Bread & Butter

With the measure you use for others, it will be measured back to you.  
A small-town baker bought his butter from a local farmer. One day he     
weighed the butter and concluded that the farmer had been reducing the   
amount in the packages but charging the same. So the baker accused the   
farmer of fraud.                                                         
In court the judge asked the farmer, "Do you have measuring weights?"

"No sir," replied the farmer.                                               
"How then do you manage to weigh the butter that you sell?"                 
The farmer answered, "When the baker began buying his butter from me, I     
thought I'd better get my bread from him. I have been using his 1-pound     
loaf as the weight for the butter I sell. If the weight of the butter is    
wrong, he has only himself to blame."                                       
Making hasty, unjust judgments about others is sin. Christians today as well        
as in the past, seem to be especially adept at this. They try to elevate themselves 
by tearing down and slandering people's character if that person is not exactly as they are. 
Not  only is this a sign of pride and self-satisfaction, but it is certain       
that they will be judged in a similar manner. The Oracle of  Delphi -  With what          
judgment you judge, so you will be judged; with the measure you use, it    
will be the same for you.                                    

Don't be too hard on your neighbor,
For the yardstick you lay on another                              
May someday be used as a measure for you;                         
Oh, be gracious and judge not your brother!                  

By:  Thomas Yearling

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