Respiratory   Disease in Rats and Mice

   © 1998 Ann Storey MSc. FIBMS

   Infectious respiratory disease of rats and mice is the bane of their owners, be the scientist, fancier or pet keeper. It is the   most common form of ill health in these animals and has many names.   Traditionally fanciers have called it snuffles or asthma.

   There are several infections that can cause it, both   bacterial and viral but the commonest cause in adult rats and mice is Mycoplasmapulmonis.

   There has been a mountain of research done on Mycoplasma   infections in rats and mice because it is an economically important disease.   Whatever you may think about the use of these animals in research, the fact   remains that it is a multimillion pound industry and the modern quality   assurance schemes have made research into anything that might interfere with   results necessary. As far as possible I have sifted through the relevant   research to present this overview on the current state of play. For those who   are not interested in the science I suggest you skip to the conclusions. The   understanding of this infection contains much immunology. I have included as   little as possible so as not to confuse anyone. For those who can handle it I   suggest you refer to the references for more detailed information.

   Both rats and mice have probably evolved alongside their Mycoplasma   and it is probable that, with the exception of barrier raised stock, all the   rats and mice in the world are infected. The scientific community   call the condition Murine Respiratory Mycoplasmosis or MRM and the symptoms have been   recognised in laboratory rats since the turn of the Century. It was one of   the major reasons for the development of Caesarian raised barrier stock,   although this has not always been successful. Even with the most modern   techniques, laboratory stock can sometimes still become infected.

   The bacteria itself has no cell wall and is very sensitive to drying, heat,   disinfectants etc and cannot survive for long outside the body. It is passed,   one rat to another by aerosols exhaled from other rat or mouse lungs. An   aerosol is a small droplet of liquid. Some aerosols are small enough to be   inhaled directly into the lungs while other larger ones will remain in the   upper respiratory tract. Aerosols are formed whenever liquid surfaces are   broken and they are also exhaled from the respiratory tract.

   With M. pulmonis only rats and mice carry it and   they are the only species affected. They cannot catch it from rabbits, humans   or other rodents. However, rats and mice can transmit it to each other. Other   species have their own species of Mycoplasma but   each one behaves a bit differently. Rats and mice become infected with   respiratory Mycoplasma either at birth if the doe   has vaginal infection or by inhaling infected aerosols later. After   inhalation the organism will attempt to colonise   the respiratory skin by attaching itself to the cell membrane. If it does not   succeed then it will not be able to colonise. The   lower the number of infecting organisms the longer it takes for the host to   develop symptoms. (Razin and Barile   1985)

   The organisms that do succeed in growing produce hydrogen peroxide which   causes local tissue damage and a mitogen which   stimulates lymphoid tissue in the lungs into growth. A mitogen   is a chemical substance that stimulates cells into multiplying (that is   undergoing mitosis). In this case the mitogen works   on immune tissue in the lungs (called BALT or bronchus associated lymphoid   tissue) that is responsible for producing lymphocytes- both the white cells   responsible for producing antibodies (B lymphocytes) and T lymphocytes which   have a range of functions, including cell mediated immunity and control of B   lymphocytes. In addition the organism causes a chronic inflammatory response   in the lungs (Razin and Barile   1985).

   It does not cause symptoms in animals under three   months old, if younger animals get a respiratory infection then it is not Mycoplasma but is more likely to be a virus such as Sendai or SDAV. Mycoplasma   disease does not show symptoms until the infection has been well established   for some time and considerable tissue changes have occurred. Therefore the   idea that treating the rat as soon as the symptoms occur is somehow 'getting   in early' is entirely false.

   It is important to differentiate whether or not a rat has an upper or lower   respiratory tract infection. In rats the disease tends to be chronic and even   without treatment often the only symptom is rattling or noisy breathing or   sneezing. Pneumonia is rare and most affected rats have upper respiratory   tract disease only. Upper respiratory tract disease includes rhinitis (cold   symptoms), sinusitis, labyrinthitis   (middle ear disease). Lower respiratory disease includes conditions ranging   from mild bronchitis to pneumonia and sometimes emphysema. A rat with noisy   or snuffling breathing is unlikely to have lower respiratory tract disease if   it is otherwise healthy, eating and in good condition. It is far more likely   to have sinusitis. Although the infection does not usually kill rats by   itself they are rarely successful in getting rid of it from their system. The   reason for this is not known. In mice ,the disease   tends to cause more severe disease including acute alveolar pneumonia,   although if they survive this they will develop a chronic bronchopneumonia .   The ones I have seen always look ill with laboured breathing and a rough,   staring coat. Even if they are not culled they usually die anyway. Treatment   in mice is even less successful than it is in rats due to the massive amount   of lung damage that occurs. The reason that rats do not usually become as ill   as mice is that in rats the bugs are rapidly cleared from the air sacs   (alveoli) in the lungs by a type of white cell called a   alveolar macrophage but in mice this does not happen, which is why they end   up with severe pneumonia. In both rats and mice the condition is made worse   by high levels of ammonia and a concurrent infection with Sendai virus or   SDAV. It does not appear to matter in which order the infections are   contracted. the reasons are not clear, although it   had been thought that this was due to either infection preventing the hairs   in the lungs (cilia) from beating and thus removing the particles from the   lungs or interfering with the killing mechanism. This is now considered not   to be very likely however, as rats with Sendai seem to be able to clear Mycoplasma from their lungs just as fast as those without   (Nicholls et al 1992, Shanks and Percy 1995).

   Most fanciers have been aware for a long time that some strains of rats and   mice are more susceptible than others and the conventional wisdom is never to   breed with stock that is showing symptoms. Any snuffling animals on the show   bench are quickly disqualified and because of this selection it appears that   in fanciers' rats at least; while they sometimes get mild sneezes or   snuffles, rarely become ill with it. However pet shop rats, which are often   intensively bred with little quality control due to the very poor money   offered to the breeders are far more likely to   become seriously ill. This is well known in laboratories as well, with some   strains being extensively used by researchers because of their   susceptibility. However, even among inbred strains the symptoms are very   variable between individuals as are the amount of tissue changes. It has been   shown that the animals which develop lower respiratory tract symptoms are   those with the most pronounced growth of tissue. In resistant rats increases   in lymphoid tissue reached maximum growth after 28 days, however in sensitive   rats the tissue was still increasing in size after 120 days. Sensitive   strains of mice and rats can even develop the disease when treated with   extracts of the organism, without any live cells being present (Razin and Barile 1985). That   this response is down to genetic control has been considered likely for many   decades. In mice there has been some discussion about what gene is   responsible but there is a reasonable amount of evidence that a single   dominant gene is responsible. The same work does not seem to have been done   in rats but it would seem logical that the disease in rats is also under   genetic control (Cole 1983, Lai et al 1993).

   Some strains of Mycoplasma are also more virulent   than others. Virulence seems to be linked to their ability to stick on to the   cell membranes in the lung, their ability to resist being eaten by the   macrophages and the amount of damage they can do to the cilia (Howard and   Taylor 1979).

   In protection against Mycoplasma it is not clear   how important production of antibodies is. While antibodies are produced   against the Mycoplasma they do not appear to   control the infection in the respiratory tract. However, they do appear   effective in stopping the spread of the organism to other organs. In immunocompromised animals, widespread infection can occur   but not in normal animals ( Denny and   Taylor-Robinson 1972) . It has been shown in mice that mice with respiratory   infection do not develop infections of the reproductive tract unless they are   unable to produce T lymphocytes (Taylor-Robinson and Furr   1994). I have noticed in rats that those which develop uterine infections   (due possibly to Mycoplasma) have not had snuffles   and vice versa. The control of the infection in the lungs appears to be down   to activation of the macrophages. If these are not activated then the disease   is not controlled.

   There has been some success with vaccines in laboratories, both ones made of   formalin killed M. pulmonis and more modern   recombinant ones. However, these were produced for research purposes only and   there is no chance that they will ever be commercially available (Lai et al   1994).

   The traditional antibiotic used to treat Mycoplasma   with varying degrees of success is oxytetracycline,   although chloramphenicol is better for labyrinthitis. These have been largely superseded by Baytril (enrofloxacin). A   number of common antibiotics such as the penicillins,   cephalosporins and newer Imipenems   are of no use against this bug because unlike other bacteria the Mycoplasmas do not have a cell wall and this is what   these antibiotics work on. However, no antibiotic can achieve a lasting cure   and in many cases no improvement is seen. The reason for this seems to be   that no antibiotic can be expected to kill or inhibit all the organisms, they rely on the host being able to mop up the   remainder. In M. pulmonis infections this does not   appear to happen, the reasons for this are not known as, unlike some other   organisms which cause chronic disease this organism remains outside the   cells. (It is likely however that the reason is that the macrophages which   are the primary infection control cell in the lungs have not been activated   and do not recognise the Mycoplasma as being a   target). Also, the overgrowth of lymphoid tissue in the lungs contributes to   the symptoms. Long term use of antibiotics, even where two or more are used,   can still lead to resistance. This is not only in the Mycoplasma   but also in other bacteria. Where treatment is not having much effect it   should be discontinued to stop the spread of resistant organisms in the environment.  


   There is no magic bullet for respiratory Mycoplasma   in rats and mice, where animals develop symptoms it is best to consider that   they have got it for life. In susceptible animals, especially mice , this means that they may develop pneumonia and   probably die. In rats, most develop snuffles only and this does not appear to   affect their quality of life, irrespective of whether or not they receive any   antibiotics. Where chest infection occurs and the rat is a pet, long term   treatment with antibiotics can be attempted, although resistance can be a   problem. For the breeder, rats with symptoms are not an infection hazard to   the rest of the stock - they have almost certainly got it anyway. However,   you should never breed with a snuffling rat as,   chances are you may breed this tendency in. All owners should be more careful   to clean out regularly, rats produce lots of urine which soon turns to   ammonia in dirty rat cages and high ammonia levels will make this condition   worse. Using newspaper or tissues as a sole source of bedding is also to be   discouraged.


   COLE, B. (1983) H2 gene control and biological activities of a T-cell mitogen derived from Mycoplasmaarthritidis; a review. Yale Journal of Biology and   Medicine 56, 605-612.

   Denny F and Taylor-Robinson D. (1972) The role of thymus dependent immunity   in M. pulmonis infections of mice. Journal of   Medical Microbiology 5, 327-337.

   GYLES and THOEN eds. (1986) Pathogenesis of bacterial infections in animals.   Chap 25. AmesIowaStateUniversity Press.

   FURR PM, and TAYLOR-ROBINSON D, (1993) M. pulmonis   infection of the murineoropharynx   protects against subsequent vaginal colonisation.   Epidemiology and Infection 111, 307-313.

   HOWARD C and TAYLOR G (1979) Variations in the virulence of strains of M. pulmonis related to susceptibility to killing by   macrophages. Journal of General Microbiology 114, 284-294.

   LAI WC, BENNETT M et al (1994) Protection of mice against experimental   infection. Vaccine 12, 291-298.

   LAI WC, LINTON G et al (1993) Genetic control of resistance to M. pulmonis infection in mice. Infection and Immunity   4615-4621.

   NICHOLLS P SHOEB T et al (1992) Pulmonary clearance of M. pulmonis   in rats. Laboratory Animal Science 42, 454-457.

   RAZIN and BARILE eds. (1985) The Mycoplasmas. Vol.   4, New     York, Academic Press.

   SHANK M and PERCY D (1995) Effect of time of exposure to rat coronavirus and M. pulmonis on   respiratory tract lesions. Canadian Journal of veterinary research. 59, 60-66  

   TAYLOR-ROBINSON D and FURR DM (1994) Protection of mice against Vaginal colonisation by M. pulmonis.   Journal of Medical Microbiology. 40, 197-201.
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