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The Feloran Chronicles, Volume 36
Back on Ceres, the battle over the Aelisir continues...
Parthan presses his attack against Regallan.  Regallan, while able to defend against the furious blows, is unable to retaliate.  When Parthan unleashes a huge blast of magic, endangering the whole of Ceres and all those inside it, Regallan is able to absorb the energy into his blade.
  "Still have that magic eating sword, I see," Parthan sneers.  "Good to know.  Still, I remember you being alot tougher last time."
  "Last time," Regallan tells him, "I could easily predict your every move.  Now, have either become so chaotic that I cannot read you clearly, or you are far more canny than I give you credit for."
  Parthan explains the reason. 
"Fate is on my side now.  If there's any way through your defense, I'll find it.  Any chink in your armor, any weakness...anything, and you're mine."
  "Fate?  Nonsense, believed only by fools and weaklings."
  "We'll just have to much fate can effect the outcome of this."