Thanks to all of you who write in and tell me that you like the stories you read here. It helps a lot to hear from wonderful folks like you and it also inspires me to go on and finish them.

During the past year some things have kept me from writing as much as I would like to but I think I'm back on the right track at last. Thanks again for all your support and kind words.  




More than a century has passed since Victor Hugo penned his masterpiece "Les Miserables".  Everyone who is familiar with the story has a favorite character, mine has always been Javert.  As the story unfolds, Hugo reveals the tormented soul of a good man, born into abject poverty, the son of a convict and a Gypsy fortune teller. Reading between the lines we surmise that his early years were spent in a harsh, oppressive environment devoid of love and compassion.  Starting out as a guard in the infamous Toulon Prison, he works his way up to become Chief Inspector Javert of the 1st Class. Dedicated to the law to the point of obsession, he sees things only in black and white, gray does not exist for him.  During the story, he sees his carefully constructed world fall apart when he sets the escaped convict Jean ValJean free. Unable to reconcile himself to the changes he sees coming, he commits suicide by jumping off a bridge into the rain swollen waters of the River Seine.  But...what if Javert hadn't died in that leap from the bridge?  What if he had been saved and given another chance?  What if he found love?  Would he accept that love and forever change the course of the life he set out for himself so many years ago?

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three-(Adult Content)
Chapter Four-(Adult Content) Chapter Five-(Adult Content) Chapter Six-(Adult Content)
Chapter Seven Chapter Eight-(Adult Content) Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten-(Adult Content) Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen 
Chapter Sixteen-(Adult Content) Chapter Seventeen (Adult Content)  




This a not a sequel but a continuation of sorts in the lives of Javert, Richelleen, and their friends and loved ones. This time around Richelleen is at the center of a plot being masterminded by her unscrupulous uncle, Karl Olaff (on her mother's side) to disrupt the law and order of things, and make money in the process. Javert of course has to jump in to save the day and this time he is aided by some new characters who are loyal to him. I hope you enjoy the story. ~~Rose~~

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen - (Adult Content)




Bridges of Time is a story set in both modern day Paris and 19th century Paris.  While some of the characters are new, they have connections to those you may recognize from my previous story The Altered Course.   This romantic fantasy involves a young woman, who all her life has done what other people wanted her to do and suffered for it. She is down but not out, scarred from the break up of her marriage but not bitter.

Thanks to a dear aunt who remembered her with a generous gift in her will and her own strong determination to make a life for herself, we find her in the opening chapter starting over in the City of Light.  She’s taken a job at the Paris Opera House in the costume department and becomes acquainted with a Police Detective who appears to have a very interesting pedigree.

In a moment’s time her life changes when an accident sends her back in time and creates a scenario that could change the lives of the people around her in the past, present and possibly the future.

This is a fanciful story involving romance with a bit of fantasy.  I choose the term fantasy over the term science fiction because I make no claims that any of the adventures encountered by my heroine are possible or even probable.   Also if my history is a little fuzzy, well... I’m just exercising a little poetic license to fit the story.  Also some chapters may contain a little more romance than you may want so as Karla has done before, she will post warnings if any of the chapters contain such material.  I do hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen







  Rose's Page