Logania marmorata damis
Logania marmorata damis 
This species belongs to a genus of small butterflies with the under surface irregularly marbled or variegated.  In Logania marmorata damis, the upperside of the forewing is bluish grey with a black apex.  The hindwing is brown in the male but is streaked with grey in the female.  
The butterfly has a weak erratic flight and can usually be found on the fringes of the nature reserves in shaded localities.  The caterpillar stage of this butterfly feeds on aphids.  The adults are known to habitually feed on the secretions of aphids and even roost within the aphid cluster.  This butterfly shown here was resting on the stem of a plant where there were some ants.  Although no aphids were evident in the photo, the presence of ants suggest that some aphids may be in the vicinity.  The ants seemed to leave the butterfly alone and did not harm it.
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