Before you go and make an ass out of u and me. Do not assume what you see before you is just "garbage."

Oh no. It's more than just garbage, my friends.

This.. is life. Life at it's finest moments. You can't just record memories like this forever.

Well, yeah, you can.. but here's what I'm saying. Take a deeper look.. into the trash.

First of all..

Doritos. Cool Ranch Doritos.. to be exact.

This begs the question... why is there a bag of..

Nacho Cheese Doritos?! Huh!?

Is one kind of Doritos not enough to satisify your hunger for death, Mr. Garbage!?

Apparently not.

Because I've seen what else you hold inside your den of inequity.

A Coca-Cola cup. A Coca-Cola cup... served to you with Nacho Cheese Dipping Sauce!

Must everything be related to Nacho Cheese, you maniac?!

And the last piece of evidence?


What is that, you may ask?

I have no idea. But to me, it looks like one of those things people use to hold onto their keys.

Looks like it didn't work this time.

Tell me, Mr. Garbage.. just when will your reign of terror end?


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