Since the formation of the group last year the following topics have been discussed, sometimes as a topic in itself, as part of another topic, or as a theme that recurs regularly over time in discussion:

Communist Manifesto Topical Report On Cuba
The Religious Myth The Internet
Anarchism Direct Action
Music Popular Culture
Culture and Idealogy Animal Rights
Global Resources Colonialism
Ecology Marx and German Philosophy
Value,Price and Profit Surplus Value
Nationalisation Trotskyism-False Hope
Trade Unions-Limitations Historical Materialism
Dialectical Materialism Poverty and Unemployment
Global Capitalism Kosova/Wars
Raymond Williams - Culture History as Class Struggle
Gender Anthropological Perspectives
Democratic v Violent Revolution Internet Newsgroups and Forums
The Golden Thread -Socialism over the Centuries A Socialist Society(The Material Possibilities)

This is not an exhaustive list but it does give an overview of the depth of subjects discussed. There are no hard and fast rules about how topics are chosen. Sometimes someone will bring a question or hot topic that will kick start spontaneous discussion. Sometimes someone will give a short presentation on a particular topic , and questions and discussion will follow from that.

Anybody who comes along is free to bring a topic up - the group is about mutually exploring material avenues out of the capitalist mess. This is a relaxed informal group which welcomes folk who come along and there is no hierarchy nonsense! The group isn't a sociology seminar either and while some topics do stretch and stimulate the grey cells, members of the group are not short of real life experience(s) to place material discussed within a real context.
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