archives of the CONLANG mailing list

>From Sun Dec  5 02:03:53 1993
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1993 12:03:46 +1100
From: Robin F Gaskell 
Message-Id: <>
Subject: RE Duttons Speedword

From: (Robin Gaskell)          29 Nov 93
To: (Conlang Mail List)
Subject: RE Duttons Speedword

Hi Gang!

Sorry about slackness: life has been very stressful for me over the past
two months, but things have been happenning in Glosa.

This short blip is to say that, only a week ago, my brother, Anthony, and I
agreed to work on an update of Duttons Speedword ... particularly as it
could be used by architects and other professionals to make hurried notes,
on site.

Anthony and I have disagreements on the nature of Language Reform, with him
speaking Esperanto fluently, while I still stumble over my Glosa.
However, on the matter of an international script, we agree that all
languages, and that includes Esperanto and Glosa, can be recorded using
Duttons Speedword.

Anthony has a copy of the original book, and I am hopeful of getting
another through the S/H bookshop network.  His letter to Dutton's daughter
did not yield a reply, so we assume that she, too, has passed on.  It will
be quite fun and a worthwhile project, to bring Speedword up to date, and
to present it to modern technologists as an efficient means of
communicating across the `Foreign Language Barrier.'  As far as we are
concerned, it is no longer covered by copyright (if it ever was), and work
is needed on it to refine it.

Also, it will keep us off each other's backs with endless discussions on
the relative merits of Esperanto and Glosa; instead, we will be working on
something we can both be happy with.  So, it was quite a surprise when this
medium came up, on screen, as I was thumbing through my backlog of Conlang
downloads.  I look forward to seeing what Ronald Hale-Evans is doing in his
Duttons Speedword Project.

Technically, I can not see DS as an IAL, because it is not designed for
speech.  However, it provides half the answer to global communication, and
so, it gives us an opportunity to experiment with a partial form of the
IAL hypothesis - in a way that is politically neutral.  Also, it fails to
beg the question of adoption of a spoken tongue.  It could be the fore-
runner of the IAL proper, and will not conflict with it.  Perhaps, in a
sneaky way, DS will give the human race a taste of global communication, so
softening up the world's population for a more concerted IAL campaign,

In theory, Chinese characters can be converted into internationally
readable form - via DS, and, as such, the spirit of international
communication will be fostered, even thogh speedwords cannot be pronounced.

When we have a satisfactory product, we will put it out as Shareware.
Sometimes I have the feeling that Conlangers try too hard to present
themselves as doing pure research and avoiding any image of applied
research.  Although Lojbab promotes Lojban quite dominantly, I feel he
cannot be accused of commercialising the language.  In my promotions of
Glosa, on the other hand, accusations of commercial self-seeking have been
made.  Needless to say, this only tends to encourage me ... suggesting that
some people perceive Glosa as a potentially commercially viable threat to
their own particular Planned Language project.

In the case of Duttons Speedword, however, while Anthony and I will present
our work as a genuine contribution to internationalism, we will also
promote it directly as a commercial product.

For Free Global Communication (FGC),


>From Mon Dec  6 21:42:35 1993
From: Logical Language Group 
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Affective Language
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1993 15:41:33 -0500 (EST)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Length: 2480      

The bulk of this posting is an extended quotation from "Tamil and the
Dravidian Languages", by Sanford B. Seever, from >The World's Major
Languages<, ed. B. Comrie.  It raises issues which I believe are both
extremely relevant to, and usually neglected by, constructed-language
designers.  I have taken liberties with transliteration and formatting.
Any resulting errors are solely my responsibility.

2.5 The Grammar of Affective Language in Modern Standard Tamil

Like many languages of the world, modern standard Tamil provides its
speakers with a variety of grammatical devices which are conventionally
used to express the speaker's affective or emotional state.  Three such
stylistic devices are discussed to give the reader an idea of the rhetorical
possibilities of the language.  [But only the first appears in this quotation.]

Onomatopoeic words (olikutippu) are so numerous in modern standard
Tmail that they fill an entire dictionary.  Such words generally
represent a sound, and are syntactically joined to a sentence by means
of the verb >ena< 'say', e.g.

	kacu nang entu kize vizuntatu
	coin *clang* saying down fell
	The coin fell down with a clang.

	pustakam top(pu) entu kize vizuntatu
	book *thud* saying down fell
	The book fell down with a thud.

Many occur reduplicated, e.g. >munumunu< 'murmur, mutter', >tonutonu< 'sound
of beating drums'.  Often they acquire a standard meaning so that >tonutonu<
comes to mean 'bitching, complaining', while >kutukutu< 'scratching, throbbing
pulse' comes to mean 'guilt', e.g.

	avan manacu kutkutu entu mayangkinatu
	his mind *guilt* saying was:confused
	His mind was confused with guilt.

Some onomatopoeic stems, but by no means all, can themselves be inflected
as verbs, e.g.

	avan oyamal tonutonukkinan
	he ceaselessly *bitch*es

The phonological shapes of these words often depart from what the phonotactic
rules of modern standard Tamil allow: >nang< 'clang' has an initial retroflex
[not represented in this ASCII transcription] and a final velar nasal.
But despite that and despite the jaunty air they impart to a sentence, they
are still an integeral part of modern standard Tamil and cannot be dismissed
as quaint and ephemeral slang.  Such forms loosely correspond to English
onomatopoeic expressions with the prefix >ka-< or >ker-<, e.g.

	The bomb went ka-boom.

	The boy fell ker-splash into the lily pond.

John Cowan		sharing account  for now
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.

>From Tue Dec 14 13:34:44 1993
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 93 13:34:44 GMT
Message-Id: <>
X-Sender: jrk@
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Subject: HOOM of GALAXY

I found this on Usenet.

--                       ____
Richard Kennaway       __\_ /    School of Information Systems      \  X/     University of East Anglia
                        \/       Norwich NR4 7TJ, U.K.

 From: (Alexei Soloview)
 Newsgroups: sci.logic,alt.messianic,,,rec.arts.sf-lovers
 Subject: HOOM of GALAXY [4]
 Date: Sun, 12 Dec 93 22:23:31 +0300
 Distribution: world
 Organization: Galaxy Nation Inc., A. Soloview
 Summary: New HOOM language!
 X-Return-Path: kiae!aasol!!Galaxy
 Lines: 144

 TO:    ALL

                       HOOM: LINGUISTIC HIDDENSPACES

                                 Rood Hume

           Copyright (C) 1993 Galaxy Nation, Netherlands

    All things in the Universe have two sides: the visible one, the foreside
of its vizible properties and the invizible backside, the hidden essence,
the very kernel of the thing as it is. The human language is not an exeption.
Pause in speach is not simply nothing: sometimes it is more meaningful than
the speach itself. In HOOM the pauses (spaces in written form) have just
equal rights with all other signs, phonemes,etc. Their meanings depend upon
the context (as all other signs), one may freely use the pause for designating
almoust everything. And physical features of the pause itself allow to reflect
such properties as duration and depth (size) - relative to the phoneme
intensity (loudness),etc.
          One may notice that the language has another type of speach flow
interruptions having much more physical features than simple pauses. They are
well-known as consonants. In fact, consonant phonemes are not sounds of such
type as vowels, they are different kinds of sound interruptions. But these
interruptions form the body of the language itself, it's articulation. The
articulation (system of consonant interruptions of the sound flow) transform
simple melody (tones with chords) to a real human speach. Due to this it just
clear why in HOOM the consonants are used for designating a hidden essence, a
functional internal kernel of the things (or events), while the vowels
designate the vizual,external properties of them only.
     Due to this opposition the consonants (and their meanings) are classified
in relation to their opposite vowel partners or with the help of them. It is
difficult to show here all the strict scientific reasons for the classification
(it will be done later in one of especial scientific papers on HOOM) so i will
describe here the connections (oppositions) between the consonants and the
vowels in HOOM. They form the phonetic system of HOOM language. ( In fact we
have the only one abstract phoneme in HOOM: all the so-called "phonemes" are
just the forms of this single one!). The system of their abstract meanings is
forming at the same time.
       So, HOOM has the following oppositions (external, phenomenal against
internal, essential):

     A,O / H,G,K,J    (pronounced as in words "Good","High","Kook","Juice")
                        have the common meaning of "changes", "alive" or "dead" ...

     U / W,V,B,P,F,M  (as in words "Very","Baby","Put","Foot"), the meaning of
                      "united", "agressive", "male" ...

     I / L,D,T,S,Z,N  (as in words "Look","Do","Tool","Soon","Zoo"), "diffuse",
                      "sacrificing","female" ...

     NOTE that simple English letters are used in HOOM, but their
          pronouncation do not change from word to word.

  Among the vowels HOOM has these oppositions:

     O / A  as a harmonic chord (O) against unharmonic (A),with the meaning:
            passive / active (pronounced as in "tOp", "hArmony")

     O,A / U,I -correspondingly, as based on the first formant (O,A) against
                basing on the second formant (U,I), which means:
                single / "social"

     U / I  as a harmonic (U) (in relation to the second formant) against
            unharmonic (I) means: agressive / sacrificing  (pronounced as
            in "pUt", "kId")

  HOOM consonants have the oppositions:

     H / G   (may be prolonged (H) or not (G,K) designs: verbs / nouns
     L /D    (the same)
     W,V/B   (the same)

     G / K;  D / T; B / P  design: nouns / ajectives (or adverbs)

  Oppositions: G / J; D / S,Z ; B / F correspond to the category of modality.

  M and N show the plural nature of the essence associated with.

   It may seem to be suprising but just these very abstract meanings support
an exact process of HOOM words constructing. But at first one must choose the
proper context, naturally.
   Thus in the context of everyday life we may easily construct the basic
HOOM vocabulary meanings of such words as:
     O - everyday life, passive nature, object, food, etc.
     A - all the disturbing factors, active nature, subject, poison, etc.
     U - agressive, unifying stable nature, glue, etc.
     I - sacrifying diffuse unstable nature, dust, etc.

    When constructing the meanings of different HOOM syllables let us assume
that for the subjects their activity come from inside (essence) to outside, so
the essence show itself (is transformed into) in some external properties,
abilities. Thus for the subjects in general we will have syllables where the
first sound is consonant and the second - is vowel, like: Go, di, ha, etc.
    For objects generally we have just an opposite situation: the essential
reasons of their activity lay outside in the external world and have to be
imprinted into their essence. So here we have words/syllables like: Ud, Im,etc.
 Noticing once more that all HOOM words/operators have to be realized as some
 transformations, or relations, mediums (symmetry!), processes, events,etc. we
 may get the following everyday interpretations of the syllables:
      ag - activity,work,fire,etc.
      ah - to activate, to liven up, ... ,aAh (Aah) - will (was) activate(d),...
      ak - artificial,...
      am - progressive,dynamic world,...

  and inversing:
      ga - reformer,worker, initiator,etc. (gaA -future,young reformer)
      ha - to change, to transform,...
      ka changeable, convertable,...

   and so on, and so on. It is so  simple that everyone could build HOOM
   words and understand their meanings.

     More customary "words" as combinations of syllables are constructed just
 at the same way: by realizing each word to be some form of transformation,
 transition (relation) from one syllable (and it's meaning!) to another. So
 for more complicated and concrete operators we have:

    gaog (ga -> og or creator (ga) -> food (og) ) means cow,...etc.,
    gaoh - to grow ( gaOoh - grew, gaoOh - will grow),
     and so on.
       Now using Callord or it's vocabulary (and much larger vocabulary of
 LiveLord and special issues you may Speak HOOM easily.

      In the next lecture i will discuss several HOOM examples to show how
 to make sentences and all other lectures will be more scientific: mathematical
 acpects of HOOM, HOOM artificial intelligence and HOOM programming,
 space-time physics in HOOM, problems of magic,and ghosts reality, scientific
 experiment with the help of HOOM, etc.

P.S.  Galaxy Nation is going to open special HOOM forum where lectures,
chapters of different sci.fiction books/HOOM manuals, stories, songs and
poems on HOOM as well as HOOM scientific papers and software advertisment
will be published. Those who want to take part in HOOM communication, please
write to me shortly:
    "I, [Name]  want to join the Galaxy Nation".

-- Alexei, E-mail:


>From Sat Dec 14 12:37:02 1993
Date: 14 Dec 93 17:37:02 EST
From: Rick Harrison <>
Subject: HOOM parts 1-3 (long)
Message-Id: <931214223701_71174.2735_DHQ81-1@CompuServe.COM>

Here's parts 1-3 of the postings on HOOM.  Comments, anyone?
From: (Alexei Soloview)
Newsgroups: sci.logic,alt.messianic,,,
Subject: HOOM of GALAXY [1]
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 93 22:19:59 +0300
Distribution: world
Organization: Galaxy Nation Inc., A. Soloview
Summary: New HOOM language!
X-Return-Path: kiae!aasol!!Galaxy
Lines: 138
To  : All
From: Alexei Soloview, Galaxy Nation Inc.
Subj: HOOM of GALAXY [1]
     Send you the first lecture about HOOM basic principles.It is "theoretic"
to some extent, but don't be afraid, the next lectures and the practical HOOM
speaking are much more easier! And you are welcome to join to a free
association of HOOM speaking people all over the world - Galaxy Nation.
     Please, copy and resend the first recevied HOOM document to any forums
and nets available to spread it widely. Thank you.
                          HOOM: BACK TO THE FUTURE !
                                  Rood Hume
                   Copyright (C) Galaxy Nation, Netherlands
    Human history is full of paradoxes and the history of science is not
the exception.  The very next step to the future  suddenly appears
to be a return to the well forgotten past. It happened so, that more
than ten years of intensive investigations in the field of Artificial
Intelligence resulted in a radically effective mathematical theory which
now turns  to be closely connected with the symbolical systems of
ancient myths, occult science and magic rituals.
It is symbolical that the very first in the history program which really
demonstrates the features of Intelligence, the program which can talk
with You just at the same way as Your best friend uses to, this program
was designed in the cross area of the future and the past.
Based on an especially developed for man/computer as well for man/man
communication universal language HOOM  this amazing program (named
CALLORD) is on the market now and everybody can easily see how it works.
HOOM, being the next step of up-to-date mathematics, as a really
universal symbolical system is very close to the natural human languages.
   It means simply that You can learn it from the earliest childhood,
just as Your native language, You may talk in HOOM, sing songs in
HOOM, write in HOOM Your letters, etc. And with all that capabilities
HOOM is much more easier to learn and to deal with than any natural
language or traditional mathematics, for example.
   The basic principles of  HOOM  are the follows:
a) Absolutely wide material signs and forms conventionality. It allowes to
consider different forms of human activity: mathematics, music, poetry,
literature and even technology, etc. as different forms of linguistic
activity, different "codifications", "dialects"of one and the same universal
b) Whole language syntactic and semantic forms constructivity, relative
to those taken as axiomatic in a concrete context. It means that every
syllable, every word or sentence in HOOM are constructed with the use
of basis forms, which may be taken as "basis" in one context or one concrete
user and that may be not basis forms in another context or for another user
at all. Just the same is the situation with the meanings of this forms.
It is the real principle of HOOM general relativity.
c) Unlimited recursivity (recursive symmetry) for all linguistic
forms ( ego-operators). This is the property of self-action and
self-interaction, nonlinear logic of  HOOM.
    The first three principles forms the global symmetry of  HOOM
which leads to the fractal structure, fractal geometry of HOOM
linguistic space. It means that  all the properties of HOOM are
just the same in every point/sign (elementary or not) of  HOOM
space, they are invariant. And it is amazing that namely this
properties of symbolical structure one can find as the main
principles of  ancient magic systems!
d) Global semantic and syntactic sensitivity. The meaning always depends
upon the context, verbal or extraverbal (context of situation, concrete
user, etc.)
e) Strict structure isomorphism of  the language forms and object/subject
functional interdependencies.  The isomorphic connections allow an adequate
(context sensitive) translation  from one HOOM dialect to another (from
mathematics to music and vice versa for example!).  This leads to
fantastic property  that  mathematical formulae in HOOM  become the
poetry lines and even the magic formulae in corresponding (magic)
context !
g) Interpretation of all language forms as symmetry operators,
transformations, transmutations temporal, spatial, material, ideal,
etc. This corresponds to the world of different processes, events.
   One can see that HOOM and other programming languages differs
radically. But HOOM is very close to the modern abstract algebra
from one side and to  the natural languages from another. And with
all this it is fantastically simple in learning. Try  CALLORD  which
may be used as a  HOOM manual too, and You will see it by Your
own eyes!
   Programming in HOOM  is quite different in comparison with
traditional computer languages. You simply are trying "to explain"
what kind of problem You have and what do You think about the ways
of its solving. CALLORD talk with You and step by step You are
coming to the solution. It seems to be close to the threaded
interpretatie languages such as Forth but it is almoust real-time
creative dialogue with Your Computer,too!  ( To be true we must
notice that the special professional problem solving needs
corresponding special HOOM/English vocabularies, but if one knows
HOOM  principles sufficiently well it is not difficult for him
to create such a vocabulary itself. You may bye it at last!)
   Such a friendly-oriented system is a result of fact that
HOOM working program consists of great number of freely talking
each other and self-reflecting "persons", it is really  the living
field of  multi-ego with the full equality of rights between the
different "ego's".  The human ego of the user is just the only one
among them.  Every HOOM structure without any exeption forms the
corresponding ego.  So HOOM style of programming may be called
   Using the second, professional version of CALLORD you may simply
"translate", transfer interesting ideas, solutions, inventions from
one field of research to another. You may transform an anecdote into
a detailed new technological description, or algorithm and so on. You
may exchange ideas with you friends in HOOM all over the world keeping
all your secrets, because nobody know your own professional (or private,
may be) vocabulary!
   And you may use musical sounds and musical phrases just as
words-operators of HOOM (musical context) that leads to fine music
    To demonstrate how HOOM works, in what way the forms and their
meanings are constracted let us consider simple HOOM word OA
(operator, event, process, etc.) .  In basic (common use) HOOM
vocabulary OA means "hello" or the verb "to come" ( in professional
quantum field physics vocabulary OA is the differential quantum
particle creating operator). Recursivity process (self-reflecting,
OA self-acting to OA) generally leads to the opposite, inverse form
of operator: (OA)OA = AO. The meaning of AO is inverse too: "good bye",
or "to leave" (in physics AO is particle destroying operator). The
complex of these two operators (formal group multiplication): OAO is
the transformation of OA into AO, "hello" into "good bye", which in
common life can mean only something near "stay here", or simply "to be",
"to stay". In physics OAO means the life time of the particle, or in other
words the time interval during which it exists. Just the same universal
rules are used in all other structures and on all levels of HOOM language.
In practice it is so simple (quite unlike the theory!) that words constructing
looks like a good game!
    It may take too much time to describe all the amazing features of
HOOM and CALLORD that seems to be fantastic and unbelievable.
Try it Yourself  and The Gate to Universe will be opened for You!
P.S.  The next lectures on HOOM are following.
-- Alexei, UseNet Mail
Article 5409 (529 more) in sci.logic:
From: (Alexei Soloview)
Subject: HOOM: language of GALAXY [2]
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 93 18:55:28 +0300
Distribution: world
Organization: Galaxy Nation Inc., A. Soloview
Summary: New HOOM language
X-Return-Path: kiae.UUCP!!aasol!!Galaxy
Lines: 140
TO:    ALL
                          HOOM: FREEDOM FIELDS
                                Rood Hume
            Copyright (C) 1993 Galaxy Nation Inc., Netherlands
                                  * * *
    Without any doubt freedom is the most important thing in our social
world, in the world of people. Freedom forms the foundation of human private
hapiness as well as the basis of modern economy. There are still one question:
how many people do realize that freedom is just the kernel of our personality?
I will show later that freedom is properly an essence of the very definition
of information itself, actually being it's so-called superpartner. So let us
consider this as a fact together with the quantum matter of information which
is proved now by the quantum field theory.
    While discovering the main properties of HOOM language we will see how it's
main principles correspond to different sides of reality. The very first
principle is absolutely wide material signs conventionality of HOOM. You are
almoust free in considering any matherial things or events as different HOOM
signs or in redesignating them. It allows, for example, to consider scientific
research as an information flow from the Nature, from the Unknown to the
scientist, to the subject and vice versa. While running the information is
transformed, translated for many times from the code of elementary natural
events to the code (language) of experimental devices (considered here as a
system of material signs), than to the code of digits and later to mathematical
theory language and the code of neuron signals in our brains.As it was proved
in quantum theory we have the back flow of information at the same time, so
the experimental research may be considered as a real dialogue with Unknown.
Dialogue,where scientific equipment plays a role of simple compiler!
    Since the very first almoust free conventional designation (for any thing)
is done another HOOM principles come to power. The first designation is of
great importance because it defines the field of reality which you start to
describe, your starting point, point of reference.And on the other hand it
defines a HOOM dialect which you want to use now and what kind of material
signs (things or special sounds,syllables,words) you will take. Although there
are no restrictions the best choice for the first designation for people
communication due to our human nature will be a simpliest sound (like A,O,U
,...) or how it was done in basic HOOM vocabulary - intonation.
    Let us consider, for example, that one of us chooses for HOOM describing
(forming context vocabulary) the main field of his own interest - physics, and
another - the field of human everyday life (Basic HOOM context). HOOM principle
of isomorphism demands that elementary sound (intonation) has to correspond
to a functionally elementary (fundamental) thing (or event) in the chosen 
field. After some reflection one may understand that for people it has to be 
simple abstract human being only. In physics context it corresponds to the 
quantum Universe in it's original non-differentiated state (so-called quantum 
   To distinguish being from non-being (or Vacuum from Nothing) let us 
designate the Being and Vacuum as stressed sounds (any of vocalics: O,A,I...),
while Non-Being and Nothing remains unstressed( o,a,i...). After these simple 
but very important designations were done the HOOM principles of isomorphism 
and HOOM signs interpretation as symmetry operators start working together. 
The meanings are created at the same time with the constructing of linguistic 
forms. So, a word aA (small letters - unstressed,capital - stressed) in 
physics will mean "the Creating of the Universe" ( a->A process, 
transformation operator of symmetry )and Aa ( A -> a ) will be  "the Universe 
Death", correspondingly.
   For the context of human being we have the meaning of yours "arriving",
"appearing", or simply "coming", "awakening", may be used as "hello" and all
associated with. An opposite Aa will be "departing", "disappearing", "good-
   One can see  that HOOM words/operators (intonation is a kind of HOOM 
operator, or "word"!), the very first words especially have very abstract, 
diffuse meanings or simply have a set of meanings associated with (polisemy). 
With further constructing of more complicated words their meanings step by step
become more and more concrete,definite. But the very first HOOM words are not
distinguished even by the grammar categories yet: aA means "to arrive",
"arrived""birth","to born" and so on. You may use such words in a concrete 
context or situation only. ( Do not be afraid,in real communication we always 
know about what we are talking, what context we are using now. It just looks 
like your shout: "Hey, you - out!" ) Those who love natural languages - be 
quite: HOOM have all of the grammar categories  and rules which one can find 
in linguistics,but they will appear later.
    Further HOOM words and meanings construction is very simple.More concrete
and more complicated words are always constructed by the abstract ones. Thus
having aA and Aa as opposite words we can consider the process of transform-
ation aA to Aa ( aAa: aA -> Aa, Aa starts at the point A where aA finishes ). 
The way (transformation) from "hello" to "good-bye" in everyday life means 
simply "to stay", "to be", or "staying", "living", "life",...etc. In physics 
for the whole abstract Universe it will mean the life of the total Universe or
simply the abstract category of "time", "timing". Opposite operator AaA (AaA: 
Aa->aA ) or transition from "good-bye" to "hello" (from "death" to "birth" 
too ) as one can see is "revisiting", "repeating", "rebirth", "revival" or 
simply "keeping", "preservation". As it will be shown in the physical part of 
my lectures AaA corresponds to the abstract physical "space" opposite to "time".
    Easy to understand that this constructive process can be infinitely
continued (and i show it later) to form different linguistic intonations,
phonemes, syllables,...etc. on one hand and to create the whole system of
meanings corresponding to concrete contexts on the other hand. Basic HOOM
vocabulary includes more than 12,000 words now and in physics HOOM has enough
operators to work as an effective mathematical tool of fundamental quantum
superspace theory. By the way, HOOM is much more easier than traditional
mathematics: the main principles and formulae of such advanced theories as
General Relativity and Quantum Superfield Theory can be exactly explained
even to the school-boys. They are simply evident to all who knows HOOM 
slightly.    Special context HOOM vocabularies are developed now in the fields
of theoretical chemistry, technical inventions, artificial intelligence, music
and even such especial form of human activity as... abusing.
    The number of such different HOOM vocabularies is almoust unlimited,
because any thing, any process or event in the Universe may be chosen as
a starting reference point of some vocabulary. As for the structure of
these vocabularies they are all of the same type (isomorphic to each other)
how it is determined by HOOM grammar laws. The reference points (things,
events) work like different points of view, which allow us to describe one
and the same thing or event in different contexts,different situations and
interactions. On the other hand you may use one and the same HOOM words/
operators in communication with people of different professions and interests
in the case when they have their own special HOOM vocabularies. You will
exactly understand each other while speaking about absolutely different
things! It seems to be fantastic but you will see it by your own eyes.
    When you start talking HOOM you suddenly get a strong feeling of freedom,
freedom to choose your personal opininion,point of view, freedom to go
everywhere in the intellectual universe, to understand all in the world.
There are no restricted areas to you now, everything and everybody are
opened to you. Nothing is wraping your hands and minds now. You discover
that many things which seemed to be very complicated are in fact quite simple.
    This freedom feeling is a simple reflection of HOOM structure properties.
HOOM is one and the same in everyday life, in mathematics, in physics,
in music, in technic, in logic and magic. Information can flow freely from
one distant field to another, from one nation to the other. HOOM unites the
--MORE--(94%)creative people all over the world in one nation: Nation of Galaxy.
P.S.  Galaxy Nation is going to open special HOOM forum where lectures,
chapters of different sci.fiction books/HOOM manuals, stories, songs and
poems on HOOM as well as HOOM scientific papers and software advertisment
will be published. Those who want to take part in HOOM communication, please
write to me shortly:
"I, [Name]  want to join the Galaxy Nation".
-- Alexei, Galaxy Nation Inc,
                        *       *       *
Article 5414 (528 more) in sci.logic:
From: (Alexei Soloview)
Subject: HOOM language of GALAXY [3]
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 93 20:40:51 +0300
Distribution: world
Organization: Galaxy Nation Inc., A. Soloview
X-Return-Path: kiae.UUCP!!aasol!!Galaxy
Lines: 117
TO:    ALL
                    HOOM: MUSIC & SPEACH IN ONE
            Copyright (C) 1993 Galaxy Nation Inc., Netherlands
                                  * * *
      "Music is an art of intonation" - said one clever man.And in fact,
many centuries ago music was born by rythm and melody of human speach. In the
very early research on HOOM field it was discovered that keys to the problem
of language lay in the intonation. Intonation forms the real foundation of
all human languages and play the corresponding role in communication (and in
such arts as hypnosis and magic!).
      There are rythm and melody of a speach, of a sentence,a word, a syllable,
...etc. Intonations are placing one upon another and form the whole spectrum
of natural human speach and singing. Let us to consider the intonation
structure of a single sound at first. Naturally i will use HOOM principles
in this analysis. From the previous lecture you know that transformation or
transition from unstressed to stressed sound (such as oO,aA,iI,..etc. - and
for the whole syllables or words we will have: guU,rijA,hetI,...etc.)means
the borning process of something,it's birth.   Note, that when we are
talking about something you have to mean the creating of the main function
main property of this thing, it's functional kernel,it's "quality" - in the
context or situation where you are. Opposite construction, the HOOM operator
"stressed/unstressed" (Oo,Uu... or for words: gUga,mIra,...) has the meaning
of death process, dying, destructing, so on (In fact you may redesignate
O->o, o->O at any time and you will invert all the meanings). Remember that
i am talking only about the meanings of intonations themselves now and they
have nothing to do with the concrete sounds which are intoned or stressed!
      Intonation operators like oOo,iIi (words intoning: hikAru,agYti,...)
mean temporal,time-restricted,life,living, simply"time",etc. Opposite OoO,
AaA ( for words: tUhidA,...) have the meaning of recreating, recreation,
revival,survival, preservation... and space, spatial (equivalence in math.)
Easy to see that the last operator means repeat in stressing,so the rythm
construction oOoO (iambic step in poetry) as a transition oO->oO may be
translated as repeating,surviving oO, reviving life. (In fact it may be
considered as oOo->OoO too,which leads to just close translation: preserving
of temporal). Opposite  OoOo ( inverse operator  Oo -> Oo ) as deaths
repeating means something close to "permanent dying" or "continuous departing"
In poetry it is trocheic step. Note that you may repeat oO or Oo in this
operators many times without any difference: oOoOoO means just the same as
oOoO because there is no plural grammar category here yet.
      Going further this way you can construct operators like more complicated
poetry steps: oOoOo ( oOo -> oOo )which means repeating of lives, of beings,
"the line of generations","related", "native", etc.( as a transition oOo ->
OoO -> oOo is overcoming through death! )  Opposite OoOoO means "line of
deaths", "mortal", "fatal",etc., but not only this, naturally. Here we get
plural category for the first time. Plurals (quantities) may be differentiated
into continuous OoOoO (having single life oOo as a medium,non-interrupted) and
discrete oOoOo (interrupted by death OoO or by space in physics). I must note
once more that HOOM words, intonation operators especially are polysemic to a
great extent, they may have meanings which seems to be quite different,often
opposite. But be careful,all these meanings form a strict system which you
will understand adequately only when you will become an experienced HOOM
speaker. Create new meanings and take them as facts at first. Other meanings
of different vocabularies corresponding to distant contexts you may get from
the Galaxy Nation too.
     According to HOOM principle of isomorphism we have to use quantative
properties of sound (duration, loudness, staccato and legato pronounciation)
to design the new discovered quantative meanings. Thus from this point the
operators (sounds) are differentiated by duration (which means just
difference in relative duration of events, lives), by loudness (many sounds/
events in one and the same time what means space size or mass,etc.). Staccato
and legato pronounciation mean discrete or continuous forms of events or
things, correspondingly. You may (and it occures in real speach every time)
apply these intonation operators to the syllables, to the words to words
groups and to the whole sentences at the same time (superposition) and you
will get the whole spectrum of loudness, durations, repeats which we have
usually in music or in singing. So in HOOM speach one can reflect all the
quantative properties and relations of the real world (but naturally it is not
sufficient to use in mathematics yet!).
    Different tones (sound frequency) in HOOM design different states of
one thing or event, just as the normal tone of voice corresponds to the main
state,to the quality of the thing. The lower tone corresponds to original and
the higher to future state, such as if A designates a man, A\ (low) will
be a child and A/ (high) will be an old man. Remember that these states have
to be "fundamental" to some extent,such as three physical states of matter
(solid-liquid-gas) and so on.
   The superposition of intoning the vowels,words,words groups and sentences
and the qulitative tone differentiation forms a melody of HOOM speach which
sounds like music now (and in fact music is one of HOOM's dialects). However,
in HOOM you may choose freely the ways of your own to explain something - it
may be singing, music or simple monotonic speach, even in formulae.
   One must understand that in all cases of the superposition of durations,
stresses (loudness), repeats or tones,etc. you must superpose the meanings of
the operators too. Thus the meanings become much more complicated and carry
much more information (By the way this is the methode of translating music to
"normal" language!) and this is a form of HOOM context sensitivity.
   Those who know music theory,even slightly, realize that note series form
so-called melodic chords (opposite to harmonic chords,where all the notes
sounds at the same time). In HOOM intonation we have such melodic chords,
representing the transmutation of states in time. Opposite harmonic chords,
describing a thing with many properties (qualities) are represented in HOOM by
phonemesunits of speach,forming the way from intonation to the real sounds of
natural language. Different formants (frequency spectrum maximums) in these
phonemes reflect different properties of the thing. Just from this point my
HOOM presentation becomes much more similar to the category "language" as it
is in common sense.
                        ( to be continued )
P.S.  Galaxy Nation is going to open special HOOM forum where lectures,
chapters of different sci.fiction books/HOOM manuals, stories, songs and
poems on HOOM as well as HOOM scientific papers and software advertisment
will be published. Those who want to take part in HOOM communication, please
write to me shortly:
    "I, [Name]  want to join the Galaxy Nation".
-- Alexei, Galaxy Nation Inc., UseNet address:
                        *       *       *

>From Thu Dec 26 18:50:01 1993
Date: 26 Dec 93 23:50:01 EST
From: Rick Harrison <>
Subject: conlang files
Message-Id: <931227045001_71174.2735_DHQ26-1@CompuServe.COM>
Whatever happened to the collection of conlang-related files that
used to reside at

>From Mon Dec 27 05:06:43 1993
From: (Mark E. Shoulson)
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1993 10:06:43 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Subject: conlang files

>Whatever happened to the collection of conlang-related files that
>used to reside at

We've still got them somewhere, but the server seems to have given out on
us and we no longer wield much influence at Columbia.  Anyone out there
want to donate some space and accounts for us to bring this back?


>From Sun Dec 29 15:18:10 1993
Date: 29 Dec 93 20:18:10 EST
From: Rick Harrison <>
Subject: Klingon translation software
Message-Id: <931230011810_71174.2735_DHQ78-1@CompuServe.COM>

forwarded from Usenet's "rec.arts.startrek.current" newsgroup
From: "Larry C. Stanley" 
Subject: Klingon Translator
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 09:31:45 -0500
Organization: University Libraries - Library Automatio, Carnegie Mellon, 
   Pittsburgh, PA
Lines: 27
    I have been working on a Klingon to English/English to Klingon
Translator for the past year. I decided that a zipped version of
shareware was the best way to get the translator to the most people. 
The translator includes the almost 2 thousand words contained in Marc
Okrand's, Klingon Dictionary. At this stage of development I haven't
included most of the affixes but I will if I see enough interest in the
    Now let's get to the reason I'm posting to this Bboard. Can someone
point me in the direction of an FTP site that will allow  the
distribution of my translator. Instruction on protocol will help.
    yIn nI' je chep
Thanks In Advance;  Larry Stanley 
% Larry C. Stanley           %                                                %
% Library Automation         %          The needs of the many                 %
% Carnegie Mellon University %       outweigh the needs of the few            %
% Hunt Library               %              or the one.                       %
% Frew Street                %                                                %
% Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213      %                                                %
From: "Larry C. Stanley" 
Subject: FTP For Klingon Translator
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 13:27:43 -0500
Organization: University Libraries - Library Automatio, Carnegie Mellon, 
   Pittsburgh, PA
Lines: 33
Hello Again,
     With help from the Tecnical Support Rep at UUNET Technologies I
just transfered a copy of my Klingon Translator to a temp directory on
The directory is purged on a regular basis but for now you can get the
program at:
     Login as anonomous then use you email address as your password. The
file name is and can be found in the /tmp directory. Please
remember to type binary and then press return at the prompt before using
the get command to retreve the file. You will need a copy of pkunzip to
open the program. When the program is unzipped type go then press enter
to start the program. The program will work with a CGA or better screen.
Larry Stanley
% Larry C. Stanley           %                                          
     % Library Automation         %          The needs of the many      
          % Carnegie Mellon University %       outweigh the needs of the
few            % Hunt Library               %              or the one.  
                    % Frew Street                %                      
                         % Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213      %                 

>From Thu Dec 30 05:08:50 1993
From: (Mark E. Shoulson)
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1993 10:08:50 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Klingon translation software

>    I have been working on a Klingon to English/English to Klingon
>Translator for the past year. I decided that a zipped version of
>shareware was the best way to get the translator to the most people. 
>The translator includes the almost 2 thousand words contained in Marc
>Okrand's, Klingon Dictionary. At this stage of development I haven't
>included most of the affixes but I will if I see enough interest in the
>    Now let's get to the reason I'm posting to this Bboard. Can someone
>point me in the direction of an FTP site that will allow  the
>distribution of my translator. Instruction on protocol will help.

>    yIn nI' je chep

We're supposed to take seriously someone who says "yIn nI' je chep"???
Even if it weren't a Vulcan wish, it's not close to grammatical!  Maybe
"qaStaHvIS poH nI' yIyIn 'ej yIchep", or maybe with "-jaj".

>Thanks In Advance;  Larry Stanley 


>From Fri Dec 31 17:51:12 1993
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1993 22:51:12 -0500
From: (Richard K Harrison)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Speedwords data

Happy happy, I have received the Dutton Speedwords materials from
Ron Hale-Evans.  Thanks, RHE!  It will take me a while to work up
a more detailed description of Speedwords, but for those who've
been drooling with desire for this information, here's a little
Speedwords grammar and vocabulary to whet the appetite.  J atu k
v fes c.
&    and
a    to                        French `a
b    but
c    this                      French Ce
d    of                        French De
e    am, are, (to) be, is      Latin Est
f    for
g    them, they
h    has, (to) have
i    in
j    I, me                     French Je, Scand. Jeg
k    that                      (Fr. phonetic que)
l    the                       French Le
m    with                      German Mit, Scand. Med
n    not
o    on
p    can, be able to           Fr. je Puis
q    do ...? (in questions)
r    will (future tense flag)  futuRe
s    he, him
t    it
u    a, an                     French Un
v    you                       French Vous
w    us, we            
x    if                        (`x' unknown quantity)
y    was, were
z    as                        ("as" is pronounced aZ)
&c   etcetera
ab   about
ac   purchase
ad   add(-ition)
af   business
ag   field
ai   also
ak   attack
al   all
am   love
an   year
ap   open
aq   water
as   ascend
au   hear
av   fly
ax   ask
az   always
ba   back
be   before
bi   life
bo   tree
bu   book
by   by
ca   room
ce   (to) receive            reCEive
ci   decide, decision
co   collect(-ion)
cu   that [demonstrative adjective]
da   give
de   day
di   (to) say                DIction, Fr. DIre
do   live, dwell
du   continue
eb   even
ed   end
ef   efficient, efficiency
eg   equal
ek   church
el   electric(-ity)
em   emotion
en   attention               attENtion
ep   place
er   person
es   estimate
fa   do
fe   glad
fi   filament
fo   front
fu   few
fy   reason
ga   complete(-ly)
ge   together
gi   their(s)
go   (to) go, goes
gu   good                    German GUt
ha   possess
he   heat, hot
ho   height, high
ia   into
ib   possible
id   same
ig   general
in   between
ip   self, selves
ir   here
ix   out
ja   soon
je   every
ji   my, mine
ju   judge
ka   head
ke   credit
ki   move, motion
ko   (to) come               German KOmmen
ku   enclose
ky   eat
la   large
le   letter
li   liquid
lo   long, length
lu   month
ma   (to) make
me   more
mo   without
mu   much
my   most
na   of course
ne   take
ni   neither
no   look (at)
nu   now                     Dutch and Scand. NU
ny   near(-ly)
ob   get
of   offer
ok   right
ol   receptacle
om   thing
on   man
op   against
or   or
ot   other
ov   over
ox   off
oz   occur, occasion
pa   pay(-ment)
pe   period
pi   may
po   after(-wards)
pu   think, thought
qa   how
qe   when
qi   who(m)
qo   where
qu   which
qy   why
ra   work
re   again
ri   (to) write              wRIte
ro   list
ru   remain(-der)
sa   know(-ledge)
se   week
sh   her, she
si   his
so   so
su   better
sy   science
ta   late
te   time                    TimE
ti   its
to   amount
tu   touch
ty   ten
ud   many
ul   some
um   something
up   up
ur   return
us   use
uv   first
uz   once
va   war
ve   vehicle
vi   your(s)
vo   willing
vu   see, sight
vy   advice, advise
we   purpose
wi   our(s)
wy   white
ye   yes
za   dear
ze   (to) send               Dutch ZEnden
zi   because
zo   animal
zu   condition
atu  hope
bel  beauty, beautiful
blu  blue
cen  hundred
cir  circle
dem  nation
dor  sleep
eng  narrow
fas  easy
fes  enjoy
fra  brother
han  hand
hem  half
jun  young
jur  law
kil  thousand
lat  side
lin  language (shades of Lincos and Vorlin! ;-)
mek  machine
mol  soft
nor  north
num  number
ord  order
pap  paper
pur  clean
rap  quick(-ly)
rud  red
san  health
son  sound
ten  hold
val  value
ver  green
Days of the week: D1 = Sunday, D2 = Monday etc.
Months of the year: L1 = January, etc.
J      n   sa.
I (do) not know.
Q  v   sa   qo    g    e.
Do you know where they are?
C    e  u gu   de  f   t     ce      en.
This is a good day for it to receive attention.
W  vy     v      ur     3     de   be     g    ko   ir.
We advise you to return three days before they come here.
grammar notes:
The word "to" is omitted from infinitive verb expressions; thus
_ce_ = "receive" or "to receive."
Pronouns are not inflected to indicate case: _w_ = "we" or "us."
The Speedwords letter _c_ is always pronounced like the English
digraph "ch" [tS].
Numbers are written as numerals.  Nouns do not inflect to indicate
plurality when preceded by an adjective of quantity: _4_le_ = "four
letters," _al_mer_ = "all mothers."
Existential sentences do not contain the word `there': 
  E 3 le ir f v = (There) are three letters here for you.
An affix of opposites is used to expand the usefulness of the vocabulary.
Words ending in consonants add -o, words ending in vowels add -x
[allomorphy -- feh!].  Examples: ir = here, iro = there; up = up, upo = 
down; ov = over, ovo = under; he = hot, hex = cold.
Rick Harrison /

