J.C.C. Kids!

Reading, PA


Put a smile on your face and make the world a better place.

1. Did you hear about the computer that swallowed a yo-yo?
Yes. It gave the answer ten times.

2. What is grey and has four legs and a trunk?
A mouse going on vacation.

3. How did you find the weather at camp?
Simple. I went outside and there it was.

4. How did the comedian travel during his vacation?
In his jokeswagon.

5. Why didn't the leopard go away on her vacation?
She just couldn't find the right spot.

6. What kind of cars do cows drive?

7. What do snakes do after a fight?
Hiss and make up!

8. How is cat food sold?
It is priced purr can!

9. What is bad weather for cats and dogs?
When it rains cats and dogs.

10. What goes clomp clomp clomp squish?
An elephant with one wet sneaker!

Every month there will be new jokes. Come back for the giggles.

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