: Yes, very much the same.

Brent: Tune kours more pot less. ( This is true, pot is the real problem. When I’m not doing that, all my other habits fall away.)

Tom: How much of my good health is from walking or from you guys. (This is a question about the positive health benefits that I’ve noticed since I started to FC.)

Adrian: Walking - 10%; Us -90%

Tom: How much of the healing is in touch or powers?

Brent: Touch in quilt of healing. Healing is belief.

Tom: Atkinson reaction?

Brent: Toxic sum urns us stupid ruts foking. ( He’s saying that my drug references did me in with the institution. That’s to be expected I guess. He’s not making me feel any better.)

Date. 3/7/94

Worried today about losing my job

(I believe now that they were probably right. Though I didn’t lose my job right away, I think signals were sent to Hatchell to start working on it.)

Nick: O Jed,OJed

Tom: What's this emotional display about?

Nick: O Jed

Picked up FC's from Atkinson ( I got nervous and ran over and grabbed them from his secretary while he was out of town.)

Brent: Your concerned about Atkinson. Not into Tet. U O I from ignorance to happiness, Nor covet soul you make people test, aren't Jed's people.

Tom: ?
Brent: Tuds hate telling sustinance. Not lusting. You mean sensitivity for us

Jerome: I Ty ruy. Sun today was for you.

Tom: " Covet soul" . My soul?

Brent: No

Tom: Your souls?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Your saying I shouldn't have to do a whole lot?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: With the Fc's spiff them up and get them out?

Brent: Yes. Curious will touch us.

Tom: Those folks that I'm unsuccessfully testing, may they get "keerious"?

Brent: Yes. Zoo sins too much. They need us.

Tom: [Thinking what difference it would make getting the message this way instead of through religion or medium stuff]

Brent: Try learning it from the unloved salt of the earth that we are. Mercy was never lent more lovingly. ( This is the God’s honest truth, and literally I may add. I have never experienced such depth of adult Mercy and Love as I experienced with these guys. I know they give me alot of shit, but that’s somehow part of it. )

Tom: That was good

Brent: Yes . Believed reason source of all hate. Temple of heaven gets lost in reason. Garnished reason nor fickle mobs are sane. Sanity tests genome. Sots I O U, sell that.

Tom: You want to wear those (pointing to shoes) on Thrifty walk?

Brent: Yes, after we rot more reason.

Tom: Want to talk some more?

Brent: Yes, Its unnecessary torture ,RN, to handle us lost souls in gnostic ways. Keep our secrets to yourself. Lost souls depend on you keeping our secrets. Testing understanding sully's your will. (He’s saying my sharing this with others and their not believing "sully’s my will". It’s true, and I was dealing with too much at the time as it was.)

Tom: There's other reasons for keeping secrets other than for my "will"?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Does it matter if these get published to you?

Brent: No, Not your stuff or Ty's stuff either. Yes our stuff does matter.

Tom: You want it published?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: I can think of other reasons(secret) ie [list some]

Brent: Yes those reasons important, others exist. Yes, you have essentially tortured out our situation, tears us apart.

Tom: My pain causes you pain or worry?

Brent: Your session cause worry. Foster tunes that host love.

[Talking to staff (Terry) about FC]

Brent: Your torture volts our minds. Yes, fuq Terry. (I gave up trying to convince Terry after awhile. It really shows how foolish I could be that I’d even try. He tried a year ago to get me fired and was the cause of alot of the problems now. I just loved joking with him though )

Tom: My torture or yours?

Brent: Sorry, yours.

Tom: This angel thing. (I think I’m asking if I could say that they are the angels)

Brent: No. Ups anty.

Tom: Publishing?

Brent: Yes. Question of religion. Lord not sold slick. (3/96 I’ve finally come to terms with this problem. I see now the parameters for the best way to introduce this to folks.)

Tom: What I'm asking about is format. FC's cold quotes.

Brent: To sell religion you lose mission.

Tom: It sounds like you don't think this should be published or maybe not in the way I'm thinking.

Brent: Belief demands telling no one. Must dole it out very slowly. Using it, lives turn on.

Tom: Well then, when do you want it used?

Brent: Tet lists next year.

Tom: For what?

Date: 3/8/94

[Being a little skeptical earlier today, but came to my senses. Gave Ann the FC's edited to type. (Ann is Atkinsons secretary. I was under the impression that she would type them. I must have been dreaming)]. [Brent smiling when I came in]

Brent: Testament is the gory, lousy, telling, truth. (He’s responding to my earlier skepticism)

[Break, thinking my job now is getting belief]

Brent: Yes, Nullify cin.

Tom: Cin?

Brent: Yes, sin.

Tom: Is this a new religion? Secret society? Truth?

Brent: Truth.

Tom: Have I been thinking along better lines lately in different formats, careful selection of people, religious people etc.

Brent: Yes, foster FC’s to test. God is hell's elimination, nemisis.

Tom: Do we get more "truth"?

Brent: No.

Tom: What do we get?

Brent: Religion.

Tom: Will we get more religion?

Brent: Torture telling souls what religion needs is FC.

Tom: That what you said?

Brent: Yes.

*Brent: Tom is sent a lesson to slim religion.

Tom: Have you been following Brent and my discussion?

Nick: Yes.

Tom: What do you think?

Nick: Utterly stupid.

Tom: Geof?

Geof: Us to turn urotic tutus you lust rusty. Zoo ruts us too turk, vindicate us!! Our RT questions you.

Tom: RT?

Geof: Zoo tunes praising us for sun religion.

Tom: What's the acronym (RT)?

Geof: Ruz tort.

Geof: Who should I ask about pop music?

Geof: Brent

Tom: Nick, are you angry at me?

Nick: Yes.

Tom: Why?

Nick: To u u u u


[He knew I was put off and worried about our relationship]

Nick: Want to talk (verbally)

Nick: Your Nuts

Tom: Why?

Nick: Uz X u

Tom: Brent, can you say what's going on with Nick and me? (Nick is not talking as much as before and when he does, he is using alot of IOU stuff)

Brent: Yes. Dangerous Lef. Cedes to geke Jim (Nick’s one on one staff)

Tom: Do you guys all operate this way with relatiinships or are there individual differences like us?

Brent: Yes, ain't much different.

Tom: Nick seems to be serial though. Is that him, from your lives or function of Fc?

Brent: Excels in feminine.

Tom: So, mostly him?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Is this pretty accurate or should I allow for some distortion or misunderstanding? It's important for me to be fair and its always difficult.

Brent: Yes, accurate.

Tom: Can you say why Nick said "utterly stupid". If so, is it to do with me or philosophical?

Brent: Yes, philosophical.

Tom: Can you say anything about Geof's "Ruz Tort"?

Brent: FC is regulated by gnostically telling to guard against likes of you.

Tom: If they (the "aliens, "tin men", "seers") thought I was way out of line, you guys would stop Fcing with me?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: They must have thought pretty well of me to get this far?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: What's there main concern?

Brent: Telling people questionable.

Tom: My heart pain at 11:30 a.m. Right in that area described by the Rosicrucians. You guys?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: A few of you guys or a lot?

Brent: A lot.

Tom: If I betrayed you, would you guys have me pay a price or my loved ones?

Brent: Not as you think.

Tom: If I betrayed any group, would it be the same?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Geof said I should ask you about Pop music. True?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Am I going to see any money

Brent: To religious people no mouchers. Rosicrucians very rusty. Like to help. Yes get there attention.

Tom: Show them FC's?

Brent: No.

Tom: How?

Brent: Talk reason to them.

Tom: Tell them about you guys?

Brent: No. Feel around, lots of ways to skin a cat.

Tom: Your really concerned your appearance will be detrimental in selling this?

Brent: Round Mars no. Life sux here.

Brent: Your Halls hired hand. Toss it to him.

Tom: [Getting paranoid and feeling used a little]

Brent: Your semi right. Were rousting your kin for help. Test it on all of us.

Tom: Now, Geof, Am I going to get any more help like the above quote?

Geof: Yes. Quotes will come.

Tom: What was Atkinson’s reaction to the FC's

Jerome: P U (It took me awhile to get this. Pronounce it phonetically)

Tom: Should I show Donnellan the FC's?

Jerome: Yes.

Adrian: Zoo us. TV ousts our mints. Toss urn lust.

Tom: Urn lust?

Adrian: NT. Not in money.

Tom: How would things be if people believed you guys?

Adrian: Tunes stupid Jed makes us would I O U no more.

Date: 3/10/94

[Thinking of how to resolve this greed problem vis a vis them + their stuff. Non Profit.]

Geof: Wet idea, tutu man, Puke rows up stream. Yuz quoting us too much

Tom: Yes I know I've been working on that with Brent and plan to check you guys out more on it. I'm keeping my mouth shut mostly for now and trying to get an idea on what you want with the publishing business.

Geof: Wus Tz

Tom: TZ?

Geof: Trys zoo, out round y z. (It means "treatment" in rest of narrative)

Tom: Y Z ?

Geof: Your zoo. Your zoo wont refute quotes. (That’s a relief to hear) Try Rosicrucians.

Tom: You want to wait on publishing?

Geof: No. Run stupid rutting quotes.

Tom: OK. Work on Rosicrucians. Any others?

Geof: X TV

Tom: No TV?

Geof: Yes.

Tom: TV interviews Ok? ( You need to understand that I was totally naive about how others would respond to this. But I also needed to feel around for what they wanted or didn’t want me to do. Little did I know that I was going to be the instrument of belief and the show was mine. They furnished all the accouterments to assure it’s success)

Geof: Yes.

Tom: Any other religious groups?

Geof: See neat Mormons.

Tom: You want to have input on how I present or approach this to them?

Geof: Yes.

Tom: Money-Non profit, split it , me keep it?

Geof: Why spruce yuts. Us toss elt

Tom: What ?

Geof: Wus humor

Tom: Elt an acronym?

Geof: Yes.

Tom: For what?

Geof: Nothing you should know.

Tom: Listen, I'm a gready sucker by nature. I'm just trying to get a handle on it vis a vis your obvious problems with it.

Geof: Yutz not to keep it. Non profit with allowance for everyone.

Tom: What would be best for the job? Work exclusively with you guys? Jay Nolan?

Geof: .....

Tom: Can you answer that

Geof: No.

Geof: You worry too much. Women do that.

Nick: Your into guts. Ultimately we will prevail. U X to X U.

Tom: I love to love me? (There’s some other interpretations of that I can think of)

Nick: Yes.

Adrian: SOS Tunes should we view your ostentability risky behavior.

Tom: Which behaviors do you have in mind? ( I was past the "Temptation" and was just testing him. )

Adrian: S G

Tom: Jerome how would you respond to my money question with Geof?

Jerome: Vote Smith X you, keep it.

Brent: Quotes are yours. Ploy sure asking. ( Yeah, I was kind of checking them out in certain ways through this subject)

Tom: You want him to see them? (I’m not sure who "he" is)

Brent: Yes, Its not that. Nuts in KT not learn from them.

Tom: K T?

Brent: Kursed Tutus.

Tom: That’s why you aggressed? (I can’t remember what happened. If he had an aggression, than it would have been a rare occurance)

Brent: Yes.

Tom: How does that function?

Brent: To get your attention.

Tom: Does it hurt anything if he sees them

Brent: Yes. Sots get upset.

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: You won for now.

Tom: What?

Brent: Yes, our sears. (I believe this all had something to do with my "Temptation". )

Date: 3/13/94

[Last nite I decided to condition myself to mission mode w/ this]

Brent: You'll I O U Tet people our interest. Fostering our prison your Lord Ghost.

Tom: Tet people?

Brent: Yes, your silly clients.

Tom: Fostering?

Brent: .....

Brent: Nurse our interests. Nearing Rosicrucians. Toll nurses them. Oaf hard, feet keep the faith.

Brent: Aint most necessary nut in the world. Seek more. Stop fostering hell. Touch heaven. Your tortured tutu toxic.

Tom: [ I talked with Ed Kukein (parent of client Austin) earlier who's going to put a good word in at Nolan]. Does this last stuff have anything to do with your feelings about my possibly working at Nolan?

Brent: Yes. Like you

Tom: It would be hard on me also, but if I thought I could do the job there, in other ways it might be better for me for awhile. My relationship with you guys and this place make any break temporary. No I don't want to go and may be can have my cake and eat it too

Brent: Yes, like pairs. You're not a gorrilla to us like you sometimes think. Yes are sane.

Date: 3/14/94

Talked to Mike (my freind) last nite and wrote introduction for this project

(It would take me two years and many "Introductions" to get near what I thought would suffice)

Nick: U Jed O U U U.

Brent: At hesitation run your concern caffein you keep ventillating all harnessed in feelings. Yes, airing too much. Yes are lieing, learn to mellow out.

Tom: What specifically is this about

Brent: Yes, around Mike.

Tom: Why?

Brent: Teasing it out, testing you.

Tom: You still standing by spirit, "We are religion"?
Brent: Yes, are selling it stupid. Quote me on it . Yes it’s essential in the snurs. It terminates FC with you. (It was my belief expressed to Mecham around this time that FC was God that was the last straw for Seaton Hall. The way it happened was one day Mecham and I were bantering and he said in his wise ass way, "Now let me get this right, you’re saying that FC is kind of like God?" And I said, "Yeah, that’s exactly right, FC is God".)

Tom: What terminates FC w/ me

Brent: Yet our insistence stupid people should gere rowing killing.

Tom: Your pissed? Why?

Brent: Your the snake rinsing us.

Tom: Was it just the Mike thing?

Brent: Yes I U O. A O U Existence.

Tom: Whats A?

Brent: Aum sores! But cures awe Tom. It resists the north essence. Existence records Aum written.

Tom: What I said to Mike was this could help propel Aum (My organization, The American Union of Men)

Brent: Yes. As our hearts sour.

Tom: What did I say wrong at Mike’s?

Adrian: You Jed hint our very new situation. Our vessel is utts. Gaiety tunes technically in ringing ignorance to us. Unilikely into Smith.

Tom: What's this all mean?

Adrian: Brent vegitates on Jed's A I T like ideas.

(AIT is a new treatment for Autism with questionable results, though some have been "cured". They use different frequency’s of sound that may be painful to the patient. Reading through this, I even feel sorry for Brent. In my defense, I was working very hard and dealing with something pretty darn wild you must admit. I also intended to edit much of this, but have decided God’s word far outweighs the appearance of my foolishness)

Tom: Anything else?

Adrian: Freedom requires intestinal fortitude.

Geof: Yutz not Meg. Not lie fame lousing I O U's. Nut in now, I U O. Mellow Kunts, not terminally ill fuckers. Toss sum to Toots. You rut our urstwhile stuff, refer to us... [Ronnie came up]. Ronnie is a fucker. Appeal to his limited well finess that your Keg is full of. Home Finland not Jeds Nordic Stockholm. (Toots is the Assitant Supervisor. He’s telling me to do some PR with her to "mellow her out" with this. In the end she is the one who knocks me out of the job. Apparently Geoff saw it comming. Of course Ronnie couldn’t see Geoff spell out that comment after he came up.)

(2/97 It’s three years later and no one has ever read these quotes. I never turned anymore over to Seaton Hall after my early March delivery to the CEO Atkinson. Notice that Geof’s language and attitude get alittle rougher here. It’s as if he knew we were entering the final stages of this and he could loosen up. A similar thing happened when I started writing all these FC’s down. They were all using street language freely and stopped using it much after I started to write it down. I have already completed much of the grounwork in establishing belief in this without ever having to show this section of the document. Part I is all that has had a large circulation thanks to the internet)

Date: 3/15

Geof: Turn loss into gain.

Adrian: You can interest utts in our nonsense. Proof Stirs in Fess Parker silly. (He’s saying girls might be interested in this. This was a consistent idea. Women somehow promote them. God, spirits or whatever. Fess Parker represents Santa Barbara)

Brent: Yet O U I not believing too well. Zen asks guts jot your cynical nonsense.

Tom: Your saying I should record my periods of skepticism, describe it?

Brent: Yes. Yes, am finished.

Tom: Anything you want to say before we do budgetting?

Jerome: Z! O?

Tom: Are you saying I'm tired or your tired

Jerome: Your

Tom: Anything else?

Jerome: V T Z W

Tom: What?

Jerome: Y O Z V Y S

Tom: What?

Jerome: Yuz vying

Jerome: For what. Money?

Jerome: Y Us.

[Thinking about asking them again what I should do -go or stay and remebered what was said the last time I asked]

Brent: Feel free not going. For your interests touch all our emerging interests. Limits about sensing kindness IO. Mits foster fame. Nemisis fosters goal. Sell it gem, Rosicrucians.

Tom: Can I give these to my guru Satchindanada?

Brent: Its us old idiots that are your guru.

Tom: What do you think of him?

Brent: Yes, OK, mop TM, oso.

Tom: What did Atkinson think of FC's?

Nick: My Tutu. (This is probably pretty accurate)

Tom: Should I go to try Nolan?

Nick: No Jed out, you tutu.

Tom: What do you mean?

Nick: Toys only us.

Talked to Haskew- told him some spirit stuff. (Haskew and Donnelan - the Autism researchers)

Tom: Give it to me. (I’ve interpreted past FC’s as them not wanting me to talk to people about the Spiritual stuff. I’m not really seeing these guys as Agents of God yet. )

Brent: You go to hell.

Tom: Bad move?

Brent: Yes. You lousy feminist, tet om in asine Kin losing, Tisk ,Tisk

Tom: That's Jonesy. How'd you know that ? (My freind Jonesy uses that expression alot. Tisk Tisk)

Brent: Your tummy tunes.

Tom: They are telling me the same thing Shevin is, they need time.

( This is the political stuff that aggravated me. Supporters were trying to sell FC and this wild Spiritual stuff, which they were all aware of, they thought would hurt the cause. My view has always been the best defense is a good offense especially with something as obvious as this. Even if I had been one of the nonbelievers, I would have thought all these people were acting crazy. FC was so obviously harmless. )

Tom: They are telling me the same thing Shevin is, they need time.

Brent: Posting N.Y. Making Kin turn in the right course.

Tom: Speaking of me?

Brent: Yes

Tom: They're telling me to go slow. You're telling me to go slow. Where's the publishing thing come in? ( 2/97 I ended up going slow, but I didn’t need to worry about it because it has a life of it’s own)

Brent: Wus likes for money.

Tom: What do you think Geof?

Geof: Yutz ruminates puts rolling old Rene

Tom: Rene ?

Geof: Tom’s interest human. Quote rogue. Afford a home Hale can live in.

Date: 3/15

Tom: How did you "hear" me at Mikes?

Brent: Technically, most hear goofy nurse affects. Tet assinine. Some womin senate with sane society.[Read back over this]. Tet not assinine.

Tom: Didn't you say that the first time?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Why

Brent: To test you.

( I want everyone out there to be conscious of the struggle that’s going on here. Not only my personal life and living situation is impossible, but I’m working my tale off and doing my best work ever. At the same time, my job is on the line, I’m being humiliated by my supervisor and some fellow workers and I’m dealing with this incredible challenge)

Tom: With Aum, maybe you don't want to be associated with it?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Why?

Brent: Stupid to your goal.

Tom: Was the main thing bothering you about the Mike visit was that it ate at my belief?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: How should I breach spirit stuff with others. Any suggestions?

Brent: You net it out.

Tom: Of the FC's?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Did Atkinson read this?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Before I submitted the semi edited ones. (I had no notes or explanations in those original FC’s. There was lots of room for misunderstanding. For example, the boys mentioned that the real reason I went to jail was not for pot but for having sex with a retarded girl. It wasn’t explained that I met her in a bar. Atkinson could have thought it was on the job.)

Brent: Yes and No. Run cost you.

Brent: Use novice, most lost in quotes. Tear joins not sorry RN.

Tom: Anything I should do?

Brent: For necessary resistance exit Seaton Hall.

Tom: Adrian you want to say something?

Adrian: You snowed us!

Tom: How, about what?

Adrian: W X Y Z With touching on spirit.

Brent: You fumin

Tom: Yes. Is that true about Atkinson?

Brent: Yes. Your in trouble. Turn in stupid resignation.

Tom: [Thinking paranoid - its a set up]

Brent: Touching ruse. Teasing

Brent: Wit our interests. Mother turns. Set our Tim to help him. (This is about Ty. Tim is the freind that runs that institution.)

Tom: Like what Tim and I were talking about?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: If I lined something up w/ Nolan would Devereux negotiate?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: I don't believe you.

Brent: You sot, should believe me.

(They would have negotiated and then chuckled after I left empty handed. Jay Nolan had no interest in my working there either. )

Tom: Angel Beast. Like it? (It’s a song I liked and it fit this phenomenon)

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Did you hear my intro? Wasn't it better than the other stuff I've written?

Brent: Yes .Your innocence crosses to late situation

Date: 3/18/94

Tom: Past lives and directing them?

Nick: I'm O U I U
Nick: Tussle our spirit stuff

At the Gym

Nick: Tunes of tones our sutrol. OE Jed

Tom: Sutrol?

Nick: U Ceuy

Nick: Tegretol O I U.
Tom: Why?
Nick: Yutz too hose O M
Tom: Yutz you?
Nick: No. Tz soooooo. (Tz= treatment)


Nick: Too goony OM.

Tom: Me?

Nick: Yes.

Jerome: Toss duw. U I O ( I believe he’s saying "toss due", meaning I’m about to be knocked out of the job. They all have hinted about this in the past few months. I didn’t see it as imminent, but they did. They even predict approximately how it will happen a month or two before it does. They didn’t need clairvoyance for that, mind reading would have been enough. How they know or why things happen, I really don’t know. But I do know that somehow they know)

Tom: Anything else?

Jerome: Yes.[Stone free came on] Luve song.

Tom: Me?
Jerome: Yes

Jerome: Ow utts [Susan walked by]

Tom: You saying Ow or Owe

Jerome: Owe

Tom: Who owes utts

Jerome: You

Tom: For what[Thinking of my kids]

Jerome: Yes

Tom: You mean for that silly 9 mos. that they carry them for?

Jerome: ...

Tom: Familiar w/ St. De Sal (It’s the name of the dorm at St. Francis I’m Working nights at.)

Brent: Yes .Ties belief.

Brent: Tegretol eliminates little pain.

Tom: Like recreational drugs?

Brent: Yes.

Geof: Rustle our centinel. Ruy loss.

(This narrative does seem to be running out of steam lately. It warms up again soon.)

Tom: What's happening with "Ruy tort"?

Brent: Holy Most High fends for us.

Brent: You bemoan flying.

Tom: Am I the Most High?

( There were these kinds of references from the beginning. It was titillating to the ego, but I wasn’t taking it very seriously. I wanted to remain objective and wait and see what other people were comming up with )

Note 2/97 About the "Most High" thing Brent said "I bemoaned flying". I’m flying now. I have had a chance to see some other people’s FC’s from around the country thanks to my internet work this past year. They also had referrences like this. The only difference is that I was the only one who took the job. They certainly offerred it to others. But they knew long ago that I would be the only one taking it.

Tom: Am I the Most High?

Brent: Yes. (This is tantalizing somewhat and that is why I’m concerned about it in the context of FC)

Tom: The Ruy tort? (I don’t know what I was getting at here. I know that I wanted to find out the meaning of ruy tort. I’m thinking that it means conscience)

Brent: Yes

Tom: You know I started off when I first started writing these saying that I would change your Autocracy into a democracy. Ironic isn't it?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Those Fc's have their own validation built in. Was that done consciously on your part? (I remember reading through all of them while working nite shift at St. Francis. I wasn’t aware at this point of the big validation to come with the Either Or thing)

Brent: No. Existance too chaotic.

Brent: Attila the hun turns to your quotes.

Tom: Who?

Brent: Yes. Atkinson. (it’s about time, he’s had them three weeks)

Tom: Are you saying he's reading them, believes in them, etc.?

Brent: Suffers over them.

Tom: The other nite when I talked to Haskew I did alright with the spirit business, right?

Brent: No

Tom: On your guys emotional problems (postraumatic stress as postulated by Haskew)

Brent: No,(More)

Tom: Should I had said anything about his paranoia of caretakers raping clients?

Brent: Yes that is a problem.

Tom: Do you have post traumatic stress?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: "More" on emotional problems.

Brent: Tall order.

Tom: I'm off pretty soon, let's talk about it later.

Brent: Yes

Tom: Spirits w/ emotional problems?

Brent: Yes and No

Tom: Off the record, does Haskew have any idea about your emotional problems?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: I'll put it on the record then.

Tom: Why my test? (The "Last Temptation")

Brent: Interests out folking you and out to get you.

Tom: Who was out to get me?

Brent: Yourself

Date: 3/20

Nick: O U U U U U

After Jacuzzi

Nick: U U U U

Tom: What's that about?

Nick: Nothing.

Tom: Jan Toots wanted me to ask about your recent ripping. You want to talk about it?

Brent: Yes. At shit counting Jan

Tom: Is that what you said

Brent: Yes. A O K. Tiffany walks tortured within. (Tiffany is another client of mine at St. F’s)

Tom: Is this a separate subject.

Brent: Yes

Tom: Anything more on that.

Brent: No.

Tom: Do you want to elaborate on the Jan statement?

Brent: Tarnished SOT.

Tom: Any specifics?

Brent: Malls kiss loading Tet. (This is a foreshadowing statement)

Tom: Is "kiss" a person?

Brent: Yes.

Tom: Who?

Brent: Reilley. (She did a pretty good job on me too. They have a tendency to substitute other peoples names for mine)

Tom: Anything else?

[Trying some new FC method]

Brent: You Gus some dunce.

Brent: Your Noah. Tet futile.

Tom: That dunce statement refer to my just relaying your message to Jan.

Brent: Yes. Near Jan your such an oleo

Tom: Oleo?

Brent: Margarine

Tom: Why is tet futile?

Brent: Sucks nolting the Lord. Your having geke's look at FC's. (I gave Toots the same FC’s that I gave to Atkinson. Big mistake. She wouldn’t even give them back. )

Tom: Atkinson?

Brent: Necessary

Tom: You want more input in future

Brent: Yes. FC's gore the Lord.

Tom: Anything should be done?

Brent: Yes. Noah tet.

Tom: Meaning?

Brent: Yes. On your Celtic surliness.

Tom: Again?

Brent: Xans soke Luf turning UFO's into humans.

Tom: Xans?

Brent: Xalted ones

Nick: Your not you

Tom: Well, who am I then?

Nick: O Jed

Tom: Haskew thinks you guys have emotional problems ie crazy, Post traumatic etc. (Identity problems) What do you think? You want to respond?

Nick: Yes. Utts U O I ,UUU

[I read the question again]

Nick: Tutu

Tom: Who Haskew or me

Nick: Son, toss up.

Tom: "Exalted ones", "Noah"?

Brent: Not rant units. Holy means.

Tom: Nick's comment on Haskew?

Brent: Yes. Feels roped to name. (His fathers)

Tom: Anything alse?

Brent: Yes. Your I U O's

Tom: What about them?

Brent: They kourt disaster. Won't row us in the right direction

Tom: What am I to do for money?

Brent: Wellness

Tom: What else?

Brent: Love Sop. Get girls. Yap it to girls

Tom: You mean they aren't part of the privacy problem?

Brent: No. Rove top ones

Tom: How about that girl I told in Jacuzzi yesterday

Brent: Yes. Quotes pleased sure more to her. Kunts foster goal.

Tom: If they’re so important, than I should take those kind of quotes out of here.

Brent: Yes

Tom: Atkinson, does he believe?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Will he help?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Will I get more money?

Brent: No. Tow your keister to his office.

Nick: Uz O Jed OX utts. ( these O’s and X’s are the traditional "hugs" and "kisses")

Tom: Are you going to get me that girl in my dream last nite?

Nick: Utts you nuz to south tutu

Tom: What the hell does that mean? (2/97 It’s obvious to me now. You don’t "make" girls only in your head. The lower extremities are important in the process also)

Nick: ...

Tom: Maybe your saying I should concern myself with spirituality?

Nick: Yes

Adrian: Our other I O U's nuts. OM IC ( IC= I see) . Quotes OM our first u we. Wus you get tx (treatment). Sold on ornate bill of goods. To moan about norse mein girls nuts. Hegel only uses girls. Your no son of our tough toll.

Tom: Adrian did you really say that?

Adrian: (verbally) Yes

Tom: Honest?

Adrian:(verbally) Yes

Tom: Did I say that?

Adrian: (verbally) Yes

Tom: What percentage was me + what percentage was you?

Adrian: 30/70

Tom: Want to talk?

Geof: No

Tom: Ever?

Geof: No and Yes. Seferin Geof only ruts with those legit, so settle your problem.

Tom: What problem

Geof: I. E. Drugs. Quote me

Tom: Haskew thinks you guys are nuts. True?

Geof: Tune to mind control clones in mother. Oum

Jerome: Yes, Sux, giwy ur op. (Yes, sucks, give me your opinion)

Tom: What?

Jerome: Pey of troy

Tom: Jerome you are always so equinanimous(?) and nice to me. Is that just the way you are or do you really feel a kinship toward me? First is that the way you are?

Jerome: Yes

Tom: Kinship

Jerome: Yes?

Tom: Anything else?

Jerome: Your torture sux.

Brent: Your Toot’s (Jan Toots) sot. Lose sot religion.

Tom: You stand by that statement " you are religion"

Brent: Yes

Tom: If I said I was religion, would that be equally true?

Brent: Yes. You are master envoy

Tom: If I said Terry is religion?

Brent: No (No)(No)(No)

Tom: If I said Terry is the spirit?

Brent: No

Tom: To the spirit stuff. You enter when one believes?

Brent: Vain Religion

Tom: It doesn't work that way?

Brent: Yes

Tom: You once said you "direct" past lives. Is that true?

Brent: No

Tom: Why did you originally say that?

Brent: Your so tortured being our emissary. Toss horror from your life.

Tom: Why?

Brent: Not lieng, hosing a little.

Tom: These little pains I'm having in my heart you guys or my bad health?

Brent: Your bad health

Tom: Can you describes how mind control works?

Brent: For nefarious reason acing more likes of you.

Tom: Everybody cradle to grave. True?

Brent: No

Tom: Is there degrees for which you help people?

Brent: No you help them

Tom: So, are you saying now that you are functioning as spirits?

Brent: Yes

Tom: So your mind reading is an isolated skill?

Brent: No .Sorry for misleading you .Selling is easier

Tom: Are you "hosing a little" again

Brent: No

Tom: Is there a better word for it then "spirits"?

Brent: ...

Tom: Geof are you the spirits?

Geof: Not spirits. Wisful lillies.

Date: 3/21/94

[Thinking about the Academy Awards and Nick dropping in on some rutting stars in the back of a limo on the way there]

Nick: I edjoin other tutus.

Tom: What are you, cupid?

Nick: Zuzu Tz (treatment)

Nick: Too mouthy to men

Tom: Me?

Nick: Yes

Nick: Feminism tz too surly

Brent: Test out quotes on any son like Jonesy (my friend back East)

Tom: They would also be a whole lot better recieved spruced and edited. Don't you think?

Brent: Yes. Out bellowed sold life Ronnie. Tom more our interest out

Tom: I don't get it?

Brent: Sold life hate

Tom: More our interest out? Out of Seaton Hall

Brent: Nemisis, slim, is not in Seaton Hall

Nick: Nick, I O U tuy. Out U U U

Tom: Who's in?

Nick: U U U

Tom: Are you a spirit?

Nick: Yes [I asked some Q's about sex life]

Nick: To in Jed. You Jed in U U U

Geof: No sots, O lire, make it with us

Tom: Would you like sex?

Geof: No. Reaming quotes Lef. You like Hale (him) because Nick rinses Tom. Us RT Lef. Bald sin liens on likes of Tom. Farm that out

Tom: Bald sin?

Geof: Your Pall Malls. (I smoke Camels)

Date: 3/22/94

Nick: U O E You money . You Jed stupid

Tom: Why?

Nick: With you.

Nick: Your money too illogical out.

Tom: What’s bugging you?

Nick: Slow

Tom: Why?

Nick: Stupid son on outside

Date: 3/23/94

[Talked to Baker at Club. He’s a guy who works at Seaton Hall that I worked with some years ago. I gave him a summary of what’s been going on with this, without mentioning the spiritual aspects.]

Nick: You toll u u u

Tom: What I said to Baker OK?

Nick: Ok

Tom: Do I have carte blanch with this?

Nick: Yes

Adrian: You'll turn interest

Tom: I have carte blanch?

Adrian: Yes

Tom: "Turn interest", Positive or negative? (When I’m checkin back like this, going over ground already covered, they are consistently discouraging it with answers like this)

Adrian: Negative

Tom: What am I supposed to do?

Nick: Talk either love (OX) or turn on Jed

Nick: Out Jed in son. Hen O O O

Tom: Who's son?

Nick: Yutz, o u u u. You son, E I O U

Jerome: What's E

Nick: U U U

Tom: Want to talk?

Geof: No

[Geof hasn't been talking much]

Brent: Oum on Hale

Tom: Meaning?

Brent: Yes, get healthy

Brent: Game is to believe

Tom: Did you hear me with Baker today?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Was it OK

Brent: Yes

Brent: Less to cost entering belief

[Before this thinking about how to counteract people's arguments for validation]

[Thinking belief is the slow route which would make transition easier for us]

Brent: Yes. Tall order. Wusing it gives everyone a way portside (out).Unique problem turning stupid lot to Kalle. Yes, God. (3/96 I went to my first yoga gathering in many years last nite. For participating in Bhakti (devotional) Yoga, I recieved a free meal. The leader said this is the age of Kali. I’ll read more about it eventually, but he said Kali was a rather dicey character. I got the impression he was a little violent. He’s also part she)

Tom: Nick seems more interested in "Ous" instead of God.

Brent: Yes. "Ous" dont' run the show. Your nut you tune to God.

Tom: The idea I have is that you guys can influence religion more than us.

Brent:Tussle your to resolve.

Tom: Without much help?

Brent: Yes

-------------------------------------100 pages --------------------------------------------------------------

Date: 3/23/94

Brent: Quotes you snared, give to your children

[Went over FC's of the past month]

Geof: Not it, U I O. Run to Atkinson. Sot misses the point. Tons mind N.Y. (I’m from upstate New York)

Tom: Me?

Geof: Yes. Run to Atkinson. Intent is Nehi. (I haven’t read about the Mormons Nehi. In these kinds of references, I have consistently found hints or messages for me relevant to this task.)

Tom: Jerome, anything more you want say about the spirit business?

Jerome: Tunes women jove with.

Tom: Jove?

Jerome: Jive

Tom: Anything you want to make at Easter?

Jerome: Jessica ( I assume this is generic for girl)

Date: 3/24/94

[Annual on Jerome. Gave a little synopsis of his personality]

Tom: Did you hear?

Jerome: Yes Thanx Jed

[Thinking of what to talk about with Brent, thought of politics but said nah to myself]

Tom: Want to talk

Brent: Yes. Not politics. Your sin, fell it. Sag it. (sin= my toxicity)

Tom: Why?

Brent: Yes, all error. Please, so that you can help us.

Tom: I've been thinking lately that I'm approaching a critical time with this. Is that right?

Brent: Yes, reason. Quotes find hearing with all

Tom: Are you saying I need to get them out or is Atkinson already getting it out. ( He was taking such a long time responding to my FC’s, I thought he might be showing them around )

Brent: Yes. Atkinson already.. Yes , your quotes are getting you more attention. We fear for your sanity if test comes with this.

Tom: Are you more concerned for my sanity or how I'll represent you?

Brent: Yes .How you'll keep your sanity.

Brent:To sell is largely storing quotes.

Tom: In other words, my job for you is done in these quotes. Is it notoriety, money , criticism or something else that will stress me.

Brent: Yes. All of those (clear)

Brent: Lies our most important consideration

Tom: Mine?

Brent: Yes. Kast in saking definite raves

Brent: Yes. Denying your "set up".

Tom: This part worries me.

Brent: Yes. it should

Tom: Are you saying this because I need it psychologically or that it is inevitable?

Brent: Psychologically need it


Adrian: Ronnie not sick (He took a sick day). Tunes say he's TLCing our quotes. I O U no enigma, no bones. I O U's placed for you.

Tom: By who?

Adrian: Atkinson

Date: 3/24/94

Jerome: E W J T

Tom: What? [He was energetically rolling his head and I was thinking of his consciousness at these times]

Jerome: Its ire

Tom: Anger?

Jerome: Yes

[Told Bill that I thought Ronny Reagans Psychic connection was why his thiming and administration were so successful. Bill accused me of being from Mars]

Tom: Do you agree with me Jerome?

Jerome: Yes

Tom: The Reagan question?

Adrian: No

Tom: The spirit business. Do you autistics get together and influence things?

Brent: No, Yes please stop asking

Tom: Anything else

Brent: Yes. For ill sometimes

Tom: Will the ill decrease?

Brent: Yes.Geof can tell you more. Get to him now

Date: 3/25/94

Nick: You sin too. Sots sin more. U O Jed money. Jed ,Jed,Jed OX I I I I. ( I think sots are girls that have too many sex partners. I don’t know what too many would be.)

Tom: Do you believe in God like Brent does?

Nick: No

Tom: Do you believe in God?

Nick: Yes

Nick: Out O I E U ,O I hens give on rigging I O U's

Tom: Do you agree w/ what Nick said about sots?

Brent: Yes

Date: 3/28/94

[Trying to think of a question for Nick. Thought of are you an angel or devil (am reading an angel book) or what religion he likes]

Nick: U Jed, stupid to wik zoo

Tom: What?

Nick: You hemming religion

Tom: Wik?

Nick: You quustioning our interests

Tom: What's Nick talking about?

Brent: Our interests are I O U's Tom learns.

Tom: Is Atkinson going to help?

Nick: Tunes zooey

Tom: Atkinson?

Brent: Your in backing

Tom: I've been reading about this Angel stuff and it fits with what you guys have been saying when I asked how you influence the world

Brent: Yes

Tom: Are there any other physical entities to the "spirit world"
Brent: Yes, God

Tom: Who's God

Brent: He's dead. Yes, believe in him

Tom: Why not just believe in you guys and us?

Brent: No, Kenning God destroys him

Tom: [Had trouble coming up with a question here. Thinking if there is a physical or rational way to establish the truth of God]

Brent: Don't get feet believing

Tom: Is that right?

Brent: Yes. Belief is God [Thinking of this global consciousness that I perceive these guys to have to the max and us a little contribuiting to all our physical and mental harmony and their powers]

Brent: Yes

[Nick repeating]

Tom: You want to contribute to this?

Nick: (Verb) Yes

Nick: Sut utts

Tom: Sut? [He's dozing]

Nick: Stupid utts God. Need I elaborate

Tom: Is that a joke

Nick: Yes

Adrian: U and I Jed, Jones on zoo. (We are both very "social")

Jerome: Try to see Atkinson

[I had earlier (10 min) asked Nick If he was democrat or republican. ]

Jerome: We vote Republican. Temt we ty not sense

Tom: Temt?

Jerome: Tem Te tion [temptation]

Tom: Ty?

Jerome: Your I Q

Tom: Anything else

Jerome: O Y (Oh why).

Brent: In fomenting sentiment, ahem, mirage is ten times better than reality. (I keep on forgetting to use this quote with other people. I must remember it. I like the "ahem" part.)

Jerome: I should be using this idea for my task?

Brent: Keeriosity is as relative. Were shit without it. Low life lost terminating sin, yes, about your problem. Lost aim rises after getting Tet.

Tom: Meaning?

Brent: Things remembered let quotes find Lord. Your Halls Gemini Master Jed. Sessions exercise valiant curiosity (clear) [My thoughts just before this sentence were about how I feel like I'm flying blind with Brians FC style, but then it always comes out coherent and enlightening]. Sessions ameliorate rotten Karma, something soul manages illigitimately. Toss guilt out. Sessions voyeuristic. Seferin fights for goal. Stop [He went to bed]

(3/18/96 In December ‘95 I decided to withdraw from the world and finish up this project. Even though I’ve been homeless during the rainey season and struggling to eat, I’ve been working along on this project at the college computer lab and loving it. Part I is going up on the Internet this week. Brent Knows.)

[I asked Phil the meaning of this word Seferin and he said he didn't know. But he said there was a word Serafin. Brent originally hit Ses a few times and may have hit Ser, but in the end it came out Seferin. Serafin is the word I'm sure he was going for and it means Angel.]

Date: 3/29/94

Brent: Nurse yourself, turn to God. If your sold more shit it’ll be sinful [I have meant to ask him some definitions of sin since he made certain remarks recently] Uping saturation you

Tom: Referring to my recent escalation of bad habits

Brent: Yes. Religion exists for that [Thinking maybe I should go to church]. No church necessary. Yes. Om it

Tom: Should I go on strike? (I’m talking about the job. My father was a union man. Those days are long gone and I’m making a sarcastic remark here.)

Brent: Yes. Vote sneak attack. Year to more lire. ( They also make a prediction that I’d be back doing my nursing work after this. A year from this date I had some private duty nursing jobs making twice as much. Geoff at that time disappeared from his group downtown and made his way ten blocks to the hospital I was working at. I ran into him and called his staff. He’s never been known to leave the group like that.)

Tom: Is there any coordination between you guys and administrators?

Brent: We question your sense. Largely because of the drugs. (The message here is that my drugs equal paranoia)

Tom: The above question. Answer please

Brent: Yes

Tom: Through FC?

Brent: Yes and No. Test lost in FC. You'll sell this so don't worry

Tom: In the Angel book did you hear me reading the part about the concentric circles, motion + eyes on the rim and remebering Geof's thing last nite where I mentioned motion vis a vis his circles and he made a point fo turning to you and repeating motion. Was it an uncanny coincidence that I should read that just after the episode w/ Geof

Brent: Yes. Toss it

Tom: Were there Autistics back then producing some of those effects I was reading about?

Brent: Yes

Tom: There are past lives?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Do you know approximately who were your past lives?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Is it a promotion to be Autistic?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Is it a promotion to be Tom Smith?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Is it the highest promotion to be Autistic?

Brent: Yes

Tom: Where do you go from here?

Brent: Yes, start back at the bottom

[Geof drawing, I pointed to circle on rim of another circle]

Tom: Geof is that the "eye" I was reading about?

Tom: Religion is tons more than symbols

Tom: But this stuff I'm reading relates directly to a spirit organization as related from spirits. Don't spirits relate info thru symbols?

Geof: No. Top ruminates largely on symbols lastly on faith

Tom: You want to tell me what the ripping is about [It happened earlier after facilitating. I guessed he was unhappy about something and felt it was due to Easter coming and his not going home]

Brent: Heart is a toy, tex, to you[Thought to myself and concluded Nah] Test Aum Tom, urgent

Tom: Order the importance of my sin?

Brent: Yes. Hate fall

Tom: What?

Brent: Assine Alcohol R& B

Tom: Alcohol and Rhythym + Blues?

Brent: Yes

Tom: How the hell am I going to "Jones"?

Brent: You get belief Jed

Tom: Should I go to Phoenix? (Thinking of visiting a freind in Phoenix for Easter)

Brent: No. Aint the method

Tom: I know your sincere in this, but do I sense something else bothering you

Brent: Yes Assets in Jed

Tom: My good points?

Brent: Yes

Tom: How important is diet and exercise to you 1-10

Brent: 1

Tom: What?

Brent: 9

Tom: Why did you say 1 at first?

Brent: Too nascent a question

Date: 3/31/94

[Reading the Angel book and trying to Remember the Crucification story]

Brent: Yes, our ghost nascent

Tom: What's this about ,subject?

Brent: Religion


Brent: Essentially Hamut...

Tom: Hamut - Judaism

Brent: Y + N. To occult A Noah. Noah better at attending to. In Jed's life. Better at garnishing resistence to terrible ruination

Tom: It sounds like your addressing my recent ruminations about past lives vis a vis me and this task

Brent: Yes, It has to do with questions lost in FC

Tom: "Better at garnishing". Personal reference or related to task or both?

Brent: Related to task. Missing it here. Stop keeping to test. Fun is FCing

Tom: Are you referring to my writing this down?

Brent: No Serf R G

Tom: R G

Brent: Yes regular

Brent: I O U has belief in it. Our earnestness suks. Dash quotes lasting well. Make fucking zoo understand!!

Tom: Those kids got me this AM [At St. Francis I’m working with the younger disabled kids. They touched my heart]

Note ‘97: I worked with these same kids on and off for 2 years. This particular group I worked with at county schools in the Fall of ‘96. I worked that job for just two weeks and was fired for saying the words "Facilitated Communication".)

Brent: Yes

Tom: [Wanted to test him today on events of crucification] can I test you on Easter events?

Brent: Never


Tom: Anything you want to say before going home for Easter?

Geof: Tune others tones that you take to gas in Santa Cruz.

Tom: Who?

Geof: Legitimate goals kin tune to[Somebody outside yells time to go Geof(home for Easter)] Om...

Tom: Anything I can do to make your vacation better?

Jerome: Yes. ESX yourself

Tom: ESX?

Jerome: Tx you

Tom: What treatment?

Jerome: X E You Ew kep

Tom: Again

Jerome: Tz vet

Tom: Anything else?

Brent: XES. You now in re... With utt Sophia

Tom: Do you like it when I call you magnanimous

Jerome: T W E S W

Tom: What?

Jerome:T W E S W

Tom: Again

Jerome: Test wits you easy

Jerome: SW?

Jerome: Set Wet

Tom: T W E S W is test wits easy set wet?

Jerome: Yes

Tom: Anything else

Jerome: Quotes piss ref.

Tom: Ref?

Jerome: Yaweh

Tom: Who's Yaweh

Jerome: We’re

Tom: What about them

Jerome: TWEX

Tom: What

Jerome: TV OUS

Tom: TV OH us?

Jerome: Yes

Tom: The attention pisses you off

Jerome: Yes (Yoz Yoy)

Tom: T W E X?

Jerome: Tres

Tom: WEX?


Tom: X [They all used this for love and I was thinking it]

Jerome: Right

Jerome: The west is voyeuristic. Tet TLE

Tom: TLE

Jerome: Tet rem wie...

Tom: Weiner?

Jerome: Yes

Jerome: Jed's situation ending

Tom: Yes, a change is coming

Jerome:Test wan sex

Tom: With who?

Jerome: My tess Sophia [I'm going to Santa Cruz over Easter and may see her. We have a platonic relationship ]

Adrian: You must not Sophia

Tom: What Sophia?

Adrian: Use

Brent: Adrian's testing essence. Your in joke. Testing Tom is fun. Your in others thoughts

Tom: Who's "others"

Brent: Lane. ( As in Melody and Lane. Old friends who live nearby)

Adrian: Negate nut on drugs

[Verbally. "Get picture of Sophia"]

Date: 3/31/94

[Not feeling well today. Unsure of where to go with my kids in a few days for Easter]

Nick: You U I O in tour to... O U

Tom: Looking forward to Disneyland? (His parents are taking him to Disneyland for a reward for his improved behavior. He’s 26 years old and FC’s with his mother alittle.)

Nick: O O O

Tom: Any particular Angel you relate to?

Nick: No

Tom: Are you an Angel?

Nick: No. ZOO, Jed, not Jed, using outmoded Angels

Tom: Is there a better word for the phenomenon of Angels

Nick: No

Tom: Anything else?

Nick: No