take a look.....

mariagrazia cucinotta - 12/27/99 16:59:06
country: Italia
Ciao. complimenti per la vostra band!!! ho acquistato tutti i CD degli orbitals... ... mi sono innamorata di Norby il vostro chitarrista.... ...non sai cosa gli farei... baci Maria Grazia

naomi campbell - 12/27/99 16:54:26
country: alabama
Great home page... I know that u r the greatest singer of the world!!! I'm a fan of the orbitals!! I love the guitarist, the one blonde with green eyes, he's beatifull!!! I love him!!!! a sea of kisses, naomi.

io - 09/27/99 11:29:52
Why doesn't anybody sign my geoguide? Please rank my site...it only will take 10 secs of your precious time!!!If you sign my geoguide I'll promise I'll improve and work harder on my web page!!!Thank you bye

Eli - 01/15/99 12:08:36
country: Italy
Cara amica presto andremo a riconoscere grandi e magnifici big ...... o,perlomeno,lo auguro a me stessa; la mia non e' cattiveria ma tu ne sei gia'munita stando alle tue soavi parole!!!!!!!! Con affetto E.

S, Benedict - 12/25/98 16:07:39
My URL:http://www.topdat.com/oraetlabora
My Email:albertocormano@geocities,com
country: Italy
L I S T E N  carefully, my child, to your master's precepts, and incline the ear of your heart. Receive willingly and carry out effectively your loving father's advice, that by the labor of obedience you may return to Him from whom you had departed by the sloth of disobedience. To you, therefore, my words are now addressed, whoever you may be, who are renouncing your own will to do battle under the Lord Christ, the true King, and are taking up the strong, bright weapons of obedience. The Rule of S. Benedict

cybermasche - 10/25/98 18:34:34
My Email:cybermasche@hotmail.com
country: Estonia
Hallo all! I love your page!!! Nice music too. Great work. Kisses, Cybermasche

cybermasche - 10/25/98 18:32:25

cyberbabe - 09/28/98 20:41:11
My Email:kkconnection@angelfire.com
country: Scotland
Hallo mates, your site is very cool. It remainds me the lovely town of Termon. Have you ever been there? It's a village in the Norh of Italy, populated by fairies and other little creatures. Cheers Elisa

a girl - 09/21/98 16:16:31
Fabio I saw your picture and you are so nice.....

Fabio - 09/20/98 20:37:23
Questa guestbook e BELLLLLLISSSSSIMA

- 09/20/98 16:49:57

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