Hi. I am extremely new to Paganism. After years of trying to believe in Christianity and failing I have set out to find the right religion for me. When I discovered a book about Paganism & I realized that this is the religion I feel good about following. I have been studying the religion for three weeks now. I have studied the different traditions, the holidays and rituals & some views on Magick, and I even learned how to find a Magickal name based on birth number. I feel very good about the philosophies and practices of the Wiccan tradition. There is just one problem. I come from a very strict Christian family who are all very closed minded people. If I tell them that I am considering the Wicca tradition, they will freak out. They won't even let me explain to them the true beliefs of the religion to ease their fears. You see, I am 17, and they will think that I have joined some kind of cult or something. That's how uninformed they all are of other religions that are disapproved of by Christianity and the Bible. Do you think I should wait until I am older before I tell them, or should I try now? I'm so afraid of how they'll react. And I can't talk to my friends about this either. They are all Christians. What do I do? Any advice you can give would be so greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.

This is a bit of a tough one, though my experiences and yours regarding this matter do reflect each other a bit. In my opinion, you should wait before telling your parents about this. It's not only an age factor, but the point that you've only been at this for 3 weeks. It's better to wait until you have learned alot more about what the religion is about (as many aspects of it as possible), and you know how deep your convictions go. I state this because when you 'come out of the broom closet' about your religious choice, you will be bombarded with questions and accusations. It is far better if you are prepared for this and know most of the answers. Some people tell their family/friends right away when they choose the pagan path. Some wait a few years, and some never reveal it to anyone. In my case, I personally studied the craft for 10 or 12 years and only came out of the closet about five years ago. My family, who are catholic, still have a hard time excepting that I believe differently, though they have learned restraint from the "devil worshipper" statements. Each situation is different. Don't rush into it. Do it when it feels right and that you feel prepared enough to handle both the questions and verbal assaults.

Ok, well I'm 15, in high school (of course). The thing is I tend to hang around with the "goth" group and when people ask me my religion and stuff they react all immature when I say "Wiccan", since that is the way of life I have adopted....I'll be on the bus or in the classroom and if ever someone should put me in a foul mood other students will say: "be careful she might put a spell on you". well...instead of going on about my pitiful existence, I'd much rather have advice on how to deal with these ignorant people, I mean, if they can accept other people of other religious background or belief system why can't they just accept me?

Unfortunately, you cannot control how other people think. This is even worse when you're talking about teenagers, as they sometimes act the way they do to 'be cool' and 'be accepted' by their peers/group. And, unfortunately, thanks to the media and a few thousand years of Christian teachings, any Pagan tradition is associated with satanism, devil worshipping, etc.. in other words, it is perceived negatively by the general public. All one can really do is to try to educate people on what Paganism really is and more specifically the Wiccan path you have chosen. Talk to some of them, take them aside and let them know what it's about. Let them know that you don't appreciate their comments, and that what they are saying falls under religious intolerance. If you have the chance to do essays on subjects of your choice, you might want to sneak in a few Wiccan concepts in your essays that are relevant. Try to educate, but without pushing your views on others. On a final note: be careful, people are not always what they seem, especially at your age. This information in the wrong hands could be hurtful to you and those you care about. Remember silence is sometimes the better part of valor. You must judge for yourself whether talking to certain people would be safe and wise.

I'm interested in becoming Pagan, and want to know how to achieve this?

This is a common question. There's a few things one can do. Pick up books. Read as much as you can on the subject. Visit Pagan homepages. Talk to Pagans in your area. Find out as much as you can, and you'll find what aspects of it interest you (what pantheon, what sect of, etc...). You can also e-mail me if you wish. Doing so though, you must understand that I would need to know how old you are before giving direct instruction or advise as I am liable for legal problems if your parents don't approve of you choice, be you a minor.

Do Pagans Believe in Jesus?

This is another popular question. To most Pagans, Jesus was simply a man. Nothing more, nothing less. Most of us do believe that he existed and that perhaps he was a peace loving man who had a special way of talking with the Gods. There are some who don't believe he existed at all, historically or otherwise. When it comes right down to it - it all depends on the tradition you follow.

This may sound stupid but, what does "mote" mean as in "so Mote it be" ? I couldn't find it in the dictionary. .

Basically, "Mote it be" means "let it be" or "so shall it be". very similar to the old saying "So it is written, so it shall be done".

Do Pagans really have wild sex and orgies?

Here is a perfect example of a misguided rumor, perpetuated largely by anti-Pagan fundamentalists. I can't tell you how many e-mails I receive, and requests to "join up", in order "score with the babes". I had one woman who was recently divorced that felt the "wild Pagan sex" would be a good jump off point to begin her next life phase (give me a break). The reality is that Pagans are open minded about sex and usually have no problem with those of an alternative lifestyle, nudity, or pre-marital sex. However, the actual act sex or making love is considered sacred and private. Not a spectator sport *g*.

Merry Meet ! I have been looking for other Pagans around my area. And then... get to know them and maybe it would become a coven. So I guess the question is... How can I find other Pagans around my area and how do I get into a coven?

Finding Pagans in your area can be easy or it can be difficult, depending exactly what area you live in. You can try visiting a pagan/new age store in your area, or the closest one to you if you don't have one in your town/city. Maybe set up a meeting (post up some flyers, etc..). For security reasons (if you feel like your security might be at risk), you could post the flyers using your craft name, and perhaps an anonymous email address (such as a hotmail email address). As far is joining a coven goes, you usually have to know someone in that particular coven and be 'sponsored' by them.

Is there a ceremony for becoming a Pagan, like getting Baptized?

Somewhat. In the case of the solitary practitioner, it is called the dedication. (There's a few texts on the matter on this Homepage. In the case of covens, however they usually have some sort of initiation (or a series of them), and these differ from coven to coven. They aren't like "college Greek system" initiations. They deal with the religious beliefs of the person being initiated, their knowledge base on the matter, etc... If you were asking this question regarding newborn children, there is a similar one called Paganing or Wiccaning. Although, unlike Christianity, Pagan of any tradition do not claim the child as automatically part of the Pagan faith. The Paganing/Wiccaning is merely a blessing of the child by the Gods.

Do Witches believe in the Afterlife?

I kind of answered this one already, with the question of reincarnation. However, I will exemplify a bit to further clarify the issue. Unlike our Christian Brethren, Pagans do not believe in Divine punishment for sin, and so have no need of redemption from hell. They do believe in continuation, either in reincarnation, or return to nature. For instance, the Celtic tradition believes in a place of rest and rejuvenation called the Palace. After a period of rest, we believe we return to take up life again to complete the tasks and lessons begun in previous lives.

Do Pagans have a primary color or style?

Many Pagans do choose to wear black clothing or ritual robes. The color black is the culmination of all colors and rates of light on the material plane. Black absorbs light information and helps Pagans be more receptive to psychic impressions and energies.

Do Pagans use magic wands or is that only with the Witch tradition?

In actuality they are used in healing for directing energy. Often the wand is used in place of the Athame in such cases as those Pagans who minister to individuals in Prisons or Correctional facilities. For obvious reasons, the Athame would not be allowed *g*.

Do Pagans REALLY care that much about Earth's ecology?

They have never forgotten this basic fact: the world is not our enemy. Neither is it inert, dumb matter. The earth and all living things share the same life-force. They are composed of patterns of intelligence and knowledge - all life is a web. Interwoven into the patterns of the Earth, sky and stars. Pagans feel a great need to be grounded in all forms of the Earth. A responsible person feels a love for the planet on which they exist. It is only by being responsible human beings that we can be responsible Pagans and only responsible Pagans will survive.

Is Paganism to Wicca as Christian is to Catholic?

Wicca is one part of Paganism. I don't think I would say like Christian to Catholic, because Catholic was first and all others are remakes. Although the Catholic faith has changed too, and some of the splinter groups tried to hold the original idea... Paganism on the other hand was never a unified thing. The Norse had their belief, the Egyptians theirs, the Celts others. They didn't really consider the others "brother Pagans". The resurgence in the old ways have shown great similarity in religion, and we Pagans need all the support we can get in the face of a Christian majority who thinks we serve their "satan" and don't want to realize the truth. Wicca is more of a generic grouping of magical use, largely based on the Celts and the writings of Gerald Gardner.

Why are Pagans hard to find?

You won't find us passing out tracts on street corners or knocking on doors spouting sermons. Pagans do not try to convert others to their faith because we believe there is more than one path to the Gods. People eventually will find the path that is right for them, whether it's Christianity, Buddhism, Shamanism, Paganism or whatever. Handy tip: Don't try to convert a Pagan to another faith. First of all, it won't work, and secondly, as we respect other religions and faiths, thus do we expect the same respect to be accorded to our faith.

Can I be a Christian or some other religion and a witch at the same time?

No. Paganism is its own religion. Most often the people who are asking this question are those who have been raised Christian and fear they will burn forever in the flames of hellfire if they renounce their religion for Paganism and the magic (witchcraft), so they tend to try to experiment with Witchcraft while still going to church every Sunday. Again, Paganism is a religion, not something to be experimented with. Some people feel that they can combine the practices of Christianity and Paganism. That's fine - nobody has the right to tell you not to worship a certain way. But that forms a whole different religion. If you are a Christian, you are not a Pagan/Witch, and vice versa. Of course, if you feel that Christianity or some other religion is the path for you, that doesn't have to stop you from reading and learning more about Paganism, or any other religion. You can only benefit yourself by learning more about other paths.

But don't the kids miss Christmas and Easter?

Many Pagan families celebrate Christmas, Easter, and other holidays with their extended families. In some families, one parent is Pagan and the other is of a different religious philosophy, so the holidays of both religions are celebrated. Others simply have their own holidays and the kids accept it.

Why light colored candles or use crystals?

It has been proven scientifically that colors effect the mind. Students put in different colored class rooms study different, etc. With colored candles, the colors stand for certain emotions or goals that help the mind do what is needed to do. Crystals have also been proven to help accomplish magic. Whether it is person believing it will work making it work or the crystal itself is unknown but it works. Pagans believe in doing what works as long as it doesn't go against the destiny.

Does magic exist? Is it evil?

Pagans belief that all have the power to do magic, but it depends on whether the person is willing to acknowledge it. Magic is not a gift. It is the ability to put your mind to a task. The mind has been proven to be able to heal the body just by thoughts as well as other tasks. People have been known to find money when they need it just by thinking about it. That is magic. That ability. Pagans do rituals, light candles, etc. to help focus on that goal. Many Pagans practice Magic. They use ceremonies, or Rituals, to call upon, and honor, The Gods and The Goddesses. It is during these Rituals that prayers, requests, and thanks are offered up to the gods and goddesses. There are many types of Rituals that can be done, all suited to fit the need at the time. Magic is used as a Tool to focus and balance energies. Most Pagans will make up their own Rituals, using the tools they feel most comfortable with; and, they usually are very careful to have their references and Book of Shadows available to help them during their Rituals.

I've seen upside down Pentagrams. Are they Satanic symbols?

Inverting the Pentagram, as is done by those who call themselves Satanists, symbolizes that the Elements of the "material world" are superior to the Creator. Unfortunately, through misunderstandings that have been repeated by the media, the Pentagram -- in whatever position -- has become wrongly equated with Satanism. (Please note, though, that in England, there are several traditions that use the inverted pentagram as a symbol for a second degree -- which obviously has nothing to do with Satanism).

What does that star with the circle really mean?

The Pentagram (a five-pointed star in an upright, one-point-up position) is the symbol of our religion. The top point symbolizes Spirit (the Creator) being 'above', or ruling, the Four Elements of Life -- Air, Fire, Water, & Earth -- which are the four lower points. The Circle, being without beginning or end, symbolizes the Deity. It is completely encompassing the Star within it (which represents the out-stretched human body, reaching out in search of its connection with Spirit). Together, they represent the Creator's Protection & Wisdom.

In the Bible, Satan has horns. So does your God. So don't you really worship Satan?

When the Christian Church decided to obliterate religions that were a threat to its power (including Witchcraft), they decided that their Satan had horns and a tail. The ancient God, Pan was held up by the church as the devil. This became the death warrant for millions of innocent people.

Who are the Goddesses?

The Goddesses are seen as Mother Earth and Mother Nature, and is represented by the Moon. They are seen in the fertility of the plant, animal, and human kingdoms. Their power is at a peak in the fertile half of the year, from May until October.

Who are the Gods?

The Gods are seen in the woodlands, the Sun, grain, & the hunt. Because most of the animals that prehistoric humans hunted had horns, They are usually depicted as the mighty gales and beautiful storms of autumn through spring. Their power is at a peak in the latter half of the year, from October to May.

Who do you worhsip?

Most Pagans worship the Goddess and God (or many Goddesses and Gods), who are seen to be imminent in all of nature, including humans. Some acknowledge only the Goddess in their rituals, some worship many Goddesses and Gods, and some do not call it "worship", because that implies that the gods have power over us. As for my own worship, I am Irish Celtic and follow the Gods and Goddesses of that tradition.

Is Witchcraft the same as Wicca?

Some would say yes. Originally, Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner is the late 1930's, drawing on early Paganism. At least 20,000 years ago, Paganism was practiced, consisting of Gods and Goddesses. When other religions conquered the Pagans, the religion became scarce but still existing. Witch is a term that was given to Pagans by those who feared what they did not know. They thought that by calling Pagans, Witches, that would give them reason to persecute the Pagans. Today the words Wicca and Witchcraft are used interchangably and there are many similarities between the two.

How do Pagans organize?

All over the country, in big cities and small towns, in the backwoods and on the Internet, people have joined together in covens, groves, temples, or other groups. These groups gather for the purpose of ritual and celebration. Also, all over the country, in big cities, small towns, backwoods, and on the Internet, there are many people who, for a variety of reasons, do not work with a group, but instead worship by themselves. These people are commonly called Solitary Pagans. You do not have to be in a coven to be Pagan.

What is White Magic and what is Black Magic?

There is no such thing as white or black magic. Magic is both white and black, for nature is. There is good and evil in all. It is how the Pagan uses the power that determines whether it is good or bad.

What are rituals like?

The simple answer to this is, It depends on the individual or group of individuals. Some people follow a tradition, or structure, which defines what their rituals will be like. Others, who are more eclectic, may create their own tradition, or simply do as their heart tells them to do. Depending on who you talk to, ritual is worship/honoring/celebrating with the Goddess and God, sometimes for a specific purpose, such as a holiday or to perform magic, or sometimes simply for the sheer joy of doing so.

Disclaimer: The answers given on this page are not the end all and be all of Paganism. These are only my own viewpoints, and the opinions of those who help me. As with anything else, answers differ from different points of view. These answers are meant to be a starting point, or a different point of view on your questions.

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