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Object of Creation





With respect to the ABSOLUTE






What is creation?

·       Our creation consists of Jiva, Jagat and Isvara.

·       Jiva is the individual soul which takes different embodiments birth after birth by the force his karmic influences of past lives, known as 'Samskaras'.

·       Jagat is the vast cosmos spread before us. It is the field provided by Isvara in the form of a suitable environment for the Jiva to experience the fruits of his past actions.

·       Isvara is the overall controller and awards the fruits of actions to the Jivas and also provides a suitable environment for the Jiva to enjoy or suffer, as the case may be, the fruits of his past actions.

·       The three entities i.e. Jiva, Jagat and Isvara, are interdependent. If Jiva could be eliminated, there would be no need of the field of experience (Jagat) and the controller (Isvara) because there would be no one to experience or be controlled or supervised.

·       Therefore the recipe for freedom or salvation (Mukti) is to eliminate the Jivahood by knowing one's essential nature, which is the Self or the Pure Consciousness. Once this is done, Jagat and Isvara disappear automatically, leaving behind Pure Consciousness, one without a second. Hence the saying, "know thyself and be free."

·       Also in the Mundak Upanishad the creation (Sristhi) is described as of two types viz. Isvara Sristhi and Jiva Sristhi. According to this Upanishad, the Jiva Sristhi can be destroyed through knowledge. When this is done, the Isvara Sristhi disappears also at the same time simultaneously and thus one is established in Akshar Brahman i.e. the Self.

Object of Creation

·       Object of creation on the part of Parmatman may be considered to be His free will because of His unlimited opulence i.e. powers of desiring, knowledge and action. He creates simply by desiring without effort or purpose just as we create a dream world in our sleep without any effort or purpose. In fact from the Absolute standpoint nothing was ever created, as we shall see later.

·       Creation is described variously in our Hindu scriptures such as Srimad Bhagavad, Mundak Upanishad and Prashno Upanishad and other Vedantic texts, in great detail.

·       The purpose of these descriptions is not to give the status of reality to the Creation. But on the other hand to put the facts in detail before the Jiva (in the human embodiment) for him to appreciate the cause of his miserable existence and give him the clues to the ways and means of getting out of his misery once for all by providing an opportunity for dispassion towards this illusory Creation and making him realize the true and blissful nature of his own being, the Self.

Form of Creation

·       The form of Creation is illusory in the absolute sense or at best it is a relative reality in as much as the dream world is a reality to the dreamer. This is expounded in detail as follows:




Since time immemorial man's mind has been seized with an intense desire and inquisitiveness to find the primal cause of this created universe. Human mind has ever remained anxious to collect information about the super-sensuous world. Man can know himself and at the same time perceive the extensive universe spreading before him. It is a natural curiosity to know the underlying principal of this extensive universe as well as the man. This thought has intrigued human mind since very ancient time.


The Hindu philosophers observed that by knowing the nature of clay, one knows the nature of everything made of clay. This inquiry was likewise extended to determine that basic material of the universe, by knowing of which everything in that universe will be known.


Our scriptures declare that the Supreme Truth alone is the Reality. All else is an illusion. This Truth is one without a second. There is none like It and none other than It. Therefore the perceived world or creation is non different from Reality but is a superimposition upon it. As the dream world disappears upon waking up, so does this superimposition upon realizing its sub-stratum, the Reality.

Now we shall consider the illusory nature of creation from different standpoints and analogies.

Compared to a computer model simulation             TOP OF DOCUMENT

This wonderful creation of ours may be compared to a massive multi-dimensional computer model simulation. The computer employed in this simulation is not an ordinary computer, but it is made up of pure Consciousness, designed by the Intelligent Being, the Lord Himself. He made it out of Himself and within Himself. The input for this computer is also not conventionally known to us (such as magnetic or voice medium etc.) but is the desire power or 'Ichha Shakti' of the Lord or in a limited sense his appointed agents specifically delegated with the powers of creation, maintenance and annihilation. This super conscious computer has two types of memory i.e. RAM (Random Access Memory) and BM (Backup Memory similar to the hard drive on our conventional computers).

The colorful display on the monitor of this massive computer may be compared to our visible world. At the time of dissolution the records about Jivas' progression or digression (evolution) i.e. the whole manifestation of names and forms are converted into subtle un-manifest form and are stored on BM for permanent storage. The computer is then shut off, when the creator (Brahma) retires for his night rest. The Lord does this, by withdrawing his three powers (desire, knowledge and creative). When the creator starts his day again, the computer is turned on and all the data is brought back from BM to RAM and displayed on its color monitor in its full glory. In other words the universe is created again, which starts functioning as it was, before the dissolution.

 In this super conscious computer, the operating software or the operating system (0.S.) is called 'Maya' which makes things happen. The impossible is made possible and the illusion is made to look real with such a precision and perfection, that it is incomprehensible to our BMI (Body, Mind and Intellect) equipment complex. Just to cite an example: Our mother earth with 71 % of its surface inundated, spinning about its axis, exerting peripheral centrifugal forces and yet not a drop of water spills away from the surface! Amazing - isn't it! This is the trickery of Maya.

Initially the Lord produced a prototype model from the lump called the egg. He tested and debugged this prototype using His three powers viz. 'Ichha Shakti', 'Jnana Shakti' and 'Kriya Shakti'. Then the Lord assumed the role of the Isvara by invoking His own dormant power of Maya for the management and sustenance of the production model to be created from the prototype. The task of actual production is given to Brahma, the Creator. 

Brahma was created and was endowed with the power of creation, to put the prototype into production. This is still at the un-manifest level and is given the name 'Hiranyagarbha'. 

The next stage in the creation process is called 'Virat', where Jiva and Jagat are displayed in the computer monitor in the form of animate and inanimate images (beings and objects). 

In spite of all technological advancements, the conventional computers can never even come closer to the super conscious computer that is infinite in size and scope. After the initial set up by the Lord, through His 'Ichha Shakti' the functioning of this super conscious computer is fully automatic, perfect and precise, free of any faults whatsoever. 

Extent of the problem dealt by the super conscious computer (SCC) is reviewed as under: There are 8.4 million species through which the Jiva has to cycle. The population of human species is close to 6 billion and the total population of all the Jivas (plant, animal and human) in the 8.4 M. species is estimated to be approximately 300 B. The SCC has to keep track of each Jiva going through 8.4 M. species and more until the Jiva gets a release from the eternal cycle of birth and death. It keeps an account of 'Sanchit', 'Agami' and 'Prarabdha' karma for all the Jivas, birth after birth. Jivas inter-relationship with others is precisely maintained, so that they are brought together and separated at appointed times for prescribed duration and purpose. In this system of creation, each one is entirely unique and no two animations are alike. The whole system works like a clock and fits like a jigsaw puzzle. In addition to Jivas' individual record keeping, suitable surroundings have to be provided and maintained at all times for the Jivas to work out their Karmas. This is the extent of the problem on the 'Prithivi Loka'. Other thirteen Lokas are to be catered for as well. The total management structure with suitable channels of communication is perfectly maintained at all times.  

In spite of this massive activity, between 'Jiva, Jagat and Isvara, taking place continuously; the SCC is affected in the least. Because the computer projections are multi-dimensional, its animation is able to think, desire, act, feel hunger and thirst etc. within the constraints of each species and thus create bondage or free itself from the pangs of the unending cycles of birth and death.

From the above dissertation, it can be seen as to how and why; this ever-changing phenomenon is working in perfect unison and harmony. How the Lord remains aloof and detached in spite of being very much in it as the illuminator of His creation.

In the foregoing analogy this illusory creation was compared to a sophisticated 'real time' computer model simulation. In the following presentation we shall try to show the illusory nature of our created world, from other considerations.


Game of maze

The creation is like an unending game of maze, but unfortunately the subjects are not even aware that they are caught up in this eternal game. This is because, while they eternally suffer, there are merry-go-rounds provided for their pleasure, so as to keep them deluded. But there are some lucky one's, who after long suffering over many, many thousands of births, come to realize that they are trapped in the play of Maya. Such individuals are shown the way out or are guided out of this game of maze by the ever-merciful Lord.  


Product of Maya                                                  TOP OF DOCUMENT

This wonderful creation of ours, is said to be a product of Maya, and it works endlessly like clockwork to the pinpoint precision, which is possible only in an illusion. The term Maya is often used in the scriptures and therefore, it would be worthwhile to understand what it is?


Maya is the non-existent illusory power of Parmatman and is said to be 'Anirvachaniya' meaning indescribable. No satisfactory logical answer can be given. It is posited to un-ravel the mystery of creation. It is like an un-known variable 'x' brought in, into arithmetic problems to find out the answer. Like the Maya, this variable 'X' neither appears in the question, the cause, nor will it appear in the answer, the effect. Appearing in the middle, it helps to solve the problem and obtain the correct answer and then disappears. Even so, say the scriptures, this inscrutable Maya, which is not in the Parmatman, helps the individual Jiva to solve the mystery of life, and also helps him to get out of this wheel of 'Samsara'. Ultimately the illusory Maya also disappears root and branch, along with its effects, i.e. the Jiva, Jagat and Isvara, leaving behind its sub-stratum, the Pure Consciousness. 


What this nonexistent Maya does, is beautifully described by the great Acharya Shankara and the same is summarized below:



a)    Maya is extremely clever and reconciles the presence of Jiva-Jagat-Isvara as three different entities in one non-dual Brahman, eternal without parts etc.


b)    Maya is wonderful and makes the apparently impossible seem possible. It is able to lure the highly learned with the bait of wealth and sense objects and hurl them down to the level of beasts.


c)    Maya, very cleverly, is able to affect an apparent union of the non-dual, Absolute - knowledge - Bliss, with the ephemeral BMI (body-mind-intellect) etc.


d)    Maya is able to make the unreal appear as real and create multiplicity in the one non-dual Knowledge-Bliss-Absolute and is able to create attachment to son, wife, house and the like and thus creating complete delusion beyond description.


e)    The marvel called the Maya is dexterous in making the false appear as true. Having created the false appearance of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva in the non-dual, homogeneous Brahman embarrasses even the highly learned and makes them roam about deluded, with the idea of differences among the Trinities.


f)      The wonder of all wonders called the Maya, in spite of its magical powers will take to its heels, if only we start inquiring about the Truth.



Magic Show                                      TOP OF DOCUMENT

This wonderful creation of ours is an illusion beyond doubt. It is like an illusion created by a magician. This creation has come out of nothing, by any standard, whether it is the 'big bang theory' or the detailed descriptions of creation given in the 'Sastras'. Only nothing can come out of nothing. A magician can create an illusion of producing pigeons and rabbits, looking real, from his empty magical hat. Likewise, the Master Magician Bhagvan Krishna has produced this apparently real looking world from His 'empty hat' called the Maya, using His flute as the magic wand. The Lord created it for fun and kept the illusion at an arms length, keeping Himself untouched by this illusory creation. But we in turn take this illusion to be real and thus suffer ever after.


Because this cosmos is a creation of Maya, we see wondrous feats around us, which are virtually impossible to attain in practice. When we need to build a high-rise building or a bridge across a river or send a satellite into space, imagine how much time, effort and resources are required to realize a successful project. For the Maya, to hang up the planets like the moon, the earth, the sun, mars, Jupiter and so on, weighing billions and trillions of tons, in the middle of nowhere, seems to be a child's play. Not only these massive objects are floating in space, without any supports, they are in constant motion at tremendous speeds. The earth goes about its own axis, the moon revolves around the earth, the moon and the earth, while maintaining their relative motion, go round the sun. Again the whole solar system, along with its satellites, is in constant motion at very high speeds and yet in a predictable fashion. The whole cosmos seems to be topsy-turvy or in a state of flux. In an illusory creation, nothing is impossible, yet there is a perfect method in this seeming madness.


Illusion but methodical, is the buzzword for Maya. Maya puts a proper hierarchy in place, for this illusory creation to function effectively and the whole thing is explicable to the minutest detail. First of all Maya creates its own boss called Isvara, then comes 'Hiranyagarbha' where all the 24 categories (such as five great elements, organs of action and perception etc.) are created in subtle seed form. To give form to these formless elements, Brahma is evolved. Then come Jiva and Jagat along with their total package of Karma, Upasana, Yoga, Bhakti, and Knowledge etc. Every stage of creation is explained to the minutest detail in a whole library of Vedic scriptures, which is mind-boggling. The whole purpose of this elucidation in the scriptures, is to bring home to us the reality of this eternal dream/sleep state, to the level of our own essential nature - SAT - CHIT - ANANDA.


Creation viewed with respect to the Absolute        TOP OF DOCUMENT

An illusion seen from a relative standpoint looks very real. How would it be viewed from that of the Absolute? To examine this we shall look at some aspects of the life span of Brahma, the creator, in relation to the created.


Brahma lives for 100 long years, which is equivalent to 311.04 trillion earth years. 1 year of Brahma consists of 360 days.


1 day of Brahma consists of 1 day + 1 night, each of 12 hour duration.


          1 day (12 hours)   =       1000 Chatur Yuga cycles.


=        4.32 billon earth years.

This translates into one second of Brahma

                                        =        100,000 earth years.

Chatur Yuga cycle consists of:


Kali Yuga              =          432,000    earth years


Dvapara Yuga      =          864,000    earth years


          Treta Yuga =        1,296,000   earth years


          Satya Yuga =        1,728,000   earth years


1 Chatur Yuga cycle      =        4,320,000   earth years


1 day of celestials          =                       1   human year


1 year of celestial          =                  360   human years


12000 celestial years    =        4.320,000   human years,

           Which is the same as one Chatur Yuga cycle.

From the above, it is obvious that a human being cycles (from birth to death etc.) 1000 times per second (of Brahma), assuming for simplicity, the human life span being 100 years. But there are 8.4 million life forms (Jivas) with varying life spans from few hours to a few hundred years. Therefore, the speed at which Jiva goes through the life cycle will depend upon the species, it belongs to.


For a human Jiva to revolve around the cycle of birth and death, at a speed of 1000 cycles per second, is mind boggling and is possible only in a dream state of the creator, who himself is a creation of Maya. Such is the clever trickery of Maya and there is nothing impossible for it. This is how the created is viewed from the standpoint of the creator. How about from the perspective of the Absolute? The illusory creation exists not, when viewed from the absolute standpoint because a new Brahma will be born every few seconds, with respect to the Absolute's time scale. So where is the question of the created world existing at all.


Compression of time

Compression of time in a dream as stated above, is conceivable because we experience similar situation daily during the dream state. The longest dream is said to last between 3-4 minutes, which can possibly compress the whole life span and more, of the dreamer and his dream experiences, in such a short duration of a few minutes. From this analogy we may be able to appreciate Brahma's predicament. The creation and destruction of Jivas at 1000 cycles per second, is like forming and bursting of the bubbles in water constantly. Even the air bubbles seem to last longer than 1/1,000th of a second.


Analogy with the dream world                                   TOP OF DOCUMENT

This universe may be compared to the dream world projected by the mind, during the dream state, the latter being a dream within a cosmic dream. The dreamer, the dream world and the dream experiences, all the three are projected by the mind, from the mind and onto the mind. During the dream state, mind behaves like Maya and during the waking state it acts as a tool of Maya with all the three Gunas of Prakriti viz. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, in full swing. When we are kicked out of the dream state by an incident of the dream experience, only then we come to realize that the dream was an illusion. Likewise, the 'waker', the 'waking world' and the 'waking experiences', all the three are also an illusion. It may seem difficult to accept this theory; likewise a dreamer would never accept that he was dreaming, if he was reminded of this fact while dreaming, if it was at all possible to communicate to him during the dream. The saints and sages and also the Hindu scriptures have always declared, that this waking world is nothing but an illusion like the dream world, but we are not prepared to believe them, out of our ignorance.


Movie projection on a screen

Another way to look at this illusory world is, like a movie projected on to a screen, where the screen is compared to the Truth, the substratum, onto which the illusory world is projected from a projector, we may call it Maya. If the projected objects on the screen, consider themselves to be real and then suffer the consequences, it will be their own fault. Similar to this projected movie, our world is also projected by Maya on to the substratum, call it Consciousness, Truth or Reality, and we take it to be real and consequently suffer as a result.


Projection of a snake on the rope

Our creation may be considered to be a mental projection on to the Consciousness as its sub-stratum as in the classic Vedantic example of "illusory snake on the rope", wherein the projected object has the opposing qualities compared to the base on to which it is projected. This illusory snake appears to be shining and attractive to look at, but poisonous and dangerous in actuality, and it is superimposed on to an innocent and rather harmless rope. Similarly, our world though appears to be wonderful and full of fun, is infatuated with all sorts of perils and misery at every step. Like the harmless rope is the support for the snake, the Self, whose nature is Bliss, supports this illusory world. Therefore, there is a contrary perception in both cases. The rope is harmless, the snake is dangerous, similarly the Self is of the nature of Bliss but the projected world is full of misery and strife.

Life span of creation

What is the life span of this illusory world? Very short, like the 'Ashvatha' tree, shall be the answer. It disappears very quickly for any pretext. When we go to sleep or dose off or even when we sit on the seat of meditation with the eyes closed, the world folds up. Also if we can eliminate any one pair of opposites (e.g. Birth and death, i.e. if there is no birth, no death, there is no world), the world disappears. It is as simple as that.


The world is an illusion beyond doubt; scriptures declare it and the

wise agree unanimously. This conclusion is summed up as follows:



1. World is a projection of Maya, perceived through the instrument of the mind.

2. World is real only in a relative sense. Its existence is dependent upon the duality or pairs of opposites.

3. World is as real to a waker, as the dream is to a dreamer.

4. Reality of the world is limited to the reality of the body consciousness. When the body consciousness is denied, JIVA-JAGAT-ISVARA, all the three disappear and the truth alone remains.

5. The world is very real so long as the notion, that "l am the body", is real. Therefore, for a vast majority of people, the world is a solid reality.

6. Reality of the world is conditioned by 'time and space'. Time and space is a trick of the mind. Therefore, beyond the mind, there is no time and space and no world.

7. If the world is real, the cycle of birth and death is permanent and eternal. If that is so, it will not be possible to get out of the cycle of 'Samsara'. This is contrary to the concept of 'Jivanmukti'.

8. The concept, 'this is mine and that is not mine', in relation to the body, makes up the world. If the body is not real - because it is subjected to death and birth - how can the world be real?

9. Scriptures tell us that the Reality or the Truth is one without a second. If the world was also real, it will infer two 'Realities' existing simultaneously, which is contrary to the scriptural declarations.


Last but not the least, it must be borne in mind, regardless of the perception of the world we might have, that while we live and function in this world, we must assume that the world is a reality and treat it as such. We must follow the norms of the society we live in and be compassionate towards the other living beings.

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