The Galley
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Chat Room News

The Chat Room has moved to

You will be automatically redirected to that site if you visit the chat room.

About this Site
This site is being developed to bring together members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and other interested parties.    Sea Shepherd has thousands of members worldwide.   Wouldn't it be interesting to meet other members around the world who have the same concerns about marine life and the quality of our oceans?   Would you like to meet people in your area that are members and possibly get together and make people aware of Sea Shepherd's involvement in preserving our oceans and its inhabitants.

Since Sea Shepherd was so kind as to put a link to this site, we have gained more activity in the boardroom as well as the chat room.   If we have visitors who don't necessarily feel the same way we do about the sea life we all cherish, please do not respond in a derogatory manner.   Again, I am asking that we respect all our visitors regardless of their opinions. I will stand firm on the rules of this site.

About The Creator
My name is Donna. I will be hosting this chat room. I am starting this chat room unite others that feel compelled to save our oceans and the magnificent creatures of the sea. Since I am surrounded by land my opportunities are few to do something significant to preserve and protect my East Coast friends, the humpback whales, dolphins, the right whale and the oceans in general.

After much frustration trying to figure out a way to stay in touch with my desire to save these creatures, I came up with this idea. Since technology has educated me and kept me in touch with what is going on in the world, I figured technology can bring me in touch with others who feel the same way I do. It was this technology that brought me to Sea Shepherd. The only comfort I have is knowing that Captain Watson and the Sea Shepherd crew are dedicating their lives to help save our oceans.

There are thousands of Sea Shepherd members all over the world. I would like us to meet each other, share ideas and express our concerns. I would like this web site to for us; the members. I welcome any suggestions or ideas to make this site a success.

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Last updated on June 1, 2001
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©1998 The Galley is created and designed by Donna Lioy, a supporting Sea Shepherd Member. This website is dedicated to the selfless people who dedicate their time and efforts to saving our oceans.  Any information on this site reflects our own opinions and not the position of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.