Threatened Mediterranean species



1.Patella ferruginea- Patelle géante- 80 mm in length
This occidental Mediterranean very large limpet,  once upon a time abondant all along the northern Tunisian rocky shores,  remains, to day, only on the islands, and specially on Zembra (golfe de Tunis) where it is in constant regression.



2. Patella nigra- 40 mm in length
This limpet is only present on the septentrional coasts of North Africa. In Tunisia, it lives, only, in la Galite islands (northern tunisian sea). Like the geant limpet it is in constant decline.

3. Solemya togata-  35 mm in length
This very rare species, lives in the pure sands near  Posidonia sea-grass meadows . In Tunisia it is present, specially on the Jerba island seashore, but to-day, it is in large decline because the impact of Gabès gulf's pollution .
 Photos by J. Zaouali