Roger Cibella's Family Tree


Husband: Ignatius (Ignatz "Ike") Schoenberger
Born: 14 FEB 1841 at: Hungary Married: 1865 at: Hungary Died: 23 DEC 1923 at: Cleveland, OH Father:Abraham L. Schoenberger Mother:Rachael (Regina) Jakubowitz Other Spouses:
Wife: Fanny Weiss
Born: 1 DEC 1844 at: Died: 30 APR 1906 at: Cleveland, OH Father: Mother: Other Spouses:
Name: Minnie Schoenberger Born: 4 MAR 1866 at: Married: at: Died: 31 OCT 1959 at: Spouses: Henry Keller Glueck
Name: Regina "Ray" Schoenberger Born: CIR 1872 at: Cleveland, OH Married: 2 JAN 1894 at: Died: CIR 1942 at: Spouses: Samuel M. Gross
Name: Stella Schoenberger Born: at: Married: at: Died: at: Spouses: Sam Klein

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COPYRIGHT (C) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Roger D. Cibella and David F. Baron 1995-2001.

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