Links to Related Forestry Topics Across the Country

What's Burning in America's Forests Today

New York Fire Lookouts

Sterling Mt. Fire Tower in NY
Balsam Lake Mountain Fire Tower, NY
Hunter Mountain Fire Tower, NY
The Catskill Fire Towers of New York
Adirondack Mountain Fire Towers

Weather Stations

Today's Weather from NWS Gray,Maine
Todays Weather atop Mt.Washington
Sebec Lake, Maine Weather Station

Fire Lookouts from Around the Country

Fire Lookouts of Southern California
Forest Fire Lookouts of the Northwest
Lookout Rentals of the Northwest
Snow Camp Lookout-View with a Room-Mouse Included!
Go Tell It On the Mountain
Lookouts of the Black Hills of Wyoming & So.Dakota
East Mountain Lookout-IDAHO
Little Bald Mountain Lookout
The Lookout
Starting from the top-Fire Tower Maintenance
Check out These Towers!!!

Canadian Fire Lookouts

Canadian Fire Lookouts
Towers of the East Peace Forest in Alberta Canada
View the Barr Fire Tower in Hants County, Nova Scotia-by Kelly MacKinnon-Watchman
The Barr Fire Tower in 1919
The Barr Fire Tower in 1937
View the Willow Hill Fire Tower-(100ft) on Collier Rd, Ardoise, West Hants County-Nova Scotia,Canada-by Mark Hayden-Watchman
View the old Willow Hill Fire Tower-(200ft) now a radio relay site- on Collier Rd, Ardoise, West Hants County-Nova Scotia,Canada-By Mark Hayden-Watchman
Aerial Firefighting in New Brunswick,Canada
Canadian Wildfire Network

Maine Web Sites

The Ice Storm of '98 in Maine
Wildland Firefighters of York County
York County Communications
York County Emergency Management Agency
Mt.Agamenticus Home Page
More views of Agamenticus Fire Lookout Tower
SouthernMaine Fire Notification-Great Page!
Maine Forest Service
Moosehead Adventures
The Daily ME-An Interesting Link to Maine!
Mt..Desert Island Search & Rescue
View Saddleback Mt.(Where the fire tower used to be!)
Maine's Appalachian Trail Club
Hiking In Maine

The '47 Forest Fires of Maine

The '47 Fires, The Week Maine Burned
The 1947 Forest Fires in the Bar Harbor Area
The 1947 Forest Fires in the Waterboro Area
The firefighters from York Village,ME at the 1953 Forest fire in West Kennebunk/Sanford,ME
Forest Fire in Eliot,ME in the 1950's

Forestry Related

Historic Forest Fires across the Country
National Forest Service
Smokey Bear
Wildland Fire Assessment System
State Forestry Agencies
Forestry Products & Industry Directory
National Interagency Fire Center Wildland Fire Reports
California Department of Forestry
Wildland Firefighter Magazine
White Mountain National Forest
A Safer Campfire

Fire Departments

East Coast Fire Explorers Webpage-From York,ME To Altamonte Springs,FL
Rochester,NH Fire Department
Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Assn.
Lost Ski Areas of New England


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