Miracle Cures in Prayer Meetings

A Scientific Explanation

[The matter is shared in brief. I hope to rewrite this aspect in greater detail as time permits. Redefining our approach to life, its health, agriculture and its practices is the primary goal of the site. It is from this root that I ended up in finding a new foundation to science that led me to Unification Theory. Unless one comprehends the Unification theory and understands the new foundation to science that is expressed in the site, it would be difficult to comprehend the new vision of life and practices to improve its health. I believe that if I can make people understand the Unification Theory all these would emerge by itself as the implication of new thinking. It very much exists in us in various age-old philosophies. The problem is that it exist behind the veil of ignorance of oneness of nature.]



One witnesses miracle cures in nature. There has been large number of cases recorded in prayer meetings. Now this has become a part of all religion and movement by it self. As a scientist, I had once dubbed it outright nonsensical. But as I discovered that the base of science rest on incomplete and contradicting theories and that all key fundamental questions of science remains unanswered, I had to soften my attitude. When I started to understand Living system as individuated dynamic system surviving in the environment and proceeded to underline the basic structure of dynamic system, I begin conceive an answer to the miracle cures in prayer meetings.


A Brief Vision of Dynamic Living System

A living system is a dynamic system that basically works to survive against external forces that disturbs its balance. The external forces expresses as winding or unwinding.  These two forces exist as a ratio. They have two types, left to right winding or right to left winding. In effect, this means that force can be experienced in four ways. Winding to the center in a left to tight or right left manner, unwinding away from the center from left to right or right left manner. Among the four possible direction to force one collapses into reality at the critical point. Ordinarily we can only experience three types of force. This is so because, the environment in which we live has a direction [Direction of Time] and this conditions us. The basic factor that influences the direction of time is knowledge. This includes both the knowledge of matter [science] and the knowledge of the soul [religion]. The above thinking invariably means that there is direction or flow to nature in which we are caught. If only we come out of this flow do we experience the whole and get an all round view of nature and its truth. I understand these statements are philosophical and it would not influence the present world caught in the hypnotic force of science. The scientific platform to come out of this hypnotic force is laid out in the site.


The new platform to nature and science discovered in the site essentially rest on the concept of equilibrium and non-equilibrium. Accordingly living system is understood as a dynamic system controlled by a dynamic information system that consist of groups [8 pairs] of genes forming a fundamental unit information that is linked to other groups. The basic force guiding the development of information is non-equilibrium and death that is faced by the system. [For more information go through the site or interact with the author]


A disease manifests on such a dynamic living system when a stress is built on one of the gene pairs of the dynamic system and it is pushed to the critical state. Just before the critical state is reached there is a zone called uncertainty zone in which it struggles to develop information or changes that helps to cope with the stress. The entire medical practices work on this zone to alleviate this stress acting on it. It helps the system by countering the force that leads it to the critical state. The medical practices can be classified basically on how it acts on the dynamic system to alleviate the stress.  To understand it one has to view the living system as dimensionless balancing system. To begin with we can visualize by imagining a scale.


A healthy system is one that is nearly balanced. When a force is put on the right pan from below, naturally the left pan will go down, the balance starts upsetting. One can help it  maintain the balance by producing an opposite force. There are three possible ways in which one can achieve it.


1] Use a similarly directed force on the left pan – The result would be that, the system shows external balanced but the stress is built on the balance that  lead to break down of the system at some critical point.

2] Use an opposite force or add weight on the same pan [right] – The balance is achieved without stressing the system the system is strengthened against the external force.

3] You can remove the force or weights on the left pan  - the balance is achieved without stressing the system, but the system becomes weak to handle future external forces disturbing it.


The best approach to balance is the second approach. All the medical practices that are known to human kind acts in one or the other way described above. 


Here the act of removing the weights from the opposite pan [third possibility discussed above] could be described as the approach of western medical practice. We all note that the western approach to health that is based on observed results, and trial and error process to counter it, has increased the number of diseases to which the system is prone. It makes the system weak to handle external uncertainty.


The act of producing similar force could be understood as the basis of the Homeopathy [ first possibility discussed above].  Here we must note that by instinct the system would have removed lot of weight on the left pan to oppose the force acting on it. Homeopathy is supporting it.


The act of producing opposite force on the same pan [ second possibility discussed above] forms the basis is ancient system of Medicine [Ayurveda].


For more information please go to page – New and Old medical Practices.

Basically a living dynamic system works to keep up a flow in the trinity – Heart mind and body in relation to the flow in the external environment. The stress acting from the environment on the living system is experienced by the whole system and all its parts down to genetic level or the building blocks.  Since the whole and the building blocks have the same fundamental principle, and since the whole is a stronger manifestation of the of the building blocks, the building blocks forms the beginning points of experiencing the stress acting and reacting against the stress on the system. [ This is the out line of dynamic system and its functioning]


When the gene is stressed the smooth flow of energy is obstructed in the whole. At the critical state a wrong approach to cure can lead to twitching of the excess flow in the opposite direction. These accumulates as negative energy at that moment.  These negative energy can get released or can turn helpful in the event an opposite stress force acting on it. But they can turn into disease, when it is accumulated beyond a certain critical points and if it reaches a third critical point the whole system collapses. The unification theory very clearly brings up a point that living system is a dynamic system and the fundamental unit information in it is not a single pair but 8 pairs. This give it enormous potentials to survive against the external force and the uncertainties associated with it. They are arranges into pairs They are arranges into pairs [{[2 ´2] ´[2´2]}´ {[2´2] ´[2´2]}] ´[{[2 ´2] ´[2´2]}´ {[2´2] ´[2´2]}], What this means is that for every disease there is anti-disease, for every negative energy there is a negative energy that becomes a cure. Since energy cannot be destroyed and since forces are created in pairs in nature it invariably means for every stress producing a disease on a particular body there should exist, another disease in another body, which is a pair of it. In other words disease are created in pairs. The energy locked in one disease is a cure for the other and vice- versa. If you find a method to unlock the energy and let it flow in mass then they neutralize and both the system gets cured.

 [This aspect will be dealt in detail as time permits]


So what this means is that if one develops a method to extract or expel the negative energy, it not only cures the person, but also can help cure another in the vicinity.


The negative energy is a  twitched energy, caught in the opposite side, [ A right winding flux caught in the left winding flux ] which hinders the smooth flow of parental flow of energy between the left and the right of the system. These negative energy can accumulate stressing the whole system and its flow. In the first step it disturbs the functioning of the body then, it disturbs the functioning of the mind and then it disturbs the functioning of the soul or the heart.  Unless they are cleansed daily they accumulate and project as diseases. The age-old philosophies of the east and its culture thus describe daily routines to cleanse the body and the mind. The Indian and Chinese System of medicine thus rightly adopt dual practice that relieves stress of the mind and the body.


How Miracle cure Occurs

Most of the mass prayers in which miracle cures occur practices certain fundamental methods to evoke and unlock the energy trapped with in the system. The basic principle used here is slowly expanding and contracting the whole system. The method used varies. It includes both physical and psychological approach.  Thus we witness the extensive use of music and songs that can vibrate the material body and penetrate into our senses and vibrate the very life in it. This helps loosening the mind that is conditioned. This accompanied by the talks or infusion of knowledge that is written down in the age-old philosophies and which are practiced as religion. This reconditions the mind in a positive manner. The process is an unfolding and taking us closer to the positive force and unity that gives life to us. We must underline a fact that we are living in a dual contradicting world- Religion and Science. The overwhelming force that is determining the course of the developments in the world is science or the material knowledge. In it lies the misery that the world is facing today. A little time taken to look back on ourselves shows that in spite of all the developments in science mankind lives a miserable life. We have lot of pains hidden in each of us, in our families and the society in general as a resultant of our divisive and destructive approach to life. These are manifesting as negative force disturbing individual and social life

As one swings and opens out collectively in the vicinity of real knowledge, the knowledge that is written in the Vedas, Bible, and Koran etc the locked up energy is given out and our vacuums are filled. This transcends as joy and cure of the diseases. This is a period in which you vibrate very close to the frequency as that of the environment and there by exist with least friction. Some of them even resonate one with the external frequency and transcends in it. This turns out to be the finest experience.

The important aspect that cures comes from individuals  ability give up the conditioned mind and open up to the flow. Nothing can be experienced if you hold back yourselves and stick to materialistic force or the knowledge you have gained. Thus it becomes necessary that you empty your self and presents as helpless child just born out of the womb of your mother. One who does it, qualitatively vibrates closer to the vibration of nature and comprehends reality and truth with clarity.

Faith is submission of mind and intelligence to the greater Soul and Intelligence. Human mind that is preoccupied with “self” is inferior and exists detached from the Central Soul and Intelligence. When one submits it, energy flow occurs between individuated consciousness [Energy of the living particle] and the Universal Consciousness [Energy of the Universal Particle].

The diseases that are cured are prone to return because the conditions to which the individuals returns favors the return. Unless the conditions are first corrected the disease returns. To know the conditions of origin one should have the Knowledge of the Condition. This means a more stable cure and order can come only with Absolute Knowledge or Light. This means only revelation of true knowledge can bring lasting transformations. Thus the order, peace and happiness to this world is linked to the true knowledge and transformation. The site aims at it. The day truth of God is understood as a principle of nature, the duality that often makes man fall back to the to the old tendencies disappears. When duality disappears every mind will bow to it and the whole will get initialized with least friction.  These aspects will be discussed at great length when the time permits.

 [In my quest to understand nature I read Bible, Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran and other religious books. I did notice an essential similarity. But none of them gave me the insight into what I was seeking as a scientist. The backbone of the above thinking was laid as early as1991. In 1996 December I made a visit one of such mass healing prayers conducted in a place called Pottah in Kerala [India].  I was hoping to observe the phenomenon closely.  But it so happened that something in me stirred and I decided to submit myself and experience it. As I did this submission every bit of the knowledge I collected by observing nature collapsed in to an order and the unifying point or the cycle of existence revealed it self in all splendor.  My scientific search for the secrets of nature not only ended giving me a sensible explanation of nature and its oneness but led me to grand unification of science and religion. 


For years in spite finding an appealing answer to every fundamental question, one thing evaded me - How the cycle of creation and death are connected? Or how infinity is curved into a cycle. I had discovered the relationship between mind and matter but I could not answer how the time is enclosed in it. I could not locate the maximum and minimum point of nature at which the waves turns around. There in the that fine moment of submission every thing fell in order revealing the secret of nature]