Kandi Kidz
What is a Kandi Kid?
A Kandi Kid is a Raver with an amazingly positive Vibe.  Being a Kandi Kid has to do with the way you view life, and live it through PLUR.  Someone is not a Kandi Kid because of what they WEAR, its whats INSIDE you and how you use it that counts.  A typical Kandi Kid can be seen wearing Kandi necklaces with toys attached, many bracelets, perhaps a huge plastic toy wallet chain, bright colored clothing, cartoon shirts and/or pants, a kids backpack, faux fur clothing (phun fur)... and any other things that fit their personality... and brings out their inner child.  Not all Kandi Kids dress the part, but are still TRUE Kandi Kids at heart.  Some Kiddiez dress Kandi everyday, while others do not.

Whate is Kandi Jewelry?
Kandi Jewelry consists of plastic beads that are bought in craft stores, toy stores, and fabric stores
(I buy mine at Wal*Mart, they go for $1.26 for 350 beads, which is enough to make over  braclets, at 25 beads a bracelet which is 14 bracelets, and they have all sortsa neat beads, includin glo in tha dark!!!) The Kid will somtimes spend hours stringing beads on to elastic string to make bracelets and necklaces for themselves, or ones to be givin out.  Patterns on bracelets show time and thought.  Though the beads are cheap and inexpensive, Kanid Kidz will spnd tons of money on them.  The Kid will give out or trade with other Ravers throughout the nite.  Although, the kid may keep sentimental ones for theirself.  The bracelets simply show a token of friendship.

Where did this fashion come from?
This style of dress originated from the ecstacy dealers of the Rave scene years ago.  The dealer would be the Candy Kid.  Since they were bright and easy to spot, all the Ravers would know he/she had ecstacy.  Later the fashion style caught on as regular Rave attire, and the link between ecstacy and the Candy Kid slowly began to separtate

What types of Musik do Kandi Kidz listen to?
The majority of Kandi Kidz tend to favor Happy Hardcore
(WHEEEEE!) Still, Kandi Kidz are people, so the taste of Musik can differ from Kid to Kid.  Remember, being KANDI is NOT a FASHION!!!!  It is a state of MIND only understood by TRUE Ravers.
This is gonna have to be the link to page 7 of the Ravers Handbook, cuz for some reason, i cant load up the pic for it...