Poetry of the DarkChild
"Coming Together"

Everybody in the kitchen
cooking cakes and pies...
mixing chicken and gizzard dressing
jamming to an oldie's and R&B selection...

That bird is being stuffed
his sister is being fried...
brother already in the oven
cousin may be lucky...
but then again...
more family is coming by
he's on the counter being thawed...

Uncle Joe telling all his stories of how
it was coming up...
Aunt Debra gossiping as usual...
dominio's being slapped on the table
Uncle Steve already in the hold by 3
with grand-daddy Joshua

All the kids running around
while grandma is doing her thang...
laughter and music echoing out
of a small house...
walls jumping...
floors vibrating...
relatives clowning...
like a juke joint after 12:00 midnight

No stress...
hurt or pain...
knocked out with one lick
on this day of serenity...
coming together
a rainbow of personalities...
with a pot of love
at the end of the road...
can't ask for anything more
on Thanksgiving....

(c) 2005 Lacretia Johnson