The Thai Junior Encyclopaedia Project

"The Thai Junior Encyclopaedia Project was initiated by His Majesties the King in the year B.E. 2511 (A.D. 1968) with the objective of creating a general purpose encyclopaedia containing various subject matters unlike any previous works of reference, as each topic will be written by experts in their own fields for their levels of readers, namely, primary, secondary and adult levels of education. Thus any one who wishes to find more about any subject matter may consult it thereby broadening his or her knowledge.
Since the beginning of the project, His Majesty has, on many occasions, granted audiences to the committee, which was set up to oversee the preparation of the encyclopaedia, in oder to acquaint the members with a general guideline. His Majesty has also graciously granted funds from the Privy Purse to be used toward the project.
This, together with from other philanthropic organizations, dided thus far in the successful publication of seven volumes of the encyclopaedia, which are distributed inexpensively so as to increase the wealth of informations available to the people at all ages and at all levels of education.

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