Nicknames: B&M's Mommy

Birthday:  December 18th, 1973

Location:  Chicago, IL

Occupation:  Event Planner also golden
retriever rescuer. 
Come see them!

DH Info
Dh:  Steve

Birthday:  April 27, 1974

Occupation:  He's an engineer that design Happy Meal Toys!! 

Anniversary:  October 30, 1999
Lil' Ones' Info
Pregnancy Info
EDD:  Baby #2 - August 2006


Possible Names
Birth Info
Name:  Ryan Stephen

Sex:  boy!!

:  October 5th, 2003

Time of Birth:  10:51 p.m.

Weight: 2 pounds 1 ounce

Height: 14 inches

Birth Story:  Mommy was admitted for monitoring for pre-eclampia Friday 10/3.  During the Cubs Playoffs game Sun 10/5 he started to let mommy know that he thought he might want to come out.  At the end of the game, when Mommy went to the bathroom, Ryan let them know he was coming out and the doctor agreed.  So Mommy called up Daddy to let them know they were having a baby which Daddy assured Mommy he knew... but she had to let him know she meant NOW!  So just before 11p.m. Ryan came by c-section after a 28 week pregnancy.  He is doing very well even breathing on his own!  The nurses call him the "feisty one" as he had been pulling out his nasal tubes.  =)
ChildrenRyan Stephen and one on the way

y:  October 5th, 2003

s:  1 Golden Retriever Bailey and 1 Parrot Max
Mr. Fussy Pants
and the
Moo Man