Worksheet 2 - PTSD and Flashbacks


Flashbacks and age regressions are very common in the healing process.  Here are some suggestions for getting yourself grounded back to the present:

1.  Take deep breaths
2.  Grab your favorite stuffed animal, or a pillow off the couch to hold.
3.  Stand and feel the floor under your feet and start walking around.
4.  Call a safe person
5.  Start petting your cat/dog, etc..
6.  Turn on the radio or television
7.  Keep telling yourself that that was then, this is now, if possible.
8.  Turn on the radio.
9.  Prayer

List the techniques you are currently using to get grounded and how effective they are for you:

Symptoms of PTSD- (taken from the DSM-III-R)

1.  You have been traumatized.

2.  Re-experiencing of trauma - nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive memories, and/or situations which you feel uncomfortable in due to abusive situations, or carwrecks, etc...

3.  You avoid things, and have little or no interest in outside activities, relationships, etc...

4.  Insomnia, irritation, and outbursts of rage.

5.  The above symptoms persist for at least one month.
In the spaces provided below, write new ways to deal with getting grounded, to replace any uneffective grounding techniques:

1.  _________________________________________________________________________________________

2.  _________________________________________________________________________________________

3.  _________________________________________________________________________________________

4.  _________________________________________________________________________________________

5.  _________________________________________________________________________________________
For more grounding techniques, click here: