Hello, My name is: Emily

My biggest news:
Just graduated from Nevada School of Massage Therapy

One year program, and I am now a massage therapist. Its strange though, because of licensing laws, I'm not "officially" a therapist until I get licensed. Ugg, but I know the tricks of the trade now. It's been the best decision I've made for myself in a long time. I've even been offered a job! (Course I can't start until I get licensed either, oh well. Hopefully that will be in January or so) Other news: Still working for Wells Fargo Bank It's been a great job, with great benefits. I just don't want to be a banker for the rest of my life. Gotta get out!! I am still trying to get through each day, one day at a time. My spirituality is still growing, and that truly is exciting. I have found a family, away from home. I belong to a coven called Well of the Black Flame, coven of Celtic Wicca. It's based in Austin, TX. I am still doing the correspondence classes while I am out of Austin. I was able to visit them for Samhain (aka Halloween), and it was fantastic. I needed a dose of familiarity. Vegas is so large, and so impersonal. It's hard to find true, honest folks here. Don't get me wrong, there are a few, and I've had the privilege of meeting them. At any rate, this is not what I call home. I am so thankful that my coven was brought into my life. The coven is currently a Celtic Wiccan based group. The idea behind the name WBF is this. Here's an example, light a candle or sit in front of a fire. Gaze at the flame, let your eyes relax so that you are looking through the flame. Find at the base of the wick, or deep within the fire a space that almost looks black, that space is the "black flame". The place where wisdom is found. Within you and within the God and Goddess. The well, is a common place where Celtic peoples of old found faith, healing, wisdom and life. It's a depth, it's a container, it's a place of growth. So combine the two, and we become the Well of the Black Flame. For more info you can contact my High Priestess, Phoenix (aka Sharon).

Now for a bit about why I created this website. I wanted to create a page on the web that was all my own. (well doesn't everyone?) I had started searching the web in 1995, like many of you out there. Anyway, I decided to begin my very own page about wicca and paganism. Then I branched out to include Theatre, Art and a page about Ani Difranco. (really cool folky-punky-rock grrl)

When I began this site, I was an eclectic solitary wiccan. (Meaning, a witch who worships and practices her magick alone.) I did a lot of searching on the web for info about wicca. And tried to find a connection with the greater pagan community. And, I felt I wanted to share my knowledge on the subject with all of you out there. I encourage you to take a look at my Book of Shadows. This is kind of like a witch's journal, online. It provides the basics of wicca and some more interesting links. There are so many great pages about Wicca and Paganism on the net. I encourage you all to find out more. To start you off here is my Wiccan/Pagan Links page.

I am a theatre techie at heart as well as wiccan. (Although my theatre has been put on the backburner. Not sure for how long, but...) I created my own Technical Theatre Resources page. After doing several research papers in college, I knew exactly what the internet needed. All those poor theatre techies doing research on the web must have resources available to them. And I mean good technical theatre resources. Sometimes, we don't like to sneeze our way through twenty thousand old dusty books to find one good source. We want to surf the web to find out what period The Music Man takes place and what props we need! Pfeew, just letting off a bit of steam, don't mind me. Anyway,the page is in the beginning stages of what I hope will be a great resource page. But right now, it only has a few links, but hey, its there....And I belong to a technical theatre webring, so if you don't find what you need on my page, well then cruse the webring for more!!
So anyway, I did the dusty library thing to complete my senior theatre project It's called "Toiletries Through the Ages" . (don't ask it was a professor's idea) But, it really was interesting research. I mean people have to use combs and mirrors ya know. So I have put it up on the web, and I want all of you to benefit from it. It shows pictures of common toiletry objects used throughout history, from the Egyptians to 1900. You will be surprised, I can assure you!! Take a look. Um let's see,
Well, I still love surfing the net. (and working on my webpages when I get the chance-)And whenever I find some cool links, I like to share them. So check out my links page. I have just updated my Visual Arts Links page as well, do check it out also! I love the net!! And if you'd like to be added to my list of cool links, or want to suggest another page, just drop me a line.

Well that's about it for now. I will try to update this page as often as possible. I have been working on this website since 1996, and still going strong.
Blessed Be,

-Emily aka Rhiannon March 24th 2007 7:43pm PST