Broadleaf Shrubs

These shrubs form the backbone of most California landscapes.
The index includes the most popular shrubs in California.
Most will get by on limited water in the summer, though they prefer deep watering every two weeks at the coast or weekly inland.
All shrubs are evergreen unless indicated otherwise.
The xeriphytes index is also made up of broadleaf evergreen shrubs.

  Rosaceae The Rose Family

Chaenomeles japonica   Flowering Quince
Cotoneaster lacteus   Parney's Cotoneaster
Heteromeles arbutifolia   Toyon or California Holly
Photinia x fraseri   Fraser's Photinia
Prunus ilicifolia   Hollyleaf Cherry
Prunus lusitanica   Portugal Laurel
Prunus lyonii   Catalina Cherry
Pyracantha coccinea   Firethorn
Pyracantha fortunena 'Cherri Berri'   Cherri Berri Pyracantha
Rhaphiolepis indica   India Hawthorne
Rhapiolepis umbellata 'Minor'   Dwarf Yedda Hawthorne
Spirea x bumalda 'Anthony Waterer'   Burmalda Spirea
Spirea cantoniensis   Double Bridal Wreath
Spirea vanhouttei   Vanhoutte Spirea

  Berberidaceae The Barberry Family

Berberis thunbergii   Japanese Barberry
Mahonia aquifolium   Oregon Grape
Nandina domestica   Heavenly Bamboo

  Myrtaceae The Myrtle Family

Callistemon citrinus   Lemon Bottlebrush
Callistemon viminalis 'Little John'   Little John Bottlebrush
Chamelaucium uncinatum   Geraldton Waxflower
Leptospermum laevigatum   Australian Tea Tree
Leptospermum scoparium   New Zealand Tea Tree
Luma apiculata   Luma
Myrtus communis   True Myrtle
Psidium cattleianum   Strawberry Guava
Syzygium paniculatum   Australian Brush Cherry or Eugenia
Ugni molinae   Chilean Guava

  Malvaceae The Mallow Family

Abutilon hybridum   Chinese Lanterns
Alyogyne huegelii   Blue Hibiscus
Anisodontea hypomandarum   Dwarf Pink Hibiscus or Cape Mallow
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis   Hibiscus or Rose of China
Hibiscus syriacus   Rose of Sharon
Lavatera assurgentiflora   California Tree Mallow

Abelia x grandiflora   Glossy Abelia
Acuba japonica   Japanese Acuba
Brunfelsia pauciflora 'Floribunda'   Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow
Buddleia davidii   Butterfly Bush
Buxus microphylla 'Japonica'   Japanese Boxwood
Camellia japonica   Camellia
Camellia sasanqua   Sasanqua Camellia
Carissa macrocarpa   Natal Plum
Choisya ternata   Mexican Orange
Coleonema album   White Breath of Heaven
Coleonema pulchrum   Pink Breath of Heaven
Coprosma repens   Mirror Plant
Daphne odora   Winter Daphne
Dizygotheca elegantissima   Threadleaf Aralia
Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'   Purple Hop Seed Bush
Eleagnus pungens   Silverberry
Equisetum hyemale   Horsetail Reed
Erica canaliculata 'Rosea'   Christmas Heather
Escallonia x exoniensis 'Frades'   Frades Escallonia
Euonymous fortunei 'Gracilis'   Creeping Variegated Euonymous
Euonymous japonica   Evergreen Euonymus
Euonymus japonica 'Microphylla'   Box-Leaf Euonymus
Euryops pectinatus   Bush Daisy
Fuchsia hybrida   Fuchsia
Gardenia jasminoides   Gardenia
Grevellia 'Noellii'   Christmas Pine
Grewia occidentalis   Lavender Starflower
Hakea suaveolens   Sweet Hakea
Hebe menziesii   Menzies' Hebe
Hebe 'Patty's Purple'   Patty's Purple Hebe
Hebe 'Veronica Lake'   Veronica Lake Hebe
Hydrangea macrophylla   Bigleaf Hydrangea
Ilex cornuta 'Rotunda'   Dwarf Chinese Holly
Ilex vomitoria 'Nana'   Dwarf Yaupon Holly
Lantana camara   Lantana
Lantana montevidensis   Trailing Lantana
Ligustrum japonicum   Japanese Privet
Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum'   Waxleaf Privet
Ligustrum ovalifolium   California Privet
Loropetalum chinense   Fringe Flower
Lycianthus rantonnei   Paraguay Nightshade
Myrsine africana   African Boxwood
Nerium oleander   Oleander
Olea europaea 'Little Ollie'   Little Ollie Olive
Osmanthus fragrans   Sweet Olive
Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Variegatus'   Hollyleaf Osmanthus
Philadelphus coronarius   Mock Orange
Pieris japonica   Lily-of-the-Valley-Shrub
Pittosporum tobira   Tobira or Mock Orange
Rhododendron indicum   Belgian Indica Azalea
Sarcococca ruscifolia   Fragrant Sarcococca
Sollya heterophylla   Australian Bluebell Creeper
Syringa vulgaris   Common Lilac
Tecomaria capensis   Cape Honeysuckle
Ternstroemia gymnanthera   Ternstroemia
Viburnum tinus 'Spring Bouquet'   Laurustinus
Xylosma congestum   Shiny Xylosma

© 1997 by Jim Clatfelter            Go to Garden California Home Page

I welcome suggestions for additions to the list. They should be plants that are commonly available in California or plants that should be more available because they are easy, beautiful and have few problems. I will include many plants that are popular, even overused, that have problems you should know about before you use them in your garden.

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