Athyma asura idita   

Athyma asura idita

After the (Athyma nefte subrata) (Colour Sergeant), the species that the butterfly watcher will be most likely to encouter would be Athyma asura idita. Typical of the Athyma genus, this species is strong on the wing, and has a robust body. The white spots of the macular submarginal band on the underside of the forewing are black-centred. as are the apical spots of the hindwing post discal spots.Athyma asura idita

The butterfly can be found gliding around flowering trees in the nature reserves of Singapore. It usually stops with its wings opened flat, characteristic of this genus. The specimen featured here is a female of the species, which has a wingspan of up to 38 mm - the largest of any of the other Athyma species here in Singapore.

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