A Tribute to Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. 2005

Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi

Created on August 29, 2005, exactly 109 years after He left His home.

Of the many great enlightened beings India has given the world, two stand out.
The Buddha and
Bhagavan, i.e., Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi

These two symbolize unlimited compassion and love for all beings. Sri Bhagavan himself is the epitome of untold bliss, among many other virtues.



April 14, 1950 8:47pm
Bright meteor disappears behind Arunachala peak.

"In the same way that wax melts on encountering fire, on seeing his feet,
my mind dissolved and lost its form. Like the calf finding its mother,
my heart melted and rejoiced in his feet. The hairs on my body stood on
end. Devotion surged in me like an ocean that has seen the full moon.
Through the grace of chitsakti [the power inherent in consciousness], my
soul was in ecstasy."

See The Power of His Presence
by Sri Muruganar (1893 - 1973)

"He became one with my very soul,
the Supreme Lord, the flawless Brahman,
the life of all that is, the jewel of the Self,
turning my soul's night to day
with the fulsome rays of true wisdom's sun"

by Sri Muruganar (1893 - 1973)

All the animals who came to the ashram were treated with the same respect and loving care as humans.

Bhagavan is a living inspiration to all mankind

to realize the Self.


Sri Bhagavan's philosophy and spiritual instructions may be found in the form of freely downloadable books on the Ramana Maharshi Website

"Sri Ramana is all things to all people.
There is no standard Ramana Maharshi who is the same for all people.
People who approached him brought their minds with them, and Bhagavan, being a non-person with no mind of his own, magnified and reflected back all this incoming mental energy.
So, different people saw him and experienced him in many different ways. "

by David Godman

Ganapathi Muni and Kavyakantha Ganapathi Muni

While sitting there, my eyes were intensely fixed upon the Maharshi and
I saw his form assume different manifestations. It first changed to the
Avatar of Vishnu (Vahar Avatar). Then his form changed into that of
Ganesha, the elephant God. Next it suddenly changed and I saw Ramana
and Arunachala as one. Then I had the vision ...

See Nothing existed except the eyes of the Maharshi

Venkata [Ramana] whose Being is Bliss
Overflowing and immeasurable,
Came out quick to meet this slave
And far from laughing in contempt,
Took me up and made me his own.
How wonderful his grace!

by Sri Muruganar

Edited with the legendary vim 6.2 on an Apple PowerBook running Mac OS X 10.4.2.
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