Here are a collection on optical illusions to keep your entertained for a few minutes.

This is probably the hardest illusion that I have ever seen, and I have to say my personal favorite!!!  It took over ten minutes for me to actually see both sides of this illusion my first time, so do not get discouraged if you can't see both sides right away! When you first look at this, do you see and old man with ivy leaves around him, or do you see a couple kissing?  Be patient and give it some time!!

What do you see at your first glance of this illusion!  Do you see an old lady, or do you see a young women?  They are both there!!

Just stare at center of this illusion for several seconds, be relaxed, and try not to blink if possible.....if you are not careful, your ENTIRE WORLD might start moving!

When you first look at this, how many colors do you see?   Some might say they see 3 or even 4 colors, but there are 2--red and green!  People usually think they see 2 shades of red, but there is only 1.  Look closely and you will notice on one side that white boxes surround the red boxes, and on the other side, green boxes do!  Due to the placement of these boxes you get the "illusion" of different colors.  Since white is not considered to be a color (it is the presence of all colors in scientific terms) we can safely say that there are 2 colors present here!

How many prongs are there on the fork above?

When you first read this, what does it say--A Bird In The Bush?  If you read this more carefully you will find that it says A Bird In The The Bush!!! If you caught it the first time, good for you, but I bet you you did not catch it this time!!!

I have heard this illusion called the dancing elephant and several other things.  I want you to look at the elephants   feet and legs.  How many are actually there?