Unique Gifts for Everyone!
Rommel Alilin
My Resume
I am a Multi-media Broadcast Field Engineer - I "do" systems that deal with the transmission of human intelligence. For example Satellite Uplink Broadcasting sites such as AT&T Broadband, Comcast, TFN, Playboy Channel, and so forth...
I also have an extensive background in RF and Metrology (science of measure) from both the military and commercial industries. I have an online Internet website: www.rommelalilin.com.
Previously, I have worked for the following companies:
US Navy
SuperTech - (owner)
TVCOM International
Aegis Integration
General Instrument
Motorola BCS

I am currently attempting to start a consulting firm in the broadcasting field of digital television - HDTV, and work part time on my spaceship.
Rommel Alilin and Associates website
I fix camcorders, surround sound, computers and anything with electronic circuits. My computer, one of my many tools, is "virtual" - I do not own a "hot rod" or a home nor buy gadgets. I do have repair equipment to fix or restore something I need - all fun! Why buy and own when you can build or repair?
I am in the progress of constructing this section - I have a big family and many friends.