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God is the lover and the beloved at the same time. He loves the devotee and is the beloved of the latter. God's love is equally spread over all. It is only those, who love God, who are aware of the love of God. God is not partial to any one, but those who pray to Him feel His Grace. It is the sincere prayer of the devotee that brings about the materialization of the Grace of God.

                                                                ____Swami Sivananda

Prayer is surrendering oneself to God completely.

        Prayer is making friendship with God.

                                                                  ____Divine Rays

Realize that He, the infinite power within you, guides you, controls you and actuates you to do all things, at all times. Rise above conditioned conception of things that is to say; rise above the Gunas and Dwandwas.

                                                 ____The Mountain Path

Believe in the divine possibilities. Completely dedicate yourself to the Lord. Have full trust in Him. Rest in peace. All cares, worries, anxieties, tribulations and egoistic efforts will terminate. Imperfection, defects and weakness, even of a serious kind are no bar to spiritual progress. They can be removed through the grace of the Lord.

                                                ___Swami Sivananda

Worship God with the flowers of purity, self-restraint, humility, wisdom and devotion. Let pure thoughts of God become the rosary of your mind.

                                                 ___Swami Sivananda

  Goodness makes life a blessing. Goodness will bring sure success and prosperity. To be good is human. To be good is divine. 

                                                ____Swami Sivananda

   If the pride of spirituality enters your head, woe unto you. It is the most awful bondage that ever existed. Neither can wealth nor any other bondage of the human heart bind the soul so much as this. "I am purer than others", is the most awful idea that can enter into the human heart. In what sense are you pure? The God in you is the God in all. If you have not known this, you have known nothing. How can there be difference? It is all One. Every being is the temple of the Most High. If you can see that, well, if not, spirituality has yet to come to you.

                                                 ____Swami Vivekananda

Life is a great pilgrimage. Do not stray away. March direct to the goal. That goal is God-realization. Awake, Arise, Purify and Meditate.

                                                   _____Swami Sivananda

  THE DIVINE NAME: No one obtains liberation without the Name of the Lord. Your highest duty is to repeat His Name always. Name is the greatest treasure of treasures. The greatest of sinners can attain God-realization through the blessings of the Name. Meditate on God's Name with the belief that the Name and the Named (God) are identical. The Name of God is the most potent, unfailing tonic, sure panacea and sovereign specific.

                                                  ____Swami Sivananda

  CART BEFORE THE HORSE: Selfless service is the greatest purifying force on earth. It is through such service that, the preparatory purification is wrought, so vitally and indispensably essential for the experience of a wider consciousness and a higher life. All endeavor to attain perfection and obtain bliss is bound to be futile and abortive, if it is not based on the sound foundation of ethical development and moral stability. These latter are to be acquired mainly through a period of earnest and whole-hearted service in some form or other. This forms the melting process to the base ore of the egoistic self in man. It is a process absolutely necessary for the emergence of the pure gold of progress, peace and joy in life. To fancy oneself fit for meditation and seclusion from the start is to put the cart before the horse. 

                                                     ____ Swami Sivananda

  You won't find God anywhere unless you find Him within. Find Him within, and you shall find Him without, everywhere. If you find Him in the temple of your soul, you find Him enshrined in all temples and churches, and in all souls. 

                                                    ___ Self Realization  


  Prayer, Japa, meditation, study of philosophical books, pure food, enquiry and Satsanga will purify your mind and eradicate ignoble and wicked thoughts. Observe the vow of silence; you will then be able to control your speech. Practice Yama and Niyama. Develop Saattvika qualities. Slowly eradicate negative qualities. By these practices you will not be able to do any wrong action. The force of Saattvika habits will goad you on to do virtuous actions only.

                                                 _____Swami Sivananda 

The Atman is the hidden Self in man. And turning away from the Atman, man wanders, from unrest to unrest, in hot pursuit of shadow-shapes that come and go. Man's life on earth is an aimless wandering until he learns to look within himself and makes the greatest discovery of his life, i.e. the discovery of the Atman.

                                            ____J.P. Vaswani

Purify your mind. Steady it. Fix the mind on the Supreme Soul. Meditate and realize your essential divine nature. You will be freed from the wheel of births and deaths. You will attain eternal bliss and immortality.

                                             _____Swami Sivananda

Remember God is the inner prompter, who impels you to action. You are only His instrument. Service of humanity is service of God.

                                                 _____Swami Sivananda

Mercy is the might of the righteous. Viveka is the weapon of the aspirant. Vairagya is the armor of Mumukshus.

                                                  _____Swami Sivananda

Satsanga is the first pillar in the temple of Self-realization. Therefore seek the company of sages.

                                    _____ Swami Sivananda

Meditate on Om. Know this sacred syllable Om. You know every thing. You will attain the Highest knowledge.

                                       _____ Swami Sivananda

Close the door of the intellect, shut the windows of the senses, retire to the chamber of your heart and enjoy the bliss of the eternal.

                                            _____ Swami Sivananda

Be pure. Be devoted. Be faithful. Meditate and break the shell that encloses your mind, and abide in God.

                                             _____ Swami Sivananda

Cultivate love in the garden of your heart by removing the weeds of jealousy, hatred, suspicion, revenge, pride, and selfishness. The power of love is ineffable. Its depth is unfathomable. Its glory is indescribable. It is Divine.

                                           _____ Swami Sivananda

O man! Thou art a pilgrim here. Awake, awake. Life is short. Time is fleeting. Go back to your original home of immortal bliss.

                                            _____ Swami Sivananda


Be kind. Be compassionate. Be honest. Be bold. Be pure. Be wise. Be virtuous. Enquire: "Who am I?" Know the Self and be free.

                                             _____ Swami Sivananda

By discrimination, dispassion and meditation attain the realization of the Atman, which is illumination, enlightenment and deliverance from death, pain and sorrow.

                                            _____ Swami Sivananda

Trust the Divine Grace at every step. Speak to the Lord like a child. Be candid. Open your heart freely to Him. His Grace will at once descend.

                                               _____ Swami Sivananda

Pray faithfully like Prahlada. Sing like Radha. Repeat His name like Valmiki, Tukaram and Tulsidas. Do Kirtana like Gauranga, weep in solitude like Mira Over the separation from the Lord. You will have Darshan of the Lord.

                                             _____ Swami Sivananda

Karma yoga is the path of action. It is the path of disinterested service. It is the way that leads to the attainment of God through selfless work. It is the yoga of renunciation of the fruits of actions.

                                      _____ Swami Sivananda

Everything is God; good fortune is God; misfortune is God. Greet Him in everything and rest peacefully in His Bliss.

                                      _____ Swami Sivananda

The source of all good and happiness, the basis of all virtue and prosperity, is the religion of love. This is thy final center of repose and undying peace. Kindle this light in thy heart, for this is the immediate way to the Kingdom of God.

                                                _____ Swami Sivananda

Shut out worldly sights from your mind. Withdraw the senses. Be awake to the Self within and alive to your spiritual progress. Take repose in the Self. Rejoice and rest in peace.

                                             _____ Swami Sivananda

Who is a Saint? He who lives in God or the Eternal, who is free from egoism, likes and dislikes, selfishness, vanity, mine-ness, lust, greed and anger, who is endowed with equal vision, balanced mind, mercy, tolerance, righteousness and cosmic love, and who has divine knowledge, is a saint.

                                                        _____ Swami Sivananda
LOVE is a consistent passion to give, and not a meek persistent hope to receive. The only demand of life is the privilege to love all.

                                               _____ Swami Chinmayananda


REAL KNOWLEDGE: The knowledge of the Self is the real knowledge. All other kinds of knowledge are mere husk. One may possess the whole wealth of the three worlds and yet he can't enjoy everlasting peace unless he knows the Self. The root of all human suffering or the source of troubles, pains and sorrow is the ignorance of the Self. This dire ignorance can be destroyed only be attaining the knowledge of the Self. Therefore strive ceaselessly to attain this knowledge.

                                                         ____ Swami Sivananda 
Bhakti is immortalizing nectar; it transmutes a man into divinity. It makes him perfect. It bestows on him everlasting peace and bliss.

                                                        ____ Swami Sivananda 

Meditation opens up all the closed inner gates in the spine and brain that bring power to your body, mind, and soul. When you meditate your body becomes filled with electricity or life energy that is ever present in the ether. Most people do not realize that. Meditation is turning on of the inner switch that fills the body with the divine current. That is why it is so important to keep your concentration on the after effects of meditation every minute of one’s existence. Do not neutralize that peace with the disturbing thoughts. If you gather concentration in a pail of meditation, and have a leak of restlessness, your concentration will run out. You must not have any mental leaks.

                                                ----- Self-Realization

In the midst of multifarious activities of the day-to-day life, if we are not careful enough to continue meditation on our Ishta Devata then we are likely to be drawn to the attractions of the empirical world. So those who are really serious in reaching the Goal Supreme in this life itself should try to withdraw their minds from all objects of form, smell, taste, touch and sound.

                                                ----- Swami Gokulananda

“One should look upon this world as an illusion and a creation of the mind, open to perception and evanescent as a dream and most unsteady like a revolving firebrand. Consciousness, though one, appears as many and this threefold division wrought by the projection of (three) Gunas is illusory appearance.”

                                                ----- Bhagavata (XI-13.34)

The world would be a much happier place if we all practiced more consideration, understanding, and forgiveness. These are some of the most wonderful words in our language.

                                                  ---- Henry H. Graham

Nivritti is the fundamental basis of all morality and all religion, and the very perfection of it is self-abnegation, readiness to sacrifice mind and body and everything for another being. When a man has reached that state, he has attained to the perfection of karma yoga. This is the highest result of good works. Although a man has not studied a single system of philosophy, although he does not believe in any God, and never has believed, although he has not prayed even once in his whole life, if the simple power of good actions has brought him to that state where he is ready to give up his life and all else for others, he has arrived at the same point to which the religious man will come through his prayers and the philosopher through his knowledge; and so you may find that the philosopher, the worker and the devotee, all meet at one point, that one point being self-abnegation.

---- Swami Vivekananda

Although you should take care of the body and should follow the right laws of living, do not allow your efforts in this direction to become a preoccupation that consumes all your time. Do not make health the ruling factor in your life. Healing the soul also heals both body and mind. When you have healed your soul of ignorance you have also heated your mind and your body, for the darkness of mental in-harmonies and physical disease and no longer exist when the light of wisdom enters your body temple.

                                                            ---- Self-Realization

“He who having totally given up attachments to actions and their fruit, no longer depends on the world, and is ever satisfied, does nothing at all, though fully engaged in action. Having subdued his mind and body, and given up all objects of enjoyment, and free from craving; he who performs sheer bodily actions does not incur sin.”

                                                            --- Gita (IV. 20-21)

This whole world is like a big factory of God. The main wheel revolves. From it belts are attached to other wheels and machines. Each small part of machine does its own allotted work. Man must serve others. He is part of the cycle and must perform his assigned task like the other parts.

If a man does not follow the wheel of the universe thus revolving, if he leads a sensual life of absolute selfishness, he is simply wasting his life. He is a mere burden on earth. He is committing great sin indeed.

                                                            --- Swami Sivananda


By austerity a man achieves goodness, and through goodness he takes hold of his mind. Through the mind he reaches the self, and reaching the self he comes to rest.

                                                            --- Maitreya Upanishad

The Guru-disciple relationship is the highest expression of friendship, for it is based on unconditional divine love and wisdom. It is loftiest and most sacred of all relationships.

                                                          --- Self-Realization

Know that you are not this restless mind, but that you are the immortal, all blissful, and changeless spirit.

                                                         --- The Mountain Path

      The end of wisdom is freedom.

            The end of culture is perfection.

            The end of education is Character.

            The end of knowledge is love.

            That eye alone is the real eye, which sees God in every thing.

                                 --- Swami Sivananda

"Until and unless Self-realization is attained, Knowledge-Absolute is
gained, there is ever the ebb and flow, the constant see-saw between the
animal and the man in every human being. The beast or the brute is never
completely absent or overcome except through a final Divinization of the

                                                                         --- Swami Sivananda