Welcome to Our  rules page, i'm not one really big on rules but i guess there must be a few.. please try to follow these as i dont believe there really to stiff for our rpg game.

1) Please be respectful to other rpgers, especally your own clansmen.. fighting amongst ourselfs is forbidden, if you have a problem with someone in our family please come to Chad or myself <Musei> and lets resolve this without losing members..

2) Guardians Keep is a safe room all fights are to be held in the arena, Fighting style speed/para must be agreed upon by both parties, a judge must be present and also agreed upon by both parties, there must also be 3 witnesses and should be logged. logs should be sent to either Chad or Musei so this may be posted.

3) Guardians requires you to play your nic at least twice a week , i wish to see you in tags.. if you are not seen in a 2 week period you shall lose your tags unless you have spoken with one of the leaders

4) Story Lines will be posted, if you wish to particapate please do.. Most story lines will be para and  Para guidlines shall be followed.. No one dies in sl's if you are hurt, maimed or dead you shall be healed or rezzed at the end of said story .. sometimes you will aquire things from theses storys to enhance your chars, things that may be added you your chars personal bios .. such as.. weapons, abilities, spells.ect...

5) Guardians Keep  is an rpg room..we have decided to attempt to mix/allow both Speed and Para style forms of rp in out room.. All ooc should be kept to whisper or in moderation in bracketts << >>