Sailor Iron Mouse

My very first drawing of her. It's a weird cross between anime and manga Mouse, but I still like it.

Manga mouse! This is in pencil, and my scanner cut off the cute little title I did. !_!

Oooh. She's mad!

Being scared by Artemis. (Just a doodle)

Looking sad (Doodle)

Looking down, and sticking her hand out. (Just a doodle. The costume is all wrong in this one too)

The gelpen drawing I used on my homepage. PLEASE DON'T STEAL THIS! I'll let you have it if you email first!

This one looks really bad now, but I worked very hard on it, and don't have the heart to take it down.

Chibi Mouse!!

Chibi Mouse dressed as an actual...mouse o.O

Looking scary, but cute o.O

A watercolor of Mousie waving

One of the pics I use for my site.

Dark Kingdom

Nothing can prepare you for...SAILOR KUNZITE!

Kunzite looking smug.

Kunzite face on. Everyone picks on this, so I'm not sure if it's my best. I still like it though.

Kunzite dressed as Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls!

It's Kareoke Kunzy!

Mmm, Kunzy Smaks ^_^ Pick up your pack today!

The reason Queen Beryl doesn't let Zoisite and Kunzite work together any more.


Zoisite with his hand up to his mouth. Definitely one of my faves ^_^

Kunzite offering Zoisite a rose. Every fan of these two ends up drawing this for one reason or another...

Powerpuff Generals! Very cute. ^_^

A cute pencil doodle of Kunzy as a Team Rocket member, and Zoi as...Meowth. o.O

A Blink 182 parody done on the PC by waggling my mouse around. It's a parody of the inside of the cover of Enema of the State. Please take this as a joke, and remember, this isn't for little kids!

Nephrite doesn't appreciate Naru visting him at work...

A very pretty Zoisite with a swirling sakura background

a Kunzite that is coloured terribly -_- Gomen...

Chibi Zoi! ^_^


Kunzy decided to work with Sailor Iron Mouse for a while.

The same as above, only in colour.

Poor Kunzite isn't too good at SIM's job...

Sailor Iron Mouse and Sailor tin Nyanko hugging. There are shades of yuri in this pic, but I didn't have that in mind when I drew this!!!

Team Rocket , miscellaneous and non anime.

*NB. Most of my TR stuff will be on the Team Rocket Initiative when it's done. This is just some of my faves.

Chibi Tin Nyanko

Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned...

Moon Crisis Make Up

Meowth as a Valkyrie (Taken from Mewtwo Strikes Back)

Meowth in *very* suspicious clothing *ahem Let's just say he's magnetic -_-

A nice group shot of Team Rocket.

Take me home!