Michelson-Morley Experiment and the absoluteness of the speed of light.
by John Doan


In 1887 two American scientists carried out an experiment to detect the change in speed of light due to ether wind when Earth moving around the sun. The result was negative. They found the speed of light is always the same regardless of Earth's motion around the sun. All scientists were puzzled with this negative result, and they didn't know how to explain.

Then came Albert Einstein, who gave the most bizarre answer, also known as his famous second postulate in theory of relativity: that the speed of light (in vacuum) is always constant and absolute, regardless of its source's motion and observer's movement. In other words, Einstein said if we on Earth send a light towards an astronaut in a spaceship traveling back to the Earth at the speed 0.5c (relative to Earth), the astronaut would still find the light traveling towards him at the closing speed of c + 0.5c = c, not 1.5c like Newton thought.

Now for the first time, my book re-opens the Michelson-Morley file, gives a different explanation, and challenges the validity of Einstein's second postulate.

Like David Copperfield makes the Statue of Liberty disappear in front of thousands viewers' eyes. Now what is it, that we can say? Some would say in shock, "Yes, the Statue has disappeared." But others would say, "No, it's still there, but we cannot see it."

The same thing with Michelson-Morley experiment here. Now what is it, that we can say? Einstein said, "The speed of light is always the same regardless of observer's movement." And I say, "No, the speed of light is not always the same, that in fact c plus 0.5c still equals 1.5c, but Michelson-Morley experiment has nothing to do with it."

 So what is it, that it has nothing to do? Wait, until you read my book.


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