Proud to be at Stanford

Was I proud to be at Stanford? You bet I was. But one event in particular made even more proud. Because of an accident or illness, a Stanford student needed blood transfusion urgently.

News about this emergency spread rapidly. Stanford students organized a big drive to collect blood. Medical personnel set up a tent on the field outside Stanford Bookstore.

In between classes, I cycled to the field. I saw hundreds or maybe even a thousand students. The lines were really long, stretching far beyond the boundaries of the field.

Now I felt so proud to be a Stanford student. Stanford was famous for its academic reputation and prowess, and deservedly so. But I felt something special. The response was overwhelming for a fellow student in need. Stanford students are not the self-centered nerds some people believe we are just because Stanford is a prestigious school.

After a long wait at the line, at last my turn came. The nurse said that my forearm's bulging veins were the dream of anyone taking blood. I guess that was because I did weight training for my forearms, due to my martial arts background. (Forearms are important for martial arts, and that was why Bruce Lee was a fanatic at forearms training).

After the procedure, I felt satisfied. I felt a closer bond with Stanford and all that it stood for. I felt more belonged, although academically and intellectually, I still had to struggle. I hopped on my bicycle and headed for my next class.
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