Poetry of the DarkChild

Chained up like an animal
with a collar around your neck...
thinking about what you did
giving the man ten till twelve years...

Hopeful am I...
wondering why I stand
looking at my father..brother..husband..son
behind the walls of an ending story
letting others dictate..illustrate..manipulate
what is obvious to the blind eye...
the revelation of our past

Tell me why we can't see
Kings and Queens killing each other...
depleting your own nationality
giving no significance to our history...
Khama..Nefertari..Shaka Zulu...
bearers of historical truth
strength and dignity...
paving the way for Harriett Tubman
Rosa Parks..Thurgood Marshall..
Malcolm X..Martin Luther King
having a vision of us coming together
alleviating the insanity...

Our blood we shed on the streets...
black on black crime on national TV
babies being born with no food to eat...
being sold on the streets...
in movies...
like a piece of meat
for what is called--"Money drawn Luxury"
created by those who once had us in
ignorant to what we were
and soon to be

Through all the intelligence
some still fail to see...
not realizing...
we don't need to watch the suppression
of the enemy...
WE are paving our OWN PATH
back to slavery...

Why is this becoming our reality...
Why do the Kings of my heritage not see...
with simplicity it should flow from
our ancestors roles
the unalterable disposition of our Kings and Queens that through our mentality...
we are the forebearers of our destiny

(c) 2004 Lacretia Johnson