Taxila haquinus haquinus (Harlequin)

The HarlequinThe Harlequin was a species, which, until late 2001, was believed to have gone extinct from Singapore.  Indeed, it has not been observed on Singapore island for the past 15 years or so.  However, during a survey of one of Singapore's offshore islands, Pulau Tekong, just to the north of Singapore island, this species was noted to be extant on the military-controlled island.  Like its close cousin, the Lesser Harlequin, this species Taxila haquinus haquinus flies in shaded areas and has the usual behaviour of flitting from leaf to leaf and stopping with half-opened wings whilst walking on the leaf surface at times.

The HarlequinThe male Harlequin is brownish black above, whilst the female is generally similar to the Lesser Harlequin.  The undersides are reddish brown ornamented with silver-blue edged black spots.  In the female, the whitish subapical band on the forewing above is not crossed with reddish brown veins, unlike the Lesser Harlequin.
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