Arthur William Alvis, Proctor and Notary Public born 16th June 1856 and died 23rd April 1922. Married in the Holy Trinity Church, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) on the 16th February 1882, Madeline Cecelia DANIEL. Daughter of John Bartholomew Daniel and Beatrice Elizabeth ANDREE. (D.B.U. Journal, Vol. XL, page 47.)

About Arthur William Alvis. He represented the Burgher Community in the Ceylon Legislative Council. He was a member of the Colombo Municiple Council for many years, and was also a member of the Council of Legal Education. He was a member of The Dutch Burgher Union from its inception and took a lively interest in all its affairs. A lecture delivered by him before the Dutch Burgher Union on "Retrospect and Prospect" is printed in the Union Journal Vol. V11, page 121.

Their children were:

(1) Madeline Louise (Mopsy), born 26th November 1882, died 11th May 1920. Married in St Michael's and all Angels Church, Colombo, on the 7th of December 1905, Thomas Forrest GARVIN, Barrister at Law and Senior Justice. He was born on the 8th August 1881 and died in England on the 18th June 1940. Son of Thomas Forrest Garvin, M.B., C.M., (Aber), F.C.S,(Lon), Superintendent and Surgeon, General Hospital Colombo, and Grace Louisa VANDER SMAGHT. (D.B.U. Journal, Vol. XXV111, pages 112and 113).

(2) Gertrude Alvis, born 11th April 1887, married (a) Leo Heinrich DOHME. (b) Adolph THALMAN.

Index of Names

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