Avisafe Concentrate Cage Cleaner
Avisafe Concentrate Cleaner has the capacity to disinfect your animals? toys, enclosures and is effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi.  The majority of disinfectants on the market do not protect against viruses so this makes this product much more unique.  It is also safe and totally biodegradable and   it also smells good.
Avisafe spray is recommended for use in the cleaning and disinfecting of the housing of mice, rats, rabbits and guinea pigs on a weekly basis.  Remove all waste material, wash and then spray with avi safe (1:100) or 1:50 if you are a breeder.   Allow to dry naturally.  Toys, food and water bowls can also be washed, disinfected and rinsed daily.
Whilst it is recommended that the product dry naturally, you would usually find that there is a residue and this can be mopped dry with a cloth or tissue but wait for 5 minutes for the avisafe to work before mopping dry.
The correct solution to use is 1:100, i.e. one ml to 100 ml water.  The solution is then SPRAYED on after your usual washing procedures.  Note that I put an emphasis on the word sprayed.  I, and others, have mistaken the instructions and used it liberally in our washing water.  It is not intended for this and indeed, becomes a very expensive exercise.  Spraying (and a light one - misting) is all that is needed.
If you have a heavy organic buildup of animal matter, a solution of one ml. to 50 mls of water would be recommended.
It is suggested that you store below 30 oC (room temperature)
For the 100 ml container the outlay is minimal and this can last the average mouse/rat owner 3 years.
The avisafe concentrate can be purchased from your vet or some pet shops.
Baytril - use 0.02ml in a syringe and administer direct to the mouth. - do not get it in their eyes as it will burn.  Give them the medicine TWICE A DAY for seven days, then if they seem better, give ONCE A DAY for the next week.  For those animals with problems such as head tilt (ear infection) you may have to treat them for up to 6 weeks.
Chronic cases may require an injection first from your vet to start the treatment off.
It may also be advisable to use another antibiotic if the first treatment is not working, an example of this would be when using baytril, switching then to vibravet paste or using both.
As with any animals that have been on antibiotics for weeks, it is important to replace the gut bacteria.  A product like probotic is okay to use for this.
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