If Ever You're In My Arms Again
By Callista Matthews
Rated: PG-13 for language
E-mail: Quirkygirl2002@aol.com

AN: Sailor Moon disclaimer here. The song "If Ever You're In My Arms Again" is not mine. It's sung by Peabo Bryson some decade ago and I thought it was appropriate for this story. E-mail me with your comments please! Visit my website at www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Highrise/3867

Chapter 1

	"Why must you do this Endymion? Why?" The new queen of the Crystal Millenium in the Neo Moon Kingdom sighed as she looked out the large window of her new palace. The future that Pluto had showed her during her past was not the one she ended up in. In her reality, Darien, or Prince Endymion, still stayed away from her, they never went to the future to straighten things out. They remain as they were, Darien avoiding her at all cost. Time passed by and they ended up where they were now. They were King and Queen, but she was the Queen of the Neo Moon Kingdom and he was the King of the New Earth.

	The Crystal Alliance was formed with peace and harmony in mind. All the planets including Earth, and a special celestial body, the Sun, were included in the Alliance. She, as her mother was, the head monarch of the Crystal Alliance. Now she must perform the most difficult meeting of her life with the Alliance. Kind Endymion, king of all Terra, was announcing his engagement to another queen. 

	"My queen, it's time to go. The entire Alliance body is present in the meeting room." Luna, her ever-faithful advisor and confidant, knocked on the door. She was just getting used to her human form along with her husband, Artemis. 

	"I'm on my way, Luna." Serenity returned. 

	Luna approached her. "You're crushed, aren't you?" She asked gently.

	"Yes I am. I'm going to watch the man I loved for all eternity marry someone else, and that's bad enough. Now, it's also my duty to announce it to the entire Solar System, and it's crushing my heart." Serenity turned to Luna, her eyes glistening with tears.

	"I'm really sorry Serenity." Luna crossed the distance between them and gave her long-time friend a hug. 

	Serenity looked out the window to Earth. "Why did you let go?"

To be continued...

Well, what do you guys think so far? It just started out of nowhere and I thought of some really dramatic stuff for this story. E-mail me! Quirkygirl2002@aol.com


    Source: geocities.com/quirkygirl2002