My Hookah Experiences

SMOKE1.GIF I started listening to Hookah about a year ago when I came to college. Since then I've been to about 20-25 shows. My first show was at the Asylum in Toledo Ohio in mid February. A few more shows after that I went to see them at the Odeon and saw them play with Ken Kesey which was one of my favorite shows. I then went to my first Hookahville with a bunch of friends and had a great time despite being stuck in the mud trying to drive out. Over the summer I went to every possible show I could, I got to almost all of them in Ohio and had a great time seeing them in many different places. The second Hookahville was also excellent . Even with the problems of law enforcement I still had a great time. The jam at the end with Leftover Salmon was especially good. After a few more shows I saw them at the Asylum again on 9/24/97. This was my favorite show so far. The energy of the band and the crowd flowed together to make it incredible to say the least. Since then Hookah has changed. Their energy seems to have raised many levels. The shows are flowing much more and they are playing with more feeling than I have ever seen. I'm looking forward to every show coming up and I hope I can get to all of them in this area. My next is haloween night at the Newport in Columbus.

"Turnin' head for HOME to the place I know so well"

© 1997

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