Member's Ads
We are started MEMBER'S ADS services for our website visitors. Bosst your business with us become member of quresh online media.We will give you 1-5 webpages + free classified service in more then 5 famouse website.

MEMBERSHIP:                                                          AMOUNT

SILVER MEBERSHIP                                         Rs.500/US$12
(One Multi-colour +2 photo webpage (one year) and 2 free classified ads in other 5 famouse Classified s website for  60 days.

GOLD MEMBERSHIP                                      Rs.1000/US$24
(3 Graphic with 4/5 photo webpage(One year) and 5 free classified ads in other 5 famouse Classified's websites for 6 months.

DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP                                Rs.1500/US$36
(5 Graphic webpages with 10 photographs( One years) 10 free classified ads in 5 famouse Classifed 's website for One year.

Send All Ads alongwith payment by D.D/Money Order to:

178/948, Siddiq Nagar,
Meerut-250002,U.P, INDIA