Animal Phenomena

    In the animal kingdom, strange things happen. There are things that make no sense, and are beyond our comperhension. Here are several examples of those weird, yet true occurences. Believe it or Not!!

  1. A white Coarneau pigeon hatched blind at a Sumter South Carolina hatchery could only fly backwards!

  2. A Griffen Vulture at the Vienna Menagerie in Austria lived to the age of 118 years old!

  3. A love bird that would shred paper and make itself an artificial tail by stuffing the paper into its rear feathers was owned by George Conklin of Torrance Califorina.

  4. A hen owned by Mrs. Edna Hullihen of Baltimore, Md, hatched an egg shaped like a bowling pin.

  5. Frank Corradin, an Italian trainer who died in 1899, staged circus exhibitions throughout Europe in which a horse actually balanced high above the arena on a tight rope. That horse walked a tightrope!!

  6. "Lady Premier", a racing homing pigeon hatched in Chicago, in 1939, had 4 legs!!!

  7. An Artic Tern tagged on July 5, 1955 in Murmansk, Russia, was recaptured on May 15, 1956, in Freemantle, Australia, after a flight of 14,000 miles.

  8. 2-face kitten siamese kitten were born with 2 noses, 2 mouths and 4 eyes.

  9. Anvar-ud-din(1642-1749),Nabob of Arcot, India LED HIS TROOPS INTO BATTLE ON AN ELEPHANT AT THE AGE OF 107! He was slain in that battle when he was hit by 2 bullets (July 23, 1749).

  10. THE WAR THAT WAS WON BY A HERD OF GOATS! The women of Gruyere, Switzerland, finding their town besieged by a Bernese army while all their men were engaged in battle elsewhere, affixed blazing torches to the horns of a herd of goats and drove them down the mountainside toward the attacking troops. Thus, the Bernese fled-CONVINCED THEY WERE BEING PURSUED BY DEMONS (1499)

  11. A swallow flying low over the river Lea, in England, was caught in July, 1824 by a pike (a type of fish).

  12. "Sandy" a collie has chewed 6 packs of gum every day for 5 years.

  13. A flock of ducks lives in a "Penthouse" atop the Sheraton-Peabody Hotel, in Memphis, Tenn., and each day they take an outing and swim by using an elevator and parading through the main lobby.

  14. A calf was born with the outline of a heart on its forehead on Valentine's day!!!

  15. A spaniel (a type of dog) remained in the river Auline for 6 days and nights until its barking led neighbors to the body of its master who had been murdered and thrown into the river.

  16. A cat trailing a group of alpinists form the hotel Belvedere, located at an altitude of 10,820 feet on the Matterhorn CLIMBED TO THE SUMMIT-AT A HEIGHT OF 14,780 FEET (1950).

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