Rato Bangala Samachar

26 November, 2004

As we begin Term III we would like to give you an update on the happenings at Rato Bangala School during Term II and brief you on the upcoming Term III.

A-Level and IGCSE examinations
The University of Cambridge IGCSE and Advanced Level examinations have just got over. This was the fourth batch of RBS students appearing for these exams. We are confident that they will maintain the fine academic record of the past. The students are now busy applying to colleges and we expect them to have good placements around the world. The A-Level results will be out in late January, 2005 and they will graduate amidst a ceremony on 13 February.

Our ‘old’ IGCSE students (IGCSE-A) sat for English Language, English Literature, History/ Development Studies, Coordinated Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Studies and Additional Mathematics (optional) examinations. They had sat for the Nepali examination in May 2004. The new IGCSE students (IGCSE-B), who joined us in May 2004, appeared for English Language, Coordinated Sciences, Mathematics and Additional Mathematics (optional). These students will begin their A-Level classes in February.

Approval to run CIE classes
We are proud that Rato Bangala is one of the handful of institutions in the country allowed by the Nepal government to run classes for the University of Cambridge International Examinations. Rato Bangala is also an accredited independent centre of CIE, again one of the few in Nepal.

Grade X and SLC
Regular classes for Grade X students, who will be sitting for their SLC examinations in April 2005, are about to conclude. They have their pre sent-up examinations in early December and sent-up examinations in February 2005. They will have additional preparatory classes in February. The students and their teachers have been working hard and we are confident they will do Rato Bangala proud.

Events at school
Term II was a busy term with several extra-curricular events to enrich the school programme, which help students to grow into concerned and competent individuals.

Nepali poetry recitation
In the Inter-Grade Nepali Poetry Recitation Contest for Grades I to VIII, students recited poems in Nepali chhanda, which has been a special domain of Rato Bangala. The recitation was organised in grade-wise categories. The students who took the first second and third positions are mentioned here, and we congratulate them and all other competitors for their good effort.
Grades I and II
First: Swasti Shrestha, 2 A, Wangden P Sherpa, 2B
Second: Anil Gole, 1 A and Suprina Poudel, 1 B
Third: Asmita Bhatta, 1 B
Grades III and IV
First: Aakanshya Tamrakar, 4 B,
Second: Shreeya Sharma, 3 B
Third: Yutsha Dahal, 4 A
Grades V and VI
First: Tsering Y Sherpa, 6 B
Second: Malika Thakurathi, 6 A
Third: Anjan Sharma, 5 A
Grades VII and VIII
First: Yasmine Shrestha, 8 A, Shashwat Satyal, 8 B
Second: Sudeshna Thapa, 8B and Supriya Gurung, 8A
Third: Vinayak Tamang, 8A and Tseten YP Bista, 7A

Grades VI and VII assemblies
The English and Nepali assemblies were held separately for Grades VI A, VIB, and VII A and VII B this past term. The students put on very good performances which the parents enjoyed thoroughly. The assemblies with pot-luck lunches for Grades I to V are scheduled for December. These junior students are at present busy preparing for the show. As in the past, we expect that the pot-luck lunch that will follow the performances will be a happy occasion where the parents can mingle under the afternoon sun. Parents, please take this opportunity to have wholesome food with your children.

Short story contest
Term II also saw the English Short Story Competition organised for Grades VI through A-Level. Students’ submissions were judged by a panel to be proud of for its depth and variety. The judges were Abha Eli Phoboo (Nepali Times), Manisha Aryal (Antennae Foundation), Moyra Spencer (The British School), Kit Spencer (Summit Hotel), Sangeeta Verma (Indian Embassy), Sandra Couglan, Shiba Thapa (Kasthamandap Vidhyalaya), Binod Bhattarai (Centre for Investigative Journalism), Rupa Thapa (Triyog High School), Himali Dixit (Alumnus, Columbia University), Milan Wagle (Alumnus, Lincoln School), Anagha Neelakantan Perry Thapa, Rashmi Sharma, Rajni Upadhaya, Rekha Pandey (Rato Bangala School). The results of the contest is as follows:

A Level category
First : Varsha Upraity
Second : Nistha Shrestha, Eelum Dixit
Third : Anne Shrestha
IGCSE A and IGCSE B category
First : Pranaya Rana
Second : Prakriti Mishra
Third : Kaushal Shrestha
Grade IX and X category
First : Milap Dixit
Second : Saniaa Shah
Third : Abhishek Chhetri
Grade VIII A & B category
First : Vinayak Tamang
Second : Aakash Upraity
Third : Leela Thapa, Supriya Gurung
Grade VII A & B category
First : Alina Pokhrel
Second : Diwas Neupane, Ira Regmi
Third : Yukta Bajracharya, Dikcha Pandey, Akriti Sharma
Grade VI A & B category
First : Sahara Pradhan
Second : Arya Bhattarai
Third : Atul Bhattarai, Pratistha Bhattarai

Congratulations to all the winners and participants. The judges, besides contributing their time and expertise, provided extensive feedback. Kushal Harjani and Shaswat Sharma of A-Level coordinated the contest with dedication and professionalism.

Tihar celebrations
Just before the Tihar holidays, students from Grade I through VI celebrated Tihar at school through various ceremonies. Grade I and II wove baskets and made pedas and nimkis they shared amongst themselves. Their took their goodies home for Laxmi Pooja in the baskets they wove. Grade II also sang bhaili in the primary grades and in the administrative offices. Grade III wove malas to decorate the main doors of the several school buildings. Grade IV did Mha Puja at school as part of the Social Studies curriculum in which the focus of study is the culture of Kathmandu Valley. Many parents were involved in these celebrations, and helped make them enjoyable for all. Grade V did Laxmi Pooja, and Grade VI decorated the hallway outside their classrooms with rangoli.

New Rato Bangala publications launched
Rato Bangala has been working on a series of books on civic education for the last two years. A total of these 17 titles were launched amidst a ceremony in October, just before the Dasain holidays. All the books were launched at one go by Mr. Kamalamani Dixit (Dada) and the Grade VI students. Seventeen students each held a book, and Dada went around cutting ribbons one after another. The students then gave a brief introduction of the book they were holding. To books that received special mention at the launch were Kathmandu Sandhi, and the English version The Treaty of Kahtmandu, by Kanak Mani Dixit, and Khadkhadai by Punyasheel Gautam. Mr. Dixit's English original was translated by Basant Thapa, and Santa Hitang provided the illustration. Mr. Gautam illustrated his own book. A short play on The Treaty of Kahtmandu added to the launch. Mr. Nirmal Tuladhar spoke about kites and the art of kite flying. Dr. Prahlad Yonzon spoke about gaidas and their habitat, the subject of Mr. Gautam's book. This was a major event for Rato Bangala Kitab, which now boasts of 32 child centered titles.

The students of the A Level Economics Club set up stalls and sold books after the launch. This was a very successful book sale. Parents as well as other invited guests grabbed the books that were selling for a 20 percent discount. Rato Bangala Kitab is proud to be a torchbearer of children's literature publication in Nepal. Many interesting and important children's books are being published around Nepal, and now Nepali children will get to read lots of good Nepali books.

Participation in WCO in South Korea
Three students (Ayush Khadka, Grade X, Prakriti Thami, IGCSE A and Trishna Rana, A Levels) and two teachers (Ms. Milan Dixit and Mr. Punyasheel Gautam) participated in the World Culture Open held in Seoul, South Korea in September. The students and teachers participated in the youth seminar of the event. Twelve students from South Asia and about the same number of Korea students worked for two days on conflict resolution activities conducted by MONDIALOGO which is a part of UNESCO. Rato Bangala School represented Nepal.

Upcoming events
The last term of this academic year will be a busy one for the students as well as the teachers.

Himalayan Mountaineering Institute
As in the past years, in January 2005 students of Grade IX will spend two weeks at the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute in Darjeeling. They will participate in the HMI’s special adventure course. Students will go trekking, camping, and learn rock climbing and survival skills. It will also be an opportunity for the students to bond and build character and learn to be independent while they are away from home. Students who have participated in the HMI adventure course recommend it highly. Students are advised to start becoming physically fit, and start carrying heavy bags and walk long distance.

Habitat for Humanity
Community services play a strong part of the programme at Rato Bangala. For the past three years, A-Level Rato Bangala students have been working with the international charity Habitat for Humanity to help build low cost housing for economically disadvantaged families. Keeping up with this tradition, the IGCSE A and B students will be taking part in a week-long programme later this month. Given the size of the group, we have had to go to two different sites this year: to Bhaisepati and Godavari. Students help dig the foundations, as well as carry and lay bricks under the supervision of builders. This is an opportunity for students to appreciate the way builders make their living. Their contribution will help subsidise the cost the inhabitants will have to pay Habitat for Humanity Nepal chapter.

Work experience
Students who have just completed the IGCSE examinations together with the A-Level students will be joining various organisations as interns during the winter holidays for work experience. They are expected to work full time for at least two weeks where they will experience the office environment, in their field of interest. As a school, we are lucky to have the finest spectrum of professionals in our parents body, which provides students with an optimum choice as well as great opportunities not normally available. We would like to thank all parents who provided Rato Bangala students to get this valuable opportunity.

Mock UN
In an attempt develop an understanding about the world, develop skills in research, public speaking, negotiations and conflict resolution, a “mock UN session” will be organized at Rato Bangala in April 2005. Grades VIII, IX, IGCSE and A-Level will participate. Other interested schools will be invited to participate. Mock UN sessions are held for school and college students all over the world, and this is the first time that it is being organized in Nepal in a full-fledged manner. Students will be representing different countries of the world, conducting research, speaking out, and defending their positions. They will table resolutions like in the UN sessions, negotiate on the texts, and adopt them. Besides public speaking and negotiation skills, the mock UN programmes also provide opportunities for research into critical international issues, an understanding of diplomacy, and the importance of give-and-take. Scholar Sangeeta Matta Verma, with experience in conducting the mock UN session in India, is coordinating the Rato Bangala programme.

His Majesty's Government's Gazette focusing on Education.
The recent Gazette on Education published on Kartik 2, 2061 by His Majesty's Government makes announcements for the Ministry of Education and Sports. Guidelines are given to the minimum standards to be implemented by schools, both public and private, and strictures to the school fees being levied are published. We need to get expert help in order to follow the guidelines published in the Gazette.

Outreach activities

Level One Training
In this past term Rato Bangala graduated the eleventh batch of the Child-Centered Learning: Level-One Teacher Training Workshop. The training has been going on now for seven years. This year, 27 teachers from 14 schools including teachers from Syangja participated in the training. The Rato Bangala faculty for the training programme was made up of Sarita Rana (Philosophy), Shama Chettri (Social Studies), Timila Shrestha (Science), Sura Karki (Math), Rajni Upadhaya and Sudha Ojha (Language Arts). Sarswati Rajbhandary coordinated the training. This training is being appreciated by government and private schools alike, and we hope that good teaching practices are being implemented in the various classrooms, and young students are finding school more interesting.

Rato Bangala, and Alternative Provider for the Government
Rato Bangala Foundation has received accreditation to conduct the Phase III training within its premises. There are 24 teachers, all from government schools who are taking part in the two-and-a-half month intensive training programme. Anita Tamang, Safala Rajbhandari and Kedar Dewla are the trainers, and Bipul Gautam coordinates the programme. Teachers from Kavre, Sindupalchok, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur are taking part in this training programme, which is funded jointly by Save the Children Norway and HMG's PTTP, Dhulikhel. Schools around Lalitpur who cooperate and allow us to place teachers for teaching practice are: Shramik Shanti, Shanti Vidhyashram, Patan High School, Tri Padma School, Adarsha Kanya and Madan Smarak School. We would like to thank these schools for their cooperation in helping train Nepali teachers.

Primary Teacher Training Programme (PTTP)
The third year of PTTP has just completed its second term. In the third term, beginning this month and ending in April, they will have serious teaching responsibilities in addition to the theory and advisement they receive in the Rato Bangala premises. The PTTP has become an intense and important for people who what to succeed in the classroom. Our PTTP is accredited by the government. The hope is that the quality reading material as well as the training processes will soon find their way into the government training program.

Rato Bangala Partnership in Outreach Programme (RBPOP)
The RBPOP programme has been implemented most effectively under the able leadership of Min Shahi, and the close support and coordination of the RBPOP members. While the programmes in Lalitpur, Dhading, Makwanpur and Myagdi are
running well, our Dailekh programme is facing problems due to the indefinite closure of schools. The plan this year was to train school leaders, train teachers and provide scholarships and mini-grants for various school activities. Many schools opted to build toilets, drinking water facilities and other infrastructure, but the schools in Myagdi have all received a tin trunk box of books and teaching material for science and mathematics. The RBPOP members, in the last meeting congratulated Mr. Shahi on has hard work and success.

Writer's Workshop
The writer's workshop, led by our Principal Ms. Milan Dixit in Dhulikhel has been covered in the past newsletter. We would like to add here that several books will emerge from the workshop, and Rato Bangala will publish the work of Manisha Aryal and Ajay Dixit for a start. Ms. Aryal's book deals with a female character and her love of football for primary grades, while Mr. Dixit's focus will be on Nepali geology for middle and high school students.

We would like to bid farewell to Dr. Frances Hitchens, who has been with us for the last two years working at different times in various capacities, and in different projects. Dr. Hitchens worked on developing supplementary curriculum material for the Civics Education Project. We are now working closely with the Curriculum Division at Sano Thimi to have the supplementary package become streamlined. Dr. Hitchens coordinated the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP), now in its second year. She facilitated and supported primary grade teaching at Rato Bangala working closely with the Unit Coordinator and the Principal. Dr. Hitchens worked closely with the Primary Teacher Training Program in the initial stage where she led the research group, and acted as the substitute teacher in the Education Philosophy class. Although Dr. Hitchens has not been around to school too much lately, we will miss her greatly. We wish her all the best personally and professionally.

Rato Bangala School now has a heavy-duty generator to provide for the school’s needs during times of electricity outages.

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