I had a dream the other night, a dream of going home,              
I moved swiftly through time and space; I knew I was all alone.    
I came to the a large river, but how was I going to cross?          
There was no way to reach the other side; I felt at such a loss.   
Then I saw the Goddess Isis, who took me by the hand,         
She said, "I have been sent to show you the way to the Eternal Sands
Suddenly, we were standing in front of Paradise's gate,              
I didn't know what to expect, but I knew I could hardly wait.      
Then the gate opened; what wonders to behold!                        
There was the magnificent city, with streets of pure gold.         
Its beauty took my breath away, then Isis spoke once more,      
"My time with you is complete now that we have reached this door." 

Once inside the City, I was struck with awe!                           
There before me was the most beautiful sight that I ever saw.                   
Running toward me was my son David with his arms open wide,                     
We held each other for a long time; I don't remember how much I cried.          
David said, "No need for tears up here, dad, but I'll tell you what I'll do,    
Change those tears into smiles, and I'll bring Grandma and Grandpa to you."     
I can't tell you the joy I felt with the four of us walking around,             
Sharing the thrill of being together again and seeing that beautiful ground.     
My mom and dad showed me houses being built and said, "Wait, there's even more!  
In order to have a home here, you must send building materials up before." 
We stopped in front of a beautiful mansion, and I was awed by the sight,        
I said "This must have cost a fortune!" David said, "Only a widow's mite."      
David's house was quite large and many were smaller when I'd compare,           
David said, "I'm not sure what happened, dad, but Gods are quite fair."            
I asked if people worried about coming here, and was it hard on their nerves?   
He replied, "No dad, it works out fine; everyone gets exactly what they deserve." 
I met a man from the Middle East, 
He told me his name was Mohammed,          
He said, "I led to Allah what he would have,
and now I am truly free."

I then met John the Baptist, a man I'll not soon forget,                        
And as we stopped and talked together, I'm sure his hands were still wet!

I saw Tow Chin, and Moses, and also Jesus too,       
Then we approached a wondrous sight; I didn't know what to do,             
David said, "Dad, here is a message; let's you and I read it through."          
It says, "Go back to earth and tell people the beautiful sights you have seen,   
Then tell everyone you meet to accept Our many faces and let nothing come between."     
Because if anyone wants to reach this place with such wonderful things to see,  
They must see the grace in everyone and everyone's right to believe free.        

Written by: Crystal

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