Thirteen Goals of a Pagan

1. Know yourself

Be aware of who you are and why you are. Ask the Gods, They will provide the answer

2. Know your Craft

Always keep the knowledge of your tradition close to you heart. Learn it, know it and practice it.

3. Learn

Always be willing to expand your knowledge through, books, videos, movies, documentaries and on-line service

4. Apply knowledge with wisdom

Often you will find yourself approached by those who wish to learn from hands-on experience. Be willing to teach others that which you have found.

5. Achieve balance

Achieving balance is difficult, a daily routine of meditation and monthly ritual will help achieve balance. The balance will be both within you and on the outside as well. Be patient.

6. Keep your words in good order

Keeping your words in good order applies not only to those that are spoken but those that are written as well. Be clear and concise in you BOS.

7. Keep your thoughts in good order

Daily meditation will help clear the mind as well as the body of the daily strife each individual faces simply by being a member of the human race.

8. Celebrate life

The Sabbats are a wonderful form of celebrating life. Be excellent to each other in your coven, work place, home and travels.

9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth

Talk a walk, smell the flowers, talk to the spirits of the sky and earth. Be aware of the changing of the seasons, through feelings, meditation and ritual.

10. Breathe and eat correctly

Every 4 hours of your day, take time out to breathe deeply and clear your mind. A balanced diet will keep your body fit both mentally and physically.

11. Exercise the body

Daily exercise (take a walk at lunch, have a picnic in front of where you work, by an exercise machine for home) will help keep both the body and the mind attune to its surroundings.

12. Meditate

A daily routine of meditation is always a good thing. It not only keeps the mind from going crazy, it also give the individual the opportunity to relax in a quiet place and simply talk to the Gods.

13. Honor the Goddess and God

By ritual on the Sabbats, meditation (daily), Esbat ritual, eating well and resting good, you do honor to the Gods for the gift of life They have given to you. Keep Them in your thoughts always, not just in times of stress. Doing this, you will find that the times of stress grow less and less.

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