Thank You and Credit To:

Anne Harris. I have used some references from her book "Lalor of Gubberamunda: Pioneer of the Roma District" .

Colin Fish, who does those "look ups" on Australian BDM cd's for me.

Denver Alvis for his contribution with the Alvis genealogy.

Fazli Sameer, who often steers me in the right direction and try's to help find those missing pieces.

Frank Norton for enormous help researching Irish history.

Geoff Chard a cousin found, for information on the Lloyd Family.

Hope Byrne for research on the Lalors of Queensland, Australia. Hope's family history is published in the book "McAuley-Lalor-Bulfin-Kelly Family History 1825-1992".

Jenny Cassidy another cousin found, for research on the Lalor family in Ireland and Victoria. Jenny has published a book on the Lalor family, "Paddy Mick and Me. Irish born descendants of John and Margaret Lalor and their life in Australia". ISBN 0 646 37875 9. Other family names in the book are Brazil, Breen, Mahoney, McPherson and Pratt.

Jennifer van de Greft, for making the Navorscher by F.H. de Vos available to all.

Kyle Joustra for the kinship report that has given me more branches to search than I know what to do with.

Dr Malcolm Jansze for information on the Landsberger family.

Madeline Campbell, another cousin found, who has helped with research on her branch of the Hoare family.

Mary Filmer, (nee Lalor) the wonderful loving aunt that got me hooked, and for her research and stories on the Lalor Family.

Maurice ( Inky) Landsberger and his son Daniel, who have helped with the early records and knowledge of the Landsbergers.

Paul St. John Misso.

Phill Beattie, my Brother In law, who is researching the Beattie, Burns, Dagnell, Fentum and Tiller families.

Sandy Austin a 6th cousin found.

Therese Horsfield (nee de Rooy) for the interesting family stories, love and support.

Trevor Landsberger and his father, Richard Landsberger (deceased), a wonderful source of family history and anecdotes.

Victor Melder, who has the Sri Lankan records and helps find more.