"6 days until the Valentines Day dance!" Kari laughed, scooping up a
of snow and packing it into a loose snowball.
She lobbed it at the back of T.K.'s head. "6 days!" she sang again.
"Hey Kari!" Suddenly, Davis jumped out and took the snowball meant for


"Oops, sorry, Davis" Kari giggled.  "I didn't expect you to do that"
"Oo! Ee! Ah!" Davis didn't hear her because he was jumping around
snow had gone down his coat.
T.K. turned around and laughed. "Hey, Davis, you heard Kari.  The dance
for another 6 days!"
Patamon popped out of T.K.'s bag. "I guess he's practicing!"
Gatomon popped out too. "Looks like he needs it."
Everybody laughed except Davis.
"It's not funny!!" he protested. "Hmmph. Well, Kari, what I was going
to ask
you was would you go to--"
T.K. interrupted him. "By the way, Kari, wanna go to the dance with
Kari's heart skipped a beat. 'I'd love to!" she chirruped. 
Davis turned dark red. "Hey, J.B., who do you think you're doing? I was
ask Kari to the dance!"
T.K. looked at him, confused. "J.B.? That doesn't sound anything like
Kari sighed. 'He'll never learn." She smiled up at T.K. and linked her
through his.  They walked off that way, to the deep chagrin of Davis.
"One day" Davis growled to himself, "That T.S. is gonna pay!"
-dun dun dun-


Yolie and Cody stood in a clothes store at the mall.
"This one?"  Yolie held up a dress. "Or this one?"
Cody sighed. "Geez, Yolie, when you asked for my help, I didn't know
meant choosing clothes!"
Yolie stamped her foot. "Cody, you don't know how important this is to
It's the Valentines Day dance, for goodness sake!"
Cody put his head in his hands. "Do you even have a date?" he asked.
"Well, no, net yet, but Poromon!"
Poromon woke up from his nap with a jump. "Aww, what is it, Yolie? I
dreaming about food!"
"Which dress?" she demanded.
Poromon yawned without looking. "The red one." He mumbled sleepily.
Yolie shook him awake. "Poromon, I wasn't even holding a red one!"
Upamon chuckled. "He he, she caught you, Poromon!"
"Sure did!" Cody agreed. "Come on guys, let's go.  I don't think we're
much help to Yolie."
He grabbed their Digimon and fled. "If you need us" Poromon called
"We'll be in the food court!"
Yolie shook her head hopelessly. "I'm never gonna find a dress at this
Just then, Sora and Tai walked by, eating ice cream.
Sora waved and called out, "Hi, Yolie!" She walked over. 'What's up?"
Yolie sighed.  "Cody and Poromon were supposed to be helping me find an
outfit for the Valentines Day dance, but they ran off on me!"
Sora handed her ice cream cone to Tai.  "Sorry, Tai, but I've got to
cut this
date short.  Yolie and I have some shopping to do!"
Yolie perked up. 'Really? You'll help me? Oh, thank you sooo much!"
Tai walked off eating both ice cream cones. "Bye Sora! I'll pick you up
8:00 for the dance!"
Yolie raised an eyebrow. "You and Tai are going together?"
Sora blushed. "Yeah he just asked me we're renting a limo and
Yolie got a dreamy look in her eyes. "OhI wish I was going with
Someone, someone cute and nice and cute and funny and cute and sweet and
and considerate and-"
Sora cut her off. "Come on, Yolie! We've got some serious shopping to


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